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Everything posted by BjornKerbannigan

  1. I couldn't replicate the bug as previously described. However I was able to replicate it by pausing the game with ESC, pressing F2, then F1, then F2 again. I have a Google Drive folder with a snipped KSP.log and some images. Fortunately for this bug, KSPClock doesn't hide with F2 at all so it shows the time the images were dumped into screenshots which should match the log. The Google Drive folder is located here. Now it is bedtime for me. No more KSP till later. Edit: I was able to bring the Fusebox window back by turning off the Fusebox window with the toolbar button while the game was paused with ESC, then turning the Fusebox window on with the toolbar button after the game was unpaused.
  2. Search for the Titanic, The Hunt for Red October, and Times of Lore!
  3. Just finished reading through the whole thread. Love the 'box! I keep installing and uninstalling other mods but Fusebox is always installed! The new orbital darkness calculator is awesome! Feature Request: ability to change font colors. The red can be hard to read in some situations. Green can get a bit fuzzy on my eyes as well. Bug Report: I forgot to test it with 0.9 however with previous versions if the Fusebox window is closed via the toolbar button, and I press F2 to hide the gui and then F1 to take a screenshot, then F2 again to bring back the gui, if I press the toolbar button to bring Fusebox back up it doesn't appear. However if I press F2 to hide the gui, then Fusebox is visible when the other gui elements are hidden. Press F2 and Fusebox hides itself when the other gui elements are visible. I can't get to my PC to show some screenshots, however I will try to post some once I get back home.
  4. It has taken me a couple of weeks but I have just finished reading this entire thread. From page 1 to page 432. Now to put everything I learned into practice! Great mod Majiir!
  5. The distance it is disconnecting at suggests you are using the Communotron 16 antenna. It uses the same part model as the Communotron 32, however the 16 only goes out to 2.5Mm. Check to make sure you installed the right antenna. It has happened to me more times than I like to admit.
  6. That is a sexy little rover! There was a blog with craft files mentioned earlier but with no links I could see while on my tablet. Where can I get one? EDIT: I found it! Right here! Grabbed the Endeavor and Exo rovers. Might go back for that ION Probe.
  7. Hello everyone! I am new to KSP however I have flown about a dozen missions in Orbiter so I am somewhat familiar with the concepts of orbital mechanics. I haven't played Orbiter in a couple years and was looking around the internets to see what has changed when I stumbled across a post referencing KSP. I downloaded the demo and after sending a few kerbonauts to a glorious and fiery demise (for science :-) ) I was hooked. I bought KSP and have attained a stable orbit around Kerbin and landed Jebediah and his stalwart crew back to Kerba Firma. I used the Kerbal X stock. Next up is the Mun!
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