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Posts posted by nohelmet

  1. All the buttons and lights... any particular ones, or shall I list the function of every single button and light visible in the capsule? Bear in mind that'll be quite a large list...

    Well I was hoping someone would point me to already-existing documentation. But since you're offering so kindly, here are the parts I'm most curious about:

    What do the "Heat", "ASC" and "DES" lights mean?

    What does the "RESERVES" lock/unlock button do?

  2. I just discovered this capsule, and it is *amazing*! :D

    I could figure out some of the buttons, but not all. Is there a description somewhere of what they all do? I read the original post, but not the 113 pages of the thread... I found something at https://sites.google.com/site/alcormanual/ but unfortunately it's woefully incomplete.

    So, what do all the buttons do? And what do all the lights indicate?

  3. Excellent idea, I like it! Perhaps the user interface could be that when we look at the list of action groups in the VAB, we can drag&drop some onto the stage list?

    Then when we use spacebar to activate that stage later in flight, it'll be as if we pressed the key for that action group. That'd be cool, then we can use staging to decouple docking ports, toggle lights, or expand solar panels.

  4. I would like to add to the pile of thanks.

    KSP is a really awesome game. It's super-fun, and at the same time you find learning a bit about real space exploration concepts!

    Even stock, the game is wonderful. Its many mods make it even better!

    I would like to share one of my early experiences that made me fall in love with the game. This happens to be with the ScanSat mod. Back when the Mun was the furthest I had explored, I sent a satellite there and was able to get a fairly complete map, including anomalies. So I tried to land near one of them - it took me a few tries, helped by the maneuver node indicators, to learn that it was a good idea to adjust my orbit a bit early.

    When I managed to land, I found nearby a magnificent arch! This was so much cooler than what I was expecting. So I knew what to do for my next few launches: try to get a small rocket to fly through the arch!

    This was a great kind of "anomaly" because it was something that I could play with, making up my own rules. I have only seen one other anomaly so far (an ethereal monolith), and the arch remains my favorite. I hope other similar anomalies exist (or will be added), just places where the planet (or moon)'s geography is a bit interesting. Perhaps somewhere we'll find a small perfectly-round pedestal, on which to try to precision-land? Perhaps some platforms we can send our kerbals walking on and try not to miss a step?

    Thank you for making such an amazing game!

  5. I can dock just fine (and actually find it quite relaxing), but I'm using the docking indicator. Without it, I have a hard time making sure I am aligned with the port. Can the navball help with that? I hear people praise it, and it's great for zeroing relative velocity and making sure I'm headed at the target nice and slow, but unless I'm missing something, I don't think it shows the station's orientation. Does it?

  6. I am super-excited for the update and I'm really looking forward to it, but on the other hand I feel there is too much hype. I'm probably not the only one who has been avoiding the videos and related threads because I don't want spoilers! So from my perspective the level of anticipation before the videos was just right.

  7. I've played for a bit and now I'm trying to reach other planets. I orbit Kerbin, set up a maneuver node, put prograde power there - and then I have to zoom out to see where my orbit ends up. So far so good.

    However, then the maneuver node "handles" disappear while I'm looking. I can't just click it because there is too much stuff near my craft (satellites, space station, etc). So I have to zoom all the way back in, click on the maneuver node, then zoom out again before I can adjust my orbit and see where it goes.

    There must be an easier way. Is there some sort of keyboard shortcut to "reopen" the maneuver node without requiring me to zoom all the way back in? I searched the wiki but didn't find anything - perhaps I don't know which term to search, though.

  8. First off, congrats! This plugin is awesome! It looks terrific and has tons of functionality!

    I have a question for fellow players: I'm playing on a laptop whose touchpad is missing a right mouse button. I think that to rotate the view I'm supposed to hold the right mouse button and move the mouse. I can use the arrow keys, that works, but I'd like to be able to rotate around more fluidly without having to plug in a mouse. Is there some key I can press to make mouse movements rotate the camera?

  9. OK, a number of good points here. The watch may not be a good fit for "normal" KSP playing, where we focus on the screen all the time (though it would still be awesome and that might be enough. Besides, it *is* possible to glance at the watch while playing).

    But it could work very well for "real-time" KSP, or for long burns, or perhaps some other ways of playing we may come up with. Perhaps during an EVA we could hide some of the screen controls, and use the watch for display instead?

    Another thing we could do would be a "real-time lite" challenge, where we may warp, but never more than some limit. This would spread out the game over a day (perhaps this might be a good way to force us to get off the computer and do some chores instead). How about it? I imagine we may then use Kerbal Alarm Clock to have the game pause before maneuver nodes (so it's OK if we can't come to the computer immediately), and we can use the watch to be able to know how long until we can return to the game. I imagine that if warp is limited, we may play a bit differently, having the extra tension of trying to find a "quick" way to the mission's target!

    How do people here feel about this "real-time light" idea? Or can we imagine other variants where a watch might be useful?

  10. Oh yes, so we could just hook up the burn begin and end time! That'd be fun. I think we can use the computer's bluetooth to connect to the watch (that is, once the user has installed the right stuff). I've never written a plugin - but surely they can read the burn start and end time somehow, yes?

  11. So, I love KSP and I have a Pebble Watch, which supposedly one can program to connect over bluetooth and do pretty much anything. So I was wondering - could we make the two work together? Perhaps with the help of something like Telemachus ?

    Let's just brainstorm. How could a smartwatch make KSP more fun?

    Perhaps we could show the time to next maneuver? Or perhaps (depending on the mods installed), time remaining for this EVA? Perhaps we could use the watch buttons to somehow control flights?

    What do you think? It seems there's bound to be something super-awesome in there that could be done. Let's together figure out what that could be!

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