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    Curious George
  1. Hi. Since Squad is too busy to answer this bug https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/17984 I have a question. Which controllers are actually working with KSP and how did you manage to make them work? (no additional software, virtual joystick, afbw, etc). Let us make a list. I'll start. Not working: Sven Aggressor
  2. Hello there. What if we collect simple code snippets here? Would it be a spoiler for a new KOS users? I really like this mod. Here is my simple stuff. jump stage. lock throttle to 1. wait until alt:radar > 100. lock throttle to 0. unlock throttle. launch - not really mine, stolen from somewhere print "Launch!". lock steering to up. lock throttle to 1. stage. when stage:solidfuel = 0 then stage. print "Wait for 10k". wait until altitude >10000. print "Gravity turn". lock steering to heading 90 by 45. wait until apoapsis > 75000. print "Stop engines". lock throttle to 0. print "Waiting till apoapsis". wait until eta:apoapsis < 3. print "Circularization burn". lock steering to prograde. lock throttle to 1. wait until periapsis > 75000. lock throttle to 0. unlock all. print "done". circularize if (periapsis < 70000) { print "waiting for apoapsis to higher periapsis". lock steering to prograde. until (eta:apoapsis < 10){ print eta:apoapsis. wait 2. }. print "burning to get over 70 km". print "engage!". lock throttle to 1. until (periapsis > 70000){ print periapsis. wait 0.1. }. unlock throttle. } if apoapsis > 90000{ print "waiting to periapsis to lower apoapsis". lock steering to retrograde. until (eta:periapsis < 5){ print eta:periapsis. wait 2. } print "lowering apoapsis to 90 km". print "engage!". lock throttle to 1. until (apoapsis < 90000){ print apoapsis. wait 0.1. } } deorbit print "waiting for apoapsis". lock steering to retrograde. until (eta:apoapsis < 5){ print eta:apoapsis. wait 2. } print "lowering apoapsis to 40 km". lock throttle to 1. until (periapsis < 40000){ print periapsis. wait 0.1. } powerland lock g to constant():g * body:mass / (body:radius + altitude) ^ 2. lock weight to mass * g. lock maxtwr to maxthrust/ weight. lock twr to maxtwr * throttle. lock maxacc to maxthrust / mass. lock safeacc to 0.6 * maxacc - g . lock t to -verticalspeed / safeacc. lock brakedistance to (verticalspeed)^2 / (2 * safeacc). print "all ready, waiting for descent". wait until verticalspeed < 0. print "descent started". when alt:radar < 100 then legs on. lock steering to srfretrograde. until alt:radar < 2{ if alt:radar < brakedistance { lock throttle to 1. } else if alt:radar < 100 lock throttle to 1/maxtwr. else lock throttle to 0. print "v "+round(verticalspeed)+"| r " + round(alt:radar) + "| b "+round(brakedistance) + "| th "+throttle. wait 0.1. }. wait 0.1. unlock steering. unlock throttle. sas on. print "done". I'll update this post based on your ideas and suggestions. Please, tell me what you think about it.
  3. Hello people. I'm trying to figure out how to use winches. I've installed two of them on my ship, but they seem to be inactive. I can eject them, but there is no retraction option and their gui is empty. Have I failed ship design? Or is it something else? I have a rover where installed winch works as intended. Here the shot of my nuclar wessel
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