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  1. The Carp: The carp is a light MK3 cargoplane, with impressive handling and gliding. not only does it glide well, capable of gliding at 88m/s without stalling (with FAR), and maintaining speed un-powered, but it has 2 vectoring turbojets from the mk2 expansion mod, capable of assisting it in pitching, yawing, and to a lesser extent, maybe even rolling. not only does it glide, but it also has a front loading cargo ramp as its nose, with good aerodynamics. Mods used: MK3 expansion MK2 expansion generic inline cockpits adjustable landing gear B9 procedural wings B9 aerospace modular fuel tanks maybe more, if i forgot. Craft file: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=3315713F440A6017!592&authkey=!ABn6LG_Iygl9hz0&ithint=file%2ccraft
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