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Everything posted by Gibster

  1. Hey guys, quick question, what is the process for refueling a nuclear reactor with hexcans and what is the process for reprocessing nuclear fuel? I've got a couple of Thorium Hexcans, a depleted reactor, and a science module but when I try reprocessing nuclear fuel it says it will take infinite amount of time. Help, I want to know how to do this for when I start using my DT Vista engines and will need to refuel them. Edit: would you recommend I use KW rocketry with this mod, the only other mod I have installed currently is mechjeb.
  2. It was radial, the large deployable ones (refering to the bug i found)
  3. Found a bug, assigned toggle radiators to an action group and tested it on the launch pad, none of them did anything. Also, 50,000+ m/s according to MJ on what seems to be a fully functional Vista engine. I'm going places with this thing. Its getting late where I am, I'll strap a booster on to it tomorrow morning and see what happens.
  4. I was wondering how many radiators I needed to slap on the ship so it wont overheat. I was looking at 80,000 m/s (WOW!) according to mechjeb but that'll probably drop like a rock now. I know the DT Vista gets more efficient the lower the engine power is, so is mechjeb calculating the engine on full power and least efficiency or most efficient thrust setting?
  5. Oh, I thought fusion was better than that, ah well better redesign.
  6. Yeah I had a 1.5 meter fusion reactor with a 1.5 meter brayton cycle generator.
  7. I'm having trouble with the DT Vista engine, I've got fuel and power yet it keeps flaming out, some help and perhaps overall guide to the engine that I've heard much praise for?
  8. I quite agree, you see, I'm a casual gamer, even though I might play games more than others I tend never to go hardcore on something, if something irritates me and the game just isn't "fun" any more I'll stop playing it and go back to another game, be it TF2 or War Thunder or whatever else I'm in the mood for. When I want to do something in a game, I'll try by myself a few times and if it proves to be harder than that I go look up a guide, because I have neither the patience or time. Never the less I really like KSP and have enjoyed every minute of playing it. My point is that some of us just prefer to play using guides because that's our play style and as a casual gamer who really wants to learn how to use this mod effectively, a dedicated guide and up to date data base for all players would be extremely helpful, especially for such a massive mod.
  9. I feel the same exact way. I'm not sure whether to use the DT Vista as a launch engine or an interstellar engine and how to max things out and such. My one question is, What goes and does what and answer in simple terms like this is a good landing engine with this fuel and basic setup, etc. I love this mod but its so confusing to newcomers.
  10. So in other words Uranium is the better long term material if I don't want to put on a science lab or babysit it? Ok, I wish you would have kept the other methane tank ingame though, that would have been nice, in addition to adding the new one. But it is what it is and I'll just have to spend some time fixing up a new launcher. Here's a situation one of my ships is in: My reactor is completely full of actinides, I'm out of power, I've got 2 hexcans full of thorium, is there any way I can save it (restart the reactor)?
  11. 1: So in other word Thorium does have a quicker half life or depletes quicker. Are atomic half-lives even simulated or replicated in this mod? 3: Ok, I think I get it. 4: I'm gonna see if the dev has anything to say on it before I download the new update. 5: Yeah, I here you, it would just be nice to have a place that the community could manage, update and cater to.
  12. Hi, I'm still quite new to this mod and I have a few Qs: #1: What is the difference between Thorium and Uranium, I know Thorium has a higher power output but that's it, what's its draw back as opposed to Uranium? Does it have a shorter half-life, making it better for long term bases and such? #2: What is needed to reprocess nuclear fuel? I tried it but it appears I need a place to store the depleted fuels, I looked at the VAB and there is no place, unless I'm looking in the wrong area. #3: I want to learn how to use the thermal engines efficiently but all that I've read includes terms I don't quite understand. Specific impulse? I've been playing this game for a few months and I still don't exactly know what that is, I know what Delta-v is (I think) the energy (power to weight to fuel is it?) your ship has. I'm really a simpleton when it come to scientific terms like that, I don't comprehend math and math terms very well. #4: I made a really good methane launcher that I really like, before the new update. Maybe I misread it but the update replaces the current one? Wont that break saves (like mine for example)? Or at least the current ships using it? I want to update for the bug fixes but I'm really far in my current save which is why I'm reluctant. #5: Is there just a general in-depth guide for all this stuff? I know about the wiki but it hasn't answered any of these questions, or at least not in a way I would understand them. I might be an AP student in High school but I tend to be more literal and factual than other people, so dedicated guides are really nice.
  13. Hi, I'm trying to use the thermal engines and I want to know what the most efficient fuel to use for it is. I tried liquid only, which seems efficient but then realized I would have to be even more efficient than it already is because it takes 9 minute burns to get to places like Moho. So yeah, what combo is the most efficient for planetary transfers and insertions?
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