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  1. If you read it correctly they say that they will not add more solar systems before the current one is finished. The reason why the word current is bold is because if you talk about the current solar system in this case you are talking about the propability of more systems in the future. So its not a flat out "no" they will probably add more systems once the current one is completed. It is a space game after all, so it would be stupid to not add more systems.
  2. -sigh-. What do people on forums have against reading? As we concluded on the Barycenters thread, the best approach would be to modify the SOI logic to be able to have non-spherical SOI's, allowing you can bypass the problem with a configuration something like this: If you want to talk about the barycenters, please go to that thread. Actually, it'd be better to start a new one to prevent necro-posting.
  3. I am deffinitely the most excited about all of the science changes. Minmus with Biomes, is pretty huge to me. I am guessing no "re-map" of the place like the Mun got though? Kind of a pitty. It could be cool to see those going hand-in-hand. At any rate, I know it is WAY early, but any talk about how the other planets and moons are going to go? Are the devs thinking they might be looking at just mapping a planet or moon per release? Or try to do a bunch at once in a future release? Not expand biome maps any further then Kerbin/mun/minmus? Also, Rapier type engine is cool. If we are looking at adding new engines though, can we please have another radial engine? We have the "big" effectively rockomax size engines, the tiny barely bigger than probe sized radials and the itty bitty probe sized radials. It would be nice to have something akin to the LV-909. IMHO, the Rockomax Mk55 seems light and low powered for its visual size (120 thrust). I feel like it should be more like 200-300 thrust and weigh in around 1.5-2t and then have an inbetweener that is visually sized between the Mk55 and the Rockomax 24-77 with thrust in the 50-80 range and weight around .6-.8t.
  4. I guess that's where I'm confused. Pressure doesn't really mean anything to aerodynamic calculations. It's all about density and relative changes in pressure due to motion, not absolute pressure. As far as temperature modelling goes, talk to Farram4. Just watching the Mach number readout in the FAR mod, it seems that he has done some good work with temperature.
  5. This picture was shown by devs when talk about resources started. We got some other tidbits of info that really got hype train chugging. Unfortunately SQUAD decided to develop other parts of career mode first. Since that day before announcement what will be in next update community is asking: "Resources?" So far answer was always: "Nah. Not this time."
  6. You guess wrongly. It's not that it has no point, it's that you're missing it. KSP is a sandbox game made by a small indie developer with limited funding, staff and audience. Not a nerfed-to-death multiplayer Korea grinder by a humongous Conglom-O, micro-transactioning pocket money and souls from trillions of braindead mouse mechanics testers.1 You decide however you want to enjoy it. Add stuff, mod stuff, use infinite fuel, Hyperedit, or <spooky>Mechjeb</spooky> ... If all omissions were deliberate, why did Squad add the Jumbo when you can stack two X200-32? Why did they add the radial Ant when you can use the inline one with [strange contraption with Cubics, Oscars and fuel lines]? Where was your difficulty slider then? Talk about logic. Correlation, let alone coincidence, does not imply causality. "Oh no, Squad's Dark Council of Doom must have decreed the lack of a certain part to remind everyone to whose draconian rule their players owe their pleasure in little-green-men gaming"2 is not the first thing that should reasonably come to mind when contemplating said lack. 1 Totally true. 2 Dramaticised for entertainment purposes. … Or, is it?
  7. I just watched the archived clip of Harvestr's talk this morning - those were a highlight for me. The large science lab module and the ability to transfer experiments and "do Science!â„¢" on them in situ will finally give a real reason for space stations. And Minmus biomes sound like fun too. Given that we won't be able to spam the transmitter to get as much out of each locale, having more biomes that are reasonably accessible from within the Kerbin system itself will be handy.
  8. I'm making a new playlist on YouTube to talk about orbital mechanics. Because KSP is one of the best space sims I've seen, I'm using that to help me in these videos. Below is a link to the playlist. Now because I'm the only person doing everything in these videos, and because of my lifestlye. I can't say when the next videos will come out. However, I will try to upload this list whenever the next one comes up. BTW, tell me what you want to learn in orbital mechanics. Click below to see the videos in the list. 1. Intro 2. how Newton's Laws are very important in understanding orbital mechanics 3. Kepler's Laws 4. Gravity 6. Tundra Orbits 8. Gravity turn 10. Delta-V
  9. Did they talk anymore about how thrust could be changed, or was is just the brief snippet from Yarg? My thinking is that this will be far more useful for SRBs than for liquid engines. No more worrying about blowing past terminal velocity. If we can tweak max thrust in flight I can see it being useful for liquid engines too, though. You could use it for offsetting a mass imbalance, or for making landing a bit easier (no more fiddling around with the throttle at 5% trying to come in for a soft landing).
  10. That's me in the bottom right stall in the second image! That's really flattering, thanks! Remember, any convention has got to have speakers! Have someone represent Kurt or Scott doing a talk!
  11. [offtopic]Talk about some necro-posting[/offtopic] I love building stations, just for the challenge of it. I usually start with a 'command module' that I place into the desired orbit (usually 300x300). After that I'll send up a tug, followed by every piece that I've pre-planned on my doodles at work. I keep lights and solar panels to a minimum to help mitigate lag.
  12. This is a topic I started on the Vsauce forums. I felt the need to share it with you guys, because it's something dear to me. I've heard much talk, some from non-gamers, some from adults or seniors who can't fathom why us younger generation is so into video gaming, so I want to say here, surrounded by fellow Kerbonauts, my beliefs. Video games are a magical invention. We have become like like artists, like gods, in creating worlds for our amusement. Playing video games is like reading a book. You immerse yourself in this fictional place that is as every bit as real as you devote yourself to believing its real. For those who say that video games are pointless and don't accomplish anything... well, I have some news for them. Never in the real world could I have toppled a pacific island dictatorship (Just Cause 2), rescued my friends from insane pirates (Far Cry 3), brought the gift of clean water to an atomic wasteland (Fallout 3), mine for diamonds deep underground (Minecraft), built rockets and fly them to other worlds (Kerbal Space Program), and so much more. Video games unleash a completely new side of people. Instead of being the school know-it-all, I'm a wild west outlaw (Red Dead Redemption), street gang kingpin (Saints Row series), brain surgeon! (Surgeon Simulator 2013) and a PhD certified freedom fighter (Half-Life series)! The only one who can know all of this, however, is just myself, who these non-believers can never understand. Video games are an escape, a blank canvas, a shooting range, stress ball, pretty much the ultimate tool of creation and destruction. We become gods while sitting in our little swivel chairs, sipping on Mountain Dew. Whew. Any thoughts on this? Who's with me?
  13. I have three probes in perfect geosynchronous orbits 120 degrees apart from each other, (I used save file editing to make them perfect) when I look at the map all of the probes signals connect for ~five seconds then they all the loose signal, and when I launch a probe it looses connection and I can't control it. All the satellites have enough power and range for the signal to be sent, but they don't "talk" to each other, it's like RC2 hates me? Mod list: - B9 Aerospace - BioMass - DeadlyReentry - DYJmisc - gatling gun - EditorExtensions - EnhancedNavBall - ExsurgentEngineer - FerramAerospaceResearch - Firespitter - just the .dll - FSflightPath - HexCans - HullCameraVDS - KerbalAttachmentSystem - ProceduralFairings - Kethane - KinTechAnimation - kommit nucleonics - MagicSmokeIndustries - Infernal Robotics - masTerTourch - Dust Experiment - MechJeb2 - ModularFeulTanks - ModuleManager1.5.dll - NavyFish - Docking Port Allignment - NovaPunch2 - PartHighlighter - PersistantTrails - Procedural Wings - RCSBuildAid - RemoteTech2 - ResGen.dll - RLA PowerGeneration - Romfarer Lazor System - Squad - Duh - ThunderAerospace - TAC Life Support - TTNeverUnload - UniverseReplacer - WarpPlugin Please help
  14. ^^Glad to hear that. Here's a quite thrilling part of the movie in Jay Leno's talk show that you won't see anywhere else. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9drjrjm8NNE
  15. Squad how many times have we told you not to talk about release dates! Each time you mention it its delayed a bit more!!! On a more serious not... WOOP!!!
  16. Don't worry about the general anaesthesia, before you are given the gas mixture, you're being injected with a sedative to calm you down, and it's easy to forget everything that has happened in that period because the brain might skip the permanent memory storing procedure. I doubt you'll receive general anaesthesia. It's just a knee surgery, probably laparoscopic method because it's so common these days. Relax and enjoy the view. Ask the surgeon to talk you through it, you might learn some anatomy...
  17. We see the clock we are used to. Makes it much easier to work with. No need to invent a new time system just for a game. In the same way as we say 106 days in a kerbin year, we use earth days, or years, to talk about the rotation of other planets in our own universe. It's the only number most people can understand
  18. Don't be silly, it's the Plasma Ordinance Thermal Extra-Neutralization Turret! Perfect for all your homicidal needs. Comes in blue and silver (and pink polkadot... but we don't talk about that model) EDIT: And I'm an idiot, started out looking for a POTATO acronym and while re-reading your post did a 'POTent' acronym... Doh! How about Portable Olfactory Testing Alternate with Tertiary Oscillations? Erm... Previous Oklahoma Trees All Terribly Ovulate? Phased Output Transdimensional Amplification Transmitter Odometer? OK.... I'm out. POTATO is hard! Yay indeed! You deserve it Czokletmuss.
  19. The meniscus? There is always some risk in surgery, but a meniscus surgery is pritty standard stuf, so generally safe. Knees are pritty simple, not much there that they could screw up. Unles you live in some backwater country where the docter is just some dude with a knife, you won't have to worry about losing your leg If you get local anesthetic, you can even see what they are doing. Some docters will even talk to you while they work, very interesting. Also pritty surreal, since you can SEE they are cutting in your leg, but as far as you can feel, it's made of plastic
  20. YX33A


    There is of course one scientific tidbit that bugs me, or rather how often people say it's impossible, and that's Warp Drives. More Specifically the Alcubierre Drive. I could go nuts and spew my thoughts on the matter all over this thread, but that would be awkward and would likely get people in trouble for replying Tl;Dr. Simply put, it's possible, we just need to generate this "exotic matter" that has negative mass(or something), which isn't even impossible according to at least two scientists. One of them is a bit of a nutball, honestly. His name is Michio Kaku and he believes in STRING THEORY! Well, okay, that's not that bad, actually, it's weird but I don't get it. According to the Youtube Comment Section however, he is INSANE! But that's the Youtube Comment Section, so it's not fair to them to pay attention to pretty much anything said there or take it at face value. Also there this guy called NASA seems to believe in this stuff. Wait. No, sorry, a Group called NASA. They're doing research on this stuff. Maybe you've heard of them? And yes, Clarke's first law is very important here. I mean, just 'cause one guy says that E=MC2 doesn't mean he knows EVERYTHING! Plus he didn't believe Quantum Physics was going to go anywhere(called it names to boot), and here we are talking about the Alcubierre Drive which needs Quantum Physics to talk about. Also Quantum Physics is a big deal these days. Go figure. I could post links to dozens of things to help my case, but basically, all people need to see me post is this youtube video: http://youtu.be/ctjbE_zcurg. Anyway, I'll give back the soapbox, guys. Cheers.
  21. horndgmium


    So I'm currently sitting in class right now behind a girl wearing a a blue/white wig and tiger ears, so I am unable to concentrate. Nor do I care, because I am a senior taking freshman biology, because I transferred in sophomore year and my university demanded that I take it (it doesn't really help that I came here immediately after my graduate-level advanced biochemistry course). That being said, I obviously have been nosing around the Kerbal forum shamelessly, and an unfortunate behavior seems to dominate the interpersonal interaction between you, my fellow Kerballers. This behavior in question: the tendency to propose/address scientific phenomena with scientific certainty, in turn causing others to debunk said phenomena in a totalitarian manner.Because of this, I'd like to extend to you all, my favorite community, a public service announcement (I have recently broken up with Imgur because of the hypocrisy and self-righteousness that I hope to never see in my new lover, the KSP forum). Many of you suggest or bring up excellent ideas and speculation about complex topics, with minimal research. I understand this, and do this sometimes myself, as it is an effective way to initiate conversation about something you either wish to know more about, or see implemented into the game (or has been already). While initiating conversation with a lack of knowledge due to incomplete research is a minor fiend, this leads to another problem: for others to debunk these ideas in full, while also either with a limited knowledge of the matter, or limited research on the matter. The fact that you simply have heard about a phenomenon does not mean that it is always the case. Galaxies and start systems form in BILLIONS of ways, maybe trillions. Please don't null someone's idea right from the start because YOU don't know about something, or whether or not it is feasible in the whole Universe (key concept: the Universe is large as balls). Contrary, simply because you have NOT heard of one phenomenon, does not mean it is wrong or impossible either. That's like saying CO2, for example, is NEVER a reactive gas, because it's predominantly inert. Under the right conditions, anything in our universe may be possible WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE HEARD OF IT OR THE CURRENT RESEARCH THINKS/KNOWS IT IS POSSIBLE (or not). Please offer reasonable discussion instead, about why you THINK the idea/phenomenon is improbable, since you are likely not an expert on the topic (if you are... prove it?). Be a little less ambivalent. Like any development in science, and has been the case thousands of times in the past, many previously "impossible" ideas have proved to be, in fact, the way things are. Some of these things include: the earth being round, the ability for humans to move faster than 50 mph without exploding, and evolution). Be a little bit more amiable in your discussions, because by shutting down someone else's idea, you are hindering the forward-moving nature of scientific discovery, as well as even the development of the game itself. If TL;DR, don't be a know it all douche. You'll never see me personally respond to any topic about space with absolute certainty, just hopeful speculation, but if you want to talk proteins and biochemistry, get at me. Horndog, out.
  22. They might not respect the idea that information can be 'owned', much like the native americans didn't recognise land ownership. Hell I don't even respect the idea that information can be owned. If we make an offer like "you give us that fancy tachyon generator and we'll give you a record of everyone's phone calls." They might be offended and not accept the deal because we didn't offer them something substantial. On the other hand, they might accept information for information, like giving us the plans for that tachyon generator in exchange for our records. Actually upon reflection, we might have to give them billions of hours of telephone records just for them to figure out how to talk to us.
  23. Since you talk about sat you must be using RT2. You need the dev version of MJ to fix that bug. Or disable delay in RT2 config.
  24. I saw that there wasn't a kerbkon discussion thread, so here we go! First order up for da business- how do you guys like the kerbalkon intro video?
  25. I talk about the one after today ... which isn´t out yet. They already discovered balancing issues with the damage numbers from todays upodate and are planning another one which, as initially believed, would require another wipe (but now doesn´t)
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