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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. When right clicking the part in the VAB partslist (left) there is a red 'X' on the option 'Rerunnable". So... jeah. Just came here to find out if there is a version of this mod that does make the experiment rerunnable or how one would edit the part files to do so. Edit: Perhaps I misunderstood the option and rerunnable only means that it can be reset by a non-scientis/probe? Whichever the case may be, I got the same 'issue'.
  2. Nevermind my question - Mods, please delete this post.
  3. Yes, and also earlier versions of ckan, none of them seem to do anything, not even an pop-up or something indicating it tries to start but crashes. And then I thought of the standard blocking windows puts on .exe files you download. Right click, properties, unblock. Argh... Thanks for replying though!
  4. Downloaded the latest release (v1.27.2, CKAN.exe), moved it into my steam KSP directory and double clicking to start. Nothing happens. .Net 4.5 is installed. What gives? (Win10)
  5. Demv Mark 5 works in KSP 1.1.2, however the wheels wont retract (no menu option when rightclicking) and won't spin & steer. Can't drive it. Really hope this mod gets a fix for that, I used it a lot!
  6. For some reason my game hangs on loading the kosmos SSPP pack. Every time on "KOSMOS/Parts/Engine/Kosmos_TKS_RD-0225_Engine/part/Kosmos_TKS_RD-0225_Engine"...??? (can't read the rest of the line). Edit: Multiple parts on both the SSPP and URM packs I'm running latest version KSP and just downloaded both packs and installed them on a clean KSP folder.
  7. Argh ofc! I never switch the styling back to KSP Panels. Works perfectly now, thanks!
  8. I would really like to have the background totally transparent. I already tried to adjust the img_PanelBack.png to an all-transparent image but that didn't change anything. Is it possible to change the bg?
  9. Awesome, good to know I'm on the right track then. Ofc, I'm not traveling without some extra dV, but for the sake of the argument I made some 'fixed' notations so it doesn't get too complicated. Main point I wanted to know was the TWR/ISP thing.
  10. So, got a question for my fellow kerbalnauts here: Let's say I make a satellite for, uhm, -insert planet name here-. I want it to orbit on a 90 degrees inclination because I want to scan it with some kind of scanning addon. (or whatever) The lifting stages did their job and I'm now in stable orbit around kerbin, ready for a transfer to the other planet. Now, did I put a engine on the satellite with a high(er) TWR but low(er) ISP (VAC) or vice versa? Isn't TWR less important in VAC? (All engines produce enough delta-V to reach my goal) Or: (let's make this question 2...) When I know I'm gonna need 1000m/s delta-V, do I just take the engine that gets me there? I.e.: the highest TWR engine that fits the delta-V requirement, ignoring the ISP? Let's say for argument sake I do not alter the final stage except for the engine (so the fuel amount stays the same) due to weight limitations the lifter stages have. I do know ISP is your 'bang for buck' or fuel-economy gauge (to a certain extend, not really really) so I was thinking the ISP is more important in VAC over TWR, since I recon a higher TWR only shortens the time you need to (de)accelerate to make the transfer. (For the newest kerbalnauts here: ISP: Specific Impulse. TWR: Trust to Weight (ratio). VAC: Vacuum. Delta-V: Erm... Google it.)
  11. Hey thnx, I was playing in career mode, switched to my sandbox save and saw the other 2 scanners. So, if I use the MapTraq sensor on a rover I can actually navigate to each biome/anomaly on the map? (Already scanned the planet)
  12. So, what am I doing wrong? I just launched a satellite (with all 3 scanning items) in a 90 degrees inclined orbit around kerbin, started scanning but it only shows low resolution greyscale altimetry... When i try to 'start' the SCAN MapTraq (right click) it only gives me the option to open map. Only the RADA Alt. Senor has a 'Start/Stop' button.
  13. This may have been asked before, sorry if I repost but the search function on the forum didn't gave me the answer I was looking for. Is there a way to edit the parts the containers hold? For instance: RCS truster blocks from another addon (KOSMOS)? (or the DEMV mk5).
  14. So, been searching around the forum to find anything on the APAS-69 docking ring problem and wound up on posts #356, #358 and #359 in this topic (amongst other places/topic's/sites). I too experience the problem Mechjeb(2) won't dock the system correctly (90 degrees out on both the X and Y axis) and when manual docking the system won't dock but just bounce a bit. Perhaps more info on the subject would be helpful: multiple docking 'helping' addons such as the Lazor Docking Cam also seem too miss-align this specific docking port by 90 degrees on X and Y axis. So I don't think Mechjeb is the problem but the ring itself. I so hope someone is able to fix the port, I personally think this is the best looking docking port on KSP/Spaceport and I really like to use it. No offence to CBBP and the new docking ring in the KOSMOS pack, but it's just not as kerbelicious.
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