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Everything posted by TerminalV

  1. 0.25 has not been a big change for me either. Not a space plane guy, although I am starting to try a bit more so the new parts are not make a big difference to me but I appreciate the effort. Destructible building doesn't add much to the game either for me but I hope that will enable cool new feature in the future. I do like the administration building although I think it will need some tweaks to make it really good but I like any addition to career mode. The part of 0.26 (0.90?) that really excites me are adding biomes everywhere and the upgradable buildings. Those two things could add a lot of playability to career mode IMHO. The Kerbal Experience feature is also intriguing feature although I don't understand fully how it will effect game play.
  2. Wow did not realize I could switch that far out. I did not switch to Munlong Kerman until I was with in 100m. Good to know if it happens again. Rendezvous was a nightmare for me until I took the time to figured it out now it's one of my favorite parts of the game. Looking forward to building a new Munar space station again.
  3. So I started a new career game with the release of 0.25. Have not played as much as I would like lately but life is hard. Last night I managed enough tech to make my first Kerbin orbit in this new career and with that science and money unlocked some new parts, most of tier 4. I went to get a few new missions and saw that a rescue mission popped up. I accepted the mission and then realized I did not have all the parts I usually have to construct a good rescue craft. Hmmm... So I did the mission with tier 4 parts, ie no thrusters and only a Mark I capsule. My final rescue craft was two Mark I capsules in tandem with two batteries, three chutes, a TR-18A Stack Decoupler, an FL-T200 Fuel Tank and LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine. The rendezvous was no more difficulty and closing from my 1.5 km initial close approach to rescued with only one engine and no thrusters was not as hard as I feared. Took longer than it would had I had thrusters but I did it on the first attempt. Munlong Kerman was very appreciative!
  4. I like this. I put an external seat on the new lander but did not have a second kerbonaut on the maiden mission. I will pick up a second Kerbonaut from the space station and give this a try. Thanks!
  5. Does this actually produce a thrust or just a moment that cause the vehicle to rotate.
  6. Duh, I forgot EVA reports and science transfers to other craft. I was hoping to keep this to stock KSP for the moment only because I am playing without mods.
  7. So last night a hard landing in one of the canyons on Mun resulted in a damaged landing strut on my lander. I was bummed as it was the landers maiden mission and I was hoping to use it several times launching it from a small space station in Munar orbit. After returning to the space station it occurred to me that I might be able to fix the damage strut on an EVA. Sure enough I went out and was able to fix the lander leg and retract it. I knew I could do that for damaged rover wheels but it had never occurred to me I could also do it with lander legs too. That got me thinking what else can a kerbonaut do while on EVA, what other component can be repair or manipulated by a Kerbonaut on EVA? The things we already know: ------------------------ eva report plant or remove a flag read plaque on existing flag take a surface sample take a sample from a captured asteroid transfer science from one vehicle to another fix a rover wheel fix a landing strut manually extend a solar panel repack chute push a spacecraft transfer between cabin's (presently the only way) Not really a function but handy: Kerbals have headlamps! Hit L while on EVA ------------------------ Please add to my list. What else am I missing? Here's a picture of my modest space station in Munar Orbit: Lower Left: Science Lab and Command Module. Lower Middle: Living Quarters with docking ports and mono-propellant storage Lower Right: Nuclear Lander docked to Living Quarters Top Middle, Old mono-propellant only lander, likely to be abandoned soon. Background: Space-Tug/Lifeboat that was used to push the asteroid into lunar orbit. It's presently being used to store spare fuel.
  8. Thanks for the info. I played last night, launched two new vehicles both with the Claw without any problems before the Claw bug got the third one. I will delete the vehicles that have had the bug on my next session and recreate those vehicle (with no doubt changes and improvements). Good luck finding the bug and thanks!
  9. Thanks! So will that initial spacecraft always have the problem or will a restart fix it in most cases? I guess I got lucky that I did not change back to the space station I was building with three other Claw enable ships, whew.
  10. That weird because it worked just fine with my first two spacecraft of yesterday session. But when I mounted the claw on the Mk1 Lander Can things went wacky. Are any of these Claw issued document here or else where?
  11. Launched two vehicles yesterday. Both went out and docked with an asteroid in Munar orbit (command vehicle, and a science lab). Built a third one that was going to be a Munar-lander with the ability to also grab the asteroid. Using the same first and second stage to launch it as the first two vehicles. The vehicle comes apart on me when I get into orbit and then use time warp to advance to my first burns to get ready to go out to Mun. I am in an orbit about 85,000 m up. Most of the components, the second stage and all the parts attached to the lander capsule just fall straight down to Kerbin when I hit the time warp key. Did it three times with two different lander designs. Any idea what might cause this. Will a simple reboot fix it? Thanks in advance. ETA: Wrong subsection, this thread probably should have been in the Gameplay Questions and Tutorials. Sorry, feel free to move it.
  12. So if I get it into low Mun orbit I can get science for each Biomem I pass over like doing EVA's?
  13. I was thinking about that. Are there any tricks for getting more science out of it. I was surprised how little samples where worth.
  14. So I captured my first asteroid last night. I have been playing in the contract career mode since 0.24 came out. Managed to get hooked onto a Class-C asteroid and put in in a fairly circular orbit at an altitude just outside of Mun but inclined a bit over 45 degrees. I did an EVA and transmitted that science back. I did a second EVA and kept that sample on my space craft. That's where I left it. I still have a lot of fuel left but probably not enough parachutes to try to land it. Is there anything else I can do with it that would be useful or get me some more science points from it? How bad would it be if I sent it crashing into Kerbin or Mun? Any and all suggestions on what I could do with it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  15. Alright guys, thanks for all the help. Apparently I was just being thick or had something wrong with the construction of my first attempt. I built a better lift vehicle and rebuilt the probes too. Launch and landed two of them deployed from a mother ship in orbit around Mun. Returned mother ship to Kerbin! Thanks for all the help!
  16. Thanks guys, I will take another whack at it tonight. Maybe I have a power issue. I will let you guys know.
  17. The core of the probe was a Probodobodyne OKTO with a battery and four small solar panels and chute. It was to carry a Sci Jr and 2x Goo container. Below that connected by a decoupler it has three RCS thrusters, small monoprollant tank, and a small fuel tank with engine and landing gear. When the probe disconnected from the main vessel it did not show up as a satellite in the orbital view. Do I have to do something to activate the probe controller?
  18. I built a larger heavy lift vehicle for a Mun mission. It took a manned lander large enough to get there and back with a bunch of science modules. I got thinking that I might be able to use that nice first and second stage to lift several small probes that I could send on one way missions to Mun or Minmus. I loaded four small probes radial attached around a manned center craft (Manned vehicle would just orbit Mun and drop probes and then return to Kerbin) on that launch vehicle. When I release the probes they appear dead and I cannot switch to them to control them. I still can only control the main vessel. What am I missing? Is this not possible to launch more than one probe with a single launch vehicle?
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