I am trying to figure out how to stitch parts together, such as girders, beams, and structural plates. It would be ideal if the system would just do a proximity weld, but it doesn't seem to. I have been trying to figure this out for a while, but to no avail. EX. Oâ•Ââ•Ââ•Ââ•Ââ•ÂO â•‘ â•‘ â•‘ â•‘ â•‘ â•‘ Oâ•Ââ•Ââ•Ââ•Ââ•ÂO If is try to make this in KSP, at one point in the ring, the girders would not be able to connect. I wish there were an alt-right click option to weld, similar to resource transfer, but there doesn't seem to be any such action that I have found, so... how do i do it? Similarly, if I am trying to make a deck or plating on a vessel, for whatever reason... I can't get adjascent pieces to fit together, let alone actually lock. I can do one edge, but cannot line them up with surrounding plates. I am currently working on a self sustaining base on the Mun using Kethane and the Extraplanetary Launchpads, but it is made quite tedius by this problem. Any suggestions?