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  1. This. Wow. That is really awesome I hope for both you and all of us, that it is going to work. I am sure I can talk on behalf of most of the community when I say that we really, really, want multiplayer. But you proabably already knew
  2. The MLP threads were closed a while back after they became too much of an hassle to manage for us, as explained here. If you want to talk about this, the KSP forums aren't the place to do so unfortunately. That said, thread closed.
  3. You'll have to talk to Avast (or possibly your ISP) about that. Kethane's source is available, and you're welcome to verify that the packaged DLL is built from the same source. Kethane code doesn't do anything even remotely suspicious. Make sure you're running the latest version of Kethane; this sounds a lot like an issue that was fixed recently.
  4. Made an account on here just to post in this thread, because this project is the first one I've seen that I might actually be able to make a meaningful contribution to, given my skill So, is there some set of rules as far as what we are building? Sounded like most of the grid within the metropolitan area has already been divided up amongst several members of the community; If I ever wanted to add my own contribution to the surrounding area, who do I need to talk to to ensure that myself and somebody else involved don't build on the same area before everybody's content is compiled? I took a lot of architecture and CAD classes at a technical school before I moved to the college of engineering, and it remains to be one of my favorite creative outlets, and I'd love to get involved in this project, or the construction of other areas around Kerbin!
  5. depends on what you call "considerable". If you consider a few positrons considerable quantities, then yes. If you talk antimatter drives though you're talking metric tons of the stuff. And if you need to create all that using current technology, and contain it long enough to be useful, the energy needed is better used for other things like solar sails.
  6. I like it. Very fast-paced as a battle should be, and mostly easy to follow. It plunks us right into the action, which is just fine for creating the confusion that would be present in your average green (lol) combatant. I would say that I prefer the past tense to the vivid present, however. War stories are typically told after the fact rather than as they're happening. I think what it really needs is some backstory. Why are Kerbals fighting a battle? What is their equipment like? Do the grunts even know what taking their objective will get them? Almost anybody can write a "storming the beaches" scene. But to write a unique Kerbalized KWII story can add a lot of richness to the current era of KSP, explaining part of Kerbin's history and why Kerbal society is dominated by a lust for space (and boosters). One last thing: Is cursing allowed on these boards? When troops talk to each other, they're usually not demure enough to censor what they're saying. They'll go ahead and curse if they are in a bad situation.
  7. Hey guys! I’m here to inform you about the crazy con week we’ve got ahead of us here on the KSP Team. First off, developers Felipe Falanghe (Harvester) and Mike Geelan (Mu) are flying off to Vancouver for Unite 2013, ready to give a presentation at 3:00 PM on August 29th; How Hard Can Rocket Science be, Anyway?: Building a new universe in Kerbal Space Program. Fellow Unity game devs and all sorts of people from the gaming industry are welcome to seek out these Kerbal representatives (I assure you, they come in peace) to join us in the enjoyment of this celebration of the indie game industry and are welcome to join us in our talk. What’s that? Game development not your thing? Don’t know much about Unity other than the fact that it made Kerbal Space Program possible? Well don’t worry, because in the KSP tradition of multiple, quick succession launches, immediately afterwards we’re strapping Harvester to an SRB and it’s across the US border he goes, straight into Seattle for PAX Prime. Waiting for him at the landing site will be fellow Squad developer Chad Jenkins (C7) and part of the Squad PR team, Bob Holtzman (Calisker). Here we’re dealing with a schedule so tightly packed and impossibly fast-paced with a cascade of interviews, media events, a panel and even a tournament, Jeb himself was asking us to slow down. We blast off with a wave of interviews and media meetings, through which we’ll not only go deep into the history, makings and future of Kerbal Space Program, but we’ll be showing an exclusive, never before seen preview of update 0.22, including the Research & Development system among many other things. On Friday the 30th our team jumps into the PC FreePlay Area at 6:00 PM for the very first Kerbal Space Program Tournament! Observing, judging and eventually awarding an awesome Kerbal figurine for those in first, second or third place!. Tournament over, it’s immediately followed by two more days of meeting with press, interview giving and fan greeting all over PAX Prime, up to the last day of the event, Monday the 2nd for our pièce de résistance, an awesome panel at the Pegasus Theatre, at 11:00 AM. This time, we’re joined by DayZ developers Dean Hall and Matt Lightfoot for our joint panel: The Benefits of Players Writing Their Own Stories In Games, A discussion around a player created storyline and it’s benefits on both single player games and multiplayer games. All and all a fantastic week, and we hope we’ll have your interest and support for both events! If you are at PAX Prime and see the team, say hello and they might even have something fun for you to take home with you too!
  8. There is talk about crafts breaking apart with this part - are these singularities or a real bug?
  9. Hey I liked your technique to have lucid dream on the morning, I will give that a try. Maybe that can save me from my narcolepsy -And yes, I got narcolepsy because of lucid dreams- And about remembering it, I still remember most of my lucid dreams because I think it is related to your consciousness. Like in normal dreams, you don't remember it because you weren't conscious however in lucid dreams you can remember it because you have controlled it. In my first lucid dream I wanted to talk to my subconscious (it is too easy) to do that just picked anyone from the street and asked what my biggest fear is. While the man was saying that he does not know anything about me, I kept asking my biggest fear and then suddenly realized everytime he says he doesn't know anything there were big bright and loud lightnings in the sky. So that's how I learned it I am also a hypnotist so it's really easy for me to reshape my subconscious in lucid dreams since I can interact without any barrier between. Also one of my first lucid dreams I was not really good about controlling the whole dream, I was a soldier in Iraq border of Turkey and everything was going good until I got shot out of my will which hurt my stomach like a son of a [snip] and it was bleeding like a river until I woke up So yeah don't try big dreams until you learn it
  10. I'll try to control my dreams...sounds like fun ;)Normally things just happen when they happen, part of me knows I'm dreaming, but the part of me controlling it doesn't, so I can't do anything. I'll see if I can talk to someone and tell them I'm dreaming Something else when you dream: Can you even see anything? I can only remember talking, and I think I can see what happens, but after it happens, I can't describe it at all like it was wiped from my memory.
  11. It all makes sense now! A random (and off topic load of questions), but do Kerbals name Kerm seeds? Does Santa-kerbal sit in a rocket in a polar orbit, constantly de orbiting presents over populated areas? Do Kerbals use compasses for navigation, or do they follow the stars? And, most importantly, what snacks did Jeb have in the Moho 1? Sorry if I got carried away, I just love being able to talk to a really good writer!
  12. Well once anyone comes up with a piece of code that can actually solve the difficult mathematical problem, then we can talk about using it in the game. It's entirely possible we could look at an optimization-based ascent planner and integrate it into MechJeb for example, but we're not at that stage yet.
  13. If you do have the new version, and I bet you do, because of the amazing space center you have there at your screen, you'll seen this Kerbals driving some kind or cars/trucks kind of thing. Elevators moving and many more crazy stuff is going on. If that is in the VAB and or the Space Plane hangar already, imagine the total Space Center someday. As we all know, this game isn't even nearly done yet. Too effected to change. Space Center on his own will change some couple of times for sure. Their will be roads someday. Even for the crazy Kerbals who drive them, and all sorts of things. But you have to see those things as finishing touch details. If the whole Space Center is done, with all the buildings and or features in place we can talk about roads, trees and all sorts of decoration. Right now, we are not even close to that..
  14. Earth's climate has been changing forever. In the past, long before humans developed permanent settlements, much less industry, there is irrefutable evidence that Earth's climate has fluctuated quite wildly. This presents a very important complication to any efforts to explain contemporary climatic fluctuations in terms of exclusively and completely anthropogenic forces such as industrial carbon emissions. The basic ignorance of this fact among proponents of simplified "global warming" scare talk (which is in fact, political advocacy for a particular segment of special interests) is one of the most breathtakingly painful and disappointing testiments to human intellectual laziness and dogma ever. It rivals historical superstitious beliefs that led to things like the Salem Witch Trials, the European Wars of Religion, and the decimation of indigenous populations by conquest that extends back to the beginnings of civilization. And yet, it is so normal, so pervasive, and so widely accepted.
  15. So, I got KSP during the "Steam summer sale" and have since spent an absurd amount of time on it, neglecting pretty well every other game I have. Was a bit hesitant at first to get mods at all, but have since used the mapping sat, Kethane, B9, etc. First few rockets were not payloads, just the usual capsule, fuel, rocket maybe a parachute and launch, many a kerbal have died, but as things clicked, I've been getting probes/rovers I've constructed onto other planets (Saw some of the pre-made rovers, haven't tried any, anticipating them to be in-compatible with the new update, that is hopefully around the corner, nay for not being able to use Kethane possibly, but yay for R&D etc. I've seen quite often, most rockets are within 30-600 (Rather ambiguous I mean, small stage rockets for a single sat to massive multi stage rockets for a few probes/rovers or a whole/part station) parts and about 5-800T before launch, I've just been wondering, around what ratio is best for launching payloads, I usually see people in here throwing up 300T rockets that can do ~50 payloads. a small probe is generally 1-2T, a chunk of docking station seems to be 5-15T, etc. What is the most simplistic while rather massive rocket you've made. (I get you can make a rocket cost less than 20K while being able to get a 1.5T payload into Geo-Orbit no problem, just wondering how often people generally try get payloads up that are over 100T or is it better to stick to less than 40T or so pay loads/bases/etc at a time? As I've only been at this game for a couple months/weeks really I imagine this is rather terrible, but it would be nice to see how you guys fair, or to get any pointers. A few I've thought of, that are rather obvious, instead of launching an entire Mun base/mining rig in one go, without docking/refuelling during the Kerbin-Mun surface trip, do it in sections. But the point is, to try launch something over 100-150T that can get itself to the Mun (or potentially Duna) that is all the one vehicle. Total weight on Launch: 666T 290 parts Total payload weight: 160T Total rocket base weight: 506T TWR at launch: 1.34 Contents of payload: One large docking station centred on the top of the craft, as well as four standard docking ports on the fuel tank reserves. It fits about 20,000 fuel of Oxi+Liq combined, another 17,800L or so of Kethane. 12x 150L Kethane tanks 10x Radial parachutes 4x Gigantor XL Solar Array 4x 4000L Kethane tanks 4x 360L Liq/440Oxi fuel tanks 4x Z-100 Batteries 2x Z-400 Batteries 1x 720L Liq/880 Oxi fuel tank 1x 750 Mono prop tank 1x Communotron 88-88 1x Communotron 16 This thing is able to get to a 70-80K orbit with 3.5K Delta-V left, then burn to the Mun and re create a stable 100K orbit if you do this bit efficiently you can land as well, without needing to refuel but the margin for error isn't good, unless you're Jeb then you can just jump out of the rocket if anything goes wrong and land safely while the whole thing explodes, not that that's ever happened.. Landing is more advised than this, because minerals and stuff to mine and the drill doesn't work well in pieces. Not to segue randomly but... How do I go about putting pics of it up, don't have the option on my account. Also, have to this, this is one of the most promising games I've seen, in regards to Dev-Community interaction, how the community itself interact, the biggest "flame war" type thing I've seen really, is when people talk about weather or not to use MechJeb, and some people say they use it for everything and others are against that, etc, but it's never bad (Anti Mech-Jeb here, vote JEB2013, help him keep his job before the robots rise up) just cause I never got to using it, plus kinda enjoy docking/landing everything, plus the SAS already seems like enough of an auto pilot, I was playing for a few hours before realising that was there and then everything became so much easier The games ambient musical scores don't really ever get on your nerves like some can sometimes, if anything the game is too open ended/enjoyable, leaving you planning/plotting what to do next, spending hours building/testing craft, but that's what you want/part of what makes it fun Really looking forward to the future updates to KSP, really keen for the Career, like the idea of being limited until you make a progression. Would go well with the future "possible" weather updates, clouds and shiznet, different atmospheric pockets of pressure to cause destabilisation, etc. Even the glitches aren't too bad, you could pretend the nav balls screws out sometimes because of overheating (which would be cool if implemented, like distortion of data/visuals if you heat up/get out of range of some signal sat for navigation or it itself get's damage, solar radiation, etc. All really promising. Another thing, to add to this giant clusterfrak of text, are there any mods that change how the part models behave, by that I mean, rather than vaporising, they go through deformation stages, so if I was to go too close to the Sun, I'd see my ship/sat crumple up/bend and break and not the weird wobbly bending things do in KSP when you forget struts. Anywho, end pointless rant/ That jumped all over the place. Sorry for my English, I'm a little high.
  16. I understand the point of this argument, but unfortunately it's a faulty and counter-productive analogy; it teaches exactly the wrong lesson. Sound travels through a medium (air), so when you talk about the speed of sound it is with respect to the reference frame of the medium through which it travels. This is why there is no sonic boom in your example. If the air happened to be moving in concert with one of the two planes, there would be a sonic boom. This does not apply to relativity; light propagates without need for a medium. In your example, the closing speed of the craft is still 400m/s, exceeding the speed of sound despite the lack of a sonic boom. In the LHC example, two particles moving at .95c in the lab frame and colliding head on are emphatically not moving at 1.9c with respect to each other (their relative speed is ~.9987c). There is no "optic boom" in this case because the closing velocity does not (and cannot) exceed the speed of light from the perspective of either of the two particles. This faulty analogy is illustrative of a lot of the problems that people have with relativity and the "headaches" it causes. It's because they persist in wanting to hold onto this Euclidean view of the world, which tells them that "adding velocities" is okay even when they know that the math says otherwise. It's just not true, and the only way to get over those headaches is to let go of your preconceived notions of how the worlds works. In relativity, everything is observer dependent (that's why it's called relativity); different observers travelling at different velocities see different things. You must internalize this concept first before things begin to make sense. Personally, I think the math is almost unimportant when it comes to conceptualizing things; it teaches people to pull out a calculator when they don't understand things rather than internalizing the concepts and developing a valid intuition for the subject.
  17. Part One Or, why you should always bring more fuel than you need The Armstrong 12 was to be a simple mission. Land on the Mun, say something cool, plant a flag, do some science, go home. Jebediah Kerman took the job, stating that the Mun is his favorite celestial body, because it's 'so classic'. He said he would live there if he could. It seems the universe has a sense of humor. The fuel margin was tight, you see. The lander was extremely small, and was direct ascent based. It looked like something a 'noob' would build, in Jebs own words. Bob was perfectly fine with that, but preferred to stay home, and watch TV. Bill said that he was already slated for the Aldrin 4 mission headed for Minmus. Jeb, as mentioned, was enthusiastic. "Three... two... one... liftoff!" Bob and Bill looked up into the sky. As the ship flew upwards, they watched, half awed, half bored. Bob turned to Bill. "You think he'll be okay?" "Bob, that's pretty much guaranteed. Jeb is a good man, he can figure his way out of anything." "Well, that thing looks like it doesn't have much fuel." "He'll figure it out. I'm gonna talk with Wherner about Aldrin 4, what are you gonna do?" "Play some poker with Tomlo. Tell me when we send a mission to a nice, safe place. Like Laythe." "Yeah, whatever, Bob." As Bob ran off, Bill took one more look at the rocket--by now well into it's gravity turn and nothing but a blue speck in the sky--and then headed to the VAB... Soon... Gene looked at the screen. He didn't like what he saw. "Uh, Jeb, you're still doing the circularization burn. You're gonna need to be more careful with the fuel, especially now." "Hey, don't worry! I'm almost done with the burn. Everything will be fine." "I hope so..." "Burn complete, by the way." "All right, wait for Munrise and burn. Please, be careful." Later... Jebediah felt the rush of adrenaline as the Armstrong 12 came slowly down. "Coming down... nice and slow... just like always. 100 meters... 50 meters... 10 meters... there! The Armstrong 12 has landed!" "Uh Jeb, it seems you're on a slope, what's your..." "Working on it." "...Fuel situation..." Jeb maneuvered the ship off the slope and onto the plateau near the crater. Expert, just as always. "Jeb, please tell us your fuel situation." "Uh let me check... oh, no." "What?" "32.5 units. Not nearly enough to get home from Minmus, let alone off the Mun." Gene sighed. This is what he feared. "Jeb, we'll get a rescue ship to you as soon as possible." "All right. Not that I mind it here, just a bit lonely..."
  18. Looking pretty well so far just a bit more people and we can arrange ourselves some TeamSpeak room to talk in... the first "KSP guild" ever!!!
  19. All this real life talk is more or less irrelevant to KSP. Sending kerbonauts to the surface of, say, mars is going to earn you the most science points, data, progression whatchamadoogits(whatever they call 'em). Especially if you can send those kerbonauts back home safely. I wouldn't mind it, but I doubt we'll see anything like programming actions or response delays when it comes to controlling distant probes like you see in real life. RemoteTech, however, will probably always be around to fill that niche. What would be interesting, though, would be a kind of packet loss due to excessive distance between KSC and a probe doing science trying to beam that data back via satellite. Even more reason to send manned missions that return relatively safely...which would, of course, wind up requiring more resources to build because manned missions should just be more difficult. Sure, you could always trickle in science data via probes and satellites, but if you land a few really successful manned science missions on various planets and moons it should really count for something. This is another reason why I'd love to see life support factor into career mode. Sending probes should be the slow but safe and inexpensive way to do science whereas sending kerbonauts should be risky and expensive but give you notable boosts to your tech level.
  20. Nope. Got me wrong there. I never ever went into the FSX forum and trash talked FSX or the users. You see, I play all kinds of sims and currently have in addition to KSP, I have FSX, FS9, XP9, MS Flight and Orbitersim loaded up. All I did was to tell the FSX people that didn't like Flight to stop posting the trash talk and hate in the the Flight forum and to leave the Flight forum people alone. I don't trash talk any game or users because I have better things to do.
  21. I guess they should have 13 PM now... that wouldn't mind that much however, should anyone want to talk a bit, my skype is fyzzicek
  22. Im just showing off some of my buildings/ ships here, the ones built for duna exploration/occupation! I make heavy use of mechjeb, because i dont really..have the skills to fly very well We begin with the landing of our fuel depot, this one holds 5 kerbals and converts kethane into fuel. Next we had to drop in a bit more comfortable living quarters for my kerbalnauts, this one holds about 31 kerbals! Upon the discovery of kethane, a collector is sent to the drilling site. A flag is erected, so we remember where to land! Theres also little TickK's running around, which is a small rover capable of drilling for kethane, once it gets to it, has room for one kerbal..on the ladder. Once we had a full tank, it was time to leave! Since our Kethane Lander didnt land quite at the right spot next to our base, we had to bring in a truck capable of taking the fuel back to base! It took about 45 minutes to drive to the lander, you can see the winch cable on the ground next to the pilot. He made the winch connection. The winch is from the KAS mod, which allows me to connect ships together via a cable and transfer fuel between them. Once we have emptied the tank, its time to get going again! Our tanker heads back towards the base as the sun rises above Duna, beautiful. With a resource line secure, i brought a plane to bring the brave original astronauts back home. However, due to...technical failures..our return plane failed to land successfully I blame the inaccurate preflight check. It doesnt make sense, bob signed off on it! Hes realizing he may have messed up. Our return rocket leaves kerbin, this one able to hold 27 kerbals. Eager to go home, the 6 kerbalnauts marked for this return rocket wait anxiously Sadly, only 4 of them make it, as we have...problems landing. Back home we go! He waved when i took a screenshot. Who needs heatsheilds? Or parachutes The crew did not enjoy reentry Our rocket lands perfectly! Without parachutes!!!! I say it was Bob Kerman's doing, hes a space wizard you know? We drop one last structure by our base, a communication tower. The lazor system on it allows me to talk back to the tracking center and give me the inclination and time of flight for a trip from Duna to a different planet. Satellite tower also includes an ISA mapsat GPS, so we can see whats going on! Well that about wraps it up for now, hope you guys enjoy! I love this game so much. If anyone wants any .craft files just ask. KSP .21.1 MODS USED: KETHANE B9 AEROSPACE MECHJEB 2.0.9 NOVAPUNCH2 H.O.M.E. 2 FIRESPITTER LAZOR SYSTEM HYBRID ION ENGINE PACK KOSMOS KAS ISA MAPSAT 3.SOMETHING UNOFFICIAL CHATTERER .5
  23. I think that was the point, wasn't that show set close to our time? So I can imagine they were trying to mimic some elements of present-day space programs. Either way, I like when threads start talking about customizing stuff and all the different ways you could customize your kerbals. Not that it's not been suggested before...probably a LOT, but the more people talk about it, the more likely it is to be implemented, I feel >.> Imagine if we could paint our rockets and/or kerbals the way you can customize cars and players in APB. That would be amazing. I'd even be happy if it were as simple as the Dawn of War army painter...though I already kinda mentioned that earlier with the color wheel thing. But if they ever add the kerbalizer into the game, a lot of the props and things would have to be unavailable...otherwise there'd be no point in using Kerbalizer for avatars or what-not. Besides, who's going to lug around a piano or guitar in space? Or wear those huge 2013 glasses that probably wouldn't even fit into a helmet XD
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