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Everything posted by Endraxial

  1. Your Kerbin is pretty shiny, so I added an alpha channel to make only the water reflect light. (Also compressed to ~16mb.) I'll admit, however, the "shininess" adds a bit of detail to the terrain in a way that makes it less boring.
  2. That's so bleak. ;~; And awesome. I can't do anything with that Kerbal. He pretty much IS dead as far as my game's concerned. He has no jetpack, no helmet, and he's just doing an excruciatingly slow backflip over Kerbin for the end of time. (Well, until I warp. or the life support mod kills him. Or I close the game. Whoops, I already did! So now he's not doing flips.) Mod collab!
  3. Houston, I made a boo boo. Also, I forgot my jetpack. (This is what happens when you get to space whilst riding the rover seats.) I dunno. Death by explosions is a little less bleak than this:
  4. File conversion is not necessary anymore. Just rename the files and put them in the correct file directory and it works perfectly.
  5. Well it seems this is the better and more supported texture mod for KSP, so I suppose I'm going to focus my next texture pack update for this mod. Giving everything a minor facelift, but may have too much detail? The transition from orbit textures to surface textures seems too harsh. Here's a preview of Ike:
  6. Any particular reason there's not a download for the 0.21 version of the Eve truecolorcomposite map on the mega site?
  7. Make sure Moon is capitalized, the file saved, and it's in the correct directory: Kerbal Space Program\GameData\UniverseReplacer\Plugins\PluginData\UniverseReplacer\UniverseReplacer.cfg The change works for Texture Replacer as well. My pack's Tylo is named 'rockyMoon00.png'
  8. Yeah, at first it kind of blew my mind. I almost thought it was an animated texture, but then I remembered I've had other skyboxes tiwnkle. I think if you lower the size of the images it'll stop that from happening as much if it gets on your nerves. This works in v.23 but textures for Tylo won't appear without a small edit in the Universe Replacer's config file. If you want to use real world planets you can get surface textures for those here. However, some planets might look a bit weird. Especially Kerbin, Eve, and Laythe.
  9. Oh. Oh my god. I... I did it. Eve is sexy again. Edit Hey gang, I saved Kerbin from shiny-hell and tweaked the colors ever so slightly. The greens and browns may look a bit "warm" but while launching there's no drastic change when the texture transition from surface to space happens. It's a little more seamless. Mountains seem a bit dark, too. Not sure what to do about it. Until I update the pack (making sure there's nothing else I want to tweak) here's a download for just Kerbin. It includes both a Universe Replacer version and a Texture Replacer version if any of you prefer that mod.
  10. Haha, the "mercury" spacesuit was supposed to be an attempt at making a detailed spacesuit and darkening it slightly because I find the vanilla spacesuits to be too bright and plain. (Personal preferences!) I'll look into that, if I can figure out how to use them. I'm honestly not an expert at this, I'm just experimenting and having fun as I go along. Oh, and the download link has been updated with a fixed config file for Universe Replacer. I hope Tingle doesn't mind, I didn't put any other Universe Replacer files in the download. Edit: Alright, I'm tired of how shiny Eve is. I can tolerate it with Kerbin and Laythe, but Eve is the worst of the bunch. If anyone can help me out with alpha channels I'd greatly appreciate it.
  11. You are the best. If I could kiss ya I... well I wouldn't but you can bet I'd consider it for a brief moment.
  12. Have a light blue EVA suit, for those Kerbals that want to look like janitors. But take it from Romnad Kerman. Green is in season right now. Eeloo probe approves.
  13. Maybe just a little desaturation would help. Don't know if that'd affect the other stars or the galaxy too much, though. Still enjoying your skybox, though. Might be my favorite of all the ones I've used. I just like that it's not too overly complex or eye-catching, but when you do look at it it's not so much of an eyesore as the vanilla look. Yeah, I put it on reddit first while I was still changing things, then put it up here when I felt everything was "finalized". :x Kinda derped that up a bit... By the way, a texture for Tylo is included in the pack but as of v0.23 it doesn't appear in game, at least for me. That's why there's not a Tylo screenshot in the gallery.
  14. So I guess it's about time I posted this. Here are the textures I threw together. The main focus of this pack was to keep the original look, but add detail. No fake craters, no bizzare coloring that make it difficult to tell biomes apart. Just round objects in the bleak vacuum of space that look nice from afar and (hopefully) aren't too much of an eyesore up close when coming in for a landing. (Though that's the toughest part, I find.) Download for UR. Update (5/13/2014): I decided to carry over what I've done for Texture Replacer to Universe Replacer for those that still use it. The pack has undergone several iterations since I last updated, see gallery for new textures. As always, feedback welcome. I highly recommend using Visual Enhancements for clouds. Important: Future updates are in the Texture Replacer thread, and most likely Texture Replacer exclusive. I love this. The only thing that bothers me are the blue stars. They seem to stand out to me. Other than that, the galaxy and everything else is great. Much improved from the vanilla texture.
  15. Insomn doesn't seem to mind, but I'll take it down if he does. I edited it a little more since then but if you still want it: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/71cb99a79f/
  16. Thanks so much for this. I love the texture, but not so much the colors. So I'm going to try to alter it for personal use. Edit: Aww yiss.
  17. I agree there should be a clean link on the original post to the main texture packs. IMO there's three or four "main" packs worth checking out. mushroomman's Cloud PackTingle's Celestial Bodies Revamped spacex34's 8k Pack Klakh's Pack Sido's Texture Pack Insomn's Purdy Eve Texture CaptainRobau's Cloudy Eve and Swirly Jool Rareden's Skybox Less Saturated Rareden's Skybox ApatheticJester's Dreamscape Skybox "Flat" Bumpmap Texture (for Kerbin2.png, Eve2.png, etc.) Orange EVA Suit Sylith's Kerbal Heads I have a set of textures I'm using, which you can see on the subreddit, but I keep changing/tweaking them. Also, anyone having a problem with Tylo loading since the new update? I can't seem to get the texture for it to load no matter what I do. Tried different file formats, replacing the texture with the Mun texture, reinstalling Universe Replacer, reinstalling KSP, etc. I can't tell what the problem is.
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