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  1. Bravo! A very original take on hinges. I can only imagine the work it was to get everything working right . One minor point, but did you know that the last engine placed in the SPH is the first that flames out? So just take the central one out and in again, and you will get that nice flameout warning you talk about at all times. Weird rule not everyone knows about. Rune. Now you do!
  2. KSC - Gene Kerbin "Boost that signal! We need to see and hear what is going on." Gene was frantic, inwardly. Externally he spoke clearly and with conviction so as to not allow any panic or create an atmosphere for stupid mistakes. Outwardly, he was a rock. Inwardly, he was very, very worried for his friends in space. "On it Gene!" Jo-Jo replied and cranked it to 11. The tracking screen went from full on static to a static laced screen but with contacts on it. "I've got something!" Milby at Tracking piped up. "I think it is our boys!" "Jo-Jo, see if you can get them on the Com." Gene "Right, Gene!" Jo-Jo said and raced to KapCom station. Pulling on his headset he quickly keyed his mic. "Beagle Flight, this is KapCom. Come in Beagle Flight." Kerbin Orbit - Beagle Flight - Reentry track Jeb shut Beagle II's crew hatch and settled down into the second control seat next to Bob. "We are on our way, Bob!" As the cabin filled with air, Jeb noticed Bob rubbing his coin. "Yeah I think that is a good idea buddy. No one has performed reentry like this before." "I'd kiss it if I could right now, Jeb." Bob grinned and put his lucky coin back in his suit pocket. "pssstrtsark! Come in Beagle Flight." Jo-Jo's voice filled their helmet, heavily laced wit static. "Jo-Jo!" Bob and Jeb replied at the same time. They both laughed and Jeb motioned to Bob. "This is your ship, Bob. Answer for the Flight." Bob nodded and keyed his mic. "KapCom, This is Beagle Flight. We read you." What came back sounded like total pandemonium with Jo-Jo yelling to be heard over it. "Beagle Flight, what's your status?" Bob checked his scopes quickly. "We are on reentry and about to lose contact. We are on course for landing near the KSC." Jeb flipped a switch. "Releasing Beagle I. Thanks Baby!" "Roger <squark ssst sssst>ght. Talk to you in <ssssssttt>" Then the signal got lost in the static as the flames of reentry washed around Beagle II. Jeb was checking the readouts. "Things are going to be happening quickly now, Bob." "Ssspstt!ight, do you read?" Jo-Jo's voice can back after the flames died down. "Roger KapCom. We're coming home guys" Bod radioed back. "I'm going to have a beer when we get down." Bob said. "Just one?" Jeb said. "I'm have as many as I can drink then pass out for a bit." The capsule touched down with a thud. The parachute was cut and drifted free. Jeb peered out the window and saw several vehicles all ready. Many of the military. "It may be a bit for the beer, Bob." As the boys were climbing out of the capsule the found themselves surrounded by Kerbs in green and those Kerbs had weapons. "Umm..." Jeb said while raising his hands. "We come in peace?" Bob tried real hard to not laugh. Suddenly, Gene pushed through the wall of green and guns and walked over to Jeb and Bob. He gave both of them a hug (a man hug) and thrust a beer into their hands. "Welcome home, boys! I'll hold them off long enough for you to finish your beers." He said with a wink and turned and started yelling for the Kerb in charge of the troops. Jeb and Bob clinked beer cans together. yes, it was good to be home. Beagle Flight continues.
  3. Chapter 4 To the Heavens...Errr...Maybe (Fred and a group of students surround Jeb who is in a bed.) Fred: Jeb…Jeb wake up…Jeb! Jeb: murmph Fred: Here is the result of long termed exposure to Nitrous Oxide. Jeb: Waaaawwawawawawwwaaaa Fred: Jeb you need to wake up.( to the students) You may be dismissed. Jeb: (suddenly) Wait! Where am I? Fred: Jeb you are still at the Infirmary. We need to get you home. Jeb: Give me a minute to get some more sleep. Fred: Jeb we need to go now. Your flight rocket is in the last steps of construction. Jeb: What! We need to go now.(Jumps out of bed) Fred: Good you’re ready. It will take us a while to get out of the building. Jeb: Why? Fred: That press you brought here, they are crowded all the exits. The helicopter is ready, so if you can get out you should. Jeb: Come on, there can’t be that many reporters. Let’s go. (Fred and Jeb leave the room. Outside Jeb is swarmed by reporters.) Fred: (Mockingly) Oh there can’t be that many reporters. (Scene Change: KSI helicopter landing) Bob: Jeb your back finally. How’d the tests go. Jeb: I don’t know how did they go Fred. Fred: Well, I am here to officially announce that Jebba… Jeb: Urrg Fred: (clears throat) I mean Jeb has been cleared off all charges and is cleared to fly. Gene: Good. Good. Okay, Jeb you need to go down to the Kerbonaut Complexand get fitted with your flight suit. Fred you need to go with him. Fred: Roger that. Come on Jeb. Gene: Bill you will act as Capcom for this flight. Bill: Okey-dokey Bob: What will I do? Gene: I need you Bob to help David operate the CCTV cameras. Bob: Cool. Gene: We need to get down to the Mission Control building. (Scene Change Mission Control) Gene (Flight Director): Good morning team. I would like to congratulate all of you on the successful simulation with the Zeus-LS. Today we will be flying the Zeus-1. Remember our primary goal is to keep Jeb safe on his ride into the heavens. Bill Kerman will be CAPCOM on today’s flight. This is still a test but it will be an active test. This is also our first launch with a count down. I all hope you received the countdown pamphlet. Bill(CAPCOM): What is that Jeb? Okay, yep, gotcha. Jeb wants to know if you added his 79 page amendment to it. Gene(Flight Director): 79 Page amendment! What for? Bill(CAPCOM): He says it will make the launch more dramatic. It mostly has to do with David’s CCTV cameras David(CCTV Specialist) Tell him I already have enough to deal with, without him. I also deal with giving the feed to the Media. Bill(CAPCOM): He Jeb David says he has enough to deal with. Jeb(Zeus-1): I thought they wanted the launch to appeal to the public to get more funding. Bill(CAPCOM): Jeb is wondering about the programs funding. Gene(Flight Director): Tell him we can talk about this later. Bill (CAPCOM) : Jeb stop talking, because Gene looks a bit annoyed. Jeb (Zeus-1) : I’ll stop talking…………..FOR NOW!!!! Bill(CAPCOM): Jeb is good. Gene(Flight Director): Copy, we are beginning countdown now. T- 3:00 till liftoff of Zeus-1. David begin transmitting feed from ground camera. David(CCTV specialist): Ground Camera is up and clear. Dale you are clear to begin transmission. Dale(Telemetry/communication officer): Transmitting to twenty different media outlets. Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): The VAB has cleared the Zeus-1 rocket for lift off. Gene (Flight Director): Copy, T- 2:45 till launch. Clock is still holding steady. Roger (Rotational Control Officer): Can I get a conformation regarding the SAS and rotational vectors test. Gene (Flight Director) : I was hoping you could get those in at T- 2:00. Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): Zeus- 1 has reached the pad. They will begin refueling on your mark. Gene (Flight Director) : Are the communication lines set up. T-2:20 Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative) : The pad is saying they have the lines up. Gene (Flight Director): We need to make a quick check of communications with the capsule Dale. Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): CAPCOM are you ready for tests. Bill (CAPCOM): What kinds of tests. An endurance test, a strength test, or a speed test. Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): The communication tests with the capsule. Bill (CAPCOM): uhh, Roger, I will begin on your mark. Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): Testing in 3…2…1…test Bill (CAPCOM) : Testing testing 1 2 3. Can you read me Zeus-1 Jeb (Zeus-1): I read you loud and clear. How long do I have till lift off. Bill (CAPCOM): You have about 2 minutes. Roger (Rotational Control Officer): Wait what, I need to run tests. CAPCOM tell Zeus-1 to check his instrument displays. Bill (CAPCOM): Hey Zeus-1, I need you to check your instrument display for rotational checks. Jeb (Zeus-1) : Copy, the sensors are currently reading 0 for all vectors. Roger (Rotational Control Officer): Testing Y in 3…2…1…good X in 3…2…1…good Rotation in 3…2…1…solid. We are go for launch. Gene (Flight Control) : Communication can we get the readings from the capsule. Dale (Telemetry/Communications officer): Yes, it seems all readings are good. Gene (Flight Director): That’s good. T-1:30 Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): Pad is waiting for orders to refuel. Gene (Flight Director): Franklin are you ready for the refueling. Franklin (Fuel Officer): Pad has my permission to begin refueling now that the equipment has been tested. Jeb (Zeus-1): Wait did he just say their refueling my rocket. Bill (CAPCOM) Yes Jeb, If you want to fly you are going to need fuel. Jeb (Zeus-1): But that means I am sitting on top of a b..b..b.bo.bom..bom…BOMB! Bill (CAPCOM): Booster what is the current success ratio with this Booster Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): Jefferson put the fail rate at 30%. Bill (CAPCOM) : Jeb the explosives under you are perfectly safe. Jeb (Zeus-1): Whatever you say Bill Gene (Flight Director): T-1:00 and 20 seconds till Weather check. David go to Watertower cam David (CCTV specialist): Copy. Bill (CAPCOM) : How are you doing in there Jeb. Jeb (Zeus-1) : Well there is little room to move. I can kind of move the throttle. If someone rips off the hatch I am going to flow out like champagne. Fred (Biologist) : CAPCOM ask Jeb if he feels hot. Bill (CAPCOM): The Biologist wants to know if you feel hot. Jeb (Zeus-1) : You know, now that you ask that it is getting kind of hot in here. Gene (Flight Director): Fred does that change any of the plans for the launch? Fred (Biologist): No, but I need it for the data. Gene (Flight Control): That is good. We need the Weather check. Dale (Telemetry/communication Officer): No wind and it is sunny and clear. Gene (Flight Director): Stan does that mess up your department. Stan (Range Officer): No, baring the weather the range is clear we are go for launch. Gene (Flight Control) : T-0:30. We need to go through the Go/no go checks. Health Fred (Biologist): Go for launch Gene (Flight Director): Rot Roger (Rot control officer): Go Gene (Flight Director): Pad Booster (Rocket Scientist Representative): Zeus-1 is fueled. Pad is cleared. We are go for launch. Gene (Flight Director): Communications Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): Lines are open we are go for launch. Gene(Flight Director): CAPCOM and Zeus-1 Bill(CAPCOM): Are you ready Jeb. Jeb (Zeus-1): I just want to get of the explosive. Bill (CAPCOM): We are ready for launch. Gene(Flight Dirctor): T-0:15 all systems are go. Bill Kerman will be doing the countdown in 3…2…1… Bill (CAPCOM): Launch in 10…9…8…7…All systems are go…5…4...3…2…1…Ignition. See you later Zeus-1 (Alarm flashes on Dale’s desk) Dale (Telemetry/communication officer): Parachute has deployed! Roger quickly roll west! Roger (ROT control Officer): Copy. Jeb (Zeus-1):Something is happening to the capsule. Bill (CAPCOM) : Your parachute has deployed we are ripping the capsule off right now. Dale (Telemetry/communications officer): SRB has detached. Flying towards the pad. Stan (RO) : I have no communication with the Booster, but it is on a safe path at the pad. Fred (Biologist): Jebs heart rate is up 50%. He is safe though. Bill (CAPCOM): How you feeling Jeb. Jeb (Zeus-1) That was awesome. Dale (Telemetry/communications officer): Capsule has landed safely. Booster has crashed. Gene (Flight Director): CAPCOM you need to tell Jeb to get out of his capsule and collect a surface sample. Bill (CAPCOM): You just barely survived, but we need you to do the experiments. Jeb (Zeus-1): Okay, Crew Report #0001JEB the scientists couldnot stage my capsule right, so I am on the launch pad. Bill (CAPCOM): Now you need to get out Jeb. Jeb (Zeus-1): I am opening the hatch now. It appears there are signs of intelligent life. Oh wait. Bill (CAPCOM): Collect a surface sample, a log, and plant the flag. Then you can back into the capsule. Jeb (EVA-1): Copy. Jeb (EVA1): What is this stuff I am picking up. It is like partially flesh or something. Log #0002JEB I appear to have lost an important part of my ship. Bill (CAPCOM): Now plant the beacon/flag. Jeb (EVA1): Okay. Bill(CAPCOM): Seriously Jeb, uhhh get back to the ship. Jeb(Zeus-1): I am back in the ship awaiting recovery. Gene (Flight Control): I am declaring this mission a partial success. Debreifing in five minutes. Jeb (Zeus-1): Does anyone want to help me out of my suit. Gene (Flight Director): There is your job Bob. Bob: Wait what!?! -Author's Notes- Sorry about the lack of updates, but AP US History got in the way of me writing this chapter. School must always come before KSP, except when I am bored.
  4. Lol true but it would be good for all groups involved to get popularity up. I have attempted to recruit some friends into KSP and they talk about how cool contests would be.
  5. http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/475669170 Maxmaps doing some early career mode with Spootyman and tanuki_chau. Not much actual dev talk, but a couple of hints. Found it in the KSPTV profile, under past broadcasts.
  6. False, would you like that if thread get flooded by a talk about the fact that the moon landing was a hoax? The user below me have broken the article 2.2 once or more.
  7. Probably the backup plan, if the entire TDRS constellation dropped out, would be "come home immediately"… assuming everybody wasn't dead. You could still use ground transmitters to talk to them however. The bigger problem is the "Kepler syndrome" (i.e., an orbital debris cascade). My son asked me while watching the movie "would this happen?", and I had to answer with a firm "No, but…". Yes, you can get to a state where the debris multiply rapidly (exponentially)… and that's a serious concern... but that doesn't mean anything like instantly. The movie seems to imply everything going to kibbles and bits in a single orbital period or so - not even the right order of magnitude. An orbital debris cascade would take many multiples (as in "hundreds" or more like "thousands") of the orbital period. And it wouldn't change spacecraft communication in the least… not unless such a debris cascade in LEO would impact Geo-sync orbit, which is where the multiple (yes, they have back-ups) TDR Satellites are located. Another significant goof here is if the debris stream (from a recent break-up) encountered the shuttle one orbit #1, the chances are incredibly remote that it would encounter it on orbit #2, #3, etc. After all, if the break-up was in the same orbit as the shuttle, it wouldn't have a velocity relative to it… and if it was in a different orbit than the shuttle, they only intersect in two places. So unless you have the break-up event occur in an orbit inclined to the shuttles, but with an identical period, this is not a regularly once-an-orbit repeating phenomenon. Still bigger problem? Given the likely encounter speeds, they literally never would have seen it coming. Let's say they had a relative encounter speed around 5 kps… if you were lucky enough to see it at a distance of a mile (think about this… given the size of the chunks, do you think you'd spot them at a distance of a mile?), you'd have 0.3 seconds from catching a glimpse to impact. No chance… especially since anything on-coming to you at those speeds would have nearly zero drift velocity across your field of view. Yeah, the fire in space bit bothered me - because while you *do* get fires in space (Mir had some *serious* issues in this regard), they do not apparently look like that. But, hey, it will visually give the viewer the idea of "danger from fire". At least they didn't resort to "hearing explosions in space". I appreciated that. -- Brian Davis
  8. Granted, the furries take over the forum I wish people to keep of bringing the subject up (more you talk about it, more bronies get hype)
  9. 10/10 Why u no talk 'bout nothing else?
  10. Octavia don't talk in the show... so false. The user below have heard Lyra talk.
  11. I like this. However in its current form it kills my performance due to the endless stream of debug logging. I built a version without it and it works great though Now, I'm interested to contribute to this. First off, with this mod the engine sounds continue playing in the pause menu. I'll try to figure out how to stop that from happening. Secondly, I'm (later on) going to see if I can make this talk to FAR in some way, to get the density and speed of sound from there (way more accurate). I'll post updates if I manage any of these
  12. 9/10 meh i know there is a OC wiki mr plample wont talk,.
  13. Finally its out now for 0.22 Good work and thanks a lot! Good decission to keep out the delay until there is an automated control. Too much difficult to control anything with only just 2 seconds delay. Not to talk about several minutes delay
  14. As you see,I'm back to this awesomely incredible game I'm now working on planes,and thought is it possible to use drogue parachute like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/SAAF-BAE_Hawk-Drogue_parachute-001.ogv ^ Wikipedia owns it I tried this several times,but plane tips over.I know,to use parachute like that you must line up com,what is pretty hard to do with planes! Any ideas? By the way,I know that parachutes cut off when you hit the ground,so let's talk about situation while you're still in air,and you need to slow down the plane
  15. Yep. Hey, maybe you can talk to the Kethane guys for cross-compatibility like showing Kethane deposits on the SCANsat maps... And I like the new "unofficial" logo... But maybe have the plane inside the square? or even maybe a satellite thing... Something like this Though it does bring Kethane to mind...
  16. Are there any mods out ther thad add new planets or even better new solar systems? Is it even possible to make mods like that or would that alert game too much? I tried to google them but I couldn't find any. I heard some talk about planet factory mod but couldn't find any link to actual information about it. Thanks in advance for your help.
  17. Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got somethin to say But nothing comes out when they move their lips; Just a bunch of gibberish And motherkerbals act like they forgot about Dres. /sorry, couldn't help it
  18. Certainly! It's only limited to one entry per category. Updated for entries I could actually see as valid. If you don't see yourself up there, you can ask and we can talk about why. Hodo, I'm pretty sure that intake/nosecone combination stack is not possible without devconsole. I'm liking the entries, peeps. Sorry, I'm not going to comment on each flight this week.
  19. All this talk of learning curves and no one has yet posted this? Seriously though, I don't find Dwarf Fortress to be that complicated. It's all menus, the only difficulty is finding things. And as someone who used to use Lotus 1-2-3 remembering menu hotkey strings is cake, and they're not nearly as long in DF as they were in Lotus. The only part of DF that I would consider truly complicated is the military orders/scheduling thing, I have yet to sit down and figure it out.
  20. 250km is way too big to talk about nukes. (And believe me, I am a huge fan of Nuke-It-Lots plans). However and somewhat contrasting with the first statement, 250km, isn't -that- big. I mean. Make no mistake, it's an extinction event for the unprepared. It's 25 times the size of the dinosraur killer asteroid, and 10x times the size of Phobus. However, even so, it is only about the size of... Scotland. At reasonable speeds I think thats far from planet disintegrating. Earth would absorb the mass and add it to its own, but would still remain as a planet, nice and spherical. The Moon-Earth system would remain pretty much unchanged, and going around the Sun as usual. This means that we might not have to make it much further than the moon, which might be about possible. I guess, someone would have to try to make some sort of closed loop ecosystem/biosphere underground, send a couple of construction equipment that eat lunar regolith and spit stuff and send a couple of colonists and tell them that they are soon are going to be the only surviving humans in the universe and somehow must learn to colonize the moon and then system, with naught but a couple of rocks and 3d printers from the sounds of it. Also that after the impact there might be a bit of a fragment rain and that the moon has no atmosphere to stop them. No pressure. However, that would actually be my plan "B". Much more worth looking into, would be plan "A" which would be surviving... right on Earth! As I said, 250km isn't -that- big. It is not going to turn the entire crust into lava or something. My first thought is Underground, fully sealed cities, with nuclear reactors and stuff. Someone could definitely do that in a much larger scale than the moon, and cuts off the super hard "escaping the damn gravity well" bit. "Underground" is probably a terrible idea tho, since small as it might be, the impact would probably create the MOTHER OF ALL EARTHQUAKES. So perhaps floating city-ark things instead. If the ejecta rain is calculated to be very bad, then perhaps that could be, submersible float city ark things! There is going to be a redunkulous amount of heat released from the impact, so all the more reason to make them submergible in fact. Heat amounts so great, a good chunk of the oceans would probably evaporate. So all the more reasons to be nice and cosy inside your water cooled, submergible city arks. (this actually makes for an awesome sci-fi universe) At that point humanity would be split into two factions. Epic city ships, roaming the dark oceans, under a dark sky, which would remain so for over a 1000 years. Wither the atmosphere would remain breathable, or wither the oceans would fully evaporate would make a huge difference. Interestingly, after the heat wave, they'd basically have to deal with a total ice age. Everything is going to be concentrated around the warmth of the nuclear reactor hearts of the city ships. And much smaller, tinier, population on the moon, with a great view. And hardly anything else. But at least they can put a solar panel up and don't run the risk of forgetting that stars exist.
  21. CHAPTER 40 RENDEZ-VOUS: PAYLOAD C *** DANREY: Sid? I asked you a question. SID: Hmm? What is it? DANREY: Are you feeling okay? There's not that much time left before the Payload C arrives and you haven't sleep at all. SID: So what? DANREY: We're going to have a lot of work today, Sid. You have to be ready for it. SID: I am, Dan, I am. DANREY: Are you? You're glued to this window since we've arrived here, that is precisely, let me see… 22 hours and 20 minutes. That's a long time, Sid. SID: And that surprises you? DANREY: Not really, but you need to be focused – there'll be plenty of time for this later. SID: I'm not taking pretty pictures for postcards, Dan – I'm observing the only mun in the system with atmosphere. I know we have more time scheduled for this later but we won't stay here forever – our time is limited and I want to do as much as I can. Who knows when the next mission arrives here, if any? DANREY: I get it, I really do, but, well… SID: Well what? DANREY: Okay, I didn't think I would ever say this, but you should take example from Rozer. SID: Dan... DANREY: At least take a nap. It won't be long before- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Final orbit achieved. Payload C ready for the rendez-vous. DANREY: Copy that. See? I told you. SID: You clearly don't understand what are the priorities for a scientist, Dan. DANREY: Okay, okay. Could you wake him up? I want us to- ROZER: How much time before the orbital plane change? DANREY: Oh. Err, thirty minutes, more or less. ROZER: Wake me up before the burn. SID: I don't understand how can you sleep when we're so- ROZER: Our priorities are apparently different, professor. SID: I guess they are… BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbital plane change calculations completed. DANREY: Good. Sid? SID: What again? DANREY: Take a nap. Please. SID: Is this an order? DANREY: Come on. Just- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Even short amount of sleep can be very rejuvenating. It's known that it can also reduce stress and blood pressure, therefore it's advised for all crew members before any longer activity. DANREY: Yeah, what he said. SID: :sigh: Okay, okay, fine, I'll try to take a nap. DANREY: I'm glad to hear this. SID: Sleeping in orbit above Laythe, on the first day. I mean, it's just… DANREY: Don't worry, Sid. It's not like the mun is going anywhere. *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Circularization burn completed. Calculating next maneuver. DANREY: Great, thanks BERTY. SID: Okay, I have to ask since this is really bothering me – would we be able to manually complete rendez-vous without BERTY's assistance? DANREY: Well, yeah but not with enough accuracy probably. Why? SID: Just asking. DANREY: After our lazor system was damaged during aerobraking this is the safest way. Even small mistake could send us right through the Van Kerballen belts and then- ROZER: Loss of crew. Or worse. SID: How come it could be worse than this? ROZER: Loss of the LAMGML means that there will be only one lander left. Which means much smaller accepted risk for further flights. Which means less data gathered and in case of any problems, the second LAMGML is all we have left. SID: But that's why we have two of them, right? Redundancy. ROZER: With one lander we can't take any chance if we want to complete the mission. SID: What do you mean? ROZER: If we or anyone else get himself stranded, the rescue mission would be very... debatable. DANREY: You're not saying that- ROZER: This is exactly what I'm saying. I would advise against any reckless actions in such case. SID: Good think you're not giving orders anymore - Jeb would never even think about leaving one of us behind! ROZER: Yes, we're really lucky that he's in charge, aren't we? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Calculations completed. Next maneuver scheduled in 1 hour and 8 minutes. *** BERTY v.2.0.8b: Closest approach in 5 minutes. DANREY: Copy that, BERTY. ROZER: We should check the external camera before executing braking burn. DANREY: Hmm? ROZER: In case anything happens. You don't want to fly blind. DANREY: I'm not- ROZER: Literally speaking. SID: I'll check it. SID: Cam is working just fine. We're good. DANREY: Thanks. You see, nothing to worry about. ROZER: We'll see about it. SID: Thank you for this optimistic assessment of our situation. ROZER: You're welcome. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing braking burn in 60 seconds. SID: Dan, are you, uhm, sweating? DANREY: What? ROZER: You should try to stay calm, lieutenant. SID: Exactly. BERTY will be doing all the work, you probably won't be even needed until all what's left is the docking itself. DANREY: Mhm. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing braking burn in 30 seconds. SID: Just relax, you've been doing it hundreds of times. DANREY: In a simulator. SID: Well yeah, but it's just like docking to “Proteusâ€Â, isn't it? ROZER: If the possibility of being stranded here and exposed to a deadly level of radiation unnerves you, well, it shouldn't. SID: That's right. All- ROZER: We would run out of oxium first. SID: What the hell? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing braking burn in 15 seconds. ROZER: We're in a very dangerous environment. He should stay focused. SID: Well, it's not helping at all! ROZER: Fear is usually a very good motivation. SID: Are you seriously- DANREY: I would really appreciate if both of you just shut the hell up for a second! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Executing braking burn in 5 seconds. Four. Three. Two. One. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Braking burn completed. Radiation level within safety limit. Switching to manual control. SID: Phew. DANREY: Kod damn it... SID: You see? Everything is A-okay. DANREY: Yeah. I'm sorry I freaked out a little- ROZER: A little. DANREY: -it's just that too many thing have gone wrong already. SID: Don't worry, Dan. We're here – now we only have to dock LAMGML to the Payload C. DANREY: Right. Err, could you give me a visual on it? I want to be sure everything is fine before we attempt docking. ROZER: “Attemptâ€Â, lieutenant? May I remind you that we don't have enough fuel to meet with “Proteusâ€Â. We're going to dock or we're going to d- SID: For the love of Kod, could you stop it already? Why are you mocking him? ROZER: I'm reminding him of- DANREY: Enough! Give me the fraking visual. ROZER: As you wish. Lieutenant. DANREY: … SID: Hmm. I don't see it… DANREY: Are you sure? It should be just- SID: Wait, it's here! DANREY: Can you see whether it's damaged or not? SID: I can't tell, it's too far away. Take us closer, Dan. DANREY: Okay. RCS online, SAS on. :sigh: Here we go. SID: Hmm. DANREY: What is it? SID: Solar panels seem to be alright. Both probes are visible, the CHM appears to be undamaged as well… ROZER: The lander? SID: I can't see it very well, we need to get clos – frak! DANREY: Something's wrong with the lander? SID: We're coming from the engine's side! ROZER: BERTY, radiation level? DANREY: Prepare for the emergency burn! SID: Holy crap, I can see the nozzle! ROZER: BERTY? DANREY: Engines in stand-by! ROZER: BERTY! SID: What's the dosage!? DANREY: Screw it, we won't wait, I'm- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Radiation level within safety limit. DANREY: Frak me! SID: Holy.... thank Kod! ROZER: Hmm. DANREY: I'm taking us out of here. ROZER: Are you sure that the radiation level is nominal? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. ROZER: Cause? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Reactor may be idle. SID: Crap, this could be problematic. DANREY: But we can continue the docking, right? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. However, it's advised to move the LAMGML to the shadow shield protected cone immediately. DANREY: Copy that. SID: Kod, we're really lucky it's idle. ROZER: It didn't have to be. And you fraked this up, Danrey. You know what they always tell during the training, always- DANREY: Always stay behind the shadow shield – I know! ROZER: It's not some rookie mistake – you could've killed us all, you idiot. DANREY: I'm sorry, okay?! SID: Hey, calm down! What happened happened, okay? We're all right and so is the Payload, we didn't even backscatter anything on the equipment, so let's just focus on the docking. ROZER: I agree. But we're going to talk about this as soon as dock, you hear me? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Establishing connection with the Payload C. Docking lights operational. SID: Maybe if you didn't provoke him, he wouldn't have- ROZER: He's a kerbonaut. He can't make mistakes. SID: He's a kerbal being! We all make mistakes! ROZER: Then maybe you shouldn't be here. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Warning. Cease of communication can occur in 60 secon### DANREY: BERTY? BERTY, come in! BERTY v.2.0.8b: ### DANREY: What now? SID: It's nothing, they are probably on the other side of Vall now. DANREY: :sigh: SID: Let's just dock and get this over with, Dan. You don't need BERTY for that. DANREY: Yeah. Commencing final approach. SID: Nice and easy. DANREY: Five meters. Four. Three. Two. One. Berthing mechani- what the hell?! SID: We didn't dock? DANREY: No, we didn't. Crap. Could it be mechanical failure? ROZER: Unlikely. Probably a glitch. DANREY: You mean the software? SID: Caused by cosmic rays – it's possible. But we still have connection with the Payload, right? DANREY: Yes. We'll dock to the CHM. Releasing the cap. SID: But… we have to dock to the lander! We can't access it from the other side, the heatshield- DANREY: So what should we do? Wait until we have contact with “Proteusâ€Â? We're docking now. SID: But… ROZER: He's right. It would be unwise to stay in the LAMGML longer than necessary, CHM are much better protected from the radiation. SID: It doesn't matter! If we can't dock to the lander, than if we're going to land the only option left will be- ROZER: Spacewalk. SID: … DANREY: Two meters. Docking… securing connection. SID: … DANREY: Connection secured. We've docked. :sigh: Frak… *** MISSION STATUS ***
  22. I play with a wired 360 controller and find it quite useful when docking or when flying spaceplanes. Left stick controls throttle (fore-aft) and yaw (left-right), right stick controls pitch and roll, the D-pad and shoulder buttons control RCS translation, etc. There's a problem with using the wireless version, though; the 360 controllers don't use standard Bluetooth radios, so you need an adaptor USB dongle to get them to talk with a PC. I know there's a version of the controller sold with the dongle; I don't know if the dongle is for sale separately, or what one would cost. -- Steve
  23. A short story that is in WIP. Will keep updating. It doesn't start well. Chapter Portal (For Chapters not on this Post)l Chapter Two: Laythe Station Chapter Three: Duna Chapter Four Prologue Cheers erupted from Mission Control as Bill Kerman stepped onto the Dunaian soil. This was a moment to be celeberated, as the spacecraft Duna Five touched down onto the fourth planet from their star, marking the fifth landing on Duna. The craft was to stay on Duna for a record six years, paving way and manning the small research outpost that had been built. Many expected the best for the mission, and even now as Duna Five walked on Duna, many other ships where already there, bringing the total number of crew at the base to ten. Meanwhile, further out, at Jool, transmissions came in from Laythe Station and the Jool-7 vessel exploring Tylo. Kerbalkind was soon becoming a true spacefaring race, and some scientists even suggested going to Lucifer, a star system11 light years away. Johannas, the Director of Spaceflight Systems, did not share in this excitement. Tensions where arising, politically. Kerbin was becoming too small to hold all the nations, and the constant arms race between the Provinces and the Union was proof of that. The former leader of the Union had been sporty, offering aid to the Provinces and warming up relations between him and former President Madfield. But he had fallen a year ago, by an assasians bullet. The new leader was extreme beyond ones beliefs, and wanted to wipe the Provinces off the map. The fallout center located near the VAB was always near his mind, and he stayed close to the exit. In case something happens, he thought. At Military Intelligence, the gathered officers and officials shared his beliefs. They where gathered in the Central Command Chamber, a large underground complex that ran almost all the the military functions for the United Proviences. "At 0400 hours today, one of our spy planes captured this photo of an Great Union military installation near the mainland of the United Proviences. This action cannot be tolerated. Send for the President immediately." A officer left, and came back, with a Kerbal dressed in a suit. "Yes?" "Mr. President, we have a probelm." "?" "The Great Union has established a military installation near the Provincal border!" "What country?" The National Security Advisor looked at a set of papers, and flipped through them, looking for the location and country of the offending facility. "Sir, it is located at Karkow" "The Republic of Karkow? The strong ally to the Union?" "Yes, Mr. President" An lieutenant colonel burst into the room, carrying a stack of papers and handed them to the National Security Advisor. He saluted both the president and the Advisor, and slowly exited the room after wishing them a 'good day'. "Convoys are headed into the area. Land convoys." "How far is it from our border?" "We are currently in striking distance. It can strike targets as far as our capitol." "Get up the Karkowian President on the phone" "Yes sir" The advisor motioned toward a worker, who dialed a number and handed it to the President. "This is the President of the United Provinces" "Huhhhhh" The Karkowian President slurred his speech, and fell asleep on the phone after making a brief mention of what...was it Vodka? "...zzzzzz....." "Koddamit!" The National Security Advisor looked at the President. They stared at each other for some time. The Minister of Domestic Affairs entered the room, and looked uncomfortably at the advisor. The advisor nodded, and pushed some buttons, and quickly gave an order to a officer standing nearby. "Put the Defense Forces on High Alert" "Sir." "?" "Several missile launches where detected near the border." "Where are they headed?" "Huding, sir. Population, 18 million. It's the commerence center of our nation. I wonder why they chose to strike there first, instead of the capitol." "Order the military to launch the Horizon warheads, immediately." "Sir-" "Do it. Now." The officer sighed, and called the missile launch base. Alarm bells rang, and millions of Kerbals scrambled to their fallout shelters. At mission control, their europhia had turned to utter panic. Wehner, the head Adminstrator of the National Astronautics Agency, grabbed the communication headset and quickly gave some orders for the astronauts. "Some crap is going on! Hang on, and don't go back to Kerbin! All flights are cancelled! Stay where you are!" That was the last transmission from Mission Control. Hundreds of missiles hurled toward the sky, and hundreds of bombers took off. Millions fled to fallout shelters around the nation. The militaries where mobilized. The Great Union, realizing it's strike was detected and a retaliatory strike was on the way, launched each and every last of it's nuclear missiles. The United Provinces did the same, as hundreds of rockets hurled toward the sky, carrying with the payloads of death and destruction. Eighty minutes later, the astronauts on Duna watched as the bright blue star of Kerbin erupted in flames. The war had begun and ended in less than an hour, and Kerbin they knew was now gone from existence. Chapter One: Immediate Effects Nedfred Kerman was in a panic. Duna Base One was safe. He was safe. But his family, his home, his country. Gone. He got up, and headed toward the airlock. "Where are you going?" "Out. Give me some time." "Ok then, but get back soon. We're the last koddamn Kerbals alive, and we should look into...alternatives." "Got it." He grabbed one of the EVA suits in the habitat, ignoring the curious glances of the kerbolnauts around him. He pulled out a control dial, and pushed several buttons-the access code for the airlock. 24205 He heard the airlock pressurizing, and the hatch opened. He stepped in, and it closed after him. It started to depressurize as he secured his helmet. The dial on the control panel turned green, and the hatch swung open to reveal the Dunaian landscape. He jumped out, his boots crunching the regolith beneath him, and started off for the horizon. He walked past the base modules, always staring straight ahead at the horizon, the hills, the beautiful landscape in front of him, as he turned off the radio to base. How nice. What beauty is it in this universe. Gripping a screwdriver in his hand, he took his last breath and stabbed it into his oxygen tank. Ned never made it back. He was not the only one. "Wheres Ned?" The sun was rising over the Dunaian horizon. It had been around seven hours since Kerbin had bit the dust, and Nedfred was missing. Bill looked at the faces of the Kerbals gathered around him, and looked back at his sheet. "Where is Ned? Ned? The Chief Science Officer? Where the frak is he?" "He took a EVA seven hours ago sir. I think he manually disabled contact, and he...just said 'Give me some time', and left. I thought he was going to hang out around the rovers, blow off a little stress, and such, but nope. Noone's seen him since he walked off..." Bill Kerman stared at Scott. Scott nodded, and sighed. "Well, that's one less mouth to feed. Supplies?" Thomas stood up. "Enough for ten years for all of us, and we have another supply craft coming in. It'll handle without control, as I believe someone had the idea to preprogram it." "Good. Then how long?" "Fifty years." "Building matierals?" "Enough to erect another hab, but not much." Bill paused. "So, everything at Duna Base One is fully intact?" "Yes." Everyone sighed in relief. Millions of Kilometers away from Duna, Jool-7 was in orbit of Tylo-and wanted to go a different way. "Landing is cancelled. We're not going to Tylo." "But Jeb....." "Shut up. I'm going to hope for a rendezvous with Laythe Station, and then we go to Duna." "Fine." Picking up the thorttle controls, Anrey Kerman looked at Jeb. Jebediah nodded, and went back to reading the last copy of Kerbal that existed in the universe. "When do we burn?" "....Uhhh.....didn't control tell us?" "All control told us before our planet bit the dust was something about a window in a month. And that's back to the irradiated hellhole that our towns now are. They also told us about the lander they put in orbit here a month ago, but we don't need that anymore." "A month? No good. Pull up the manvuering computer." Anrey quickly pushed several buttons, and a orbital map appeared on the screen. Jeb began to mess around with the map, inserting nodes here and there for a burn to Laythe. "That'll do. Head for the node direction and fire the engine." The ship began it's burn toward Laythe as the sun set in the distance behind them, over the curviture of Tylo. Picking up the radio, Jebediah began to scan for the radio frequency of Laythe Station, his eyes scanning the void in front of him, staring at the blue dot of Laythe. "Laythe Station, this is the Jool-7, do you copy?" *static* "Laythe Station? Do you copy?" *static* "Laythe Station?" -silence- "This is Mission Commander Jebediah Kerman,of the Jool-7. Hurry up and talk. Anyone? Tom? Lodlo? It's Jebediah! We're going to rescue you!" Finally, a voice answered. "Yeah...this is Tom Kerman.." "Wheres Rodlo?" "Took a spacewalk...saw him remove his headset transmitter and then reenter with his thrusters. I'm alone up here." "So, he's gone?" "I guess so. Should I cash in on his life insurance policy?" "Kerbin's gone, dude. And so are these companies." Last moments of Rodlo Kerman over Laythe, captured by Station Telescope Camera No.8 "I'm going to pick you up. Stay put." "Hah, ha. Yeah, I'll stay inside the habitat. Feel free to refuel from my ample supply of liquid fuel when you dock." Adjusting the thrusters on their ship, the crew of Jool-7 could do nothing...but wait, and watch as Kerbin burned. Jebediah Kerman sighed, and turned from the window. "So. Can someone tell me again on what the crap happened?" "Kerbin got nuked, and control bit the dust. What else? We're stranded." "Ok then....everyone, lights out and get to sleep." "Jeb?" "Huh?" "Will we survive?" Jebediah Kerman looked at Kerbal who said it. He paused for a second, then decided on his answer. "Yes.." "Cya then. G'night." I hope so, though Jebediah, before going back to the controls of the Jool-7, staring at the growing dot of Laythe in the distance.
  24. Guest

    Space Factory

    Nice. Do you think you could do the actual Rus-M instead of this stock-ish launcher? It sure is nice, but I'd prefer an accurate depiction. Perhaps you could talk to CBBP about the engines, he made RD-180 at one point.
  25. I don't understand the talk about using it as a cruise missile. Currently Marc 6 is one of those "we do not know what happens" area of research due to the intense heat and changes in airflow pressures. Any craft moving above march 5 is pretty much useless for a combat role due to restricted maneuverability; after decades of cold war tactics, I doubt anyone of us has to worry about is another fast missile. Besides Australia is years ahead of any research USA has ...
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