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Everything posted by YNM

  1. Well it's not really the internal propaganda IMO. Pretty sure there were letters from the west as well and stuff. Plus by 1944 the news from the retreating troops from the east would've circulated around, and as we knew what happened to the area there it's not exactly great.
  2. More of the same. It's beautiful. But yeah there were also plans to use them in the Iran Hostage Crisis - both RATO/JATO for landing and taking off in a stadium and landing on a carrier for the final retrieval.
  3. I presume that going over to "the other side" means a non-zero chance of either killed off in the initial frenzy, or shipped off to a gulag or some other sort of punitive measures later (or earlier temporarily). The Americans on the other hand, given that they've worked (and were working) with other german researchers that crossed sides before the war gets too hot, is probably more open to the idea of accepting their help and ignoring the past alliances and alignments. Wikipedia itself lists at least 169 names in the Operation Paperclip page as "Key Recruits", so it can be assumed that the 120 or 88 figures are the head figures whereas the 1600 figures include technicians and assistants. There are mentions that with the families included this number rises to two times the 1600 figure. Wonder how much did came in during Paperclip vs. how much came in before the war was a thing (or during the height of the war in 1941-1943).
  4. Well, there's another nation that's trying to do it as well. Maybe partnering with them could help...
  5. Well, it is what it is, a theatre. It's not entirely correct.
  6. True for CRT, no longer true for LCDs. Language barrier is the reason for it I suppose. I'm fairly sure the sole reason why we don't see as much things from there crop out in the english-speaking part of the internet has to do with the different language being used. And if there're any that crop up it's usually the impression of english speakers...
  7. The trajectory showed a southern launch. Also, you can see the Bahamas in shot of the returning 1st stage. This was a polar launch. Guess the trajectory was a bit steep since you can't place the ship in Cuban waters. Dogleg is necessary since you don't want to fly over West Palm Beach and Miami. They did, on SAOCOM by returning to LZ-1, and on this mission by landing on the drone ship placed close to The Bahamas.
  8. Maybe something to do with the polar launch dogleg? What’re the numbers from that first polar flight a few months back? SAOCOM-1B launch wasn't quite as high, although it landed back on KSC (LZ-1) and it was lighter. Maybe it was partly due to the dogleg, plus you can't put the drone ship in Cuba or something I suppose. A visualization of a ~90 degrees polar launch ground track :
  9. Underwater welding is a fairly rare job to have, so I've heard. Same thing with welding for skyscrapers. Yeah, I've heard that sometimes people go and pursue further education in what they started with but it's actually no longer their profession, it's just to fulfil the qualifications. That being said, one of my distant relatives do lectures history.
  10. I'm pretty sure if you have one of these it might be pretty darn important. idk, here they seem to be doing well in human resource departments ! That hit too close to home for me. I'm honestly not sure what I'd do after graduating given that.
  11. Jeb is only suspect, not significant. The average KSP player would most likely have committed Crimes Against Kerbality, even with reverting enabled. (that includes me - I'll always insist that putting names on kerbals is too much, they should've remained nameless, probably a serial number somewhere.) (also, good drawing, whoever drew it)
  12. From nasaspaceflight.com it's apparently the Peregrine lander from Astrobotics which will carry various smaller scientific payloads/missions. But yeah, I'll give them the credit, Vulcan will replace Delta IV as well so it'll be able to loft some hefty things up there. Vulcan Heavy would be a sight to behold...
  13. I'd like one to try it in vacuum. It's supposed to be for space, right ? I see that you're playing a different table-top game. Solar sails work by having the Sun in vicinity. It wouldn't work in deep space (think interstellar or even intergalactic space). And the Sun (and other stars) will die (stop shining light) at some point. Also, at some point the animal will die. I call animal cruelty for being worked long hours. We've had wars for long enough in this world where bullets are being fired, and I haven't seen the Earth change it's rotation from this effect at all. Or the weather (wind directions) for that matter.
  14. Can only be assumed given Xichang. Night launch, unlikely for people to spot the boosters falling down and stuff (unless for the slight explosion at the end maybe but hypergolics give more smoke than light AFAIK). Also, new grain silo ?
  15. "to the Moon" ? What do they have in manifest ?
  16. There's a character/word count limitation though... With the language I'm trying to learn the sole thing I'm on lookout for when translating is whether it can pick the right word and context partitions since it doesn't come with much punctuation. Ah alright. Though I'm not sure how much more different their pronunciation is, given the consonants and the extra vowels...
  17. I mean, given that not a lot are even known of how exactly they ended up there, it'd be nice to have something to fill the gap. Wish we'd know more how they ended up there...
  18. Minotaur/Taurus uses Castor 120, "a derivative of Peacekeeper MX"; then Pegasus uses the same 2nd and 3rd stage as Minotaur/Taurus - Orion 50 SRMs. They're all developed by Hercules Aerospace that did produce both Minuteman and Polaris missiles. I'm not sure if they're the exact same design, or share the same tooling and processes (very likely for the same production plant I suppose). But yeah, I wonder if Virgin would ever consider a slightly larger rocket with 1.8 m fairing.
  19. I'm not sure why I'm only seeing the news now. Congratulations, now we have two air-launched orbital rocket design... Interestingly the diameter is larger than Pegasus. 1.8 m fairing would be nice I suppose...
  20. Which language family is it ? What is it written in ? I know that their translation is terrible but I've often ended up with little alternatives... Some have recommended DeepL but I'll say that it breaks in its own ways.
  21. Does this mean there're actually recent (by recent I mean under 200 yrs old) myths as well then ?
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