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Everything posted by SpaceToast

  1. Absolutely. In .22 I made a massive lifter to send 5 landers to jool - all stacked at the top. It worked, lol
  2. Here it is! browse to your \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Science\LargeCrewedLa b folder. Open the part.cfg file Change this entry: dataTransmissionBoost = 1.5 to dataTransmissionBoost = 10.0 This will allow it to process science at the full point value that it would on a return to KSP!
  3. Here it is! browse to your \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Science\LargeCrewedLa b folder. Open the part.cfg file Change this entry: dataTransmissionBoost = 1.5 to dataTransmissionBoost = 10.0 This will allow it to process science at the full point value that it would on a return to KSP!
  4. Here it is! browse to your \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Science\LargeCrewedLab folder. Open the part.cfg file Change this entry: dataTransmissionBoost = 1.5 to dataTransmissionBoost = 10.0 This will allow it to process science at the full point value that it would on a return to KSP!
  5. I don't think you can up the cap without upping the transmission scalar on the base part. The problem is, if you do that, the transmit spam is back (on the cfg file, it's the scalar+reset that caps it), if I'm understanding what I looked at during lunch.
  6. Although I have to admit, the image that comes to mind of a mk-1 capsule with 17 radially attached goo and science canisters is hilarious. Where is whackjob when you need him?
  7. Nope. The lab alone weighs 3.5t. That's 17 Science Jr's. They are big and clunky, but light (comparatively) That's a lot of biomes/locations. That's also not taking into account the dV used from flying the lab out there, then flying to/from the lab and then back to another moon/location (for a max of 40% of the points), or then then flying the lab *back* to kerbin (especially when you can just dump the used goo canisters/materials bays and store the results on your lander capsule for 100% returns). This is especially true when you account for the extra stuff needed (RCS fuel, ports) for docking, electricity and transmit antenna for the lab, solar cells, control (either probe core or *another* pod+crew), etc and the real life *time* needed for docking and rendevous. Again, the math isn't there for using it, ever, really. As per the return, kerbal EVA's can take the results, and store them in said .8t capsule. I wish it was useable. I really do. KSP *needs* a reason for rovers and stations...or at least I wish it did.
  8. You can also just put them on a capsule that weighs .8t and return that, for the same result, and a lot less dV usage.
  9. The math isn't there. The DV cost/weight doesn't work for a 40% transmit cap. 3.5t+ "there and back" cleanings worth of DV isn't going to work when that's the equivalent of 17 science bays. Or, conversely another FL400+FL200 worth of fuel (not counting dV expenses in going to said lab). Basically, that's enough delta-V on a light lander to hop all over the jool system, keep the data in the capsule, and fly home. It's broken
  10. Not really. You can skip the lab and just carry more science equipment. 3.5 tons is a lot of goo and material bays. Like 17 of them. Or an FL-400+FL-200 tank worth of fuel. That's a ton of delta-v that can be used in other ways.
  11. Oh well, yes, I'm familiar with the orion drive. But just the whole Dr. Strangelove aspect of literally riding a rocket to lunar orbit....
  12. You could always edit the config file of the command seat to allow it from game start. You could also set it so that it can be a root part, I think. Otherwise, it's one of the last tier of parts in the research tree.
  13. Here is the question - I looked through the configs and: science bits have this line "xmitDataScalar" which is the loss of science points when transmitting them. the lab has a line along the lines of "dataTransmissionBoost = 1.5" which is where you get the extra points using it to transmit them So where is the 40% cap coded? Is it the Scalar in the science part+the "reset" setting not allowing a reset/retransmit? I think the devs painted themselves in a box here. They wanted to stop transmit spam, so they capped repeatability at 1 (resettable) for these experiments. This had a deleterious effect of lessening the value of the lab. Is there anyway to actually go above the scalar limit in transmission, or is that the cap? I didn't have time to test it at home, but I'm wondering. It's possible that even setting the lab's transmit boost to "OvR 9000!!!" will only allow it to transmit the results up to the cap in the science object's configuration file. If that's the case, the only way to change that would be to change the scalar or the reset in the part's config file, which would mean there would be no purpose to the lab at all, as transmit spam would be back. The only thing I can think of is that if we had access to the cap, we could put an exception in for the lab, somehow. Or would the boost line in the lab effect/improve that? Any thoughts or insights?
  14. Well...odds are that it's because it's all unfinished, really (nature of a beta). All of the SAS/Reactionwheels/ASAS units do the same thing, but weigh different amounts (the larger is lighter, for example).
  15. Nope - you understand perfectly. That's why I've been asking what the intended gameplay flow from the devs is supposed to be. Are we supposed to wait till duna or jool, and make a station with it connected? Create a gigantorover with it? Launch it to minmus on mission #3? When they came up with it, how did *they* use it, and why? What is the concept and intent behind it, and benefits of it versus cramming all the experiment results in a little capsule and returning with that, instead?
  16. HAhha that's not all... Check out the "Langely Lightest" http://www.astronautix.com/craft/lmlhtest.htm
  17. This may be my first "shared" craft file here on KSP, lol. I'm gonna HAVE to build this now!
  18. x2. It's not like you have to rip the thermometer off the side of the ship, shove it in your pocket, and hand it over back at the space center for full value in real life..
  19. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19720003294_1972003294.pdf
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