Well you are right about that, however it's still based on the following assumptions: 1. There is intelligent life other than our "noble" selves (I actually believe this to be quite possible). 2. Abovementioned intelligent life has the capacity to cross interstellar distances (less likely, but not wholly impossible). 3. Abovementioned intelligent life decides to visit our solar system (1 star out of a 100 billion stars in a 100 billion galaxies (quite quite remote, unless life and interstellar travel is a common occurrance in the universe). 4. Abovementioned intelligent life is very similar to us. Wants to stay hidden for arbitrary reasons and being forgetfull (seems unlikely as well). Well, personally there is quite a few more earthly explanations I'd find much more likely than the above mentioned list of assumptions and big leaps of faith. Occams razor PS: I find the chance of life and intelligent life elsewhere in the universe quite high. I even think interplanetary travel is possible (didn't say it was gonna be fast or cheap). I just find it very unlikely that we are that much of an attraction or that life is that widespread. And offcourse there are Unidentified Flying Objects, so far I just haven't found it likely it meant little green men or jesus or ... whatever ...