After investing more hours in it than I care to confess to, I finally managed to figure it out. Now, it's fairly routine. I don't know how much you want to learn by yourself, but here are a few things that I noticed were important and missing from the link mentioned above: First, circularize the target's orbit (within a few kilometers) so that it's moving at a steady speed. This makes it a lot easier to figure out how to approach it. If you are ahead of it, then match the periapsis of your orbit with the target's orbit. If you're behind, match the apoapsis with the target's orbit. You might want to approach the target from behind at first, since the point of rendezvous will then be when you are traveling the slowest. At that point, matching the speed of the target is essentially making your orbit match the target's. Once you get close, just slow your approach to less than 1/2 m/s and take your time maneuvering your ship into position. If your orbit is matched with the target, you have all the time in the solar system to dock. My first attempt took almost a full 750 tank of monoprop, but now I typically use less than 50. Good luck!