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Everything posted by 1stBiker

  1. Great thanks for all your kind feedback EDIT, SOLVED: I did reinstall anything and dropped only the needed Mods including the ModuleManager. At least scanning ressources is now working !! Will update later. THANKS ANYONE ! -------------------------------------------- On my very first test with "Kethane-Mod" & "MKS-Mod" (at Kerbin) I did scan with the "Kethan Scanner" and could only see Kethane. Switching the arrows didnt show anything else and mouse over the spots showed me Kethane xxx or none, the other matherials were "no Data". I thought I've done something wrong and started once again today in a new sandbox (incl. the ModuleManager.2.1.5.dll). There is still "no Data" when I scan, doesnt matter using the "KE-S210 Compact Survey Unit" or "KE-S110 Medium Survey Unit" Scanner. There is Ketane - .. but there is "no Data" for the other ressources I'll post again if I can find out why there isnt any data for me.. great thanks for any tip if someone knows the solution <<<1stBiker
  2. hello all First of all the "MKS Mod" is a great motivation in KSP ! Thank you for all your efforts. I tried to stick to the Guides. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Mods I installed: ThunderAerospace - [TacLifeSupport] v0.8.0.4 Kethane [Kethane] 0.8.6 !! I didnt use the Module Manager ! ModuleManager.2.1.5.dll !! <- not installed, is it mandatory ? KAS [KAS] 0.4.7 Cargo Transportation Solutions [ModsbyTal] 0.3.4 InfernalRobotics [MagicSmokeIndustries] 0.16.5a Procedural Fairings 3.05 [ProceduralFairings] 3.05 Kerbal Crew Manifest [CrewManifest] v0.5.7.0 RealChute [RealChute] v1.1.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ My problem is that I cant get it running so far. Its a pity there is no Video Tutorial. From what I understand the Minimum is: 1 ColonyHub 1 ConstructionHub 1 Mining Storage Hut (NOT inline - the jumbo one with the red cap!) 1 Supply Storage Hut (NOT inline - the jumbo one with the red cap!) 1 Power Distribution Unit (PDU) 1 Drilling unit (All Kethane drills have been modified to also mine Ore/Substrate/Water/Kethane) First I did scan for ore. I fount a place on moon covering 3 critical ressources. Here is what I did ... (always click the picture for full screen) there is Ore ... Minerals ... Aquifer ... I did build the minimum required, my little base (exactly under the hotspots you see in the previous picture): the Rig only holds a "Big Driller" and its connected to the "STORAGE HUT MINING" via Pipes (the center of mass is in the middle of all - so it looks connected perfectly) anything looks empty though ! in the "CONSTRUCTION HUB" there's a "Construct Not enough Minerals" the "COLONY HUB" ... thats the connection from to the Driller-Rig ... Does someone has a good Video Tutorial explaining the steps to do ? Any knows whats wrong with the base as it is ? Great thanks for any input in advance <<<1stBiker
  3. I have almost the same issue WIN7x64: total size is 1559671465 speedup is 9.32 rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at /home/lapo/package/rsync-3.0.9-1/src/rsync-3.0.9/main.c(1518) [generator=3.0.9] rsync exited with code 23: Partial transfer due to error Cleanup Cleaning up some leftover files... Installed twice with the same effect ! I'm here to find a solution because I don't know if that is important. I have a lot of problems with the "Maneuver Points" since 0.23, they feel choppy or I cant set them at all. Sometimes if I grab one it turns red and I cant get it back from where I dragged it and that way I loose the MP. Though, I'm new here and possibly its just lack of knowledge. Love Kerbal. Bought it after playing the Demo for 5 Minutes <<<1stBiker
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