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Everything posted by Michaelo90

  1. As the others said, it probably lacks either air or fuel, pics needed. Another thing though: For a spaceplane, the wheesley really isn't a good choice, you want to use rapier or whiplash.
  2. This is great! I just wish the parts were just a little higher, so you could fit 3.75m parts nicely in the cargo bays. You can squeeze them in now but there's not even enough space left for RCS thrusters.
  3. I was scratching my head trying to figure out why I couldn't get to 5000 m/s delta-v for at least half an hour before I realised the atmo button in KER was pressed
  4. Oops, I never realised that was a dependency, it works now. Now I can use the stock tanks again without my eyes bleeding
  5. This is great, I especially like the three-man lander can. Two small things though: The three-man can should have some monoprop tanks, and I would really like drogue versions of the chutes, especially the radial one. It would be great for landing huge spacey SSTOs
  6. I hadn't tried this until now, because I thought it was only the ends of the tanks that were retextured. The mod name is a little misleading And now I need it because your other mods make the stock tanks look really ugly Anyway, I get bad texture clipping issues, it looks like the game tries to apply lots of different textures. Mod list: CCC (obviously) SpaceY + expanded Mod rocket sys Fuel tanks plus Lithobrake (yes I like your mods ) Mechjeb KER KAC Taurus HCV B9 procedural wings RCS build aid Navball alignment indicator Chute safety indicator Toggle fuel cell
  7. Am I blind or is there no 7.5m stack separator? Not sure if I would use it but when there's docking ports there should be separators Also, a bigger conical payload bay would be nice, a 3.75m - 5m one, for using with 3.75m capsules.
  8. Would you be allowed to make a rhino cluster? I think four of them would make a really nice upper stage, and much more efficient than the dual emu.
  9. Almost 100t for a nosecone Keep going bigger until that is the dry weight
  10. Great, then I can make whackjobian clusters And without the need for girders to mount them, they can be even bigger
  11. I love this! Big rockets are even more fun now! Just a few small things: The Emu engines doesn't seem to like being clipped together at all. Try mounting 8 in a 7.5m tank radius and they will lose all thrust. No other engine does this. I really like the surface attachment though A fueled nosecone would be nice, the adapter+5m nosetank is pretty ugly. Longer landing legs are necessary for landing SSTOs. And as I said in the original spacey thread, cargo bays for all stack sizes.
  12. Yes! Now I know what I'll do when I get home from work today
  13. Now that's what I call an engine! I will have a lot of fun playing around with these parts
  14. Can you make cargo bays for 3.75m, 5m and 7.5m? I want to build russian dolls with rockets
  15. I haven't checked this mod in a while and wow! So many new cool big things! I feel like the 7.5m launcher clusters needs a bigger base engine though, a 3.75m single nozzle launch engine would be nice.
  16. As someone who has never owned a console and probably never will, I have nothing against console versions coming out, as long as it doesn't negatively affect the PC version. Since another company will do the porting, that shouldn't be the case, and the only effect should be more money to squad to make the game better. I am a bit worried about how they will adapt the controls to hand controller though, since over half of the keyboard is mapped.
  17. A rapierspike did help a little bit, I got 4317 m/s. Jeb didn't seem to mind having an rtg inside his head
  18. I don't, I have a nuke behind the rapier and an rtg behind the nuke, and then clipped everything together. Maybe I could put my rtg in the service bay instead so I could clip a shock cone in the back too.
  19. Yep, pretty cramped in there, and it feels a bit cheaty too. And the probe core torque is pretty much nonexistent, which is probably the main reason it took 3900 m/s to get it to orbit. But it's possible to fit two chairs in there. It's so cramped they fuse into one but at least he would have some company Their eyes actually line up so it looks like one pair of eyes with two pupils each
  20. I tried replacing my cockpit with a mk1 pod and got 3900 m/s in orbit. I tried a mk1 lander can too, but it was waaay to draggy. But then I tried dumping the pod completely and putting jeb in a chair in a service bay and success! 4291 m/s in 80*80 orbit
  21. I slimmed my plane down and used another ascent path and reached 3505 m/s in 80*80 km orbit I might be able to get a bit more out of it Val, can you use mechjeb to measure how much delta-v you use to get to orbit? It's under the recorder tab. I managed to get to orbit with 3591 m/s with my new ascent profile
  22. Thanks for the tips! Yeah, I guess it's a bit over-winged, I will try to make a slimmer version. Also, I found out that I looked at your first version when I thought I had more fuel, your second version has more fuel than mine. Yours is still more efficient than mine though
  23. Nice! My attempt is similar with one nuke and one rapier but I abused clipping to make it really compact and have the thrust in line. The four fuel tanks are clipped almost completely together, the nuke is clipped into the rapier, and the RTG is clipped into the nuke Also, because of all the clipping, the CoM doesn't really move at all, the dry CoM marker is actually activated in that screenshot Seems like you're much better than me at piloting a low-TWR spaceplane since I only got just over 3k delta-v left in orbit even though I had more fuel. Here is my craft file if anyone wants to try it, someone might get more out of it than me Use action group 5 to dump the nuke fairing.
  24. I just quickly slapped together a plane that reached a 77*77 km orbit with just over 3000 m/s of delta-v left with just under 15t on the runway. That could be able to do it, but I'll try to improve the design and my piloting a bit first to try to get a bit more delta-v in orbit. Edit: No delta-v improvement, but some other small improvements to the plane. I'll try to get it to Laythe tomorrow.
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