Hi, I'm still quite new to this mod and I have a few Qs: #1: What is the difference between Thorium and Uranium, I know Thorium has a higher power output but that's it, what's its draw back as opposed to Uranium? Does it have a shorter half-life, making it better for long term bases and such? #2: What is needed to reprocess nuclear fuel? I tried it but it appears I need a place to store the depleted fuels, I looked at the VAB and there is no place, unless I'm looking in the wrong area. #3: I want to learn how to use the thermal engines efficiently but all that I've read includes terms I don't quite understand. Specific impulse? I've been playing this game for a few months and I still don't exactly know what that is, I know what Delta-v is (I think) the energy (power to weight to fuel is it?) your ship has. I'm really a simpleton when it come to scientific terms like that, I don't comprehend math and math terms very well. #4: I made a really good methane launcher that I really like, before the new update. Maybe I misread it but the update replaces the current one? Wont that break saves (like mine for example)? Or at least the current ships using it? I want to update for the bug fixes but I'm really far in my current save which is why I'm reluctant. #5: Is there just a general in-depth guide for all this stuff? I know about the wiki but it hasn't answered any of these questions, or at least not in a way I would understand them. I might be an AP student in High school but I tend to be more literal and factual than other people, so dedicated guides are really nice.