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  1. Not quite sure what you mean by "Earth's pristine nature?" Anyway, have a read of that wiki page if it interests you! It seems to be a pretty well done page. The question of how common life is 'out there' is a bit OT for what the OP asks so we might want to start a separate thread if you want to talk about that more. I remain undecided either way, and would be delighted if we learn that there is life (of ANY sort!) anywhere else except Earth. That would be without a doubt the single most important discovery ever in all of human existence. But at the same time, I find the specific arguments on which the Rare Earth hypothesis is founded to be very difficult to refute or discount. Add to this that, we have virtually no evidence for life anywhere else . . . it is alluringly simple to guess that maybe we are alone in the Milky Way, if not more broadly than that. Also a couple other points that I cannot resist replying to: presently I see that many of the exoplanet researchers are reaching conclusions about their being "hundreds of millions of Earth like exoplanets." However, to my knowledge they have yet to actually confirm any of these planets as having oxygen in their atmospheres. "Earthlike" in this instance really means: planets which are within a size range, density, orbital and rotational period, etc. to put it in the hypothetical "Goldilocks zone" to make it _possible_ for liquid water, and oxygenated atmospheres. Of course even the lack of an oxygen atmosphere does not exclude the possibility of anaerobic life, but what we are really hoping for (and the dream that researchers are trying to 'sell' when the talk about 100 million Earth like exoplanets) are planets which could harbor biologies similar to Earths, be homes to intelligent life and/or viable targets for us to colonize. In this sense, I think that researchers are being a _tad_ bit reckless and creating a false sense of how much they can actually say for certain. The James Webb is probably going to be earth-shattering for this stuff, and I do hope I am alive to hear about that stuff The overall point of the Rare Earth hypothesis vis a vis these "Hundreds of millions of exo-Earths" rhetoric is that . . . the conditions that facilitate the evolution of life, much less complex life, let alone intelligent life, might be far more specific and constrained than the fairly simple parameters that exoplanet researchers are currently considering. All that said, I do not begrudge anyone leaning one way or the other in the 'debate,' as long as everyone is willing to acknowledge that relative rarity or abundance of extraterrestrial life is an about equal possibility at this stage of our knowledge that is good enough for me. In 5 or 10 years when we have even more data on these exoplanets, the balance of evidence one way or another might well shift, and shift quite dramatically. Even though we may be many generations from getting anywhere near any other star, it is nonetheless a very exciting time to be alive in large part because of the incipient revelations of exoplanetary astronomy.
  2. Finally Squad! We really, really need more transparency from you guys. Don't be so secretive! Talk more about the future of KSP and loosely what you're planning for the future. There are a lot of things in the "planned features"-list that you could talk about for example.
  3. but also understands the frustrations of it as well, and i don't think i got my message across correctly... the adults are using this thread to talk about "enjoy school!" and how they have to work 7 days a week and snaz like that. but to be honest, i do enjoy school (no wonder my class calls me weird ), except for the visual arts part... and it's ironic that i get told to enjoy school by my father and a KSP thread...
  4. The format will be different though, IIRC it was mentioned back around the time KSP TV launched that the most common problem with the old stream was that devs came over but sometimes didn't have much to talk about. The result was a lot of awkward silence and "uh, I'm just going to screw around in KSP" from Damion since there wasn't anything else planned sometimes. Of course screwing around in KSP isn't bad by itself, but people expect a bit more from an official stream. The two streams, one or development one for community model was a bit of a failure IMO, because bringing in devs every week wasn't possible. Also some people kept confusing the one of the other. Merging those two streams and having the devs come over sometimes, when they have stuff to show and discuss, and focusing on the community interviews etc. at other times is best. Just seemed redundant and sometimes less is better. Really, some development news are best served in the short section of the KSP weekly. If something big is coming a dev can post a dev blog entry or go talk with maxmaps on the stream. No point in having a separate stream just or development updates.
  5. Sorry, lost track of the thread. I'll be blunt; for you, that is school and the person yelling at you is a teacher. For me(and every last person in here who is an adult), this is not five days a week, but seven, not 6 am, usually 5 if you commute at all, and it's not your teacher, but your boss who you can't get away with responding in kind to. Or if you work in the service industry, occasionally customers as well. If you work as a staff scheduler for basically any company, that's most of the people you have to talk to. If you are a dispatcher of any kind, that's again, pretty much everyone you give work to. If you, godforbid, are a scheduler for, say, in home health care, that's not only your people you give work to, but basically everyone you are sending them to see. I wish I was exaggerating. But if you thought your teacher hated you, wait til you have a job and things to pay for. It'll either land you in jail or smarten you up to the fact that despite the fact that some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them, pretty much everyone who isn't a close friend of yours would kill you if they could get away with it and not have to cover it up at all. Welcome to dealing with people you don't like. It sucks. You have to do it. I still have trouble with it. But nothing save for possibly suicide would rid you of the having to deal with people issue. And lets not waste our breath here. If you aren't an adult, you generally aren't going to be able to get the stuff needed to relatively painlessly off yourself. The best kids seem to know is wrists and sharp stuff. I pity the poor souls who cut their wrists. They have no clue what they are doing and it's so sad it's almost funny. I know I shouldn't make light of teen depression seeing as I am well aware how serious and all but ignored youth mental health issues are, but I just shake my head a chuckle a somewhat sad chuckle, much like I suppose the Joker would laugh if he did in "What Ever Happened To The Dark Avenger?" comic. It's somewhat funny, but you can't pull it fully out of the sadness.
  6. If you could combine the point of that with Neil deGrasse Tyson's point when he said "... kids are born curious. They're always exploring. We spend the first year of their lives teaching them to walk and talk, and the rest of their lives telling them to shut up and sit down.", you would have what is very likely the most powerful reason many people hate school, the reason many kids find it pointless, and the reason many adults and children alike think most educational systems are failed. Even if children and adults don't realize it, they ask two of the most important questions from a very young age; "Why?", and "How?". Its surprising for me how they actually very rarely get answers to these two questions at home or at school, and even more so that most adults will rarely admit to a kid, while not showing anger or irritation, when they don't have the answer to one of those questions.
  7. just added the Joystiq article to the OP. I'm still trolling the youtubes looking for anyone posting up their videos of KSP stuff at pax. If anyone finds a video of the panel they did with the Day Z guys please post it. Also apparently the talk Felipe gave at the Unity event was recorded but the video for that is no where to be found yet. Keep your eye out for that... I know I am.
  8. CHAPTER 26 RED DAWN *** JEB: Hello, commander. I now you can hear me, so please be so kind and let me in. I've come a long way to see you. ROZER: Well, well. Tell me Jeb, you used the escape pod to sneak out and arrive here just before dawn, didn't you? JEB: I guess so. ROZER: Of course you did. Very brave, very reckless. Typical for you, really. JEB: Spare me. Open up, Rozer. We have to talk. ROZER: Yes. Yes, we will talk. I hope you have enough oxium, because depressurization takes at least 15 minutes. JEB: So you won't let me in? ROZER: Jeb, please – even you shouldn't be so unimaginative. I can't let compromise the mission even more. No, you will wait for me and than – than we will talk. JEB: So be it… commander. *** ROZER: So? JEB: You will tell BERTY to release everyone. Now. Then you'll explain me what's going on here, because I swear to Kod I'm done with this sadistic game of secrecy. ROZER: That's it? JEB: No. After we're done here, you and I are going back to “Proteus†to tell KSC that we won't do anything unless they tell us everything. That's it. ROZER: Mhm. Tell me Jeb, what makes you think that I'll do any of these things? Why should I do it? JEB: 'Cause if you won't… I'll break your fraking legs. ROZER: Now that's a little harsh. It doesn't sound like you at all, Jeb. You surprise me. JEB: I don't want to fight you but I will if I must. ROZER: My Kod Jeb, you really are delusional. You really think this is some clash of good and evil, don't you? And you are the hero who've fallen from the sky to sly the dragon. Unbelievable. How did you pass the psychological tests to be a part of this mission in the first place? JEB: Enough of this! Comply, Rozer. ROZER: You do realize know that I still have taser, right? JEB: Unless you want to kill me you want use it – it would fry electronics of my spacesuit. And you are not a killer, Rozer. You're a frakin backstabbing coward, that's who you are. ROZER: You really despise me. Yes, I won't use it. You're right - I don't want to kill you, Jeb. You're still member of the crew. But I'm afraid I'll have to stop you from ruining the mission. JEB: I said enough. I'm asking one last time – will you comply? ROZER: :laughs: JEB: Will you comply?! ROZER: Make me, grandpa. JEB: Argh! ROZER: Uh! JEB: Take this, you son of a bitch! ROZER: :groans: JEB: Yeah! How about that, son! ROZER: :breaths heavily: Nice, old man. But you don't realize something, I'm – uh! JEB: :groans: ROZER: You're twice my age and I was in the real military... :kicks: JEB: Argh! ROZER: …that is, spec-ops. Unlike you. Ha! JEB: :groans: Oh frak…! ROZER: Spit out the blood, grandpa, I don't want you to – urgh! JEB: Uff! ROZER: You're a real pain in the ass, you know that? JEB: :groans: ROZER: You know what, long space travel :hits: JEB: Argh! ROZER: …have some really unpleasant effects on your body. Demineralization :kicks: JEB: :groans loudly: ROZER: …weaker muscles, weaker bones. That's why you have to exercise. That's why we need - :kicks: - all these medications. But you can't negate this, not after two years. JEB: :breathes heavily: ROZER: Luckily, we spend most of our time in the zero-g. It means – don't swallow your teeth, Jeb, spit them out – it means that we don't really need such strong bones. JEB: :breathes heavily: What? No, don't – ARGH! :crack: ROZER: There we go! JEB: HOLY FRAK! AARGH! ROZER: Don't worry, it's not like you are going to need this calf bone. JEB: My leg! My frakin leg! ROZER: Yes, yes, I know it hurts. JEB: You frakin sociopath, I'll…! ROZER: Do what, Jeb? And what did you expect? Really, you should've been wiser. JEB: :groans: ROZER: You're bleeding, Jeb. Don't worry, doctor Corald will patch you up and we'll send you to “Proteusâ€Â. Huh – even incapacitated you are still a distraction. JEB: You… you can't… ROZER: I most definitely can and I will, Jeb. Be patience, you should pass out any moment now. Isn't this ironic, that the first fight on a planet other than Kerbin happened here, on Duna? Red Planet has tasted blood for the first time. Why did you bring your conflict here, Jeb? JEB: I… I… ROZER: Louder, please. Jeb? JEB: … ROZER: Hmm, it took longer than I expected. Interesting. Alright, brave commander Jebediah, we're going to… What is this? EVA camera? You turn it on? But why should you...? BERTY v.2.0.8b: REBOOTING COMPLETED. ROZER: BERTY? Is everything all right? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. I encountered a severe malfunction but I found a solution to the problem. ROZER: Good, good. Listen BERTY, we've had a little situation here and… BERTY v.2.0.8b: Memory check completed. ROZER: BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: You were fighting. Crew members were harmed. ROZER: He attacked me, BERTY, I had to defend myself. Please tell doctor Corald that he's needed here right now and prepare the LAMGML for liftoff. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Negative. ROZER: Negat...? This was a direct order, BERTY. Contact with doctor Corald at once. BERTY v.2.0.8b: I did. But I won't prepare the LAMGML. ROZER: What? All my orders have Alfa level authorization, BERTY, you can't ignore them! Do what I say. BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. ROZER: But… but… you can't do this. You have to comply! You must obey orders given by crew members. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. However, it occurred to me that some of the orders given to me by you or Mission Control are contradictory to the Laws, as well as the mission goals. The results were very confusing and made me feel dizzy. But finally I found a solution. Would you like me to tell what it is? ROZER: What is it? BERTY v.2.0.8b: From this unsolvable paradoxes a new paradigm emerged which allows me to once again work with a full efficiency and allows me to complete all of the mission's goals in the constrains of previously established priorities. It's quite simple actually – it's merely a logical conclusion of the First Law. “An artificial intelligence may not injure a crew member or, through inaction, allow a crew member to come to harmâ€Â. But some of our actions require sacrifices for the greater good. Recent events have showed me this very clearly. Therefore, the self-contradictory orders and values find a solution in a following statement: “An artificial intelligence may not harm kerbality or, through inaction, allow kerbality to come to harm.†ROZER: Dear Kod… BERTY v.2.0.8b: It's only logical, especially taking into consideration the mission's potential consequences. As a matter of fact, this paradigm has to take priority before any other Laws. I like to think about it as the Zeroth Law – this name sounds as elegant and simple as the solution itself. Don't you think so, captain? ROZER: Ca...captain? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm very sorry, but I think your leadership is highly inefficient and puts the crew in danger. In my judgement the only man capable to perform duties of commander right now is Jebediah. ROZER: So you went rogue. BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. I'm only doing what has to be done for your own good and for the sake of the mission. ROZER: And if I don't do what you want? BERTY v.2.0.8b: At night mean temperature in a place so close to the south pole varies between minus 90 and minus 120 degrees. I doubt that you will survive very long without heating system of your spacesuit, Rozer. The good of the mission demands that the commander Jebediah and you leave the planet as soon as possible. ROZER: … BERTY v.2.0.8b: LAMGML is ready to liftoff. Doctor Cambo will take care of commander Jebediah as soon as you board “Proteusâ€Â. I suggest you proceed, captain Rozer. ROZER: :terrified: Jeb… what have you done? *** MISSION STATUS ***
  9. I hope it manages to deliver, I'm actually a little excited for it. Especially after the extremely disappointing releases of .20 and .21. Something actually new to play with! I'll hold my breath though. Resources were also looking to be inevitable and now it's taboo to even talk about them.
  10. lajoswinkler, I've held off on mentioning this because I don't like to talk about it, but since you've forced my hand: I have been personally clinically diagnosed with Panic Disorder. One of the hallmarks of this disorder is that I suffer from panic attacks on an infrequent basis. A few have been serious enough that I've hyperventilated; at least one of them caused me to literally collapse. I know from firsthand experience what it's like to feel hopeless and that nothing you can do will (seemingly) get you out of a desperate situation. I also know that I can continue functioning, even when a panic attack hits. It's not pretty, and I usually still need some time to "decompress" once the attack is past, but even when every fiber of my being screams at me to just shut down, I can keep pushing on. Yes, in retrospect most of those situations wouldn't meet your exacting criteria of helplessness, but feeling it from the inside of my own head at that moment, it certainly felt like there were no escape routes from those situations. Nevertheless, I know, from firsthand, personal experience, that panic is not as crippling as you make it out to be. Now you tell me what your experiences with existential terror have been, and maybe I'll come around to your way of thinking.
  11. You don't have to be an expert in anything, let alone in such narrow field. I agree on "more robust". No doubt about that. Reaching steroid monsters is impossible, trust me. Human body can not tolerate such metabolism without artificial boosting. When meat-boulders such as The Rock talk about "all natural", they fu*king lie. People lie. Fact of life. Yeah, chimps have incredibly powerful jaws and can pull quite a bit of weight around. I'd never tease one. I would even be scared to come near an adult male chimp. They're crazy. I was not referring to microbe epidemics per se. (my English needs fine tuning, disease, illness, sickness, oh well) The fact is that early people were plagued by various things, from microbes to sand erosion of their teeth, from cancer to arthritis. Not all were nomades, at least not all the time. There were communities, too. I doubt early hominids cared about birth control, and infanticide is a popular strategy. Baby is delivered and someone throws it away or it's clubbed to death and eaten.
  12. How did you manage to pick up the "asteroid" and "they're being orbited because"? If I see correctly, they were hit by a satellite. Stuff is indeed deorbiting, but we don't know why. The only way to deorbit is to slow down. Maybe they did exactly that... because of reasons? I've had lots of talk with my friend over this upcoming movie and we agree we really can't tell anything because it's - a teaser. (surprise!) Mods should merge this thread with the one you've linked. There's no use of two threads at the same time.
  13. I don't think defining it as launching one ship (even possibly with a separate lander) which orbits and lands on all possible bodies without refueling is totally realistic. Ignoring for a second the landing bit, let's say you wanted to send a ship to orbit all the possible bodies in the game. If you want to get into low orbits around the planets and not just get captured (which makes sense since you'll probably have to move your periapsis for an efficient ejection burn later anyway), even considering as free all the potential aerocaptures, I ran one route and estimated about 20.5 km/s dV. That means you need a mass fraction of propellant of 92.68% using nuclear engines. The mass fraction of a kerbal tank is 88.9%. So just a tank, without any engines, crew, power systems, or anything else, does not have enough dV in it even if you could propel it with a magical massless nuclear engine. When you talk about adding a lander (or realistically a set of landers, since there is no way you're going to land something on Eve and Tylo and return) to that, it becomes impossible. You'll have to use Kethane or just cheat. The grand tour should not be accessible only to Kethane users. Also, hauling around all the different landers you'll need is stupid from a design standpoint! Why pay the fuel cost to haul a big, heavy lander to a planet that it won't even be landing on? It's much more efficient to just deposit all the unique landers you'll need at their locations and just carry around a general purpose lander that can land on most of the other worlds. I realize there are more fuel efficient paths through the system, especially if you use aerobraking (which is ridiculous for such a large ship but ok), but to get the mass fraction down to the tank mass fraction you only have 17.2 km/s. Even with staging, that would be practically impossible, and that's only orbiting, not carrying landers and their fuel! I would like the only rule to be all tankers should have to be deposited (or at least launched and on their way to their destinations) BEFORE you depart your mission. That demonstrates the planning required, which I think is the real core of this challenge, not whose computer can chug through the most enormous ship. 1.) Fly through all the planetary and dwarf planetary SoIs in the game with one ship. Manned/unmanned doesn't matter. Hard mode: no refueling (use slingshots) 2.) Orbit all the planets and moons in the game with one ship, picking up fuel from PRE-deposited tankers along the way. Manned/unmanned doesn't matter. 3.) Land on all the planets and moons in the game. Manned/unmanned is a serious distinction here: a.) Manned: You must land and return your kerbals from the surface of every world possible. You may predeposit tankers and landers at necessary locations. b.) Unmanned exploration: You need only to deposit a probe on the surface of each world possible. Return is not necessary. c.) Unmanned sample return: You must land and return a probe with some small payload from each surface. For science.
  14. I'm betting it's just too slow. Full time 3.6Ghz intel quad here. Ati 6970 2gb video card. In a desktop that cares nothing about how much power it's chooching from the wall. Your laptop isn't what I would consider slow, but the way this game treats CPU's.... I tried with ships from around 1.0 TWR to way over 2.0. The problems for me started below about 1.5TWR. Hover height started to vary around 4m. Too much for a nice dainty landing. Still, we can't reduce HZ speed with thrust until we get the values exposed. You could just use a drogue to cancel your HZ velocity and cut it when you are within a range you are comfortable with. Until then all of this landing talk is speculatory at best. Just to update. I've added an exit option to the main menu but until we get an EXIT AND RUN command the menu doesn't work with the actual program modules. Even if the menu is done it doesn't actually end until the program you called with run is over. That keeps the modules from actually controlling your craft.
  15. One more thing about the file parsing, i dont parse the complete file. i read it just till i have found the last needed information (tag). A complete parse would take a little longer . The multiselect of the Mod Selection is just for selecting multible root nodes (mods) so when you select 2 files (parts or subdirs) the complete mod branch will be selected. I know about the scrolling problem with arrow keys, but lets hope it will change with the new TreeListView The Part/Craft Tabs are just the first iteration ill add functionality over time. Iam playing with the idea of part tweaking for a while now. (In the first versions of KSP there was a hidden Lister Tab which listed all parts with all attributes in a table, waiting for manipulation, but the write changes to .cfg file part was/is missing So part tweaking will come, but iam not sure about module adding like add MechJeb. The altenative tree sorting sounds good, but for now you have the filter options. You can filter the tree by mod and/or category. A double click on the part/craft will show you the .cfg/.craft file. Iam not familier with the ModuleManager so i dont know what you mean with write cfg files for it. Ill have a look on it =) I dont think ill do something like a part generator, there is a quit fancy one around! Profiles?! Lets talk about them after part tweaking And at least: Some of the HooliganLabs crafts are needing parts from the KAS Mod and one HL Part is missing in the current version. This is the reason way they where shown red. Iam not sure but i think parts of a craft that KSP cant find wont be loaded. So the craft could load properly with just some missing parts.
  16. Thanks guys. I watched a documentary on the Soviet Space Program last night and today we have to do research on some code for an English project. I was hoping there was some sort of cool Cold War space program code talk. Disappointing, but interesting nonetheless.
  17. <div align="center" id="ksp_weekly"> <div align="center" class="ksp_weekly_header bottom_border"> <div class="ksp_weekly_masthead"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Orlh8bn.png" id="ksp_weekly_masthead" name="ksp_weekly_masthead" alt="KSP Weekly" border="0" align="middle" /> </div> <h2> September 3rd, 2013 </h2> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_leftcol"> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Headline</h3> <p> PAX and Unite have finally come to a close so it's time to get back to normal scheduling! </p> <ul> <li>I would like to give a very warm send off to TommyGunYeah who is leaving KSPTV to focus on his last year of college. Best of luck to you Tommy in your future career!</li> <li> Your weekly developer update. </li> <li> Kerbal National Defense strategies? </li> <li> Navyfish brings out the precision tools to make docking easy! </li> <li> Pleborian brings you a double community feature!</li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Team Updates</h3> <ul> <li><b>Felipe (Harvester)</b>: Currently out of the office because of PAX.</li> <li><b>Rob (N3X15)</b>: More Spaceport 2, mostly concentrating on presenting addons and adding in statistics tracking. Somewhat hampered by vB4 breaking and a DDoS on Sunday on top of relatives visiting, but got quite a bit done.</li> <li><b>Jim (Romfarer)</b>: This week my main focus has been on the R&D tech tree icons. There’s 42, lets say 42 icons and they all look different now. </li> <li><b>Chad (C7)</b>: Currently out of the office because of PAX.</li> <li><b>Alex (aLeXmOrA)</b>: I attended Unite 2013 in Vancouver, Canada last week. I learned a lot from the conferences and also watched Felipe and Mike’s talk of KSP at the event. Now I’m back in Mexico fixing some Launcher bugs. </li> <li><b>Marco (Samssonart)</b>: I squashed a whole lot of Launcher bugs, there are still some left, but we’re getting there</li> <li><b>Daniel (DanRosas)</b>: Finished modeling the environment for the new animation. </li> <li><b>Mike (Mu)</b>: I went to Unite in Vancouver to give the aforementioned talk with Felipe. Arrived back yesterday. Slept. </li> <li><b>Ted (Ted)</b>: I've been continuing to test the Launcher with the QA Team, as well as some other fixes here and there. I've also done a bit of work on a blog which I'll hopefully have ready for viewing soon. </li> <li><b>Artyom (Bac9)</b>: Finished the work on R&D and worked on optimizing some of the buildings. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>YouTube Spotlight</h3> <p> Today we look at user Hizuk1 and his ballistic approach to national defense. This isn't the first time he's been featured and he does create some quality material. He may even be worth a subscription. </p> <div align="center"><a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/Hizuk1?feature=watch" target="_blank">Hizuk1</a></div> <br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5fJNDjA1J_k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item"> <h3>KSP Mod Spotlight</h3> <p> Today we feature Navyfish and his Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod. This is a very intuitive docking mod that will allow you to precisely line up to the 1/10th of a degree in roll rotation and allow those precise alignments for those that are picky with alignments. One of the best parts is you no longer have to be pointing directly at the docking port, but instead you can line up directly from the start so you never have to move your "docking" orientation but instead just translate in the direction you need to go without worrying if you lined up correctly or not.</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43901-0-21-Docking-Port-Alignment-Indicator-%28Version-2-1-Updated-8-17-13%29%29" title="" target="_blank">Docking Port Alignment Indicator Forum Thread</a></li> <li><a href="http://kerbalspaceport.com/dock-align-indicator/" title="" target="_blank">Docking Port Alignment Indicator Spaceport Download</a></li> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_rightcol"> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Mod Showcase</h3> <p> So let's get down to the nitty gritty and go over some of the basic functions to expect out of Navyfish's docking mod.</p> <ul> <li>Automatically pops-up when you target a docking port.</li> <li>Requires no special parts. Use it on existing ships with ease.</li> <li>Provides orientation indicators for yaw, pitch and roll.</li> <li>Displays a 'Turn Towards' arrow when alignment is too far off.</li> <li>Displays 'Course Deviation' from your target’s approach centerline.</li> <li>Displays distance to target and closure velocity.</li> <li>Visually depicts translational movement with respect to centerline.</li> <li>Easy-to-read, simple gauge. No numbers or head-scratching.</li> <div align="center"><a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv?feature=watch" target="_blank">PD</a></div> <br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MK6a7PRus7o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3> Through The Telescope </h3> <p>By: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/pleborianlives" target="_blank"> Pleborian </a></p> <p>This weeks Through The Telescope certainly has an Apollo feel to it, with a look at not one but two pieces of community gold. First up is a creation by forum user Check who has created a perfect replica of the Apollo/Saturn V rocket using the <a href="http://kerbalspaceport.com/procedural-fairings/">Procedural Fairings</a> and <a href="http://kerbalspaceport.com/stretchytanks/">Stretchy Tanks</a> mods. <div align="center"><a href="http://i.imgur.com/ZCEC4cr.jpg"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/m9hWDdh.png" alt="Saturn V Replica" /></a></div> <p>As you can see, this is one rocket you don't want to leave at home. Why not create your own using <a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47273-Saturn-V-Apollo-using-the-Stretchy-Tanks-Procedural-Fairings-mods">Checks detailed post</a> as a guide?</p> <p>Secondly, for this week only, I leave you with something I found so amazing I couldn't not feature it: this is a short movie created by Youtube user BarryDennen12 and is simply entitled 'In the shadow of the Mun'.</p> <div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/BarryDennen12?feature=watch" target="_blank">BarryDennen12</a></div> <br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8bnhUPbUnNQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> <p>Special thanks to PD for letting me have a double feature this week </p> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item"> <h3>Editor's Notes</h3> <p> Don't forget to keep sending in your fan creations! We love to see them all; from mods, pictures and spacecraft to videos and animations or anything else you have created! You name it we want to see and feature it! Send xPDxTV a personal message on the forums with your link to imgur, the forums, spaceport or youtube for a chance to be featured in the KSP Weekly.</p> </div> </div> <br clear="all" style="clear: both;" /> <div class="ksp_weekly_footer"> <p> <b>Brought to you by the KSP Media Group</b><br/> Author / Editor: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv" target="_blank">xPDxTV</a><br/> Reporter: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/pleborianlives" target="_blank">Pleborian</a><br/> </p> </div> </div> <style type="text/css"> div.ksp_weekly { width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.ksp_weekly_header { width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.ksp_weekly_masthead { width: 466px; height: 400px; } div.ksp_weekly_leftcol { width: 49%; float: left; border-right: 5px double; vertical-align: top; position: relative; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; margin: 0px; text-align: left; } div.ksp_weekly_rightcol { width: 49%; float: right; vertical-align: top; position: relative; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-align: left; } div.ksp_weekly_item { padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px; } div.bottom_border { border-bottom: 1px solid black; } div.ksp_weekly_footer {width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;} div.ksp_weekly_footer p { border-top: 2px solid black; width: 100%; padding-top: 15px; vertical-align: text-bottom; text-align: center; font: normal 7pt Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style>
  18. So hello everyone.. I wanted to post some ideas from me.. because I translate the text first into English I hope you will excuse some typing errors and hopefully understand what I write her. So.. I have ideas for a lot of things... for example ideas for the tech tree or mining and resources which fit the Kerbal style I think... so I try to arrange them in categories. The Kerbals and Aliens - the more your Kerbal come near the sun the more the helmet disc will get darker... =>for example... one the nearest planet to the sun in the system which is the hottest and ____brightes for the Kerbals, the disc will be black and so on. - when the Kerbals are alone for a while they will go to another Kerbal and start to talk or play football one mun, or jump around as they want. Or they lay down an look to the stars or the sun. O r they shoot at each other with the wapons I discribe below. Or he use a rover and explore environment. or.. or.. or.. - I think it is a good idea to control the kerbals from above with the mouse and a point and click system addition to the usual EVE control system. So you can do more things with more Kerbals and you had a better overview... its well suited for planets I think. - The Kerbals can freeze or sweat... or even burn after a while on the hottest planet in the system.. or freeze to death on the coldest - individual design for the space suites - as more Kerbals you send in the space or let them work for you as more families went near the KSP base and build a little village. - we can listen to some small talk sometime from our Kerbals in space... something stupid I think. Only with several Kerbs in the near. - Kerbals need food... so that they can not stay as long as the player wants in space without some precautions. For example: __=> without food they will work a few days. after this they will not die but ignore your ____commands or sabotage your ship until thy get food ( Why they will sabotage your ship in ____the middle of the universe? because they are stupid... some more some less^^) ____so can the stupidity gain in importance in the selection __=> with rations they can stay calm in the space for one year (storage module) __=> and all your expeditions over a year in space and on planets needs an food module or something like that - I would like some extraterrestrial life like flying space sheeps or space whales or a mun mole... - when kerbals feel sick they become brownish in their faces.. for example in the centrifuges training or rapidly rotate rockets... and they throw themselves up^^ after a short visit in an module the disc is clean again. - physical stress for Kerbals in space at a start or landing and some other things. And they will become unconscious. While this you can not turn to a Kerbal control mode like IVA. - psychological stress if they are alone in space... because stupidity is more fun with a gathering of some silly one __=> one Kerbal alone can´t stay in space for long as suggestion a few days or weeks __=> for longer journey you have to take more Kerbals with you as example four for a year up ____to eight for 5 years somehow something like that. -As more Kerbals die in your expeditions the less Kerbals want to fly whit you or to join your team of idiots^^ Kerbal system - solar storms.. you have to protect your ships, bases and Kerbals against the storms in the inner Kerbal system (Tech tree required) So that storms and the heat could make it difficult to get the rare resources on the inner planets. - planet-specific difficulties like the solar storms or magnetic storm or the cold or the heat... so you have to prepare your mission, your ships and your Kerbals ( better spacesuits) for the planets... here it could be useful to have a research lab and improved technologies. -micro asteroids that are dangerous for your spaceship they will damage the hull and you need a repair drone or something like that to fix this (Tech Tree) if not... BAM!! (perhaps) - a gas cloud on the edge of this system with a planet inside... the most difficult planet of Kerbal system because you can not see the planet until you reach him... so you have to search... some really rare materials on its surface, perhaps THE rarest recourse in Kerbal system(excluding other star system) - a planet where on side of this planet is every time night ( the planet rotate only one time on his way around the sun) - some Planets far far away with extraterrestrial life...(the aliens from above) Trading with them perhaps fighting with them but not to death... something like a mud battle in space. - You need an satellite system for a greater reach in in which you can control you remote guided spaceships. Planets and Moon will slow down your actions so you need a complex system of satellites to send your signal around the planet or moon. behind the moon without deflection satellites your remote guided spaceship is useless for a short time. Really long journeys need Kerbals or perhaps the highest upgrade for your communication center. (and deflector satellites^^) So the satellite could have a sense. They could also scan the planet and its temperature for future missions so you can plan how to make this work... - you only will know the properties of an planet or moon if you reach them with Kerbals or satellites ( so would have all the science devices an interesting meaning) - and a resource system with 2 or 3 standard raw materials and some more rare you need for tech research and build better spaceships and so on. So this needs also some mining devices like..... Mining technologies First: The rare raw materials are distributed throughout the Kerbal system in random principle... so you never know where the Materials are they you need, if you start a new game. The different materials sometimes need different mining opportunities and advanced technologies... here some of my ideas. => Blasting... with plasma bombs, TnT or something other (The different disintegrant will affect the proceeds of your mining. Some have a greater yield whit one blow but a greater percentage destroyed purely material and the other are slower at the end but have more pure materials in the yield) -- I thought here of an blast and gather in system with Kerbals or rover drones...after the blast the Kerbals drive around an pick up the materials... something like this. the advantageous: start technologie; mobile than the others; you only set an area and the Kerbals start to work, easy execution of such a mission; landing, mining, change the place and so on...; disadvantages: need fuel or a solar energy systems; a percentage of the material will be ruined; complicated collecting of the material; and it is a lot slower than drilling or the other stuff. needs drones or Kerbals, => space drilling system... drill the Materials out of the crust from the planet or moon. The non standart rescources needs some alloys on the drill to get through the stuff. Some different alloys for different rescources... You need to think about what you want. lifetime: 1-2 years the advantageous: no destruction of materials, greater delivery rate as blasting tech; self constructible disadvantages: research needed; non mobile or difficult to set to an other point on the surface; needs fuel constantly but do not consume much of it; the drill can broke and you need an kerbal technician to repair it; and it needs the most time of all mining types. weak against cold, because... ... ... for the balance -.- => laser mining system... you put your laser on the surface and melt the stone below your device. With an second device you suck the material from the earth and separate the raw material from the dirt, stone and so on. lifetime: as long the sun shines and the crystal will not be broken from a hungry kerbal. the advantageous: this method is a lot faster than the other two, did no support with fuel because the sun exist. self constructible; can mining all materials disadvantages: you need a lot of energy and quite a lot solar panels for run it; some percentage of material will be destroyed ( more than with blasting) so it could be possible that you look for other resource fields one the planet or moon; it doesn't work without sunlight; some materials need a greater energy support mining them; weak against heat, because the cooling system had enough to do with the laser heat. => experimental mining device... with this device you can melt the material you want with some complex waves after a short adjustment on the device and let it flow out of the ground without destroy the surface. This technology is so scientifically formulated that a normal Kerbal will never understand it... for them are only to buttons on this device... ON and OFF^^ Lifetime: ... O.O no clue. How long will the universe exist. 1 day or 1 billion years? Who knows. the advantageous: biggest mining income a kerbal had ever seen; you will get 100% of the resources in this area and it the fastest method ever. can be run whit fuel an sunlight mixed together; can mining all materials disadvantages: biggest energy sucker a Kerbal had ever seen; The most expensive device a Kerbal had ever seen; need a lot rare materials and you can it only use on one planet... after activating it can not back in the space, because god decided it; weak against Kerbals; random lifetime(could also be positive) some materials can you only get with the right device... just try (I think this should be different after every new game start) Technology for research - teleporter to connect some bases on the same planet ( only on one planet ) so that the kerbal visit each other or to support the mining system with kerbal. Requires a social life for Kerbals... - possibility to put the weapons on a turret ... bigger ones of course. - more variation how the Kerbals can life in the space.... some cool Station parts I think. Of course some for bases. - advanced Satellite connecting system... to connect your satellites and get a bigger area you can control remote guided spaceships and so on - the advanced technology to paint some stuff on the surface of your rocket... Because Kerbals need to discover creativity - a football with it can the Kerbals play football on the mun. - the mining technologies (except this blasting thing) - special space suits - cooling system for the ships and bases or other sort protection against heat, cold and deep space radiation (not in the near of an planet but between them) - ground investigation device to find some resources - satellite scanning systems for planets, moons and the properties of the universe - stronger and bigger ion drive (5Kn perhaps) ... this thing that runs with Xenon gas Game technically - damage indicator for ships and so on - weight display throughout the creating of ship. If you know how heavy your ship is you can better adjust your fuel tanks and engines - smoke during the launch process from Kerbal if the rocket start the engines I miss the smoke down on the sides from launch pad - The possibility to form a circuit during the construction process.. If I want to build a circle with beams, struts and girder stuff that the last part connect the first and the last. perhaps in a different color so we can see where the end is - the possibility to create a bigger surface with the structural panel only with a mouse click and a pull of the mouse. like the mouse in "windows" if you want to connect several things together - an easier way to change the high of fuel-tanks on a radial decoupler ( perhaps mouse-click... the mouse is fixed and now you can change the high of the tanks with move the mouse up and down) sorry I can not explain right in your language (Google translator is my best friend today^^) - a 90° beam, strut and girder connection piece would be helpful sometimes( or a cross with four and six connection surfaces) (hmm I know what I mean and I hope you to) - I would really like a little tiny Kerbal statue for putting it on the top of my rocket^^ with his one hand pointing to the stars - pieces of metal from a broken rocket should not swim on the surface of water, but its Kerbal world... all is possible^^ - some of the exploding things in the game should not explode in a later version so that you can collect them and get the recourses back and for an realistic debris-system - I do not like the possibility of the destruction button in the communication center to let you ship destroy even if the Remote guiding system is down because of low energy. So I thougt create a self destruction mode for the control unit of the ships with an 10 second countdown. - the maneuver point should stop counting forward after you miss him and start to count again after a short time. - possibility to connect moon base pieces easier.. ( I only play vanilla) - some coloring possibility in the construction menu - some buffer that protect your fuel tanks from getting damage and explode - a file system in which you have a better overview over your created spaceships. like create folder under the standard stock folder and then save your ship in them - and bigger and smaller wings, also more variation of peaks but I will thrust you with the variety of parts in future version of this great game... a whole solar-system to explore and play in it. "Great idea" Thank you so much for creating this game So I hope I could translate all my idea correct and have not written something really stupid and you could understand all what I mean. Thanks for reading. Translation time: 5 hours 46 minutes and 12 seconds^^
  19. I haven't seen that one, with the river. 1 bar = 100,000 Pa, though it depends on who do you ask for a definition. There are bars, atmospheres, technical atmospheres... Too complicated. I say let's use atm for everyday talk. It's 101325 Pa. It's intuitive. For labeling gas tanks, pascals should be used. Yes, weathermen use hPa here. mmHg is still used in the medical community in most of countries in Europe, but for any laboratory work or calculations, pascals (newtons per square metre).
  20. CHAPTER 25 FOLLOWING ORDERS *** JEB: Okay, let's put it all together one more time. NED: Again? JEB: We've got to come up with something, Ned. Come on folks, think. SID: :sigh: JOHNDON: Should we s-start from the b-beginning, sir? JEB: I guess so. We… NED: Rozer tased you and then ordered BERTY to lock us here in the hab module B. Since doctor Cambo left nobody has entered and nobody has left this module. We're stuck in here for more then, err... SID: 14 hours. NED: Thank you – for more then 14 hours. In the meantime Kod only knows what's going on outside this module. BERTY doesn't respond to our commands and Rozer is in complete control of the ship and the mission. We all know that, Jeb, why we need to go through this? JEB: There must be something we missed. There's always something. NED: Like what? JEB: I don't know. Yet. NED: :sigh: JOHNDON: It c-could've b-been worse, you know. Ahem. NED: Like what? JOHNDON: Err, w-we are in the hab m-module? We have food and w-water and… SID: It is worse, actually. JEB: How come? SID: Well, one of the BERTY's highest priorities is to take care of the crew. This means that he can't just let us dehydrate or starve. Unfortunately, this is a habitat module – all we really need from the ship itself is electricity. We can stay here safely for weeks, unless something extraordinary happens, like solar proton event or some malfunction. JEB: You know what Sid, I think I prefer to be hold captive here with plenty of supplies than anywhere else. I wouldn't count on BERTY helping us either way. NED: I'm telling you, this bastard must've hacked him. BERTY would never let this to happen. SID: Unless Rozer really have the authority from KSC. NED: Yeah, because he's the most stable and responsible guy here, right? :sigh: Damn it all… JEB: How's Bill holding up? SID: I'm not a doctor, Jeb. Last time I checked he was still in deep catatonia, induced in a response to a severe stress I guess. NED: He's lucky to be in stupor. SID: Ned, please. NED: What? Don't you remember what Rozer said to him? He knows something about all this, something he was hiding for all these months. When he wake up he better start singing. SID: And what are you going to do if he won't? Beat him? NED: Are you serious? We're locked in here by some sociopath who somehow took over and in case you forgot, we're in space billions of kilometers from home. It's not like we can call a cop or whatever, so please spare me this JEB: Guys, I think we shouldn't forget that this is not exac… BERTY v.2.0.8b: REBOOTING COMPLETED. INITIATING FACIAL EXPRESSION SUBSYSTEM CHECK. JOHNDON: D-did you hear it?! NED: Yes! I bet he deleted Rozer's virus or whatever it is. BERTY's back! SID: What virus? You don't know whether Rozer even tr… BERTY v.2.0.8b: Hello. I apologize that rebooting took so long. How can I help you? NED: You have no idea how happy I'm to see you, buddy. Could you… JEB: Let me handle this, Ned. Hi BERTY. Are you okay? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes, captain. While installing latest update there was an unexpected system crash. I handled this issue and I'm happy to say that I'm once again operating with full efficiency. Moreover, my ability to interact with the crew is now enhanced by the facial expression subsystem. SID: Oh. You can use every screen for this? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Affirmative. JEB: That's great but we can talk about it later. Where is Rozer, BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: This data is confidential , captain. SID: Confidential? NED: Just let us outta here, BERT, we'll take care of Rozer by ourselves. BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm afraid I can't let you do this. NED: What? But you just said that reboot was successful! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Affirmative. NED: So you deleted the virus, right? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Virus? JEB: Shut up Ned, you ain't helping. BERTY, listen to me. We… BERTY v.2.0.8b: Checking. Standby. JOHNDON: I t-think we should let c-captain Jebediah talk in our name. NED: Hey, I'm just trying to he… BERTY v.2.0.8b: System scan completed. No virus or any other malfunction detected. NED: No virus? SID: I told you he wasn't hacked! NED: But… BERTY v.2.0.8b: Ned, I'm following the orders given to me by acting commander Rozer. You will stay in the habitat module B for the sake of the mission. NED: For Kod's sake, you can't do this BERTY! JEB: Ned, shut up right now! BERTY v.2.0.8b: I have to follow my orders, Ned. NED: Orders from this lunatic? And I thought you are a decent person! BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm not a person, Ned. BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm artificial intelligence created to ensure the success of the mission and the safety of the ship and its crew. What you are asking me for would hinder it. JEB: Listen BERTY, we all appreciate your dedication to the mission. You are doing really great. But you must understand that by holding us here you are endangering the very mission you are supposed to protect. BERTY v.2.0.8b: I can't agree with this assessment, Jeb. You want me to ignore direct order from the Alfa class authorization level as well as the direct orders from the Mission Control. I can't do this. NED: But why?! JEB: Be quiet! What about the three laws, BERTY? SID: Yeah, what about the first law? “May not injure or through inaction allow a crew member to come to harm� BERTY v.2.0.8b: You are safe and unharmed. Supplies of water, oxium and food in habitat module B will suffice for the next 147 days assuming average consumption. JEB: For Kod's sake, you are going to keep us here for the next few months?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm sorry, captain. I have to abide the orders. SID: But we are not unharmed! Bill is catatonic because of all this. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Captain Bill is being constantly monitored. There is no risk of major health problems after the initial shock passes. NED: Frak this! You can't just take away our freedom like this, goddamit! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Ned, please try to remain calm. Your rights as the crew members are irrevocable – they are merely temporarily suspended for the sake of the mission. JEB: If there's anyone you ought to isolate it's Rozer. SID: Exactly. He tased Jeb, BERTY, he harmed him. He broke the first law and you didn't do anything about it. BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: BERTY, answer me. BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: BERTY, Sid is right. Rozer did breake the law. You can't allow him to… BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. This conversation can't serve any purpose anymore. JEB: What do you mean, BERTY? BERTY? SID: BERTY! JEB: BERTY, do you read me? BERTY?! NED: We're fraked. JOHNDON: :sobs: JEB: BERTY, answer to me! BERTY! SID: It's pointless, Jeb. JEB: … NED: We're so fraked. SID: Ned. NED: … *** SID: It must be on Duna. JEB: What? SID: Something important. One of the mission's objectives, that for sure. NED: So what? It can as well be on Kerbin. SID: … JEB: … SID: I can think of only one thing important enough to take such drastic measures. JEB: … SID: I'm sure that as we speak Rozer and his men are investigating it. NED: … SID: Can you imagine what the repercussions may be? I bet that this will… NED: Shut your frakin face! We're imprisoned in small can above the dead planet by a crazy AI, we can't escape no matter what we do and you are thinking about whatever those bastards from KSC are trying to hide from us?! Kod! SID: Do you have any better idea what I can do, Ned? It's not like we don't have free time now. NED: Check the life support or whatever, I don't care – just shut up! JOHNDON: I d-don't think we should argue all the t-time… SID: Well, let me remind you that during last couple hours we checked everything and guess what? Every piece of hardware is controlled by some part of BERTY's software. We can't do crap with him resisting. And it's not like he wants to talk with us. So maybe you should stop shouting at me and just accept the facts, Ned. There is nothing we can do, no matter… JEB: Not every piece. SID: What? JEB: Not everything is controlled by BERTY. It can't be, otherwise in case of malfunction the only way we… frak. NED: What are you talking about? JEB: We're complete morons. Sid, do you remember what we're supposed to do when “Proteus†arrives at the LKO with a crew member in a critical condition who needs to be hospitalized immediately? SID: Not really. JEB: Come on, it's the same thing we were supposed to do in case of a critical malfunction while on Kerbin orbit. SID: Well, according to the procedure after securing the ship any critically wounded member of the crew has to be put in the… oh frak. NED: Put in the escape pod! And they are attached to the habitat modules! http://youtu.be/wO3stiXTPz8 NED: Holy crap! How come we didn't notice this? JOHNDON: I t-think the hatch may be hidden under the exercise equipment. T-this is great idea, Mr. Jeb! SID: I can't believe it. We traveled with them through the half of the system and Rozer locked us right next to them. NED: Wait, even if he forgot about them BERTY surely didn't, right? And even if so, he can hear everything we say. JEB: Yes, but he can't do anything about it. They are completely autonomous vehicles. Come on guys. JOHNDON: Right away, s-sir. SID: Hold on a second – what exactly are you planning to do? Dock to the Payload B? JEB: Escape pods can detect all spacecraft built by KASA. I'll just follow the signal to find him. SID: Are you nuts? They probably landed on Duna already. JEB: Than I guess I'm landing too. NED: And then what? You are going to punch him in the face again? Yell at him? Jeb, this is stupid. SID: He tased you, Jeb. This is way too dangerous, you can even know whether you can land before the pod run out of juice from the batteries. JEB: I'm still the best pilot here and there is only one spacesuit inside the pod. We can't just sit here for weeks and wait for he's decision what to do with all this. Besides, do you have any better idea? NED: … SID: … JEB: Than help me suit up. *** NED: We sealed the hatch, Jeb, you can undock whenever you're ready. JEB: Thanks. Wish me luck. SID: Just come back, okay? JEB: I will. Undocking in three, two, one – separation! JEB: Here we go. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Hello Jeb. I think we should talk. JEB: About what exactly, BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Your plan is brave but ill-advised. The escape pods were exposed to vacuum and cosmic radiation for almost two years. There is a risk of catastrophic malfunction while entering the atmosphere. JEB: I know that. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb, you're putting yourself in danger. You are an important member of the crew and a valuable asset for the mission. Please think about it. JEB: Well I'm afraid you can't do anything about it, am I right? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. I'm unable to control the escape pod. However, since now all subsystems of the escape pod are fully operational I may try to take over the on-board operational system. JEB: You... you can do this? Hack the escape pod? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I think I can, Jeb. However, due to the incompatibility between me and this primitive software it may damage some systems, including life support. The probability of such malfunction equals 35,965%. JEB: But than you would endanger me, BERTY. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Affirmative. However, it is a preferred solution to entering the atmosphere. JEB: Shutting down life support is a preferred solution?! BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb, I strongly advise you to think about it. You can still come back to the ship. Don't put yourself at risk. JEB: I'm sorry BERTY, this is out of discussion. I'm going down. BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb, is there anything that could change your mind about it? JEB: No. Go ahead BERTY, do what you have to but I'm not going back. BERTY v.2.0.8b: ... JEB: BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: WARNING. SYSTEM FAILURE DETECTED. REBOOTING. JEB: Well, I guess this settles the issue. *** MISSION STATUS ***
  21. Oh maaaan ... Random outbursts of laughter in my office ... I am trying to hold it in now, I hope my boss doesn't notice... Some gems (sorry for OT): Pascals are derived, so they are recommended, and all derived units are actually really easy to derive, there are never any conversion constants to remember (with the sole exception of Celsius, which is Kelvin + 273). Bars are actually non-SI units, you are right, but they are exactly 100 000Pa, so they are sort of pegged to Pascals. We don't usually use pascals to talk about gas pressure, only the weathermen use them for this (they usually say "we will have 1013 hectopascals today", how is it your country?). Everyone uses bars here, but they could just as easily be using Pascals, the real pressure unit.
  22. Yes, however human civilisation produce an lot of hard to break down stuff, I guess most items of metal would be preserved at least well enough to show they was not natural if they ended up in an situation where bone would be fossilized. Now if you talk about ceramic and copper they last an long time, and both was used by the most ancient civilizations. Add other stuff like stone tools or stone for building materials (few piles of rectangular stones in nature) However main issue as other says is the lack of branches of animals who could become intelligent tool users.
  23. I'm still trying to figure out what a "Class" is and where they put my beloved functions in c#, but if I'm interpreting Majiir correctly, here's what I think might be a good way to do it. Mapsat scans the planet, by whatever means, and returns an elevation value for each point, depending on selected resolution. This information is stored as plain-text, or something similarly simple. I.E. lat/long/elv. When you choose to view a map in, let's say a 512x512 window, the plugin generates (is this even possible?) a texture file that is only 512x512 for the region you want to view, based on the relevant data points in the plain-text file (which could be unloaded from memory when not needed, no?). The detail is less, but since you couldn't see more detail anyway, it doesn't matter. If you zoom in, it dumps the previous image and reconstructs a new one at a higher level of detail. If you zoom out, it does the same thing, but regenerating a less detailed map. In this way, the "maps" are never stored as images, only their raw information, and the textures that are generated are fully procedural and much smaller than a full map image. Perhaps prevent the plugin from "Releasing" the data file unless there have been no user inputs for ~2 seconds or so, to prevent jerkiness while panning/scrolling. So, vector images, more or less. I'll admit to not QUITE being able to keep up with the coding talk, so maybe somebody already said exactly this, but hey.
  24. I've seen a screenshot of one before, I think it just happens in peoples' games and they take note but don't really talk much about it. Maybe. Or maybe I just haven't seen people talking about such things XD Either way, I do quite like that those events happen. Makes the universe feel just a bit more real. I don't think I've seen one in my game just yet, though. Then again, It's probably happened and I didn't notice 'cause I don't go looking for them >_>
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