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Peter KG6LSE

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Everything posted by Peter KG6LSE

  1. When you Kerbalize Real life rockets:) Both of these are gonna hit 2K feet with cams as payload at NXRS in Bend Oregon tomorrow!. Ad Astra Combustus !
  2. last ever 2012 Mac Pro with W7 Pro ( for games ) on a nice SSD quad core xeon 3,2GHz 6 GB ram and a ATI 5770 1GB ddr5 card windows score of 7.4
  3. now I am thinking of dave barsky from dirty jobs . him as a kerbal makes me laugh ..
  4. Same . Theater * cough * cured me . If you can Deal with the folks in theatre then any one is a cakewalk \ Iam also a savant Yet I cant write by hand and Iam not very good at math ..
  5. When used cardboard shipping tubes at work ( 3 to 10 inches in dia a foot or so long ) start to look like fuel tanks and SRBs and what is worse you ask to take them home to "play with "
  6. I was a mentor for many many Years with FRC Team 294 Beach city robotics. I also was a member of team MSAC for the first ever VEX college challenge.. (I work with robotics at a automation company now ) Old and fast times .
  7. Yea "A1G Hex Boost Long " is a temperamental ship but the old lady can Really put out some power. What I don't get is that the dish moves. I never noticed this until it made the CM shift after it landed. At least I tested my LES and it worked ... Poor Bill is gonna be very traumatized after all of this ..
  8. OK so I was on the IRC today and was also on Twitch TV doing a live launch . The ship went CATO at about 3000Meters so I cut the CSM loose and then popped the chutes . What happened next can only be Pure luck! Oh snap here comes the dish. hehe the Durp ship has landed . I wanna thank Flymetothemun whom saw the saga take place . It was Freeking too much fun. wheee! a EVA on a dish.... ( if ya all remember goldeneye the 90s movie I wanted to see if the kerb would slide ) Umm please use caution when opening overhead bins as items are gonna shift during travel . They Killed Bill .......... then I did a time warp and it shook the pod off the dish on to the parts below. It left Bill very unhappy and very DURPY . I took a TON more screen shots but I am gonna save that for a proper time lapse . In the end I had the Kraken strike and I had to reboot the game . then I EVAed all my kerbs and recoverd them . but I left the pod as a monument of the Great Durp of 2014 I wanna thank Flymetothemun for being there when this durp took place .
  9. OK so Iadded a trackball to make the in flight cam happy I have also added the ALCOR mod and with a glass cockpit its looking Sweet . and I ca use the Touchscreen to press the hotkeys on the MFDs.
  10. Really ? If you use the Hat as the translation and the trigger as forward and the thumb as back you can with a single hand dock a craft ..
  11. Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick solid stick and It works like a champ . I only had to do one tweak . and that was invert throttle .
  12. Mac Pro 2012 Quad core Xeon 3.3 6 GB ram ECC DDR3 . 3X2 sticks 2 SSDs 256GB for OSX and Win7 1 1 TB NAS rated slow drive for Debian , Redhat , and Chrunchbang * I use CB as a VM host for then many other Linux distros * Redhat and Deb are native boot 1 1 TB WD black for Shared USER data between OSX and Wndowz . ATI Stock GPU a 7550 1GB DDR5 card 3 screens in OSX mode and 2 in windows Screen 1 and 2 are NEC Color matched displays at 19 Inch NON wide and NOT glossy and I have a same but 17 version as my 3rd screen . ( I use a mac for AV work ) Screen output 1 also gets spilt to the KSP SIM or a Epson Projector also at the same rez as the screen so I dont get aliasing. I run 1025 by 1280 for my main 2 and lesser on the 17 * so that things scale right * EDIT . cost the mac was $1440 I got it 2 days after black friday at FRYs .
  13. If you want to go Really hog wild then get a toughpad...... http://media.engadget.com/img/products/477/a8pd/a8pd-800.jpg I have mine on my to buy list month to semi replace a CF30 toughbook for personal use.
  14. HamRadio ( sat chasing ) Photography and video-photography Tesla Coils ( Large ones) Optics ( I build LASERS) Costume and Cosplay Inventing.
  15. nice ! Irony ...I started the same this year. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64715-KSP-hardware-Mods Trust me . Once you SIM you don't go office chair again.
  16. for real science clusters are good !
  17. Its not ...... Unless you blow a huge wad of money on fiber channel or 10Gigibit LAN See the real reason to use * clusters * is to render Long hollywood films and do things that are long term like renders and physics sims *not the KSP kind * . infact I had 8 computers as a cluster back in the 2000s to do renders with Bryce and transcode with Final cut Pro and POOCH . Real time things like games are the last thing you want to run on a cluster . BeoWoulf is one and apple QAdmin is another . I dont think KSP can divvy up the tasks , With today's Hex core PCs you dont NEED a supercomputer .. I know Ill be flaimed for this ...... but the new mac pro is a HECK of a non consumer computer . If I rememer right its 6 GB of Video ram shared with 2 GPUs . its not a game rig but if you are gonna Blow cash on 4 PCs that are worthy of a cluster . then you can afford the mac and just run Win 7 on it . Like I do for my games. I use the mac side for * work * I have the last ever old case one and it runs KSP like a boss...... I have YET to choke it . One day I had KSP on one screen doing its thing and I played Portal 2 on the other . both were just humming along well
  18. Jazz jackrabbit . on a PS2 (Yes the IBM PC ) not the game system . there was on I had Before that on a tandy 80 the Trash 80 as they are called . with ECG graphics.... 5 inch drive . BUt I cant remember its name ..
  19. OK here is the new control box ..... The red cover one is now abort. the silver is staging and the open push button is rocket shutdown. http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterthethinker/11963459563/
  20. Oh boy.... I don't use FB . funny, some of the comments are "interesting" . .. for the love of sputnik .. over 5000 views ... Shesh I should have not done such a sad and low quality video . Looks like some folks on FB have never seen a WORK IN PROGRESS ..... I have the time . Ill just put up a real video . Ill have to use Vimio as flicker is not happy with long stuff .
  21. You mean add motion . Not really . I can tilt the whole works forward and make it like a Jet fighter Sim with ease tho . i just shove some pipe on the handles under the seat .
  22. I would make net neutrality Law solid to preserve The rights of end users * YOU !* . EDIT : no ones data is more important then others . ya want speed .. pay for it .
  23. I dont . I use my own website for official publishing of things . http://peterthethinker.com/
  24. Looks VERY spendy . As soon as I have some free time Ill publish my method to gut these controllers . Its not very hard If you are good at following traces .
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