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Posts posted by Phafor

  1. how do you offer to do the scoring?

    forgot to mention that, no launch&land the rover. Sorry.

    That's late for you to mention... I don't really want to make a new one...:(

    Scoring sytstem:

    maybe something like this.

    Max speed of boat: every M/s = 1 point

    Max speed of rover: every m/s = 1 point

    Have all science experiments = x points

    Rover and boat can carry a kerbal every kerbal = 2 or 3 points

    Maybe think up some more.

    Add a scoreboard.

    Be creative.

    Good luck!

  2. What? Sorry, but this is not a mission! The count of possible objectives is almost infinite. It's like saying "play KSP without the use of liquid fuel rockets and SRBs".

    If you dont think this is a challenge, just go Search the other topics and dont try to take down this challenge. You dont have to do this challenge. The guy took his time to make a challenge for us, respect him for that.

  3. Dude, its a game, and there are already people playing and enjoying this challenge. Stop being so negative, think in the spirit of the challenge!

    If you dont like it, you dont HAVE to participate, many other challenges to try. If you do like it but think the rules should be sharpened, come with some tips instead of talking down the general idea.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Tottaly agree with MarkoeZ

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