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Everything posted by landeTLS

  1. i just tested the plugin with ksp version 0.23. and it still works perfectly, all goals are calculated correctly and mission goals completed as before. would be nice to see an update from the op on the status of the mod. no posts since nov 29th. sad if the mod is dead. this is a good compeditor to mce EDIT: just tested out booster recovery using both TTneverunload and romfarers lazor mod to increase draw distance. either those components are broken by ksp 0.23 or for some other reason it wont work, i tried adding a probe core to the boosters too but the boosters never touch down(it works if i hover within ksp draw distance tho). seems something like the mce recycling by calculated paracute drag would need to be used. EDIT2: i actually got boosters touching down with ttneverunload(forgot to turn the thing on:-P) but the problem is that when you get outside of draw range for the surface the boosters explode because they drop through the surface? Also physics gets really unstable under such high distances so sometimes the boosters would explode during parachute deployement at 500m If there was a way to turn off neverunload after the boosters touched down it could maybe be made to work in some form. I must say it looks really cool watching the boosters glide down gently and touch down while you ascent.
  2. Wooow. Those parts look awesome! Love some more big parts. Any chance to impliment more S2(the shuttle cockpit) type textures on these and the rest of the more nice but unfinished looking parts(s27/mk2 etc.)? Btw those 3.75m tanks? Will we be getting 3.75m b9 engines and components?
  3. I love the idea of these planets being in an extra solar system rather than changing the current system. The planets look awesome.
  4. Love the idea of using the mounts to reduce the amounts of tanks. I really like the new designs. May i suggest applying stocklike details/distressing and perhaps normalmaps on the final design of the spheres so they look a little less plain. I could even have a go at it myself if you want. Tho im mostly experienced in 2d renderings(havent done much of any 3d texture work).
  5. How about using the science lab made by zzz. It has an iva and animations and looks really awesome. He also released it opensource from what i understand. (Posting from my phone and cant get it to paste in links so just search for hab/hub on the forums and youll find the thread)
  6. i made a couple of quick icons for you in gimp, didnt test them out ingame but they should work. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9yFzV-G4YPzZFBUUnNSUmFYbkU&usp=sharing EDIT: made some more with red and green draining and charging like you wanted, have a look and feel free to use them if you weant to. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9yFzV-G4YPzZjREYWtoRHVLZzQ&usp=sharing
  7. I love this plugin. But the gui gets a little cluttered. Perhaps it could use the toolbar plugin
  8. Hey. Any news here? I love the plugin and the gui. It has many things going for it that mce doesnt and seems to flow better with ksp. A few things that would be nice to have would be: - Required crew count for missions (configurable in cfg) - more missions (perhaps with science rewards) base building/station missions etc etc. - part recovery/recycling system(like mce has) i had an idea that you could impliment/use something like the feature in romfarers lazor mod that increases rendering distance so the debris (spent boosters w/parachutes) will touch down as usual then the plugin would just need to autorecover all debris on the ground. ( havent tested if this works yet tho) I havent tested the plugin with ksp 0.23 yet but will do. Ill post my results.
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