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Everything posted by Aliv3

  1. Can we have a dome with one tree and some grass? just for kicks?
  2. I\'m gonna turn it into a command pod Thanks again!
  3. Sweeet. I assume this one comes with its own ASAS? Landing on the Mun without one can be difficult.
  4. Oh great master of the Who... Make me one. 8) Give it a bumper sticker that says 'Exterminate!'
  5. You win sir. The game is over, you win. Best addon ever.
  6. Its got a bunch of mods and i don\'t exactly know which ones, and it takes an hour just to get into orbit
  7. Current altitude:1,014,438,966,801meters Current Apoapsis: 59,084,498,250,144,300 Current time : 5265 days in
  8. Err... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Skylab_4_undocking.jpg Mine are close enough to correct and I dont wanna redo all of them
  9. I might. Yes. This is the picture im using as a reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Skylab_illustration.jpg
  10. Welcome to the community, Spread the word of KSP all across the Internets.
  11. Welcome to the community, Try orbiting the Mun at under 2000m for a starting challenge
  12. My attempt at making Skylab will be here and i will update as i go.. *Update* The ATM is pretty much done and I\'m going to Work on the main module now. *Update* Main module almost done, Im about to start working on the struts to hold the ATM to the docking module *Update* Most big pieces are done and now it just needs little details.
  13. Its just a bunch of slightly OP SRBs to keep the framerate from going lower than .01 FPS
  14. G.K.C.S.MK2 Global, Kerbal, Communications, Station. Mark 2
  15. Behold the largest space station i was able to get into a slideshow circular orbit, seriously it took 20 minutes realtime to get to 3 minutes game time G.K.C.S. B.F.S.E Global, Kerbal, Communications, Station Big, Floppy, Station, Edition
  16. Behold the largest space station i was able to get into a slideshow circular orbit, seriously it took 20 minutes realtime to get to 3 minutes game time G.K.C.S. B.F.S.E Global, Kerbal, Communications, Station Big, Floppy, Station, Edition
  17. Behold the G.K.C.S. Global, Kerbal, Communications, Station. Capable of orbiting the Mun or Kerbin with the same launch vehicle.
  18. Behold the G.K.C.S. Global, Kerbal, Communications, Station. Capable of orbiting the Mun or Kerbin with the same launch vehicle.
  19. I just got down to 340 and survived, didnt even hit anything
  20. Then dont use it? Its efficient, quick, clean, and stable.. Complaining when something works exactly as it should isn\'t good. Its not the most Kerbal rocket but it works and I like it.
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