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Everything posted by K3achas

  1. Banned for not appreciating those who do not appreciate emphasis.
  2. 4490: Kerbin and the kerbals magical reappear.
  3. Granted, but it corrupts you as a result. I wish for a punkin pie with whipped cream. Edit: I apparently wasn't on the last page... but this works too.
  4. Supercalafragalisticexpealadotious purple worms. Jeb is _____, _____, and bright _____.
  5. I teleport all of universe D and A to you and then teleport the next poster to the next poster, while enveloping myself in a force field. (unbeatable multitasking and teleconises)
  6. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1B-7sWI3HFLdnlHZTJMbkx0dlk/edit?usp=sharing World file for my company.
  7. "Just across the hill..." just before a rover crashed.
  8. I use my nonexistence and use a convenient quantum teleporter and hit you in the back with your bunny.
  9. I teleport to universe C, and then throw universe D at the next poster's universe.
  10. True... except for soundtrack editor. The user below me will deny this statement truthfully. <insert evil face here>
  11. Your cat has extreme skill walking IN SPAAACE!
  12. My face... now my keyboard... I should stop while I'm ahead.
  13. I normally play sandbox, so unless you count the one I'm starting now(i did however remove all mods and make a new set of saves).
  14. Sounds awesome:cool:, challenge accepted. One question: could I have a refueling module for my construction vehicle and have it be counted as one construction vehicle (medium or hard mode worthy)?
  15. It doesn't need a docking port if it doesn't have fuel.
  16. Jebadia Kermin want's rover. He's decided to award the engineer whom can make the best one for him. He put post posters up around town advertising the contest. You saw a poster. You wan't to win. You saw this on the poster. Hello, I'm Jebadia and I wan't a rover to fit my needs. Make a rover test it and give me a copy for scoring. So, without further ado, here's the rules: 1:The rover must have at least one seat or capsule for Jebadia to sit in. 2:The .craft file must be available. 3:It must have a docking port for refueling. 4:It must work in stock .23. 5:No cheats may be used. And now, the scoring, witch is made of multiple sections. Atmospheric: 1 times the maximum speed on Kerbin using jet engines plus Planetary: 2 times the maximum speed on any non-atmospheric body using rockets plus Aquatic: 30 times the maximum speed in Kerbin's oceans plus Motored: 35 times the maximum speed using rover wheels times the maximum physical time warp it can sustain movement in all speed categories. Added to an achievement score: Stability: +10 for the ability to turn (yaw and wheel turn) at full throttle. Awarded in categories atmospheric and non-atmospheric. Stunt-ability: +50 for ability to drive up a crater or mountain and land unscathed at full throttle. Awarded in categories atmospheric and non-atmoshperic. So what are you wating for? Let's get building!
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