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Everything posted by ctbram

  1. Yes I saw the 184.7MW but it says nothing about the required 0.04seconds!!! You can't say it's explained in the description when it leaves out have the required information to make the proper calculation. lol and now I know my four ships that seem to me working are 0.1876 MJ under powered if not for the hand full of blutonium generators I forgot to remove. lol
  2. Once again I truly thank you for taking the time to look into this. I was onthe verge of taking a baseball bat to my computer. I was waiting for the police to show up at my door because I was screaming at my computer to the point where I would not have been surprise if the neighbors called the police thinking a murder was taking place over here! There is one further request I would ask. Can you describe how this on startup stuff works and where it can be found in the logs. I can swear I searched the log txt file and turned on f2 and did a f12 debug thing but there is so much crap that flies by and off screen that you can't possibly catch anything useful unless you already know exactly what you are looking for. That is to say the general user hasn't a clue. I simply removed the 4k battery and replaced it with 6x 1200Ec batteries on the test bed for 7200Ec and now I can switch away and come back. It turns out for the two ship designs that are working that is the parts setup I had. But honestly it was by shear dumb *** luck because the requirements are no where to be found other then the two quotes I pulled from the wiki which clearly imply 1MJ is all that is required to start the damn reactor. I even did the kinda flaky math when I rebuilt the new ship and was thinking (1MJ to start the reactor, 1MJ for the computer core)x2 is 4MJ == 4000Ec. Bingo I just reduce the weight of my ship and still have two times the power I need to start the reactor and run the computer core long enough for the generator to kick in. Well 48 sleepless hours and just seconds from beating the bejesus out of my computer with a baseball bat later I find 7200Ec is enough. What is to say the next ship will need more? With this not be explained any friggin place how is someone supposed to know? You know I have a masters degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Michigan and when it comes to building things for space as well as terrestrial flight there is one rule that is important above all else and it goes like this.... If you are concerned about adding any absolutely non-essential part that will add weight to your ship do the following. Put all the bits you want to add in a big pile. Then toss the big pile into the air. Anything that does NOT come down is okay to add!!!! Which is to say make the darn thing as light as you can! So far this mod promotes adding huge amounts of extra weight to you ships because you have no way of knowing before you use things how much power you are going to need and that is a major flaw in this mod!
  3. Thank you so much! This was making me insane! Where / how did you get the log printouts. Is that is the standard log.txt file or did you have to do something to get those read outs? This is much of my frustration with ISM. Here are quotes diectly from the damn Wiki ... 1. Fusion reactors, powered by deuterium and tritium, requires MJ to start and operate the reaction laser. 2. 1 MegaJoule is equal to 1000 ElectricCharge. So from this I read I need 1MJ to start the reactor and 1MJ is 1000Ec so a 4000Ec battery should be plenty. Furthermore why 4000 is not enough but 8000 is makes no sense and how the F is someone suppose to know that if it's not explained in oh just off the top of my head the DAMN description that comes with the bloody part!!!! Also, if putting the generator under or on top of the reactor makes a difference that might also be a good idea to mention some damn place. I literally went the last two nights without sleep trying to figure this thing out and I am pretty happy you took the time to figure it out for me but also pretty damn pissed at the same time that this FEATURE is not described anywhere. I know this is a great mod but if there are limitations on stuff like this it really needs to be explained someplace without have to resort to adding debug lines to the log text files or hacking the source code to uncover how things work.
  4. No kidding! This is literally driving me nuts! I keep my steam version of the game unmodified so I just copy that folder to a new one and installed the interstellar 0.11 mod to the new one. Started a sand box game so I would have access to the parts. then copied the .craft files from my link above. One is just the 12 parts ripped off of one of my two builds that have been working fine for weeks. The other is a fresh build I made using the exact same 12 parts. You put the stripped down version on the pad and start the reactor go away and come back and the reactor is still running. You put the fresh built one on the pad start the reactor go away come back and the reactor is offline.
  5. I created a brand new fresh vanilla game and installed ONLY interstellar and then I started a new sand box game and copied the two craft files above. I then loaded the stripped one and launched it on the pad I activated the reactor switched away (esc to space center then clicked to go back to the pad) and the reactor was still running. Then I went back to the VAB and loaded the fresh built one with the EXACT SAME BLOODY PARTS and launched it, activated the reactor, switched away as above, came back and the bloody reactor is OFFLINE!!!!! For the love of god can someone please look at those craft files and tell me what the bloody hell is going on! It's making me lose my mind!!!!!!
  6. Okay my brain has officially blown a gasket!!!! Still not working!!!! Here is what I have done. I copied my game. removed IR. which had no affect on the problem. So then I took my ship build that has the fusion reactor that stays running when I switch away and come back. I stripped that down to nothing but the reactor, generator, 6x radiators, battery, and computer core and stuck two fuel tanks at the bottom so the radiators don't hit the ground. I put that on the pad start the reactor switch away and come back and the reactor is still running!!!!!!!! Now I build EXACTLY THE SAME DAMN THING - reactor, generator, 6x radiators, battery, and computer core sitting on top of two fuel tanks. I put that on the pad and start the reactor switch away and come back and the reactor is shutdown offline!!!!!!!!!!! Here are the two .craft files can someone please look at them and confirm the behavior and tell me if they see a difference that would explain what the bloody heck is going on? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5501128/ksp_fusionReactorBug/FRTB%20fresh%20built%20version.craft https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5501128/ksp_fusionReactorBug/FRTB%20Stripped%20Version%20ktec.craft
  7. I am now going through the process of putting the version of the ship that works on the pad and verifying that the reactor continues to run when I switch away and come back. Then I go back to the vab and strip parts off and put it back on the pad and test again, go back to the vab rip more off, back tot he pad and test and so on. I have it stripped to nothing but the reacotor, generator, radiators, comp core, battery, and a phased array, and some mosc bits (lights, dishes, antennas, rcs motors, etc) and it's still working!!! I am gonna pull the last bits off now but if it continues to work I will be totally mystified as to why my new builds with the same damn parts is not! At this point I would be out of ideas. The only thing I could do is post the craft file for the stripped down ship that is working and the new test build with the same parts that is not and see if someone that know more about the internals of the craft files can look at them and tell me what is different and why?
  8. This just gets stranger and stranger. Still not working. Here is what I did. I made a copy of my game. Removed IR. Started the game and built a test bed reactor consisting of - 3.75m fusion reactor 55GW High-Q, generator in KTEC mode, 6 huge radiators, computer core, and 4000Ec battery. That should be all that is required. I put this on the pad and started the reactor. switched away and came back ans sure enough the reactor was offline. So now I am getting fuming mad so I rip this off the pad go into the vab and load the god damn ship with the same damn parts )one of the original ships I build with the same parts that is working) put it on the pad, start the reactor, switch ships, come back and confirm the reactor is running just fine as expected. Okay so now head head is ready to pop! I rip this off the pad and go into the vab and strip EVERYTHING but the reactor, the generator, the radiators, the computer core and the battery off the same ship that just F-ing just worked!!!!! Now I launch this and start the reactor, then switch ships, then come back and the bloody f-ing reactor is now offline!!! WHAT THE BLOODY F-ING HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!
  9. Interesting. I am not using any IR parts in either the new ship build or the test bed I created or the 4 ships that are working. But I did recently install IR and I think I installed it after building the first four ships that are working. I will copy the game and remove IR (I don't want ships in orbit to poof in my real game) and then build the test bed reactor with just the reactor, generator, 6x radiators, some batteries and a computer core and test to see if the reactor stays online if I switch away and come back. Will let you know what I find.
  10. No one has a clue why my fusion reactors keep shutting down when I switch to another craft and come back? I have posted this question three times now. I built four ships that are all using the 3.75 fusion reactor and generator in ktec mode. They are all upgraded parts. Three of them are beaming power and the third is a transfer stage using the DT Vista engine. They are all working as expected and have been running non-stop for several kerbal years. The problem started day before yesterday I tried to build an updated transfer stage that I was to assemble in orbit with a pair of DT Vista engines. I assembled the ship and started the fusion reactor and it was fine. Then IU switched to another ship to do something and when I came back the reactor was offline. I restarted it then switched ships and immediately switched back and the reactor was offline again. I fiddled with this for hours trying everything I could think but I cannot keep the reactor online if I switch to another ship!!! I even warped time for a year with the ship active and the reactor ran non-stop just fine. Then I reverted back and switched ships and came back and the damn reactor was offline again! So next I built a test bed with nothing but a reactor, a generator, 6 radiators, batteries, and a computer core and stuck it on the pad started the reactor switched away came back and the same thing happens - the reactor is offline!!! Then I took one of the two ships that are working loaded them from the vab stuck one on the pad and started the reactor and switched away and come back and the reactor is still running?!?!?!?!? WTH? Why are the original ships working fine but every new ship I build with the same damn parts going offline as soon as they are not the active ship? I can link craft file if anyone cares to check them. I'd appreciate some help as this is really screwing me big time.
  11. Okay this is becomming quite maddening now!!!! I have three reactors already in orbit that have been and are functioning for weeks (RL) and years (IG). However, yesterday I built a new ship with the exact same power system - 1 3.75m55GW fusion reactor, 1 3.75m ktec generator, and 6 huge radiators. 4x1600Ec batteries and a couple blutonium generators to kickstart the fusion reactor. I power the reactor up and it runs fine as long as it is the active vessel. As soon as I switch to another craft and come back the reactor is offline!!!! I have four of these same setups in orbit. The first power plant I put up has generated over 10000 units of tritium! The new ship I cannot switch away and come back without the reactor going offline!!! I just built a test bed and put it on the launch pad it has just 24 parts. It has the upgraded high-q tokamak 55gw fusion reactor, the ktec solid state generator, 6 huge graphine radiators, 4x1200Ec batteries, 6xblutonium generators, and a computer core. This is the core of the power system on my four working power stations (3 stations and 1 Dt Vista ship). these have been in continuous use for several kerbal years and are still working fine. However the new ship I built last night and spent the last 16+ hours trying to debug will not keep the reactor running if I switch away from the ship! I just built a test bed and confirmed that the reacotr will not continue to run if I switch to another ship!!! So what the bloody hell is going on? Why does the reactor keep going offline when I switch ships and why are the four ships I built with the same exact power system working as expected??? Can anyone please help because I am getting so pissed that I am getting ready to take a baseball bat to the computer
  12. [bug] - This is a possible bug. I have a fusion reactor and every time I leave the active ship and come back the reactor is offline and half the ships lights are off? This has me totally confused as this ship design is basically the exact same design as my three power stations and my first version of this transfer vehicle. There is a reactor (3.75m 55GW High-Q tokamak,mode=dueterium/tritium), a 3.75 KTEC generator. I have batteries and blutonium generators to get the reactor started and maintain things like lights and stuff. As well as six graphine huge radiators. I will link to an image of the ship with the reactor status open and you can see everything is nominal. Then I will simply switch away to another ship. The Mk1 version of this ship and you can see it's reactor is running nominally. Then I will switch back to the mk2 and you can see half the bloody lights are off and the reactor has shutdown! I get no message to indicate why it is shutting down???? VERY FRUSTRATED! Here is a link to 6 images that demonstrate the problem... https://imgur.com/a/2sKFF Picture 1 and 2 shows the ship and both the reactor(1) and the generator(2) are running nominally. Picture 3 shows the mk1 version of the first ship. It's the same basic reactor/generator design (1 reactor attached to 1 generator with 6 radiators) You can see the reactor and generator are running fine! I can switch away and come back to this ship until hell freezes over and the reactor will still be running!!! Picture 4,5, and 6 show that when I return to the mk2 version of the ship the lights in the front half of the ship are out??? The next picture shows the reactor is offline even though it has fuel and it should have had a continuous 187+ MW of power from the 30GW generator to keep it running yet the reactor is friggin shut down!!!! WHY? The last picture is me just clicking activate reactor and the damn thing starts right back up again. I can sit with the ship active for 1 minute or 24 hours and the reactor runs just fricken fine. But as soon as I switch away to anything and immediately come back half the damn lights are off and the reactor is shut down again!!!
  13. Is there any possible way to either start a new link for 0.23 and 0.23.5 updates. It's a bloody nightmare trying to find update links buried inside 77 pages and 765 posts!!!! I know only the OA of the thread can update to first post but there really needs to be a way to redirect people to community updates and such. In this thread alone I have found at least 4 links to various and supposed updates to get this mod working in versions .23 and .23.5 and it's frustrating not knowing if you have missed a link or grabbed one that is going to corrupt your entire career game and make you restart! My favorite pet peeve is you grab a lnik, install it, corrupt your entire game to the point you have to restart, then come back and find that there was a little hidden post 5 pages away saying "don't use xxx because it will explode your computer!".
  14. It's not the relays that are over heating. I power the thing with a pair of beamed power receivers. Before I upgraded my power station network I was beaming 30GW and two small flod out readiators were enough to handle this power. With two additional stations online now I am receiving over 60GW of power and even just one of the receivers active and reception set to 1 is saturating the radiators and the receiver shuts down then I have no power to drive my comm dishes or keep the battery charged and the whole system shuts down. It seems reducing the reception to one does not affect the waste heat production at all. Before I added the two additional stations are was receiving 20GW and with two radiators I was sitting at about 50% wasteheat. After adding two additional power stations incoming power went up to 60GW and logic suggested if I dialed reception down to 30% I'd be at about the same waste heat production but that does not seem to be the case. Even at reception set to 1 I am overheating causing the beamed receivers to shut down..
  15. Must have been a memory issue. When I restarted the game this morning and started all the transmitters on all the stations they did not drain the reactor mj and cp. But now I have another problem. I am now beaming 90GW of power and all my relays which are powered beam a pair of beamed power receivers are over heating and slideing the reception bar to 1 has no affect on wasteheat production. So are you telling me now that every ship I build that uses beamed power receivers has to dissipate 90GW of heat? Seriously? So I have to put a starship sized radiator solution on my 0.625 based ships using beamed power receivers? That seems broken somehow!!!
  16. I did my best to search and I know this has had to come up. If I try to transmit MW power from more then one orbital power station all TP,MJ, and CP drop to zero. Here is a description of what I am seeing. First I created a fusion based MW power transmission ship. It consist of 6 major parts from bottom to top a 3.75m thermal engine just used to get it to keostationary orbit a 3.75m fusion reactor 55GW High-Q Tokamak a 3.75m electric generator type KTEC SS a 3.75m liquid fuel tank a computer core a single panel MW phased array (set to transmit) and then I have Li and D/T and He3 Tanks and a couple dishes a battery, mono prop, etc (see the link for an image) To start I put one of these up and set it to transmit (said I was beaming around 31GW). I then put a network of 6 MW relay / commSats (although I am not using RT2 in 0.23.5) Everything was peachy! I was getting lots of power to my MW receivers (averaging 22GW). I sent 12 landers to mun and minmus as impact sensors with MW receivers to have the power to transmit the impact data. I sent a flyby mission to Duna and back. That all worked fine. Then I decided if one 30GW mw power transmitter is good three must be "gooder", right? So I built two identical power stations and put them in geosync orbits seperated by 120 degrees AND HERE IS WHERE THE PROBLEMS BEGAN! As soon as I turned the first of the new pwr stations MW array to "transmit" all TP, MJ, CP drop to zero and the reactor crashes. The first reactor is still transmitting fine and only its TP drops to zero when I set it to transmit. So as I test I turned the MW arrays on all three stations OFF. Then I made sure the reactors and generators were all running and in the green. Then I switched the SECOND stations MW array to transmit and TP dropped to zero while MJ and CP stayed full and I verified I was beaming 31GW of power. Then I went back to the FIRST station. The one that was working fine for three kerbin years and I switched its mw array to transmit and TP, MJ, and CP all drop to zero and the reactor shuts down and the power manager shows a net power of minus 187MW (the power needed to start the reactor). The same thing happens to the THIRD station if I try to set it to transmit. I can then take the one that is transmitting and stop it. power the others back up. Set a different one to transmit and then the other two will instantly drain all their TP, MJ, and CP as soon as I try to set their MW transceiver to transmit?? So what is going on here and why?
  17. [work-a-round] I went into the .sfs file and greped for NaN and put a proper value in for the D/T tanks (100) and the Reactor (800). The mass of the ship was recomputed and the reacotr wa able to be restarted. Not sure if this is the best way to do this but it got things working again.
  18. [bUG] - My 3.75m fusion powered MW power station has stopped working. I was on a long mission and it was breeding tritium. I had 2 tanks of lithium and enough D/T tanks to hold all the trit that could be produced by the Li. When I returned I noticed I had no MW power so I checked and the fusion reactor was shutdown. Waste Heat is green. But the reactor and all the D/T tanks show completely full but have values of NaN/100 for the D/T tanks and NaN/800 for the reactor. I suspect they filled to overflow and there is a floating point issue in the code that could not deal with >100% capacity. My ship mass is also showing NaN t. Is there anyway to fix this?
  19. [bUG] I think I hit another bug. I was working on a design and reverted back to the VAB and I have no IR editor GUI. I click on the IR toolbar icon and I get no IR editor gui. Let me know if you want and I will post the screen shots I am too knockered to bother with imgur right now and the description is pretty clear. Gui gone in VAB click IR and nothing happens cant change hinge range settings without it. NOTE: When I say GUI control I mean SERVER CONTROL GUI is missing in the VAB and I cannot get it back! I thought it was just for the part I was working on but exited and returned to the game and it's just GONE. I have no SERVO CONTROL GUI and I am sad now. *(smile) I prolly did something to hide it and just don't know the secret key combo to get it back but I am sure someone here will clue me in. thx
  20. I just wanted to say the last fix not only corrected the hinge re-orientation on leaving and returning to a model. But it fixed the ones I already had in flight. I was afriad I would have to deorbit and send all new ones up. Just wanted to give some positive feedback. First I really appreciate all your hard work in getting this app working again. I never really realize how much I depended on it until it was gone.
  21. [bug] inv is still not working I should not really need it though so I don't know if there is another bug. see my previous post for the images. I have two mw receivers and I want the one on the right to rotate 130 at the base and 90 at the knuckle. The other side should rotate 60 at the base and -90 at the knuckle. but inv does not work and 90 rotates it the same direction as the right side so I have to click > a bazillion times to rotate the left hinge which I have to now make a separate hinge. (ie cannot use symmetry) I want the receiver on the left to rotate the other direction at the knuckle so it's facing down and back not up and to the right! I have tried 0,90 and 0,-90 and 0,90 with the inv box chk and just now tried the trick of pressing the > key and rotating it 180 degrees and not even that works. WORK-A-ROUND: I just made the two hinges unique and rotated the left one using the q-key
  22. Once you run out of power and the transmission is broken you lose all remaining science! So you have to have a 100 percent transmission to get all the science!!!! And the author thinks that he is just ified in not sharing the formula because the power to transmit the stock experiments is not published. But all you need to transmit any of the stock experiments is not more then 500ec. His modified experiment draw a ridiculous amount of power to transmit so you can't just simply slap on a couple batteries you really need to know the total number of packets that will be sent so you can determine the fixed power rate of power generation needed to transmit 100 percent of the data. I am not asking for anything unreasonable!
  23. Not one of the stock experiments needs more the 500ec to xmit 100 percent of the data. YOUR modified seismic impact exp requires many times that and varies from body to body and biome to biome. So there is no way to find the data and "publish it in the wiki" without sending a ship to every planet moon and biome and physically determining it which is ridiculous! That is why I think we should have a fricking clue what the formula is. It's not like it would take any more energy then it took you to send your last insulting response! After all the formula is in the code and I presume you wrote it!
  24. I never said I just intended to use batteries. That is why I asked not only "how much energy" but also "what rate of energy production" is required to transmit the data. With no one willing (including the author) to share any information on the amount of power needed to transmit the seismic data (WHICH IS SILLY) there is no way to calculate what you need! Including batteries, generators, solar panels, reactors, microwaves, rubbing balloons in your hair, etc.. To be more blunt, what is really silly is telling people the solution is to just stick lots of reactors, generators, solar panels and whatever else on your probe and prey you have enough power. I am sure that is how NASA builds things. They simply build a ship that is a gigantic power generation factory because they don't know how much power their experiments require and hey what does it matter if the thing weighs a billion tons and needs a 5m rocket to get if off the launch pad weight and size don't matter right? LOL EDIT: I am not intending to be insulting and answering an condescending response with another one is bad but seriously this data should be made available! I also asked for any variables that affect the power requirements to transmit the seismic experiments data! In short I think we deserve to know the equation so we can build a proper probe. The author of the mod should really be the one answering this question if no one else knows and if he is not willy to share the data then I would expect an explanation for why he feels that it should be a SECRET. Really no credible engineer would EVER EVER and I say it again EVER design an experiment where he had no clue how much power it would need. Oh and one more time N E V E R!
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