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  1. Of course Don't worry, my tome isn't for folks to talk in character on the forums, but strictly background material for how such a city could be developed behind-the-scenes.
  2. Okay, so after a lot of trial and error and some playing around, I've got some stuff to share. First off, due to popular demand, I present the .craft files for Cairo and Horus: Cairo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j76jrrmbbdzvg2q/Cairo%20%2B%20Launcher.craft Horus: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yn49ujiot0lqpk7/Horus%2BLauncher.craft Both Cairo and Horus have been updated with more efficient landing systems, Cairo retaining it's "Constellation-Esque" aeroshell and Horus remaining a no-frills Duna capable lander. Horus can land, get back into orbit, and still has roughly 2k dV left to play with. Talk about going places, eh? And now for the big kahuna. I can't take full credit for this guys. 98% of the credit goes to Rune and his Modular Base System, all I did was modify it a bit and slap it on my ship. Here is his original thread: CLICKY Check out the album for the juicy pics: I call this Operation: Laythe. Over the past few days playing KSP I've been developing a reusable, constant ferry operation to support a permanent Kerbal habitat on Laythe. The results are promising. I went from never making a working KSP plane in my life to developing a few SSTO's JUST for this operation. I've included one, SSTO-3, in the craft files below. Using Osiris II (And her older, less advanced sibling Osiris I) to ferry modules, cargo, and personnel to Laythe, you can easily build and expand a large ground operation. Deliver a few SSTO's, ground rovers, short-hop jet planes, and you've got yourself a LAYTHE CITY. You go from bare necessities as a frontier outpost to straight up colonists. This is serious stuff guys. If you build a base using 1 of each modified module I provide, you'll have habitat space for 8 kerbals just in the hab module alone. You'll have fuel storage for refueling ops. You'll have a communications center for talking to ships in orbit, and ultimately calling home to Kerbin. And most importantly, you'll have a Kethane mining setup that'll keep those fuel tanks full. Combine this base setup with KAS and you're golden. I cannot stress enough. Rune is awesome, his base is awesome, and it's awesomeness got me on this Laythe mindset. Once I realized Osiris II could take his full base system to Laythe and return for another load, it opened the door. Have fun kids. I'll be creating more base modules and stuff for the Kerbin -> Laythe architecture soon. These modules also all have their own propulsion systems, so you don't HAVE to go to Laythe. You could just as easily drop these bad boys on Duna or Eve. (Getting back off Eve is the fun part.) The only downside, is that with all of this payload, expect LONG burn times. We're talking 24 minutes of burn to get Osiris out of Kerbin's SOI and on her Jool intercept. I did it in 4 6 minute sections, to try and get some Oberthy help. .Crafts! (All credit for the Modular Base System goes to Rune, PLEASE check out his thread and leave him a comment if you are going to use these modified .craft files.) Communcations Hub: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqahj1etzuiskb6/Base%20Comm%20Osiris%20Ready.craft This component is designed to dock to Osiris's large aft docking port. The fuel tank is a fuel reserve, before undocking at the destination make sure any leftover fuel in the 2.5m tank is transferred to Osiris. No use carrying it if you're gonna just ditch it. Once landed, hit the last stage to ditch the landing system for fewer part count. Fuel Depot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qj2kji7l1amnhyw/Base%20Fuel%20Osiris%20Ready.craft This module, along with all the others below, are designed to be carried by their "belly" docking ports on Osiris's 4 docking arms. As per standard Osiris procedure, make sure fuel crossfeed is enabled. It's easier on the docking arms if all the weight of that fuel isn't there, and if you really want to drop these modules full you can always top them off with Osiris's fuel tanks. But it's a fuel tank. Whats the point of dropping a full fuel tank if you've got a full fledge fuel refinery/production system on the ground? I would however leave SOME fuel in these tanks, so the engine systems can assist in the final landing if necessary. Habitat Section: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jeuttxuqkrn194b/Base%20Hab%20Osiris%20Ready.craft Same as above. Crossfeed enabled, let the ship suck this modules fuel tanks dry. However, make sure you fill it back up so it's engines can assist in landing. Kethane Module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lftmrao0259udo0/Base%20Kethane%20Module%20Osiris%20Ready.craft Same as everybody else. Make sure it has some gas left to land, but otherwise let it get sucked dry by Osiris. SSTO-3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tna4vb729jcx7yk/SSTO-3.craft This is my FIRST SSTO. Thank you, thank you. She's decently stable, and her one turbojet makes asymmetric flameouts a problem of the past. She also has low-grav VTOL capability by using action group 4. If you have a refueling station over Kerbin, this makes it possible to SSTO to orbit, dock, refuel, and land on the Mun. She can make it back from the Mun on the one refuel. AMHIK. Typical SSTO ascent profile. Get off the ground, pitch to 45-50. Hold until your vertical speed is right around 100. Slowly level out to pick up as much speed as possible. Right at about .07 intake air, engage the rocket engines and throttle back to the turbojet after the initial flameout to keep her running. Once you start throttling down too much, kill the jet and throttle up. Burn to orbit. Should have PLENTY of fuel left once you're in orbit for docking and such. (Also, Mechjeb may appear in some screenshots, but is NOT on any of the .crafts. If you find a mechjeb module, let me know. I manually pilot each vessel/plane/module into orbit to ensure it's capabilities. After that, if I need to launch it again (like launching one of each module to dock with Osiris for the test flight to Laythe) I let MJ handle it. On my main save I don't use MJ at all.)
  3. I have been obsesed with this idea too, and i have come up with the idea that you could fuse two tritium atoms in the reactor. I have come up with a few ideas/theroys (exuse my spelling i dont have spell check instald) *is now looking up something on *internet** that when there is T-T fusion it will become a helium 6 atom, and in around a second it will have decayd into a lithium6 atom. Now i know that lithium6 can be used to make more tritium.( hurray we can make infinet energy) But if we make more tritium we can repet the proses all over again. the reactor concept was the same. If I (or someone else) could figure this out and get it to fully work, we would have infenet power (thereticaly). Something tells me we would be great freinds. Remember all of these ideas are theretical as i dont have any evidence of this, there are no websites onh the internet that talk about T-T fusion. I have also came up with ideas for a infenet miles to the charge electric car.
  4. An inflatable dish would probably need to be done with a scale animation. The problem with scale animations is that they tend to fall into the uncanny valley and look just wrong. Take the inflatable habitats on the old HOME module for example. To me their inflate animations look terrible. And if Bobcat couldn't make scale animations work, I certainly wont be able to. On another note. I did a small test on a "taco" style dish: Of course this is just a quick mockup using a very low-poly dish model. For a full-sized dish, it's going to be hell to properly group and weight each vertex. Which I'll have to do by hand. Just this low-poly model had 64 vertices that needed proper weighting. But it is doable, and possibly even with using only 8 bones per dish (16 might be needed for a more detailed folding animation). Another great thing I've found out is that Its now possible to animate the rig directly in Unity. That's going to make it much much easier to set up the part with a proper hierarchy. With this realization, I might be scrapping the clamshell design and going for a single or twin taco design (am I the only one getting hungry for seafood and/or mexican food from all this talk?).
  5. Hadn't thought about gas-core. The Wiki article I linked above does talk about them. Gas core does involve the loss of nuclear fuel (unless you use a "light bulb" design), but it also involves spraying highly radioactive uranium and fission products out with the exhaust. If you're going that far, a nuclear salt water rocket is a more efficient choice. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_salt-water_rocket). But if you wanted to model a gas-core nuclear rocket that consumed liquid fuel, a small amount of uranium, and had an Isp of 3,000 or so that would reflect a physical possibility that is way beyond our current engineering capabilities. Not sure if or how to model the consequences of the radioactive exhaust.
  6. Yes. I really cannot stress it enough that Mars One is a PowerPoint presentation. They talk about what they're going to do on Mars, but not how they plan to get there. When any one piece of equipment in this picture exists, Mars One is worth talking about.
  7. Log Out Settings My Profile Notifications Welcome, ThatNoob Kerbal Space Program Forum New PostsWhat's New?Private MessagesFAQCalendarCommunity Forum Actions Quick Links Articles Blogs Wiki KSP Store KSP Facebook KSP Tumblr Youtube KSP Twitter Advanced Search ForumOther ForumsThe Space LoungeForum Games! the control+v game + Reply to ThreadPage 1 of 4412311...LastResults 1 to 10 of 436 Thread: the control+v game Thread Tools Search Thread Display 7th April 2012, 23:59 #1 Caesar15 Capsule Communicator Join Date Nov 2011 Posts 1,773 the control+v game just paste and post Rome Total War Music - Campaign Win - Invicta Been here since 2011 Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post 8th April 2012, 02:05 #2 Lolnewb the rocketeer Spacecraft Engineer Join Date Oct 2011 Location A spacecraft, in orbit around Kerbol Posts 126 Re: the control+v game Cossack Patrol (Polyushka Polye) - Instrumental Beat me once, shame on me. Beat me twice, also shame on me. Beat me three times, I get sent to my death. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post 8th April 2012, 02:21 #3 Misterspork Sr. Spacecraft Engineer Join Date Oct 2011 Location Decimating your neighborhood Posts 333 Re: the control+v game KINETIC FREEFALL: Space Warfare Evolved A KSP Series Episode One: The Spark Of War Episode Two: Shadows Episode Three: Atmosphere Are You Frustrated? Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post 8th April 2012, 02:42 #4 mincespy Lord of Mun Join Date Sep 2011 Location England Posts 1,608 Re: the control+v game Kerbal Space Program Forum * Back to KSP Home Hello mincespy Show unread posts since last visit. Show new replies to your posts. April 08, 2012, 02:42:01 AM News: KSP 0.14.4 Released! 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[More Stats] Users Online Users Online 82 Guests, 50 Users (0 Buddies) Users active in past 15 minutes: mincespy, spike8760, devanmedrow, JellyCubes, Monkthespy, DonLorenzo, TheMunRules#1, Redneck, Rage, zeepal, Ascensiam, shikarirock, SBaL, khalidibn, Doctor145, Xunie, cteam, Damion Rayne, nccn12, Melfice, suika2344, Clockwerk, Mr. Fusion, kBarin, WeltraumAffe, hebdomad, r4m0n, Linchowlewy, Guekko, Shogun42, Psycho Society, Recel, CERVERUS, TheMattyPrince, vivaldi, cya1, C7Studios, meganekko, jgjiscool, eran100, dvc, eitan55, kongoman, StelarCF, Alchemist, madmat, penguin69, mathiasll, Freddy, Faceless Troll Most Online Today: 172. Most Online Ever: 368 (July 14, 2011, 02:25:26 PM) SMF 2.0 | SMF � 2011, Simple Machines XHTML RSS WAP2 I'm terrible at everything. For now. Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post 8th April 2012, 07:46 #5 Haplap Sr. Spacecraft Engineer Join Date Mar 2012 Location Somewhere clever. 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Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post 8th April 2012, 12:55 #8 Haplap Sr. Spacecraft Engineer Join Date Mar 2012 Location Somewhere clever. Posts 472 Re: the control+v game LOL Dun dun duuuuunnn *Eagle Screech* Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post 8th April 2012, 13:19 #9 witeken Junior Rocket Scientist Join Date Jan 2012 Posts 601 Re: the control+v game 27000-27050,3074 Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post 8th April 2012, 13:25 #10 DayOne Bottle Rocketeer Join Date Mar 2012 Location UK Posts 22 Re: the control+v game http://a.yfrog.com/img210/945/rb8p.png link to a pic of my Bubble space telescope. http://soundcloud.com/dayoneofficial [img width=249 height=150]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-X_tP_e16j64/Tw9W66vob9I/AAAAAAAAAPw/PeECv3yrRCs/w400/Airplane%252C.gif "Don't worry Mr. Astronaut person. I'VE played KSP!" Reply Reply With Quote Blog this Post + Reply to ThreadPage 1 of 4412311...Last Quick Navigation Forum Games! 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  8. If you prefer to talk at people rather than to them, that's your choice.
  9. Yes, WANT TO get close to it. You're arguing as if selecting a target is only done after you already are close to it, which is false. It shows inclination differences, and shows the next intercept - all of which are designed to be used from a distance to help GET close. But to make the analogy correct you need to talk about what happens when you're not in the parking lot YET but the car switches to parking mode anyway because you declared your intent to head that way soon. I think what annoys me most about this misfeature is the way you phrased that right there. You're pretending *I* made the mistake when you know perfectly well *I* didn't do the mistaken choice of switching the modes. I didn't make the mistake. The computer did. It overrode my inputs with what it thought I wanted, and it thought wrongly. The way I'm trying to fly it, being within a few tens of Km is nowhere near enough to want to switch to docking maneuvers. And it's not enough to tell the computer just once to switch it back to orbital mode. I have to keep doing it again and again because it keeps switching it back again on me if I'm not constantly watching for it to override my choices.
  10. The DN3D mod case you linked was considered a derivative work for rather specific reasons, among them that the mods referenced the game's art library and infringed upon the game's story. I don't think you can broadly apply these precedents to KSP mods. Your use of phrases like "especially given the lack of legal rights in this case" is inappropriate; until you bring me to court over it, it's absolutely reasonable for everyone to assume I have legal rights over my work. I get that you're frustrated with abandoned projects, but this has been discussed to death and we already have a solution that has yet to be implemented. Licensing (of any sort) is mandatory, yet many popular mods are still allowed on the network. It does no good to enforce the licensing rule only after mods have been long abandoned. If we want to make progress on the abandonment issue, unlicensed mods must be prevented from using the KSP network. There's no better time to start than right now. Most mods are released under permissive licenses. If too many are released that disallow derivative works, we can talk about that then, but as far as I know such mods are in the minority.
  11. Air intake, yes apparently as I've stated several times I'm using it and Sturmstiger hasn't said anything (That I remember). Bear in mind that the Oxygen recyclers in Ioncross seem to mess up at high time warps. I was carrying over 10,000 oxygen for 8 Kerbals and couldn't get them to survive the trip to Duna quite, but then I went down to 10,000 warp only and they made it fine, so warp gauging is rather necessary. Unfortunately things are messed up with more than one ship en-route as you can't keep both active so I'm still trying to keep track of who needs resupply at any given point rather than letting the computer handle it. There is another system out there, the WIP Tac Supply mod by Thunder that keeps track of oxygen food and water when a ship is not active, but there is no recycling yet and I did briefly check it out only to find I couldn't keep enough resources aboard my ship for the trip. It's just too heavy! Plus he has no air intake system so you'd have to cannibalize something between Ioncross and Tac supply mod. I'm hoping he adds recycling and air intakes soon to that mod because I'd definitely like to try it. (EDIT: just checked, and my Odyssey Hab Landers have an oxygen capacity of 14500 oxygen with 8 kerbals and make the Duna trip fine on 10,000 warp, ie the one tick short of max warp. Note it uses one of the large scale oxygen recyclers that is rated for 10 kerbals so it can keep things going) (EDIT: Keithstone... you named your base 'Calamity'? Ooooh, talk about tempting fate! Cool setup though. How did you balance your rover set at an angle like that?)
  12. The second-hand shop pays for the employees, the rent and the game they buy. But most important prices can drop fast drastically so its rather dangerous to have games in stock. If you would sell and resell almost new cars you could also make a lot of money. If you want to talk about "fairness" you probably should start with the relationship between Publishers and Developers. Or "Artists" and their labels/publishers or whatever in general. What do you mean by selling it multiple times? I can obviously only sell it once and there are many objects that will do what you just described - as an example apartments. I never said all of this wasnt odd but its not something that only exists in gaming. What do you mean by your last posting about sony? Some guy tried to start a console war - it failed - i somehow still tried to explain my views on the "new MS" and now we somehow ended up talking about digital-distribuation and second hand sales Also lets be honest here the only thing why second hand sales are such a big deal right now is because the industry missed an opportunity - again. Someone else picked up the idea and now they are kind of annoyed that someone else is also making money. I will never get gaming industrie anyhow - they all cry about how bad sales are - yet they most of the time have a higher marketing than development budget and end up publishing inferior products. Just look at COD i dont actually want to know how much money they made with it and the latest DLC yet they still barely invest more than other AAA publishers in their next game yet marketing has gone trough the roof ... (This oviously doesnt apply to small developers - its pretty much like in the music business there are few artists that have way to much money while most others can barely live from their income)
  13. **Update** 8/20/2013 The PCB's went to print today! Here is one of the main boards! - The first print is still an early alpha - But here is what it has - 6 Analog Displays (Currently Electricity, Liquid Oxygen, Liquid Fuel, Mono Propellent, Solid Fuel & Atmospheric Density) 5 Digital LED Displays (Radar Altimeter, Current Velocity, Apoapsis (GREEN), Periapsis (GREEN), Current Altitude) 1 Master Alarm- Programmable Master alarm Condition Customizable Plugin Can change any display into another resource or LED Display into another reading Here is a look at the PCB Main Board that went to print - PCB - TOP PCB - BOTTOM -- I Do need help with an enclosure, If anyone is decent with Fabrication skills if I can see some of your work, maybe I can ship one out to you to develop an enclosure for it. We'd need to talk. Thanks! Later this week (Perhaps today if I can get around to it) I will upload another video with all the displays.
  14. That is one of the things i dont get. What has digital distribution to do with the cloud? Its not a problem at all to have play-from-disc and digital distribution at the same time. Also what do you mean by access from the cloud? I never heard of such a feature. (at least from the Xbox One) Loading a game from the cloud too play is not an option (connections are not fast enough), streaming a game is an option but seem to be not that great also gives you more lag not to mention that there was no way in hell MS would have implemented a streaming-service for free. And a combination of cloud + console has been discussed a lot but in reality it would boil down to very few things that could be done. Not to mention that "cloud" means nothing and many times when people talk about cloud features i would rather call it "server" - a thing we have since decades in online-gaming. So i dont see why people are stuck in the 90's when they prefere to have more options? The bad rep the XBone has is from a marketing disaster. Which is probably why they changed a lot lately. It also didnt help MS that they were trying to force always online and a mandatory camera in your living room while beeing involved in an NSA-Privacy-Scandal.
  15. "You are easily irritated and your mother is of dubious repute." "My mother is a saint!" "You sound irritated, Q.E.D." Congratulations, you sought and got a rise out of someone and quoted Latin so as not to seem childish while doing so. Would you like a cookie? No? Then lets talk about the subject this thread is about, not your opinion of PC gamers or how witty you are. I don't see this game being successful on any console because of the GUI not translating well to a television several yards away from the couch. Trying to read humorous quips in the VAB will be an eye-straining headache, much as Morrowind's X-Box release was a whole lot of squinting at a CRT screen until you could see each color in the pixel making up the letters. Its not feasible for such a data-driven game to be ported over, and enlarging the font won't make the UI any more appealing either.
  16. You know you're addicted to ksp when you talk about it in your sleep.
  17. I'm done answering to you AngelLestat, you keep ignoring valid point, you want 6years travel with 0.6C beamed-sail which somehow doesn't apply to interplanetary travel and require 99.999% efficient technology making antimatter-drive look easy. So either you put ridiculous amount of low-efficient laser-sat "for the challenge" (talk about boring) or you increase the travel time to at least 50 years for a lousy probe. The website I linked you to "Projectrho" is a better reference than wikipedia for fictional story/game building so you may want to read it entirely, it will teach you that FTL can be easier to balance than magic-sail, and why your beam-sail project amount to magic inside a game which is rocketpunk to start with. That was constructive. My personal interest with FTL drive in KSP is mostly to answer your 3rd paragraph. At some point in KSP you'll either have to plan mission 30 years ahead and let time-clock remind you of the Kerbonaut you sent to their death +7 years ago because of a missing bolt or to research better-engine to make the timescale workable at the cost of less challenging orbital-maneuver and absurd DeltaV budget. This solution will probably work out very well as long as we don't go further away than Eeloo, but once we go further away from the Kerbal Space Center the model will break even if we build spaceship locally as it won't solve the problem of absurd time scale for launch window between Jool and further away Gaz Giant. This lead us to the idea of FTL. Be it something Kerbal-made, or magical-easter-eggs like the Mun Arch leading somewhere else like a stargate, FTL would serve as a shortcut allowing to explore further planet without breaking the gameplay on interplanetary/orbital scale with ridiculously high thrust/ISP and DeltaV budget. It also answer to the problem of "Times Marches On" and the inevitability that after 150 years of time-warp your scientist may invent FTL and the only solution to this problem is to make sure everything happen in a shorter time scale. The last problem FTL give us a solution for is that KSP's game engine cannot cope with long continuous acceleration I think it was said earlier in the thread that even an Alcubierre-drive tested by Developer led to calculation problems.
  18. So what you're really saying, in all of these situations (except the last where, by constellation presumably you are meaning a set of satellites very close to each other (and thus would want to kill rVel??), rather than phased about an orbit which would mean that you wouldn't get close enough to engage the auto-target switch), is that you want a readout of some information that you can't get any other way except for using a tool for a purpose other than the one it was created for? In which case, I'm all for that! Mech-jeb style readouts would be really useful. But the targeting part of the maneuveur node and rendevous system is meant for docking, and for that it works really very well. That sounds like fighting talk... hehe
  19. Who is this "the peep" you keep speaking of? Are they one of them cadbury yellow fluffy candies? Why the hell are they playing KSP??? I think this is just ludicrous talk.
  20. And yeah, we've seen gravitational lensing. I recommend watching the whole talk, but starting there is the section relevant to dark matter (and if you keep watching he explains why they think the universe is flat and not open).
  21. i haven't liked the internet much since about the end of the 90s when normal non-geek types started using it. im really starting to have an issue with kickstarter. flaky promises covering up what essentially is a giant money sink, only to bring products which are so expensive due to lack of mass production. individual mod makers with donation buttons also annoy me. i do modding because its a hobby that almost never costs anything (unlike electronics, or rc choppers, or (the irony) my most expensive hobby, lego), now people want to be paid for doing their hobbies. sometimes i think the money goes to all the dope they are smoking. people almost never did this back in the quake modding world. modding communities are different though, since they need to pay for hosting and stuff. another thing that pisses me off is online stores that do not tell you how much shipping will cost (or even what provider they use) before you give them all your information. i live in a rural area and prefer shipping through the post office, which is the like 4x cheaper than any other service, but you usually have to create an account just to figure how much shipping will cost. online video players that suck under low bandwidth conditions. a couple years ago i only had a 1 megabit connection. youtube worked fine, but any other video provider almost always had stuttering and buffering that doesn't buffer enough stuff to allow continuous play. i dont mind hitting play, then pause and wait for it to buffer a couple minutes before continuing, but then the thing only buffers like 10 seconds of video before stopping. im at 4megabit now so this is less of a problem. you think they would test these things under low bandwidth conditions. social networking. in my day (mid to late 90s) you wanted a website and didnt have any cash you would go to one of several ad supported systems that gave you a small bit of webspace. you could then throw up some html, insert some banner code (if you didnt they would do it for you and make your page look ugly). you could even run little scripts and stuff on some of those services, i had a little asteroids clone applet on mine. that was how we did personal websites back in the day. its also how you knew who your fellow geeks were. as crude an unfriendly as that system was it worked. needless to say someone introduced me to myspace, and found that while you were greatly restricted to a common interface, it was a way to sidestep the whole creation process one had to go through to get their face on the internet. for awhile i played along, you could still tweak the style sheets so you could do some customization, but it still sucked. it really doesnt do anything for your social life either, it just gives you the illusion that you have one. i stopped updating my profile and went to more bars, then i deleted it. decline of instant messaging has bugged me for awhile. i keep pidgin running with 3 or 4 accounts. though i always question why. i never talk to anyone on there. you never meet people through it anymore. this was kind of the result of it turning into a spam channel. email is pretty much useless, but you have to keep accounts around to accomplish anything on the internet. well i guess you can log in with another account now, but you still encounter the form element tagged email. now all the email providers want me to have a cell phone for this 2 factor security. i dont like cell phones. the reason i got on the internet on the first place is because i dont like phones. now you have to have a cell phone to use the internet. thats a cult i will never join. id sooner move to the woods and eat squirrels for a living. people under the age of 30. nuff said. i think they should get their own internet and have a big firewall between it and my internet. get off my lawn!
  22. I attended a plenary talk given by one of the authors of the Nice model a couple of years ago where he discussed this. As I recall, he commented that roughly half their simulations resulted in Uranus and Neptune switching places, and half did not. The outward migration due to the resonance between Jupiter and Saturn was a consistent feature across all runs, though. Edit: Nevermind; misread your post. You were asking about model statistics during the formation, not during the migration; I know less about that. The plenary only covered from just after formation up through migration, and didn't discuss the actual formation. (I'm not sure they can model formation nearly as accurately.)
  23. Yeah, I know about it. Not sure it'll work though. Need to calculate stuff first... and getting anything to this floating things will be ridiculous. Nae, I'd say even FTL is easier than stationary floating thing in space. In case it would be impossible to just float solar sail above the star, polar orbit is the way to go - this way you won't have Kerbol/Sun obstructing your field-of-view. You'll have to put another collector-laser assembly into equatorial orbit to reach stars above and below Kerbol/Sun, and another collector-laser assembly into polar orbit at 90 degrees to the first one. This way you'll cover all directions. That sounds like a lot of work. I know something about solar sail technology; the thing is that it works so much better at moving things away from the star. It has nothing to do with balance, and it works perfectly well for in-system transfer. In fact, with ablative beam sail it would be perfect for it. I'm actually a scientist (medical sciences, and I'm moving towards biology and environmental sciences (and maybe astrobiology if I'll get rich somehow). Life can do a lot of amazing things, but science does not bet on those things. Science operates with facts and evidence, and right now there is no evidence about life's existence anywhere in the solar system except on Earth. We talk about conditions favourable for life, it's something entirely different. This discussion goes downhill, really, since you are way too keen on defending your beamed sail at all costs; I suggest learning a bit more about orbital mechanics and moving stuff around in space just to understand the amount of work required; maybe even constructing something using beams and girders and solar panels in KSP (if you'll do it, show us your pictures! it'd be awesome!) to get the first-hand experience. Otherwise you'll be just dismissing problems with fancy words instead of working out solutions.
  24. Firstly, the iron – An Iron will radiate, conduct and convect away every joule of energy that’s put into it that takes it above ambient temperatures – the *important* question is; what’s the equilibrium temperature? Now, you solar collector is NOT just going to be a graphene panel. There will be different materials involved and all (though there might not be many, but one is enough to this to be valid) these materials will have different coefficients of thermal expansion which is why passive cooling over a huge area ain’t an option in a *hot* environment, and making it in NEO and then shipping it to NSO is problematical. Not saying impossible, but why make a rod for your back when you’ve got another million-and-one problems to solve and only 50 years to do it in J Their orbital position is a very minor concern though but I maintain moving them closer to the sun is a bigger technical challenge than bigger collectors. No I didn’t forget about the unlimited budget, but having spent 20 years in product development of one kind or another I can you the single most important resource is people. Throwing money at projects only gets you so far – you can get nine women pregnant but that doesn’t mean you’ll get a baby in a month (as the saying goes). There simply aren’t enough skilled warm bodies to complete this project within the 50 year time-frame without getting silly. I really don’t think you’re fully appreciating the scope of the project. It took 16 years to develop the Airbus a380 at a cost of 11 billion Euroes. Doubling the budget wouldn’t drop the time to 9 years. Ten times the budget wouldn’t equal an 18 month development phase. It just doesn’t work that. That’s ONE aircraft (yes, I realise a lot of development was the assembly line – but the same applies to the fleet of spacecraft you’re going to need to loft the phase 1 equipment into orbit). Now, typically when someone says in X years time it’ll technically possible to build Z I would normally interpret that as meaning that by X date we’ll have Y technology which we can put together to build Z and not – If we sequester a not inconsequential percentage of the scientific and engineering resource on Earth for the next 5 decades we could do this. Hell, think of the technical challenge of the targeting system alone!?! Trying to shine a laser onto a target a few kilometres across at a range of 3 light months could absorb thousands of man years of development time. Developing something like a continuous 10gigawatt laser could run into millions, if not 10s of millions of man years. Actually building one that can run for months at time is just the FIRST step – then you’ve got to figure out how to build it in such a way that it can either be built in nice neat modules and assembled by people wearing spacesuits. If these figures sound outlandish I would point to the truck project going on around me at the moment – which is principally driven by the new European emission regulations. In the department I work in it’s taken approximately 300 man years of work. That one department in one company (numerous external suppliers have been effected as well) and doesn’t include the work that’s gone out sourcing new suppliers and outfitting the assembly line for the new truck model. So I could confidently double that figure – and that’s just to meet a new regulation and make some incremental developments to a well-established product that is, essentially 75% unchanged from the previous version. The bottom line is this, I’m not objecting to the idea as such but the 50 year time-frame is silly – talking about unlimited budgets and huge manpower, you might as well talk about magic wands. We *might* be able to start in 50 years. I’ll be surprised if asteroid mining isn’t in its early stages by then. So the very start of the infrastructure for this kind of project will be in place and resources in space will be starting to become more accessible. Whilst NASA may indeed state that this is the most realistic method of intersteller travel with conceivable technology that doesn’t mean it’s the most practical in game terms, and frankly, gameplay is FAR more important than physics. The scale of the task in-game is too big to go for something that’s vaguely realistic and so something considerably scaled down would be implemented. Physics would be fudged – just as almost every other aspect of the game goes. The planets are far too dense and too close together. Kerbol is too small to ignite into a star. Laythe has liquid water on its surface! All these are VERY unrealistic and yet NONE of them wreck the same and therefor prove you can take considerable liberties with physics and still wind up with something that *feels* realistic. Intersteller travel taking years is going to break the game as the travel times won’t fit with the in-system game. Remember, we’re not talking about getting to just the next system, but the one after that and then the one after that – and people calling for just a higher warp clearly don’t understand that you’re unlikely to be able to just “park†your whole space program for years at a time – it will likely need constant management. So you could be looking at dozens upon dozens of hours of gameplay before your very first probe arrives in the next system and begin its actual mission – and in intersteller terms this is like launching your first satellite into orbit around Kerbin. So, sorry, I see and FTL system, with travel time in weeks or months, that doesn’t work in-system (or just doesn’t allow you to target planets – only stars) as being the only practical solution to taking fun and interesting gameplay beyond the Kerbol system. Realism be damned. And that's pretty much my last word on this particular sub-topic. Really don't have the time go this in-depth any more.
  25. I'm not offended by this thread merely the fallacy in the first place, I think it's important to talk about things that bother us.
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