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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Oh sorry, to clarify i mean anyone who has played this and BTSM separately. Im preparing to build a mod pack for my friends (yes i know BTSM is pretty mod-unfriendly) and was just wondering if this mod had that same feel as BTSM, where things are not stupidly easy and there is a meaningful progression
  2. Is there anyone who has played with both this mod and BTSM and can comment on how "tight" this mod feels in terms of progression?
  3. So my friend is still having problems connecting, same error: Error handling HANDSHAKE_REQUEST from Unknown, exception: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path. at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2, String path3) at DarkMultiPlayerServer.ClientHandler.HandleHandshakeRequest(ClientObject client, Byte[] messageData) at DarkMultiPlayerServer.ClientHandler.HandleMessage(ClientObject client, ClientMessage message) [21:43:09][iNFO] : Disconnecting client Unknown, sent CONNECTION_END (Server failed to process HANDSHAKE_REQUEST message) I had him set his player name to something really stupid (z) and the server name was server (does server name even matter?) still same issue.
  4. @Kerbin User Thanks for the tips, but alas no avail. My friend and i have the same version (1.5.0); I've yet to have an unhanded exception error, and i tried opening the ports previously, but my old linksys router does not seem to open ports (even though it says it has) no matter what I try, hence the reason I'm using hamachi to connect to him.
  5. Im trying to get a server going but my friend is having trouble connecting, we are using hamachi (I was unable to open ports on my router) and it is successfully tunneling, the problem is every time my friend tries to connect to my server; the server gives me : Error handling HANDSHAKE_REQUEST from Unknown, exception: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path. at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2, String path3) at DarkMultiPlayerServer.ClientHandler.HandleHandshakeRequest(ClientObject client, Byte[] messageData) at DarkMultiPlayerServer.ClientHandler.HandleMessage(ClientObject client, ClientMessage message) [15:12:44][iNFO] : Disconnecting client Unknown, sent CONNECTION_END (Server failed to process HANDSHAKE_REQUEST message) to endpoint Can anyone translate that into something i can understand/fix?
  6. Is there a way to remove mechjeb from the stock probes, so that you need the AR case to use it?
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