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  1. Just wait for the balloons/blimps you can store and inflate later. Just think of how that will help with exploration of places like Eve and Jool.
  2. Anyone try using the 1-Kerbal one as a life pod? Besides the freezing pod I would think it would only need 3,500 EC charge (it is 3,000 to freeze if I remember right), a probe core to control it without a pilot and provide torque, a single RTG or a couple of solar panels to replenish power, and a docking port. A rescue mission could be unmanned and just dock to each pod and keep the Kerbals "on ice" until it gets back to Kerbin. Torque on the life pod could come in handy so you don't have to move the rescue ship around as much since you can switch to the life pod and point it's docking port at the rescue craft.
  3. I think the balloons pop by about 50-55km up. So I don't think you will ever be able to hit 60km with one. There is also too little air up there for an air breathing engine to work so you will need a rocket.
  4. Another thing I forgot to point out in my last post is the passenger section. The new Mk 3 one can hold 16 and the Mk 4 can currently hold only 8.
  5. The probe core needs to be changed to prevent it from blocking the doorway to the cockpit from the cargo bay. I was thinking it could be integrated into the section with the mono-propellant tanks so that it is to one side leaving a gap to climb the ladder and that would also have a point that you could "mount" cargo. Another option would be to have two of the probe cores and move them to the sides and leave the middle open. Another idea is to have a large cargo bay (as long as the longest Mk 3) but have it open on the bottom. You may be wondering why but it is simple. You have a large cargo plane carry a rocket up high and then drop it out of the cargo bay (decoupler would be mounted on the ceiling pointing down to the top of the rocket). After it clears the aircraft you can ignite the rocket. Kinda like the old rocket X planes such as the Bell X-1.
  6. The sticks are very weak. It almost comes off when the ship loads on the launch pad so I don't think it will last being driven around. You may have to go for a radial decoupler instead. Also, RoverDude, when you say there are plans for a folding balloon do you mean just the small weather balloon or the blimp as well? Because I can see an Eve lander use a couple of the blimps to handle most of the dV needed to get back up to space. Kinda like that rocket I posted a few days back being able to get into Kerbin orbit on just half a FL-T800 tank and a LV-T45 engine boosted by two small Karbonite SRB's. I would guess without the two small Karbonite SRB's it would take the entire tank of LFO but still it just goes to show this mod can be used to help a much larger rocket launch with a lot less delta v needed.
  7. Can anyone tell me how well MechJeb can handle autopiloting a rendezvous with an asteroid? Long term plan is to use a class E as the center of an OKS base and I have not bothered with asteroids before.
  8. I would like to see this having KAS enabled radial tanks so you can resupply it at each stop along the way if you have sent resupply craft ahead of the main one or just mounted enough tanks to keep you going after each stop. One mission I did with Near Future in .25 was a kind of Grand Tour that would have stopped at every planet past the orbit of Kerbal. But now those plans are on hold as that set of mods updates to .90. But being able to wake your crew up at each stop would be nice if you have enough Glykerol stored (or get resupplied from ReMo's (Resupply Module)). Also, different sized ones would be quite nice. But not just shorter 2.5m parts but also 3.75m one as well that can hold even more Kerbals.
  9. Is there a larger space telescope in the works? I was thinking something about the size of a Science Lab that can have different modules added to the back of it for different cameras. The extra camera modules would be about the size of a large flywheel and can be attached by a docking port to the back if needed. Some of the camera types (besides the normal stock one) are: Far IR Near IR Wide Field Deep Field Near UV Far UV One feature you can use with it that I'm sure would be very hard to program would be having you take pictures of a target. An example would be to have the telescope active in orbit of Kerbin and you set Jool as the target. You can then run of the installed cameras on that target without having to go there.
  10. D.E.R.P. Mk 2: Slightly larger and can hold 2 Kerbals with 10 days of life support. Should be long enough for a rover to pick them up. D.E.R.P. Mk 2-3: Same size as the Mk 2 but can hold 3 Kerbals with 2 days of life support. Warning! Due to low amount of life support is suggested for use around Kerbal only.
  11. Here is a small rocket I managed to get into orbit with the use of the blimp and weather balloon. In hanger. Just one long fuel tank and 2 small SRB's. Ready to launch. I set the small weather balloon on top to 0% and the blimp to 10%. 1m 47s after launch I'm going good. Not the more precise orbit but I got up there with about half a tank to spare.
  12. Sweet! Could something like that be used to launch back up off of Eve? Also from what I read on the gas planet 2 on KSP' wiki one of it's moons, Fonso, will have an atmosphere double the density of Kerbin. Though it is not as thick as Eve's 5x thick atmosphere.
  13. Are there plans to make a "packed up" balloon? Would be nice for a probe to drop into Jool, Duna, Laythe, gas planet 2, and gas planet 3. Also, there are "thin film" solar "panel" tech currently available IRL. Not as efficient as a hard panel. You could have a balloon with the top half as a solar panel but even with the entire top half of it being a PV panel it would only generate as much power as two OX-STAT PV panels (1.5 EC/s). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_film_solar_cell
  14. I'm still waiting for Near Future Electrical to update anyway so I'll wait. Until then still using .25 so I can power all of the ion drives from Near Future.
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