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Everything posted by newton3501

  1. i not able see clear where my part at mouse on stage didnt clear see where part at or not eough show color of light green how i fix change color stage ??
  2. ur mod see cool but only one thing problem is when i mouse on parts big bigger biggest on part i like stay nomarl parts box without biggest screen parts real idiot - - - Updated - - - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090967490/home/
  3. when this KAS come up for 0.24 cause i need it so bad bec jeb is stuck in orbit without fuel just ran out of it i couldnt want to cheat with fuel i like to nomarl game without cheat i m wait for you damn fix this KAS to 0.24
  4. cool Mod only one thing problem ==== i have as idea for you if u think it could be cool if PARTS need repair ,,,get paid when repair parts done it could be cool Mod i hopefully u fig it out
  5. i love it mods please hurry up for 0.23 had bug with plantpower or something anyway hope to hear to come up for 0.23
  6. had troublem with remote tech2 of annetne whatever is problem keep freeze sometime crash game there no 0.23 of remote tech2
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