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Posts posted by Proot

  1. It's caused by the combination of EVE clouds + Scatterer. The last one lighten the surface and the terminator of the planet a bit more than in stock, but the clouds remains with a more "stockish terminator" look... so you get this "effect".

    Anyways, I think that Rbray89 was planning to add in EVE a feature to tint the clouds terminators, similar to the Scatterer feature. So this will be probably "fixed" in the future.

  2. Is it possible to change clouds density and color? I mean clouds from the short distance. Because it's just white and has high density.

    Alt+E, in the UI you got the color and transparency parameters ("255, 255, 255, 255" R G B and alpha chanel). ;)

    Curious, because I can't get enough density with the new 255 color system. I need to double the cloud layers to achieve my old cloud "consistence".

  3. ATM the texture work is mostly done, but many thanks.

    I still need to configure the terrains with Kopernicus in the Jool system.

    But right now I'm basically waiting for a bit more polished version of the new EVE and the multiplanet feature in Scatterer to release this.

    New EVE is amazing, but I need some changes to be able to do things like auroras (which are not possible right now) and many other new "tricks".

  4. I appreciate the support, a lot!

    You are one of the best communities that I found during my years of gaming and internet.

    Sadly some small health problems have reappeared recently. I had a new surgery some days ago, and I'll be "chained" to bed during some days more... so I can't do a lot lately.

    I'm waiting for a bit more finished version of EVE and Scattering but anyways, I'll to release this as soon as possible, It's a promise.

    I beg for pardon to the last donors, but I can't manage my accounts normally and send my usual gift while I recover.

    See u soon!

  5. blackrack, once again: thank you!


    These are some of the best KSP pictures that I've seen so far, for real. Congrats.

    I drop here some of my recent KSPRC pics.

    Javascript is disabled. View full album

    I'm in love with the new atmo shader, much more realistic.

    In combination with a better oceanic reflection (with your new shader for the water or with the wip-EVE planetary ground new capabilities) KSP could reach levels of hyperrealism.

    A great, truly great work.

  6. I have already done the order :)

    Very regular case (hard to find a nice box without unnecessary lights in these days lol...) , but the important is the interior! :D

    Motherboard z97 chipset, Core i5, 16GB DDR3 2400 -with very low latency-, Nvidia GTX 960. I've saved some money recycling some components (like my drives).

    Is not the machine of my dreams but I had hurry and a limited budget atm... anyways I can an update in the future if necessary.

    I recieved some donations since yesterday, so I want to say thanks one more time: that small push was truly appreciated and allows me to do this a bit before than expected. So: Many, many thanks.

  7. O hey lookie a Donate button in the OP... *click!* who else wants to help proot buy a new computer? I know he didn't ask for help. That's not the point

    Truly appreciated, but I already have almost all of the money. In any case and for real: many thanks.

    If this had happened during winter it would have been more problematic. Fortunately the summer is economically much better over here and is easier to make a little extra. The bad side is that I use too my PC to work in my arts and designs... so I must buy a workstation for edition, wich is usually more expensive than a regular gaming computer...

    Maybe I'll send a photo after buy the new PC, so you can see how I work over here. :D

  8. Alive (and around) please, excuse my absence.

    Usually August is a hard month in Spain but this year has been particularly strange.

    I have a lot of work in this epoch but at the same time the summer is the top in the spanish "way of life" (touristic country...).

    And, sadly, my old computer definitely died under the high temperatures of this year.

    So I have to work a plus to get a new one...

    I think I could retake the project again in September with a new computer. Meanwhile, please be patient.


  9. You all are assuming that that the update to unity5 is comming in the 1.1 version? I do not believe it. In addition, the change is from Unity to Unity 5, not from Unity to UnrealEngine... Of course, there will be a period of "acclimatization", like in every new "milestone" version.... but I don't think that the change will be so traumatic. And it will be a much slower change than we assume.

    In fact I think that the change, in principle, will be reduced to a better physics and a performance boosts (better memory usage and multithreading, which it is in self something pretty needed....)

    Besides, none of this facts should be bad for the visual improvements. Quite to opposite, visual improvements should be benefited with that change. Especially in performance and future possibilites.

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