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  • About me
    Aerospace Engineer
  • Location
    Milky Way (Or is it....?)
  • Interests
    Anything to with air or space craft, military equipment, fruits, medical stuff, heavy equipment, etc.

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  1. Kerbalstuff is down for the indefinite future, quite a few downloads are "broken" right now. Someones working on a site to replace it, but i'm not sure if they're moving mods over from Kerbalstuff or if this needs to be re-uploaded.
  2. Those look like jet engines, I think. From personal experience they're not as powerful as say, some of the SRBs and rocket engines. However the problem with those lies in the fuel consumption. If you're not intending to go very far, i'd recommend them. Or if you just need to move it, you could always go with wheels.
  3. Thanks for all the tips guys! Some really informative stuff. I think i'll be spending a few days designed a new lander and launcher, and doing some trial runs to the Mun and Minmus (Or both in one go) and back. If everything checks out, my crew will hopefully be setting foot upon another planet! @wibou7 Thanks for the suggestion, wouldn't have thought about launching an automated precursor mission, usually I just hurl massive amounts of Kerbals and fuel at my target until we succeed. One other question, best locations for orbital, or planetary, resupply stations? Thanks again.
  4. I've got the construction part mostly down, same for figuring out when to launch. Problem lies in fuel efficient navigation, return trips, and successfully leaving Kerbins SOI without getting stuck adrift.
  5. So, i'm not new to the game, however with the exception of a handful of manned missions, and a rover, to the Mun. I've pretty much kept to atmospheric, and LKO. I was wondering if y'all have any tips for the campaign, and getting vessels out of Kerbin orbit, and to the great beyond that makes KSP great. Thanks
  6. I used to play KSP (.18 or something like that) On a computer with roughly those specs. It's doable, but you'd be looking at less than 20 FPS, semi frequent crashes, and the inability to launch any sort of sizable craft. But that was a much older version, and they're working on moving to a different engine (I think that's whats going on at least). I only use laptops, so I can't speak for desktop machines, but don't discount the newer Intel integrated graphics. With decent RAM, and a semi capable CPU you can run KSP (And most other things) just fine with them.
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