Hello, Today was a busy day in KSP. In launched and docked the last two fuel tanks of my K7 space station. These last two tanks are equiped with sas and thrusters to help re-orient the station should it be nesicary. I created and launched the Orinoco and Rio Grande ships. These are intended to be used solely in space, but are equpied for emergancy return to Kerbal. The Rio Grande is large, powered by 2 of the Nuke engies. Plenty of fuel. The engines are on pylons on the sides. Allowing for a docking port in the back as well as the front of the ship. The Orinoco is smaller, less fuel, and has an engine in the back instead of the docking port. This gives it more power if needed though normally will use just the nukes on it's pylons. Newton V: Launched fuel tank for space station into orbit 1: Launched Rio Grande into orbit 2: Launched fuel tank for space station into orbit 3: Launched Orinoco Into orbit 4: Launched fuel tank for space station into orbit Rio Grande: 1: Arrived at Space Station K7 2: Descended and retrived Fuel tank and assembled to K7 Orinoco: 1: Launched, Currently in orbit awaint lineup for arrivale at K7 Galileo VII: 1: Launched 2: Retrieved final fuel tank 3: Placed onto K7: 4: Returned to Kerbal