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Everything posted by ThatKerbal

  1. I've already done a ton of struts, And it just out of the blue kicked off and blew the whole thing up. Launched again and it was fine.
  2. Okay, thanks ID! I launched the game up again, Now, It's spawning me really high up above KSC. Not even in water. So I'm going to re-install the mod, I'll edit or post if it works or not. EDIT: Re-Installing worked, Yay! I even got a better coordinate somehow, It has less of a distance to fall than it did have last install. So if it happens again which i hope it won't i'll just reinstall!
  3. First of all, I apologize if this is in wrong forum . I was watching scott manley's landing on a postage stamp named episode And he said something about a zoom out mod that let's you zoom out of the buildings. Because i'm trying to build carriers, with boat parts R4 and it's very hard when you have limited space, So i can't find the mod i've done various google searches, So please give me a link or something if anyone knows!
  4. Well, Since i didn't see a bug posting link i'll post here. The carriers were moving to the water just fine but then after a few minutes the next day, They keep launching sooooo high up making the carrier flip over. I did what the instructions said on the Manual and it didn't fix it, I'll try again and Edit if it fixes it this time.
  5. Well, I was driving my "Orion" Rocket to space. Doing my gravity turn and it was really hard because the rocket wanted to go different ways. Then, Suddenly...My rocket's booster engines (they had fuel tanks and mainsails) as they ran low on fuel one drop of fuel left out of NOWHERE one of the engines detach without me even pressing space, Upon impact the engine started turning then broke into pieces, Then the WHOLE transfer stage BLEW UP! Leaving only the lander stage! I think i met the kraken...Did i meet it? Or was it a freak accident?
  6. Hmm, Why won't NASA Do it? Did they make some wrong budget decisions or something?
  7. Oh, Okay. What do you think NASA will be doing while they are working on their Orion. I'm not sure but when did they find that face looking hill thing on mars? When they got the rover there?
  8. Forgive me, What is the orion? I know its a rocket but, Like details? But really? 2021? What's NASA Gonna be doing all that time?
  9. I was reading about NASA Trying to send something to mars and i thought it was man and i was sooo excited that man actually landed on mars, But then i read it was just a rover. Are we going to be able to send man to mars soon? Will 2014 Be another Achievement for the Human Race? Or is it impossible?
  10. okay i'll try to get pics but im on my new carreer mode, But this is answered now thanks!
  11. Oh okay, Thanks i wasn't sure because with KSP some things can mean a number of things
  12. I always keep getting landing spots with a sloped hill, I try not to but i gotta have lowest settings to avoid lag so i can't look at the planet and judge rather it's surface is flat or not from map view, So is there a way i can try to avoid hills?
  13. Well, I've tried to land a rover on Duna 2 times. (I'm trying to act like real life space programs) And they would just flip on their sides when they touchdown and their Parachutes cut. So can you guys get me a good .craft or a tutorial on how to land a rover on the surfaces and not have them flip over on touchdown. I'm not sure why you'd need a picture so..tell me if you do for some reason. Also i'm thinking this is happening due to the center of mass the parachute creates, But still my question as asked is for a .craft or a tutorial. (Preferably a scott manley he covers all the things.)
  14. CoD 4 is indeed old school. If CoD Ghosts is old school (SARCASM) Then you got your decades wrong lol. Also TF2 You just buy hats and some skins for like tattoos Or you can simply just trade something of yours for the things you want with another player. Also some hats or things are earned by earning achievements. Random drops give you weapons and things for every single class.
  15. I tried to land and get a surface sample but my parachute failed somehow and just let the craft plummet into the ground. Shame too, I was looking forward to seeing this. I figured i would've gotten alot of science from it, And just the thought of knowing i was looking forward to it. But the curiosity of the kerbal race caused poor old Jebediah to die... I did a munar landing and planted a flag for him But whoever has or knows can you tell me if it does?
  16. I don't agree to the old school thing but i do agree to the TF2 and LoL. TF2 You can get great things random dropped to you. LoL Can't say much because i've never heard or played LoL. (Though i think the name is League of Legends?) Old school gamers. Like myself still play CoD4. CoD4 Has so much players because we don't have DLC's (If im not wrong i'm not sure of any DLC's) Black Ops 2 Is great.
  17. Changing subject, As i know see the original poster who posted my arguments we're invalid has edited his post to change his "subject". Overall DLC's Are a bad idea. We've been flaming over this little post, How about we just stop flaming and try to talk about why DLC's are bad or good for KSP. We don't want to have communities insulted for little things, Such as spelling or grammar.
  18. Thank you , I wasn't trying to be in-civil (Would you say that?) I was just very shocked that someone would say that and not really thinking as to how you said your post.
  19. If i misinterpreted then i apologize, But as the good conduct guide says it is hard to know what people mean over the internet. And what you have "Heard" Is completely wrong. Just because you hear something dosen't mean it's right. Does that fact have anything to prove it? NO. The roblox community welcomes new players. (Just not the ignorance of the guest players PEOPLE WITHOUT ACCOUNTS = Guest they can't see your chats only they can see their chats so they use that as a way to troll) We are a nice and involved community with the game. We don't insult when people get something wrong like CoD Does alot. We just say hey! It's just a game we'll win next time! as alot of games on roblox are based on sports or shooters.
  20. So if i get this right, Your insulting the community i am known in and am a leader basically? That's alot of great disrespect. Alot of people on my friends list have KSP. And we're analogous to the CoD Community? So you've insulted 2 Games with maybe thousands not thousands BILLIONS Playing? Great job man, Great job.
  21. WRONG. Ever heard of a free game called roblox? My friends are always quitting because they can't do certain things. Pirating parts? Heheh, This is the one that made me laugh. It's impossible to pirate DLCs. Coding a Fuel Tank to propulsion out some SRB things? Hmmm, Let's think this one through. Has it ever come to you that half the players on KSP Dosen't know how to code? False Dichotomy w/ Baseless Assumption? Hmmm, Why don't i show you my account on roblox, On my wall you'll see all my friends saying their quitting because roblox is cutting them off from things. Baseless assumption? HA HA HA...BASELESS? Hmm, Roblox is a plain base.
  22. Thank you, My Point Stands. EDIT: DLC's Also are death to games because people won't buy the DLC's People will start quitting because they don't wanna buy a SRB. Squad would then be forced to either 1, or 2. 1# Remove every and ALL DLCs in the game and make them Free. 2# Shut down the game because they don't got enough money to keep their development going.
  23. Optional? Take a look at battlefield. Take a look at all the "free" and "Paid" Games with DLC. Guy at level 70 in an RPG Game goes to buy better armor Guy has enough gold but guy get's told DLC ONLY! And so he can't beat the game.
  24. Dissagree. DLC's Are Death To Games. If KSP Was to go Free to Play (Which the devs are actually thinking of, Jeb help us.) Undoutably there'll be some kind of premium, Some DLC's For Space Planes and their Hangar. Premium get everything free, Free to Play Only gets the VAB and the Launchpad and some Rocket stuff.
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