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  1. Thank you MedievalNerd, Now I have an other problem. Even when using small rockets (2 stages) the wobbling on the launch pad is detected by the Mission controller and it gives me an warning message "Launch: requires stationary position" and so even when I launch my rocket the controller doesn't count it as a completed launch goal. I tried with stability enhancere and even with the "welding" mod. Is there some parameter that I'm missing? Can I Change the sensitivity of the mission controller to the launch steady position? Thanks!
  2. Hi all, Just 2 quick questions. I'm writing some historical missions for Mission Controller and I'm wondering how to force an unmanned mission. So far I added a Part Goal and specified the probe part name but I want to make a mission that can be completed with ANY probe but NOT with a manned capsule. Also, how can I set a mission to be completed with a specified PartGoal OR an other specified PartGoal ? Second, what is the purpose of the "lifetime" mission parameter? When can it be useful? Thanks !!
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