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  1. <div class="cms_table" style="overflow-x:scroll;"><table width="1000" align="center" class="cms_table" style="background-image:url('http://i.imgur.com/zVZEj8W.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position:center; border: 0px; border-collapse: collapse;"> <tr class="cms_table_tr"><td class="cms_table_td"> [table=width: 1000, align: center] [tr] [td=colspan: 5]All times are in Central Standard Time (UTC/GMT-6), convert here [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td=colspan: 2]Date / Time[/td] [td]Hosts[/td] [td]Content[/td] [td]Video link[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Dec 12th[/td] [td]10AM-11AM[/td] [td]HarvesteR[/td] [td]What's Coming in 0.23[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]11:00AM-12:00PM[/td] [td]Danrosas[/td] [td]Animating Kerbals[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]12:00PM-12:15PM[/td] [td]Squad[/td] [td]Kerbalkon 2013 Opening Ceremonies[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]12:15PM-1PM[/td] [td]Ted[/td] [td]Testing KSP[/td] [td]here and here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]1PM-2PM[/td] [td]Ed Lu, HarvesteR and Chad[/td] [td]A Look Into Space - Presented by the B612 Foundation[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]2PM-3PM[/td] [td]xXLeGoldfishXx & Solar Gamer[/td] [td]Belly Up[/td] [td]here and here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]3PM-4PM[/td] [td]Maxmaps & Rowsdower[/td] [td]Live From Squad HQ[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]4PM-5PM[/td] [td]KurtJMac[/td] [td]KurtJMac[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]5PM-6PM[/td] [td]C7Studios[/td] [td]KSP 0.23[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]6PM-6:30PM[/td] [td]Tanuki Chau[/td] [td]Hack Gravity[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]6:30PM-7PM[/td] [td]Mu[/td] [td]Mu's Magical Hour[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]7PM-8PM[/td] [td]Dahud Lefthanded[/td] [td]Kerbal Space Program[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]8PM-9PM[/td] [td]C7Studios & DrJonez[/td] [td]No Time for Love[/td] [td]here and here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]9PM-10PM[/td] [td]Spootyman[/td] [td]The Couch Stream[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]10PM-1AM[/td] [td]4kbshort[/td] [td]Hard Mod(e)[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Dec 13th[/td][td]1AM-2AM[/td] [td]ShimmytheJJ[/td] [td]Shimmy's Space Quest[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]2AM-5AM[/td] [td]Kofeyh[/td] [td]The Morning Brew[/td] [td]here and here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]5AM-9AM[/td] [td]Lolbster[/td] [td]Rocket Surgery Live[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]9AM-10:40AM[/td] [td]EJ[/td] [td]The EJ Variety Hour[/td] [td]here and here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]10:40AM-11AM[/td] [td]HarvesteR[/td] [td]Live with Gamasutra[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]11AM-11:30AM[/td] [td]Romfarer[/td] [td]UI Talk[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]11:30AM-12PM[/td] [td]Abyssal Lurker & Scott Manley[/td] [td]Kerbal Team Up[/td] [td]here and here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]12PM-1PM[/td] [td]Pleborian & Streetlamp[/td] [td]Launching Through 0.23[/td] [td]here and here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]1PM-2PM[/td] [td]EnterElysium & Chickenkeeper24[/td] [td]0.23 Supreme[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]2PM-3PM[/td] [td]Tanuki Chau[/td] [td]Hack Gravity[/td] [td]here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td][td]3PM-4PM[/td] [td]Squad[/td] [td]KerbalKon 2013 Closing ceremonies[/td] [td]here and here[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td=colspan: 5] [/td] [/tr] [/table] </td></tr></table></div>
  2. Yeah, on that order of magnitude, at least. I was assuming that talk of high radiation meant high relative to the Earthlike conditions of Kerbin, where the oxygen in the atmosphere is presumably provided by photosynthesis.
  3. Beastly Science Industries Dev Thread. I'm keeping my original post here as a record, but I'm changing this thread to talk about all the mods I'll be working on from here on out, and to show WIPs, and getting advice etc. -BeastofChicken Hey everyone. Hopefully this is the right place to post this... if not feel free to move it wherever. I've been wanting to get into modding KSP for quite some time, but I haven't actually sat down and done anything about it until now. Basically, I'm either looking for a mod group to join up with, or some pointers on where to go next or what to do. For example, I made this thing last night: It's very rough looking since I only spent a few hours on it, but hopefully it shows that I know what I'm doing to a point. I've gotten to where I know how to get everything imported and "working", but I have no clue how to make it actually do anything useful like collect science or whatever. I'd like to be able to do it, but with work and everything, I just don't see how I'm going to have time to pick up even more knowledge by myself. I'd much rather make the art and let someone else make it work to be honest. A little bit about me is in order I suppose. I'm a professional game artist. I've been working as a freelancer for various studios for the past few years. I'm fluent in 3ds Max, Blender and Maya, but I prefer 3ds Max. I can model, texture, rig and animate, and I have a little bit of experience in Unity... which helped me get this far with the above model. So anyways, if there's anyone out there that would like to team up, or a mod group that's looking for an artist, hit me up. Or if you are a kind soul and have any resources or pointers that could help me out I would appreciate that as well.
  4. Landing at Alpha Site With a click Jeb sealed the hatch, reaching behind him to finish securing the flight pack above his seat. "There's gotta be a better way to store these things." He muttered. "Heh, just get back here and pester Dunkel for a few weeks. I'm sure he'll appreciate it." Bill said chuckling. "Oh that'll work. He'd be just overjoyed." "Hey, you got your ladders. Don't knock it!" With a smile Jeb started going through preflight checks once more. The capsule he was in was almost identical to Rescue One's pod, but had a few alterations. Multiple life-support monitoring systems on Rescue One to check on the other three pods. Backup systems to keep it operational longer. Little things, but it did make the difference. "I'm about set up for the orbit change. How long till the burn window Flight?" "Your periapsis is close over the target spot. Technically you could burn now. I'd rather wait till you reach apoapsis though Munar Four, in about thirty five minutes." "Sounds good to me Flight. Get Caldin to plot up a burn in thirty five." "Already done Jeb." Caldin chimed in. "Check your mail." Sure enough his data feed had the burn information coming in. "Looks good. Guess I'll take a catnap then. Unless you read something about to explode up here Flight?" "Not right now. I'll be sure to notify you after the detonation." Gene said deadpan. "You're all heart Gene, whatever anybody says. Wake me in twenty." Jeb drifted to sleep with the sounds of Bill chuckling on the speakers. *** "WAKEY WAKEY!" Jeb jerked up with a start. "Wha, how, who... What the heck?" A raucous laugh was his response. A familiar laugh. "Ahh... HA! You're awake then. Good that those finely honed reflexes are still working." "Jedwig? Jeez, don't do that!" Jeb said, though curiously he wasn't as ticked off as he could have been. Glancing at the clock he saw he'd got about twenty minutes rest. "Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the space ship." Was it Jeb's imagination or did Jedwig sounded disappointed. Oh, of course, he'd done this just to irritate Jeb. Seems that automatic reflex of Jedwig's was still going. Looks like Jedwig still needed some work. Plus, it now it seemed Jeb owed Jedwig one when he got back. That'd be fun. "Naw, I'm left handed, this is good." Jeb said with a chuckle. "So, you just making conversation or was there something you wanted to chat about Brains?" "Um... Well to be honest... yes there was something." Jeb heard a click. Looks like Jedwig had switched him to a separate circuit. Then he actually whispered into his mike. "I need some help Jeb, desperately!" "OK, what's up Brai... er, Jedwig?" There was a significant pause and Jeb heard Jedwig gulp. "I... You know you've been focussing me, helping me avoid cultural faux pas?" "You mean trying to stop you putting your foot in it every time you open your mouth? Yeah, what about it?" Jedwig sighed. "Look, I've been trying to get along with the... people here... Well, it seems with some it actually worked. I... have a date." "BWAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHA HA HA!" Jeb couldn't stop it and could just picture Jedwig going crimson in reaction to Jeb's laughter as he tried to avoid doing anything to attract attention from the others in Mission Control. "Oh this is priceless! Who's the unlucky gal?" "Hey!" Jedwig said, his whisper getting strained. "Oh, I'm sorry Brains, couldn't help it! But seriously, who grabbed your attention?" Jeb monitored the flight data on his console and smiled as he noticed Flight put a temporary hold on a few preflight details. Heh, Gene had noticed Jedwig and was delaying things a bit so he could talk. Jedwig always underestimated his team mates. Like he could get away with this without someone noticing? "Nillian over in block nine." Jedwig whispered nervously. "She's on the tech staff, right?" "Do you know ALL the girls at KSC Jeb?" Jedwig said, almost out of his whisper for a moment. "Well, I don't like to brag... OK, I do like to brag... Heh, so sue me Brains. So what's your problem? You got a girl, that doesn't sound bad to me." "But... what do I do?" Jeb froze, and a grin slowly spread across his face. "Oh... oh you are kidding me? The great simulator ace hasn't had a girlfriend before?" "No! I mean Yes, Of course I've had girlfriends before... it's just... Well, things have generally ended badly on my dates. I'd always thought it was just bad choice in girlfriends... but since you've been helping me I've wondered if it was just me." Jeb rolled his eyes. Kod the guy was slow! But he got there eventually. "Given my past record with dates I wanted to try to avoid a disaster this time. Look, if you don't want to help just say so!" "Of course I'll help you ya doofus!" Jeb said as he plugged the burn stats into the nav comp and got things started. "I'm a little busy right now, but I can tell you this. Don't treat her like you do your fellow Kerbonauts. Try... and I know this is hard for you... to think of things from her point of view. What would you want to do if you were a girl dating the great and powerful Jedwig?" "Gah, that's it? Look I..." "I'm serious Jedwig. Are you telling me you've spent one moment considering what it's like from her perspective yet? Honestly?" Another pause came across the line. Jeb smiled and continued. "Didn't think so. Just do that, but don't assume she likes everything you do, or thinks like you. Try to really put yourself in her shoes, OK?" "Kod, I think I'm going to have a headache tonight!" Jeb shook his head. The guy never ceased to amaze him. "OK, well, I think Gene's done covering for you so you better hang up Jedwig." "Right I... wait, what?" Jeb cut him off before he could splutter any more and switching comms to Flight Control. "So Flight, what's the word." "You're good to go Munar Four." Gene said with no hint he'd overheard any of Jedwig and Jeb's conversation. "We read you as on course. Burn in thirty seconds." As Jeb warmed up the Descent engines and made final checks on the remaining fuel in the transfer tanks he smiled as he heard Jedwig switch his comms off. That guy! Sooner or later he might actually turn out to be likeable... maybe. *** About thirty minutes later, after the orbit shift and ditching the transfer tanks, Jeb lined up on the target site, a spot on the north west edge of East Crater, on the north-most tip of the Kethane deposits scanned so far. "Munar Four, all systems check out here. Are you readings good?" Jeb made a few final checks and watched the light blink green. "Yup. All good here Flight. Lined up for descent burn in... two minutes." Below the huge rim of the Mun swelled large, his destination clearly visible now towards the northern crater rim. "I'm getting bounce back on the radar Flight, reading Two hundred seventy one kilometers to target. Activating RCS system for descent control." This was pretty new stuff, and rather different from his suit. He'd done a couple of tests of this though in orbit recently. The suit RCS had been pretty much new off the research shelf for this flight. Didn't mean no bugs could creep in of course so Jeb took it through some basic manoeuvering tests. Everything seemed in order. "OK, at Two fifty eight kilometers and descending. Starting descent engine on low." All the way down he just tickled the drive with the RCS aiding to fine tune the course. The bulk of the descent stage beneath him did throw things off a little, plus he'd managed the orbit matching with Rescue One ahead of his fuel budget so it was nearly full. Better than he'd hoped, but the weight of the fuel did get annoying for manoeuvering. He slid lower and lower, watching the scan reports and matching overlays to his plots of the Munar surface. Looked like he was heading for the eastern edge of the Kethane deposit on the northern tip. He'd try to adjust it to get a little more central during the next few minutes. "Approaching suicide burn threshold." Jeb said, loving this. "I'm going to engage the full burn about ten seconds before threshold to allow for ditching the descent stage before touchdown Flight." "Roger Munar Four." Gene replied. With a 'Whumpf!' the engine lit and pushed into his back, burning hard to slow his descent. His speed fell and he adjusted the burn to drift him east a little, getting nearer the center of the Kethane prominance. Now to look for a decent landing spot! The Munar maps of this region weren't accurate enough to predict the terrain flatness, and they needed to find a good spot for the base. "Down to two hundred meters per second. A little over ten kilometers altitude. Holding attitude. I guess about ten meters per second drift at present." Looking through the rearward cameras he saw the grey surface looming beneath him, but it was tricky to make out ground level, and the radar wasn't helping much. "I think Dunkel needs to refine the ground return radar system. I can't make out gradients this high. I think I'm getting back scatter from surface rocks." "Do your best Munar Four. You have fuel for a short hop after touchdown with current fuel if needed." "Roger Flight. Seven kilometers." Down he dropped, engine blaring behind him, a miniature sun lighting the Munar surface he was tearing towards. "Landing legs deployed, preparing to ditch Descent stage." Watching the fuel readings Jeb waited, thumb hovering over the twin release switches. The system beeped as the fuel redlined and he flicked them one after the other. A thunk shuddered through the little ship and the tank jettisoned, his lander engines burning, pulling him away from it. "Landing engines lit, at eight hundred and dropping. Engines at thirty percent thrust." He watched the descent tank twist away in the dorsal camera and smiled... this was actually lower than they had intended to go on the descent tank. Maybe it would survive the drop? "Six hundred meters. Five. I think I've got a few landing sites below me. Some good looking flat spots visually at least. Two hundred meters. Drifting to port, aiming for a site a little south west of current vector." Down he went, details now visible as he got closer and closer, cancelling his sideways drift as he went, his RCS pulsing around him in little white jets. As he neared the ground he eased off on the main throttle and watched the dust billow up around him. His shadow slid towards him and he saw the legs near their black twins. With a gentle jerk he came to a stop and deactivated the engines "I'm down Flight. There's a little slope here, so likely I'll have to scout a ways to find a good Alpha Site." "Good job Munar Four, and I'm sure you'll find a good spot Jeb. Lay out a picnic for us." With a chuckle Jeb starting shutting down and locking safeties, staring out over the familiar landscape out the window. Yup, he was back!
  5. Well I was going through the old forum games and this one spoke to me so I revived it! Link to old thread for reference:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48259-Your-avatar-is-stuck-in-an-elevator-with-the-above-poster-s-avatar-what-do-you-do But this time we gots rules. The game is simple your stuck in a very slow moving elevator with the above persons avatar,in a 200 story building and all the floors have been pressed. What do you do with the person now stuck next to you? Small talk? Trolling. What ever Once you reach the next floor you get off and the next person gets on. Once we reach the top we go back down and so on till the thread dies. Now the rules! you must include the floor number. your posts must be limited too two sentences long you can only move up one floor at a time your posts must be relevant to the game (no wondering off in to chat, you will be reported if you do.) follow all the forum rules Have fun!! Let me kick off with a prolog. "In character" I walk in to a building and head for the elevator and press 3. Soon realizing it is extremely slow, wanting to be a troll I open the button box and make the elevator run in a never ending loop. I reach the second floor and the door opens..... "Out of character" Let the game begin!
  6. i think this thread got derailed into a talk about burning witches and Btw Cool base!
  7. Some new point of view : It might be unnecessary to impose a construction-time because ... of how we (might) finance the rockets. We've talked before of whether or not our Space Program should "Grind mindlessly for money", unsurprisingly the answer was a big HELL NO !!, letting two solutions : - Fixed amount of Money being available for each launch. - Fixed Budget being available daily, monthly or else. Anybody can guess that as soon as docking-ring are unlocked, the first idea would allow to assemble an infinite amount of modular spaceship in orbit and ruin most challenges. The "Fixed Budget" idea on the other hand would naturally keep you from launching absurd numbers of satellites, or more than one gigantic rocket per month. The problem : A construction-time could keep you (frustratingly) from using efficiently a fixed-budget (case of warp), without solving the problem generated by launch-money. The solution : Let instantaneous construction as an "acceptable break from reality", as the player can retro-actively explain it by "it was planned all along", "We just happened to launch them at the same time" and "What ?! We stayed withing budget no ?". Plus I'm worried about construction-time requiring further complicated balancing mechanism, like a way to upgrade construction time. We've had our disagreement before and swore to not talk about it again, but I have to say that you are overreacting and underestimate the amount Balancing Mechanic needed to make a game truly interesting.
  8. It's really not, you're just making it so because you took what I said and ran it to the realism extreme. Don't WORRY about all the heat nuances, but instead build a working by-part heat model on simplified mechanics. In the case of what I laid out in my previous post, heat production, mass, size (surface area approx.), critical temp, and heat pump flags. Make use of values that already exist in the stock part cfg files. They both have a mass and a max temp already. If you go talk to Ferram, I'm sure he knows how to get part size for a dissipation algorithm. Next, dealing with time acceleration. Biggest mistake I think is assuming that you have to operate full computational cycles on every pass. Really, this isn't true. You don't have to fool the computer, you have to fool the user. If doing real-time calcs is impossible to enact at timewarp, DON'T enact full calcs at timewarp. All you need to do is give the player the illusion that this is going on. We're not machines... we can't tell the difference unless there's a big error. In this case, every X number of passes, take a snapshot of the vessel's rates of change across all parts. Whatever the change rates are at that moment, you sample and hold. When Timewarp is started, suspend the physics passes on the heat engine and simply pull that data from the rate-of-change snapshot and apply it in controlled passes at intervals YOU set. To error correct, take a single physics check every x hundred or x thousand suspended passes and update the snapshot. Further, to prevent spikes, have a normalizing code run at a desired interval or at start-stop points for time warp. You do this kind of thing with sound engineering to get rid of pops and crackles in an audio feed. Even with the most outlandish designs people make, the a rate of change of a part should and will be predictable for an estimated period of time, time stamp or no. Even if you can't get accurate time stamps, you should be able to identify the largest time interval possible between stamps before the engine absolutely MUST throw one out there. (Otherwise I would assume KSP would just stop working and display garbage.) It should be simple to have the code go 'the maximum possible change in value for this interval is 'Q' no matter what. Anything above Q is flat out wrong. Cap all spikes at Q." However, I'm working with a lot of assumptions and no clue what the code looks like. I'm assuming the code you can throw at this is close to the ability to mess with the engine KSP sits on. (A lot of mods seem to completely overwrite program functionality at the engine level. FAR appears to do that, but the keyword is APPEARS.) I'm not sure what your code limits are in terms of what functions you can call and your limits on what the engine lets you actually do to the code. Perhaps it would be best to PM me, and we can have a discussion about setting up a little proof of concept testing algorithm on the side so you don't have to mess with the KSPI code unless we hit paydirt. I've got to get to bed now though. Written analysis final's tomorrow and I have make sure guys I'm in a project with got the changes I made to the presentation and we have time to finalize...
  9. I like to talk about space, but non of my friends cares. People in my age have small children and need to worry about feeding theyr family not about spacetrawel. Actually when i say spaceexploration amongst my friends, it always ends up with ****storm of complaints about how goverments should spend money on better schools or better healtcare and not on "useless rockets", unfortunately in the end, even if iam space fan, i have to agree with them.
  10. When writing in your journal you talk about an intercept with Jool.
  11. So, I did some testing. I screen captured two clients simultaneously in hopes of then editing it together, but that seems like too much work right now so here's the best parts of the session in pictures. Hopefully this will give people a better idea of what state the mod is currently in, and the devs some pointers of what could use some work. Note: I completely understand that the mod is very very very early in development. My testing is not extensive, anecdotal at best, but I just wanted to share because I thought it was pretty amusing. The setup - Windows desktop, running both the server and a KSP client (username "Jo_PC") - iMac, running KSP client (username "Jo_MAC") - connected via LAN, ~0.6ms ping. Initial Testing - Oddly enough, when first logging in you'll see Jebediah at the center of KSC. During login he seems to be used as a focus...? Even if you recover him, he will re-spawn every time someone logs into the server. Seems hacky. - Otherwise, logging in, syncing and chat all seem to work fine (well, it's a clean server, wonder how it'll handle with dozens of flights): - The screenshot sharing feature is awesome! I can totally see myself using this to let a friend sit in on a particularly hairy launch/landing/crash (MAC sent screenshots, as seen by PC) Vehicle Test setup - So I decided I'd build two small rovers to test how well syncing and docking work. (Mac rover has orange parachutes, PC has blue) - When you log in you will not be able to see other players until you are outside of the 'safetyBubbleRadius, which by default is 40km from KSP I think. When inside this radius your status is "Preparing/launching from KSC" - with some tweaking I figured out that with a value of 1500 (1.5km I think), you end up outside of the bubble right when you drive backwards off the beginning of the runway, far more convenient for testing than having to fly 40km each time: Vehicle Testing - With both rovers spawned (first MAC, then PC), and rolled out of the bubble, neither client could see the other one's Rover: (MAC left, PC right) - PC client was the first to jump out and check the tracking station, which only showed the PC's rover. - However when choosing to continue the flight, the MAC rover now appeared to the PC client (but MAC still couldn't see the PC rover) PC Client's View on left, MAC's on right - Only after the MAC client also went through the tracking station (where it also could only see its own rover) did the PC's rover appear in the world - Movement at this point didn't look too great. The position of the other client's rover seemed to only update about once a second, so there's a lot of jerking around when you watch another client's vehicle move. - I then tried to see what would happen if I drove the MAC rover back into the 'bubble'. The MAc client could still see the PC's rover's movements outside the bubble, but on the PC client the mac rover became Desynced and roll back down the side of the runway before even reaching the top: - The PC rover on the mac client then also desynced when it reached the bubble. - Even after escaping the mac client and using the tracking station to recover the rover, the desynced MAC rover on the PC's client remained. SUGGESTION: maybe instead of desyncing, could it be possible to ghost other vehicles while in a safe zone? so you could see them, but not interact with them. Other weird issues I had: - On multiple occasions a desynced version of the MAC rover would remain in the PC client's world, which would be visible even after escaping and continuing the flight on the PC's client. - On one occasion the PC client's 'Space Center' Button on the 'Game Paused' menu just flat out would not do anything for a good 20 seconds. ended up driving around for a bit and trying again later, which then worked. - On one occasion the PC client's framerate completely tanked from the normal 50+ to about 10. two desynced versions of the MAC rover were visible, but that was after they were visible before without any performance impact. Recovering the vessel (the PC rover) and launching a new one fixed it. - After several times exiting to the tracking station and restarting flights, both MAC and PC appeared once again in sync, however when I then used the tracking station to continue the MAC flight and the PC rover was nowhere to be seen: - I then click 'Fly' and suddenly out of nowhere: 7 WILD ROVERS APPEARED! - The PC client is completely oblivious to this until exiting to the tracking station and then they appear there as well. Docking Testing - So among the crazy random rover party, I finally had the bright idea to let the two rovers have a tender moment and give docking a try: - It took a good 6 seconds for the other client to register that the docking shield had been opened (talk about performance anxiety) - Since it's documented that only one player can control a vehicle at a time I was curious what would happen when you dock two vehicles controlled by two players. Well When I drove the MAC rover into the PC rover, this is the last frame the PC client saw (notice the note in the top-left corner) - ... Followed by a good two minutes where the PC client was stuck "synchronizing universe": - I ended up having to use the Space Center option on the pause menu. - On the Mac Client's side, Everything went according to plan, although it must have been one hell of a docking given that for a moment the PC Rover's Status is listed as "Exploded At Kerbin"! - The last thing I did was check the Tracking station with the mac client: The Rover seem to be multiplying... and now they weren't going away anymore either. Aaaand that's it for now. I havn't even had a chance to test how the mod handles time acceleration. Overall, there's definitely a ton of promise, but also a -ton- of work that needs to be done. Given that my connection here was probably as ideal as it could be, the glitchy movement of other vehicles, continuous desyncing and a few unrepeatable crashes my windows KSP experienced which I didn't mention above (I'll dig those logs up later), It still seems a long ways away from really being useful for things like collaborating on a ship in space. It seemed hard enough for things to remain synced on the ground.
  12. ... it all started with a 40% off sale on steam. since then i go out less. my friends send me texts asking why i'm not shooting people in the face with them on bf3 or 4. i talk less at work; its because i'm designing a new something in my head and can't be bothered with human contact. my girlfriend just shakes her head at me when she catches me giggling like a schoolgirl because of some successful maneuver. it was a purchase of less than $20 that made me rethink my free time entirely - made just as .21 was released, and since then nearly 500 hours have been logged. it took several, several hours of youtube videos by scott manley and harv to get my skills and designs to where they are now. and i'm still finding so much more to learn and do. all that being said, i'm very pleased to say hello to what seems like a very polite and enthusiastic community - which is something sorely lacking in most other forums. i've lurked this forum for quite awhile, and have seen some very inspiring projects. its only now that i've decided to say hi and show off a couple of my more photogenic (and successful) moments. i do use mechjeb. however, i promised myself that i would never allow mechjeb to do anything that i have not learned how to do manually. other mods are being used as well; most recently the remote tech mod, which has caused me to completely rethink my satellite deployment strategy. if a kerbal dies on my watch, then its time to restart my program. and no space junk. these are the rules i've imposed upon my program. anyways, hi all of you. you guys got a great looking community here. i look forward to more lurking, and maybe now even posting a time or two.
  13. China has no plans to land anything on the Moon after Chang'e 6. Any talk about crewed landing is by individual companies or engineers, with no government backing.
  14. When you talk so much at school about the Chang'e 3 mission that your APUSH teacher calls you out on it, or when you have the phase angles and delta-V requirements for Jool, Eve, Duna, and Eeloo written on a sticky note on your computer.
  15. No, you're completely missing the entire point of those complaints. Pay attention. What's being said is that once you say you're altering the laws of physics enough to make a thing like that possible, you then have the responsibility to go into detail about *exactly* what you mean and *exactly* what you're altering, otherwise the "what if" question cannot be answered. For example, the earth isn't solid, so are you saying just the core and mantle stop and the crust keeps its momentum? OR are you saying the crust stops too? And if the crust stops then why not the things embedded into it like buildings and roads? How are they any less a part of the crust than the stones in it are? And if the oceans aren't covered by the "earth" suddenly stopping and instead they act as independant objects sloshing on the surface of the planet then why isn't the crust treated the same way, sloshing atop the mantle? And if you want to talk about the objects on the world being subjected to a sudden force ripping them off the ground as it stops in an instant and they don't, and you want to talk about how bad that force would be, and yet you're describing a universe in which it's possible to apply an infinite force in zero time ANYWAY as that was necessary to get the earth to stop rotating in an instant, then how much of those changes to the laws of physics should be taken into account when describing what happens to those objects that get flung off? The problem is that people try to *simultaneously* say the laws of physics are drastically different in this hypothetical scenario, AND that they're just the same as ever. Make Up Your Mind. If you want to break the laws of physics to make a hypothetical scenario that's fine, but you can't then turn around and immediately start asking what the laws of physics would do in that scenario if you haven't explicitly and carefully laid out EXACTLY what you changed.
  16. You could talk me into a longer runway-- it's on the short side of real world runways, and the ones the shuttle used were the longest in the world. That said, all of Kerbin is scaled down from real life and our jet engines have way too much thrust for their weight anyway, so I can see a few reasons why it's balanced as-is. Honestly, I think the problem here is stock landing gear, not the landing lights. I really hate when people come to my favorite games, complain that they're too hard, assert that they're doing everything right, and expect the game to change to accommodate them. There may be reasons to change the landing lights, but "they make it too hard" is a terrible one. They're just one of the many (and more literal) obstacles between your spaceplane and space.
  17. A healthy human being should be able to enjoy all those things. I myself talk about space and things that interest me from time to time but most often i listen and participate in the life of others. Just keep it balanced and watch that you don't concentrate to much on your own interests when you are around others or else you might even make them more uninterested.
  18. I'm so happy im not alone! every my friend say:KSP WHAT THAT SH** of GAME WTF ARE YOU STILL PLAYING THAT SH** YOU ARE A RETARD!!! I think they are Still Homo Erectus. I even can't think about it if i say Duna they say: what a spoon in an as*?! So im bored if i say inclination they say BORING! No one likes it. But it's not strange because they and me are 11 or 12. And they only talk about *******(Uh i mean puberty things) I'm bored and i have friend old 14 years and he is the only one in his class to know who is Stephen Hawking or Michio Kaku. Bad life
  19. Hello, At one point in time there was talk about setting up a repository of code for the users to view / share / learn from. Was that done? Thanks for any info / help. Looks like I am finally going to have time to properly play / test this mod. Again, thanks.
  20. You can but some programming will be required since all the planets are currently hard coded. I do have an idea and will talk to Krag about it.
  21. To avoid the risk of that you should probably talk to SQUAD. If they say yes, I should probably make about 20 feet empty space on my walls.
  22. The colors on Joker seem a bit weird I think it would be nice to tone down the color variation. But other than that great mod and I heard you talk about having to restart in .21 because squad completely changed how planets are made am I right?
  23. All the talk of probe experiments is making me want to try doing this. So I'm trying. No promises that anything will come out though.
  24. I love this idea, and I think it'll work pretty well. Remember, there was talk not too long ago about KSC buildings being destructible; I wonder if the same system, when it's done, could be implemented for bases. As for using it to pillar into the sky, perhaps only rooted parts or parts under a certain height above the ground are taken out of physics, so parts built upwards actually would have physics (and would require a good base and strong supports to be built to any decent height). Overall, I think it could work =3
  25. Get some sleep. That habit has to be broken now if you don't want serious medical side effects. My suggestion, turn off the computer approx. 1 hour before going to bed. Then read/ study/ take a shower before going to bed. If you still can't fall asleep and your mind is still active, try counting backwards from 300 by threes. If that doesn't work, learn how to count to 300 in another language and count back from 300 by threes in the language of your choosing. This should calm your mind down if not put you to sleep all together. If that still doesn't work, talk to a doctor. He/ she will likely either tell you to use melatonin (do NOT use it without talking to one, I am NOT a doctor) or write you a prescription.
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