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Everything posted by S.O.P.H.I.A.

  1. Longtime lurker, first-time poster. I just thought I'd say three things: first, this mod is AMAZING. Second, here's a neat trick I discovered for it that some of you may find useful. When making display bars, you can double the resolution of your bars (that is, twice as many equal signs/whatever), thus increasing display accuracy, if you use the half width text command. First, a request: if it's not too much trouble, could we get a variant of the BAR command that allows us to pick a special character to replace the last drawn command? ex.: from ====== to =====| Thanks! EDIT: Also, a useful variable for calculating the hoverpoint of VTOLs would be the % thrust of all activated engines to perfectly counteract gravity. You could just call it HOVERPOINT.
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