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Everything posted by GrvRemoveKebab

  1. My kerbals keeps getting duplicated when they EVA and get back into the ship. Used a fresh install and only Renaissance+Dependancies.
  2. Dude this is just too good! I love the look of this pack, is awesome! If i can make a suggestion, you shouldm re-do the tanks texture, making them a little less yellow and doing a "scaled down" bump map. Otherwise, this is absolutely awesome, when we will have a download link?
  3. http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/373667main_NASA-SP-2009-566-ADD.pdf Oh man, the Reentry Fairing, coupled with the slender body inflatable thing is just too cool! Btw i really like the drop-off vehicle design (both single tank and multi-tank).
  4. A question: what are those "big" living modules, seen on the spacecraft and on the landers? Are they FusTek rescales or custom parts? Can you post some .cfg tweaks to obtain them, if they are not custom parts?
  5. I might had a similar problem, using mechjeb's built in dV calculator.
  6. Seems strange... I've actually docked with a lot of different custom, and standard ports. I've successfully docked with the Mir drogue port, the Soyuz Docking Mech. from BobCat Soviet pack, ICMB(or something) from FusTek station pack, but i did not had any problem...
  7. We can always have some sort of mid-way between the original too bright light blue and my depressed dark blue! Also, it will be cool if it was possible to add a "lights on" option on the CM that lights up the windows, like in the B9's cockpits! Anyway, since you did an awesome job with the cockpit, will you ever develop a custom SM/Engine to pair with this Command Module?
  8. Also: i've used this Command Module to set up a Christmas recreation of the Apollo-Soyuz mission! If you like, take a look at this http://imgur.com/a/3zNQw
  9. Yeah other users have said it: you just add the function to decouple the CM from the generated fairing, but only via "righ-clicking" it! Also here is my so little reworked texture, seems like that imgur doesent like the targa extension, so i had to make a .jpg just for showing purpose:
  10. I dont like it, i LOVE it, btw if there is something that i can suggest you: you could make the CM act as a non staged decoupler! By doing this you can save some space, by removing the decoupler itself, and also lower the partcount of the ship, plus, it will look even more Apolloish and cool PS: i've tryied to edit your base .tga texture, changing the windows color (for personal use only), it really looks more realistic! If you want to see, just let me know
  11. Hey man, i love your work and i too love the Apollo CM! Since before yours, the only Apolloish CM mod was the one from Lionhead, i messed around with that, even reskinning it to give it a more realistic look. If you want, by providing me the base texture files, i can try to re-do something like the "glass" parts of your craft giving it a more realistic look (by realistic i mean something like the B9 pack). Again, good job with this, keep on the good work !
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