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Everything posted by sashan

  1. I'd like to help. Big fan of ISS and all space in general. I can model, generally in highpoly, but have some experience in lowpoly as well. I work in Max 2010. Not that good in texturing, but KSP textures are rather simple. I won't export myself, so far tried exporting different stuff into 4 different games without success. Most interested in doing IVA's. And what about that Bigelow module? We can ask PorkWorks for his DLL for such modules.
  2. Thans, will give it a try. Another thing that is really needed would be lack of signal delay when ship is controlled directly by mechjeb. And it should be controllable by mechjeb even if there is no signal. Imagine automated mun landing on farside and then relaying data back only when orbiting probe is visible?
  3. Oh, and another feature would be allowing mechjeb inputs bypass signal delay and ignore disconnected state. They are computed on craft, right? Imo this should be true for all the modules, especially landing and ascent guidance, maneuver planner and rendezvous autopilot.
  4. Maybe this has been answered, but: Is stucked throttle with mechjeb when delay is on fixed? Anyone mentioned mathematicfal problems? PM me, I am almost a bachelor in mechanical engineering, which includes lots of mathematical methods. As for antennas on poles, IMO on planets with atmosphere you should be able to connect with craft that is below horizon a bit, due to atmospheric refraction.
  5. Wow, what mod is it? I mean engine exhaust effects. I'm so angry with stock effecrs...
  6. ÃœÕÆ(M E D) is also sometimes used as short to medical... Idk, i often meet nonsense in russian in american movies. Btw, are thereany textures in the pack, at least simple?
  7. What about bf2142 type monorails? They are shaped like a trapezoid turned upside down, with no underlying pad. IMO would be fairlt easy to keep on such shape. And side pads for walking just make it more difficult to design vehicles. Btw, I can't find KerbTOwn version that works on .23, anyone?
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