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  1. Hello! I'm Matt, nice to meet you here! Well I've been playing KSP since 0.17 but I didn't realize how to play the game until I started searching for Youtube videos and then I found none other than "Scott Manley" and all his freakin cool KSP videos.. And then I found Robbaz's KSP videos and boy he sure makes me laugh so hard! I LOL (seriously) when he crashes but the Kerbal lives and he says "Success!" hahaha!!!!!! Anyway I'm quite happy to have found the forums. I'm sort of biased to multiplayer games as i have always thought that was the only way to really randomize certain circumstances or to engage in heated battles that you can't predict... But KSP has shed new light on the idea of turn based gaming since people share saves. I think it kind of brings everyone together in a way that is unique from other games, but then the game is so awesome itself you can't help but be addicted! I'm new to my 30's but KSP is like when Doom II came out for me! I haven't done much more than dock once despite multiple attempts and land on Minmus. I also realized recently that the game is most enjoyed when you have a mission plan (I write mine down) and follow it through more than just one setting. It took me a while to realize this, but now I am orbiting 3 planets and I love using the RemoteTech mod and watching all the satellites talk to each other. It's very interesting to me in what I have been learning and figuring out related to sending up ships to match orbits but then Kerbin has rotated so your polar orbits have different headings.. I'm just an I.T. guy so this is all new to me. Loving EVERY SECOND of this! Well worth the money, too bad most people I know don't have the patience for a game like this as I sure could use a nearby friend who likes this and iRacing.com (you should see my triple monitor and cockpit setup, but this is the wrong section for a post like that.)
  2. Loly has asked me to forward the following: They sound like a friendly bunch B9 XS SLU MkII The SLU (Slightly Less Ugly) is a much improved design. Loly took everything he had learned designing the previous ships and ignored it completely, preferring instead to play with an old slide rule that someone had found in a field. Soon tiring of that distraction he opened a fresh box of green crayons and... 10% More cargo space. 10% More engines. 30% Fewer parts! 92.4% Less rotation. 40% Less ugly. A visitor commented: "I've seen worse"! And did we mention? 30% Fewer parts! Main Features: SERPH: The Sexy Engine Room Peep-hole is a absolute favourite with visitors to Loly Corp. In a pinch a philistine may cover this visual joy with additional fuel tanks. The engine room itself was an early design feature, as its name implies it is a room right next to the engines. The Kerbal Over-bureau of Safety and Health (KOSH) took one look at this fine addition and condemned it on the spot. Thankfully the removal notice never did reach the designers. We understand the room is still fully functional, so if you wish you may EVA your Kerbal all the way down there and fly totally blind. Flying blind is safer then trying to keep your eyes shut, so put on your best Scottish accent and knock yourself out. RFLOL: RCS Free Launch, Orbit and Landing. NB: In testing RCS free landing has a 50% success rate, sample data two tests. ymmv ypmd (your pilot may die)). Update: 30%, 20%, 10%. Well, all right, it happened once and never again. Great hope was put into the new ARFLOL system, thinking the 'A' stood for Advanced. It turned out the 'A' stood for Almost and by almost the designers meant 'hardly ever'. Still, it happened once and that is significant? Pause for a moment and consider how many times you've been born, see, once is significant. Unfortunately the video evidence of this event - the landing, not your birth, we still have that one on tape - was lost when an experimental guided missile decided to experiment by guiding itself up off the table, through the door, down the corridor and into the video archive room. Bang goes history. Anyway, RCS consumption is much reduced. IFABO: Impact Force Absorbed by Oscillation (it wobbles quite a bit on landing but so far has not tipped over) NoFin: Booster friendly fin-less design. FIBBER: Fifteen Integrated Braced Booster attachment points. Fifteen booster flight tested (on a slightly earlier design). Boosters not required for test payload. Fifteen easy access fuel tanks for customisation of fuel load and an additional 6 free locations available if required. LF, LFO, replace them with fuselage sections or leave them off altogether to see the super sexy fuel core. The choice is yours! Super Sexy Fuel Core. Best not to go there until the cleaners have been around - yes it is that sexy! The reduced part count does of course come at a price. The ship has not undergone unplanned disassembly in flight since the latest revisions but the strut count is low, very low. One observer commented 'I'm amazed that thing can fly at all'. There was some talk of further reducing the number of parts by removing the toilet but research showed this is exactly where most pilots can be found during landing. One consequence of the reduced number of struts is a breaking sound at around 37km about which Loly said "The time to be concerned is not when you hear a strange noise. The time to be concerned is when the strange noise stops". As a breaking noise both starts and stops you may feel concern when you hear it but fear not! While we have no idea of the cause and obviously it is something under stress, the worst of the flight is just about over by that point and even landing is endured without further incident. 494 parts after launch, 470 parts on landing. Non-essentials are limited to 12 cargo bay lights and 6 red engine room lights - Loly would dearly like to add more but you the customer come first on list 'B'. List 'A' is topped by production costs so also features in the decision. Payload consists of 8 parts x 3 Note: May also be used for weed control and/or creation of crop circles in Farming Simulator. Mods: B9 MechJeb http://www.i2net.me.uk/files/Games/KerbalSP/Ships/B9XSSLU/B9 XS SLU Mk II.craft Keys: 1 Toggles engines between Jet and Rocket, the ship looks good for 37km on jets. Just wait until your rate of ascent drops below 10m/s or your speed begins to decrease - whichever comes first - and press 1. No significant rotation and the supplied RCS is sufficient for landing with a little to spare. 7 Sexy engine room red lights 9 Cargo bay lights 0 Cargo bay doors N.B. Tested on Kerbin, guarantee void on other planets. If MechJeb supported Jet powered vertical landings over 2000 fuel + oxidiser could be saved.
  3. I found if you have a smaller ship with ASAS, and you don't need to dock, you don't need RCS at all! The sas gives plenty of torque even for landing. But hay the best thing I got is a super small rover on eve and duna that's the best I have been able to do so far. ( off topic, but man that eve reentry was stunning) I actually had to aero-brake in to eve because my deep rocket did'ent have the DV to retro it to orbit:( the point of the story is when it comes to large deep space rockets just look the other way when I talk.
  4. CHALLENGE CLOSED (suspended at least) Accounting software issues. The good times can not roll forever and even on Kerbin it has come time to pay the piper. Just days after launching a new station into LKO the government accounting firm announced an error in the nations budget, something about a decimal point in the wrong place and no way to move it to the right place. A mounting economic crisis is sweeping the nation and unfortunately during the most recent session of Kongress the politician who yelled AUSTERITY! had the loudest voice, now cost cutting fervor has gripped even the pride of Kerbalkind...the beloved space program. Before the crisis this is how we planned to swap out crews to our new station. This ship is well balanced for manual or autopilot flight, precise in fuel usage with nearly zero waste, has excellent docking maneuver behavior, redundant systems for lighting, power, recovery and leaves not a single speck of waste in orbit. And it costs nearly $27000. During the debate Kerbal politicians of all stripes were able to reach across the aisle and agree on one major point. Leaving the first crew of the new station in orbit to die would look very bad come election time so that option was OFF the table. What they decided instead was to issue a mandate to the space program to re-tool the crew supply/relief ship to be a little less expensive. About 30% less expensive actually. All agreed this was a fine idea, congratulations and cheers rang out through the capitol. So it falls to you, the new head of the space agency to design and fly this last mission of the fiscal year to at least exchange crew if not rescue them outright till more money comes in next year. After the budget vote several high level officials took you aside for some special interest talk. As much as they don't want to spend money they also want everything that normally requires spending money to get. Imagine that. The Corporatists want you to let a couple of private companies sleaze a toehold into the program, er..., I mean, help out. Mechjeb and Kerbal Engineering have agreed to supply their wares in exchange for prominent placement on the rocket for publicity shots. The KER people claim their software can be the budget hawk for the program so that one has been made clear its not optional. Do Gooders Union, the public safety nannies are demanding parachutes instead of the just aiming for the softest part of the planet and crossing fingers plan you were sketching on a napkin during the hearing. They would also like to see some redundant safety gear, maybe some lighting too. If you could bring that guy in the station home alive that would be swell! They promise to get some more money in next years budget if you make a show for the safety of the Kerbinauts. The Really Green party are very adamant about keeping space clean, leaving no debris at all if possible. They don't have any pull with the budget committee but they will sure fine your sorry butt if you litter in space. The Science! lobby is hoping you can squeeze out a minor miracle to get some last minute experiments run before the program bites the dust, promises to remember your efforts at the next round of budget hearings. And finally your own launch crew has fired up a Kickstarter to help with next years program but will only let it fund if you promise to use launch clamps and not "risk killing all of us with fiery death on the pad when that train wreck of yours falls over" as they so delicately put it. So off you go, napkin drawings in hand and $18k in your wallet to do what you know in your responsible heart should cost 50% more to do right...and, Oh, BTW, try to cram in some stuff you didn't even plan on to begin with. What could be easier? RED TAPE CHALLENGE Basic Conditions - Flight Must take a kerbal, INSIDE a capsule, to DOCK with a station/vessel at or above 160km. Exchange crew or populate spare seats for return, re-enter and land in one piece at 6.8m/s or less at the time of touchdown. No orbital debris of any kind, debris is not a fail but it is a $300 fine. Penalty is one time, not per littering offense. All debris must have PE less than 69.5km. No refueling at any point...you have no money for that! KER (Kerbal Engineering Redux) unit is required in order to show cost in VAB, All KER and MechJeb units are deductible IF they show in both vab and launch pictures. Please use the ER-7500 flight recorder ($500) KER unit for visibility on the rocket and uniformity of cost deductions. Mechjeb 2 module that I use is $550 Mods Allowed - ONLY Mechjeb (optional) and Kerbal Engieering Redux (Required to view cost info) are permitted. Goes without saying that editing parts is forbidden. Ship/station for docking portion is unrestricted, put it in a 160x160km orbit with Hyperedit or fairy dust if you want but don't top up the fuel tanks while there. No matter how you set up the target station or ship the challenge ship MUST do the docking. You can pitch/roll/yaw to aim the target ship but no thrust. In addition to claim the no Mechjeb bonus (50) and thus be elgible for the Full Ride bonus (500) as well there can be no MJ use on the docking station either. I've added this restriction after my own recent test ship was able to make a no RCS docking far to easily just by having the target ship hold TGT + as I flew at it with a no MJ and no rcs ship. The budget is capped at a strict $18000, not including Mechjeb or KER unit costs, use as many as you like as long as they show you can deduct the cost. Screen shots required for submission - In VAB of flight ready rocket with KER full window open to see the bottom line cost of the rocket as it will fly, clamps, MJ and KER units..everything. Launch + 1 second to show launch clamps for bonus and to show it still has all the bonus gear from the VAB on it. (optional) Last stage to be cast off in/near orbit debris showing a de-orbiting PE of 69.5 or less. Optional because its not an easy screenshot to get. Just be honest. Docked with station/ship at 160km or higher. Landing shot showing all capsules being claimed for score are surviving, so either landed close together or after chute deployment while still descending. Prior to landing to show a less than 6.8m/s landing speed is the prefered screenshot. Granted, if you have 2 chutes on a lander can with no other parts that speed is a non issue BUT if its an iffy design be prepared to show your work. Score calculation- Total must be less than $18000 after deducting for Mechjeb and KER units. Units must be shown on the craft in VAB during the cost screenshot to be deducted. ((18000) - (as flown cost - KER and MJ)) + (bonus - penalties)) = total score Bonus Structure - Bonus only counts if base total is less than or equal to budget. Base total greater than budget is a Fail Extra empty seat, inside a capsule, must also land safely + $2500 Can be extra pod(s) or empty seats on larger capsule. (No limit to this bonus, take as many as you can) Docking Lighting, must illuminate the docking target + $300 Solar Charging ability + $200 Backup Battery power for lights + $150 Redundant Parachute + $1000 (per capsule that has 2 chutes so can be claimed more than once) Docking Clamps + $500 Telling the Mechjeb corp to shove it and fly manually + $50 Scientific instruments up to one of each type, does not include antennae - $300 each, 300 bonus for ALL 4, $1500 possible *Full Ride Bonus* If ALL bonus conditions are met there is an extra $500 bonus. All science units required as well as redundant chutes on every capsule to qualify. Bonus items are one time bonus except for extra empty seats, science packages (1500pt max) and redundant parachutes for extra capsules. For example, 4 docking clamps is still only a $500 bonus the same as 2. Flying a Solo capsule with MJ or probe core does not count for the empty seat bonus, this must be a manned mission. I will post an example mission that meets the criteria but is not nearly squeezed to full potential. The budget ceiling is not hard at all to make the basic mission, this will not be a most people fail challenge. I really enjoy efficiency type challenges and thats what this is. Who can pull the most rabbits out of a hat for the fewest bucks while dotting i's and crossing t's for the powers that be? Good luck to all who enter...and don't die wading through the boredom of bureaucracy. SCORECARD 1 - Metaphor 18498 2 - me No points due to massive, though unintentional, cheating!!!! 3 - Tarmenius 13767 4 - Kappa73 13635 5 - Kelmoir 12676* 6 - RussPixie 9120
  5. <div align="center" id="ksp_weekly"> <div align="center" class="ksp_weekly_header bottom_border"> <div class="ksp_weekly_masthead"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Orlh8bn.png" alt="KSP Weekly" name="ksp_weekly_masthead" id="ksp_weekly_masthead" border="0" align="middle" /> </div> <h2>July 9th, 2013</h2> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_leftcol"> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Headline</h3> <p> There is much to talk about this week and even more sneak peaks just for you!</p> <ul> <li> The most detailed developer update to date.</li> <li> Another prodecural mod hits the forums and is showcased by our very own Scott Manley!</li> <li> Pleborian uses his telescope to sort through the massive submission of fanworks.</li> <li> Editor's Notes.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>Developement Updates</h3> <h4>KSP Dev Team Updates</h4> <ul> <li><b>Felipe (Harvester)</b>: Worked through at least half a hundred bugs this week. Also wrote a new procedural terrain algorithm to generate craters. Check out the <a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/667-Procedural-Craters" target="_blank">dev blog post</a> about it.</li> <li><b>Chad (C7)</b>: Spent the week haunted by a mysterious ghost designer. Adjusted a lot of the space center content and polished up the assets a bit. After that I spent the rest of my time on fixing bugs that we've found during testing. Thanks to the feedback of the testing team, I've rewritten parts of the sas to make it even more user friendly. I'm working on testing those changes now.</li> <li><b>Jim (Romfarer)</b>:I've been fixing bugs this week. On the crew management GUI's and "surprisingly" also on the Knowledge Base which got somewhat corrupted due to changes in the back-end. Seeing how nobody has mentioned that, you'll just have to take my word for it: The new backend that made trouble for the KB is amazing in all other ways.</li> <li><b>Artyom (Bac9)</b>: Got stuck for a week with an ancient typewriter in place of a proper PC, so I haven't had the chance to make new content (crunched ahead of schedule on the previous week to compensate for that). Instead, this week I have mostly performed the role of some evil designer ghost, studying internal screenshots and haunting poor teammates about improperly configured light sources, improvements to textures, lightmaps and hangar floors. Don't worry, I'll get back to my beloved 3d modeling in the next few days. </li> <li><b>Alex (aLeXmOrA)</b>: REDACTED: CLASSIFIED WEBDEV STUFF 2: WEBDEVELATION 3D</li> <li><b>Daniel (DanRosas)</b>: Finished those 2d assets I started last week. I'm pretty sure you'll meet them soon enough. Getting to adjust color, add small details and finish rendering that thing I've been animating since this weekly reports started. Man, time sure goes fast... </li> <li><b>Rob (N3X15)</b>: Redesigned a good portion of the database schema halfway through implementation. Sleep does strange things to one's mind, I think I'm going to lay off of it for a bit. Distractions outside of work this week made things a little difficult to keep up with my schedule (dead computers, birthday parties for elders, puppy chewing cables, etc). Still negotiating TokuDB install on the forum server, it isn't liking it one bit. Dog gate installed, though, so fewer distractions to deal with.</li> <li><b>Mike (Mu)</b>: Been bugfixing, crafted some new planetary mods and reworked some planets.</li> </ul> <br/> <p>Here is a sneak peak at what the new Kerbin terrain could look like come .21 but keep in mind that this may change and is not representative of the final product! <br /> <center><a href="http://i.imgur.com/7uZy3LI.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/4s5cxOX.png" alt="" /></a></center></p> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item"> <h3>YouTube Spotlight</h3> <p>YouTube user 'arockcalledsteve' put together a compilation video of things you can do in KSP. I recommend skipping the first 50-60 seconds as the intro is fairly long but the video is fairly entertaining after that.</p> <div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/arockcalledsteve" target="_blank">arockcalledsteve</a></div><br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="300" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZRVxkgy3fEw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_rightcol"> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Mod Spotlight</h3> <p>We all knew it was only a matter of time before another procedural part was added by the mod community. This time mod creator 'e-dog' has hit a grand slam with procedural fairings. A word of caution as of the posting of this weekly Procedural Fairings are not compatible with FAR, however, the creator is planning to improve is compatibility. This being said the mod does work with FAR but you may find it slightly unstable.</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39512-0-20-2-Procedural-Fairings-1-0-they-automatically-reshape-for-attached-payload" title="" target="_blank"> Procedural Fairings </a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Mod Showcase</h3> <p>Procedural fairings is a big deal and the guys in the media group are making a huge buzz about it. I wanted to see this mod shown some proper love and who better to showcase it than our very own Scott Manley!</p> <p><div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg" target="_blank">Scott Manley</a></div><br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="300" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UADznLqWaUw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div></p> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>Through The Telescope</h3> <h4>By: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/pleborian" target="_blank">Pleborian</a></h4> <p>Space is big, it's so big you wouldn't believe how big it really is. Because of this you may find yourself sometimes wondering the age old question 'So where do I go?' when it comes to planning your next mission, with all the different landscapes (and starscapes) it's easy to forget where your favourite crater on the Mun is, well forget no more fellow Kerbonaut help is at hand!</p> <p>A user by the name of saik0 has created these incredibly nifty maps of ALL the celestial bodies within the Kerbol system making planning your journeys a little easier. You can find the maps at <a title="Kerbal Maps" href="http://www.kerbalmaps.com" target="_blank">Kerbal Maps</a>.</p> <p><img src="http://i.imgur.com/tmVmMTfl.jpg" alt="" /></p> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item"> <h3>Editor's Notes</h3> <p>Last week I asked for fan submissions in the form of screenshots, videos and other fan works. You guys certainly did not disappoint, however, that does mean I could not get you all featured. Keep up the great work everybody and keep the submissions coming! Do you have a fan work, screenshot collection, video or animation you would like to have seen in the KSP weekly? Send me 'xPDxTV' a private message with a link to your fanwork either to here on the forums, YouTube, imgur or whatever hosting platform works best for you, although I prefer the above mentioned. No direct download links will be opened. All fanworks must be viewable without a download. I'd like to thank you all for stopping by and as always I'll see you next time, later guys and gals!</p> <p>Here is a cool interactive panorama my grandfather shot of the <a href="http://www.welcometopem.com/panorama/Yerkes/Pano.html" target="_blank">Yerkes Observatory</a>, check it out!</p><br/> </div> </div> <br clear="all" style="clear: both;" /> <div class="ksp_weekly_footer"> <p> <b>Brought to you by the KSP Media Group</b><br/> Author / Editor: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv" target="_blank">xPDxTV</a><br/> Reporter: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/pleborian" target="_blank">Pleborian</a><br/> Special Thanks: Maxmaps - KSP PR Manager<br/> </p> </div> </div> <style type="text/css"> div.ksp_weekly { width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.ksp_weekly_header { width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.ksp_weekly_masthead { width: 466px; height: 400px; } div.ksp_weekly_leftcol { width: 49%; float: left; border-right: 5px double; vertical-align: top; position: relative; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; margin: 0px; text-align: left; } div.ksp_weekly_rightcol { width: 49%; float: right; vertical-align: top; position: relative; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-align: left; } div.ksp_weekly_item { padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px; } div.bottom_border { border-bottom: 1px solid black; } div.ksp_weekly_footer {width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;} div.ksp_weekly_footer p { border-top: 2px solid black; width: 100%; padding-top: 15px; vertical-align: text-bottom; text-align: center; font: normal 7pt Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style>
  6. No, i just made a basic model in Blender and followed all the instructions. So it should work. I don't have Unity itself. And what do you mean with a basic collider? All references talk about using a mesh as collider. Could you elaborate?
  7. I understand perfectly what you mean when you say that it passes you by very fast, i was once almost 30 min, chasing and passing by for my spacestation, trying to dock, but i figured i was having a problem with my orbit and my speed relative to my target, once thats fixed, its easy pie, now im facing a diferent problem, i dont have the target icon in space relative to my docking target, my last dockings were made visually, its not so easy but the pleasure is greater eheheh, i mean i actually have to search my target in freaking space, even when my navball is in target mode and im really near my target (500m or less), i dont have that yellow rotating aimsigth on the target. Maybe im missing something, dont know. Either way, my reply to this post is to try an help you,i am by no means an expert on KSP, ive been to the Mun a couple of times and i've only docked just a handfull of times, but i did it heheh, i can give you my skype adress and show you how to do it if you want, it's andre.p.martinho in Montijo - Portugal, i have helped a couple of my friends this way its easier because we can talk and i can show you sharing screens how to do it. I'll try to be logged on tonigh, if you want give me a call. Happy launches everyone...
  8. Yes you guys are right! I am the idiot of science, I have no idea what I am talking about, and I should not even be allowed to talk. Now that is out of the way I am going to CONTRIBUTE to the conversation. Looking it up further, as just a private citizen you can get licensed to get rocket engines up to O class by the time you are launching stuff that large you are looking at tens of thousands or more into the hobby. You have to take tests, it probably costs money, and you may also have to have a certain number of launches of Level 1 and Level 2 rockets(Other licensing levels). You also have to get permits to launch, and file reports after successful, or failed launches. O class engines are not that big either, I think I saw 8000lbs of thrust(Science fact so probably wrong, peanut gallery?). I could not find anything on launching larger class engines; I suspect that if you are in the group allowed to launch them, you probably know how to go about it.
  9. Likewise. I've given up on  not permanently, but in the sense of "KSP, we need to take a break"  this game twice already, once after .16 came out and changed everything, and then again after .18 came out and changed everything. I'd put a lot of work into getting things set up just so, and the updates changed things, and I got frustrated. So I stepped away. I haven't decided whether I'm going to dive right in to .21 or not, whenever it drops. From what I've read, it sounds pretty incremental. There's nothing in it I'm dying for right now. The new ASAS  particular its mod-ability â€â€*sounds really great, but I can't remember the last time I even attached an ASAS part. I've gotten so used to playing with out, and without pod torque. I use MechJeb or ORDA for attitude control and RCS exclusively for attitude control. So while it sounds great, I'm not gagging for it right now. But if the past repeats itself, there's gonna end up being some damn thing in .21 that makes it impossible for me not to play the new version. Some minor feature or API change or part that nobody even bothered to talk about will seduce me and I'll download the new version and nothing will work and all my custom addons and parts will have to be changed and … blar. I wouldn't hate it if the pace of KSP development slowed down a … lot.
  10. Well that would account for one thing I talked about yeah... And I may actually try that someday, but lets actually talk about more expensive dreams. That's more fun. I'd love to put something up that would stay up for a while, turn it and take pictures of the moon and stars and stuff from orbit. Or what about putting my little computer on mars, weather balloon can't do that. Yeah see I'm going for the silly dreams I really am curious what the cheapest you could put "something" on mars. I did find what I was talking about with the boxes. CubeSat, in another thread that I guess I should have read right before I posted this thread instead of after.
  11. For now, Kerbalizer is a separate program, with no integration with KSP. There was some talk at one point about it becoming a possibility, but as with all planned features (and unplanned) in KSP, they are only speculative until they show up in a release with no promises or warranties expressed or implied.
  12. Thanks for the bug notes and test information! Bug 1 is unfixable, as the data cursor does not conform to the ui stacking order of the rest of the GUI (if someone can prove me wrong here, please do!). Bug 2 is intentional for now. Getting things to resize nicely is a bit harder than it sounds and I'll tackle it at the end, once I get everything functional. Bug 3 is a good one. I'll add a note to handle this for 0.7. Fixed. Also, the status window text is now selectable as well... I'll look into how the solver behaves with departure and arrival bodies that are the same. As far as TOT for Orbiter goes, please shoot me a PM with questions and we can talk more there. I'd like to keep this thread on topic. I will say that the two applications were compiled with different versions of the MCR and thus two different MCR versions are required to run them... Noted, thanks for the trial run. Sadly, the tweak you're asking for is really more of a major overhaul of the code. The lambert solver I'm using assumes instantaneous delta-v. To correctly model "long" burns, I would have to write an orbit propagator to model the thrust correctly. That is a huge task and not one I'm looking to take on at the moment. In the mean time, here's how I would deal with the problem. 1) Compute a two burn solution. 2) Get as far along the first burn as you can. 3) Note the post-burn orbit and recompute a new optimal two-burn solution. 4) Execute new burn plan. 5) Repeat until you get the orbit you want. This method ensures that your execution errors are accounted for and corrected while allowing for multiple burns to take place. Sometimes it's all about working within the limits of the tool you have. Thanks, means a lot! Hey Wingnut, I have good news... Consider it included for 0.7.
  13. Preparing to launch my first Duna UAV as a proof of concept. Talking to friend over ventrillo, push to talk key is left-ctrl. The rocket powered down just enough for the payload container to push the nose down sending us into a spin and crashing into an anchored airship. Two(Four with the UAV and airship anchor/truck) vehicles destroyed before we even left the launch pad. My Duna program is off to a great start.
  14. I thank you for making such a mod. My scrap deorbiter can haul debris in with minimal effort. Also, it sucks fuel from the debris using the Lazor System. Talk about taking the leftovers. Note you can't see the cable, but it's attached to a piece of debris and isin the process of drawing fuel from it. And thanks for giving me the idea of compact engineering. The amount of stuff squeezed there onto the small tank is a new technique I learned.
  15. Can somebody talk me through designing a rover for use on Mun/Duna etc? I’ve made a few functional rovers, but the design isn’t very good. I’d like to know how to structurally build them, keep the CoM central, and the best way to attach them to a rocket etc. I’d like to send a rover to Duna now I’ve got the journey down. I have used the search function already, “rover design†doesn’t bring up anything.
  16. Yup, Orange7093, because you're in the community since August 2011 doesn't mean there can't be new players around who don't know much about the game. Sure, lots of questions have been answered already, but this place is often the one new players post in first, as their knowledge about the game is still relatively incomplete. We all were new once, so we have to accept that new people don't necessarily know how to get to the Mun. Bassna didn't even mention the word multiplayer, and didn't talk about other planets, so your comment is kind of uncalled for. Oh, and welcome to the forums Bassna
  17. Somehow I didn't realise how fast this year is going. That was originally posted in MAY... Wow... and now July (NO... I tell the truth, honest boss). Also I don't understand necro etiquette. If you use the search and find an old post that has information that you want to talk about and then you post in it and you are called a necro. If you start a new thread you are called out for not using the search engine. This thread really is a called out necro but other threads I've seen that really are apt after someone has researched the info and posted in the right thread shouldn't be called a necro imho. Also what about people who want info regarding SAS or LKO... Try searching for those two terms heh. The site will send you to Coventry. "I IGNORE YOU!"
  18. If my ASAS could talk? "Hodor. Hodor Hodor Hodor."
  19. Well, lets see. 90% of my orbits are 90 degrees. On the direction of rotation. The amount of fuel i would expend to put that orbit you said, for me have no reason doing that. Is not efficient at all. 5 or the most 10 degree up or down the round orbit is what i need to scan, anything else, is waste of energy, plus time, because the scan will be tremendous more time consuming. So, you not convince me. RTS is the best choice. Even in a probe. And when i mean efficiency, i mean, for the purpose. What good would be for me to not have the scanner work in night? Because i will not expend a lot of energy to put it in a polar orbit, because as i said, i will not go there. Not until i deplete the resources on normal orbit. I don't know who Kethane works before, i'm using it in the couple last versions... P.s.: I know you can start all orbits in polar, easily in Kerbin, that you can take off that way. But normally to achieve that, you use a lot off fuel. This is not efficient. I choose put less fuel and go for normal orbit with my RTG's. And other thing is, even with the gaps you talk about i never see it happens in scan here, with 2 rtgs in timewarp. Maybe because i do not use old versions you talk about. The new ones do not loose that, and they too not scan again a hex that already been scanner, so, in a close to 0º orbit, or some thing less then 15º, the fill area will occur in a fraction of the time that a polar one do. Use the new Kethane, the map got gorgeous...
  20. Come along to www.twitch.tv/beeftenderloin and watch me work through the campaign mod! Feel free to talk to me in the chat, and make suggestions for music/rockets/anything!
  21. Looks allright. Where's the airlock, though? A docking port would be a rather important piece for the Shuttle. Also, did you talk to BobCat about CanadArm?
  22. Chapter 2: In which time gets messed up Jeb: Alright everyone. We are good out here. How is everyone inside? Kirk: We are fine. You might want to get inside soon- limited breathable air, you know. Jeb: I'm fine for 2.5 hours out here. So- Call everyone- By the numbers. MC- Are you recording? MC: Yes. We hear you loud and clear Jeb. Jeb: Arlight- by the numbers. Jebidiah Kerman. Badass, Stunt Pilot, and Mission Commander- Officer in command of Landing team. Kirk: Kirk Kerman, Communications and Logistics. Landing team. Lenwise: Lenwise Kerman, Comms and Data. Orbit team. Shepney: Shepney Kerman- Backup Pilot and Chef. Orbit team. Bob: Bob Kerman, Geologist, Biologist, and Chef. Landing team. Bill: Bill Kerman. AI Template/Psychoanalyst, Pilot, and Inventor. Landing team. MC: No changes in command authority? Jeb: Negative MC. The mission is on route-*********************** MC:Jeb? Jeb: *************** MC: Jeb? All mission crew, can we get eyes on Jeb? Kirk: He has dropped off radar. Bob: I can't see him through the windows- but they are so small we can barley see anything. Lenwise: Hull cameras... Are down. Launching a probe now... Shepney: Getting an image. Probe count down to 2. Kirk: Did we lose Jeb? Bob: If it was that easy to kill him, he would be dead already. Kirk: How can you be sure? Bill: Just give him a minute... *DONG* Kirk: WTF WAS THAT!?!?!? Bill: Let's see.... (he bangs his glove against the airlock once, then three times, then five times) *Dong.... Dong-Dong-Dong.....Dong-Dong-Dong-Dong-Dong* Kirk: Why did you do that? Bill: Since the discovery of alien wrecks, we have established protocols for recognizing intelligence. Kirk: Alright, and..... Bob: And that was a sequence of prime numbers. Kirk: So what will happen if Jeb is out there? Bill: He should respond with the next number in the sequence of primes- a sequence of seven 'dongs'. Kirk: How long should we wait? Bob: Well, in the event of a radio malfunction, we are to get the attention of the crew, and wait inside the open airlock. Bill: We are supposed to connect our backpack to the internal connection port (you know) and wait to hear a return algebraic sequence. *Shepney pulls himself into the lander-pod.* Shepney: Hey guys- the airlock has been closed. Kirk: Is that a sign he is there? Bill: Yup. We just need to wait until- *DONGDONGDONGDONGDONGDONGDONG* Bob: Seven! Alright- everyone buckle in. I am opening the door. Kirk: Good thing Jeb made it. *A few minutes later* Jeb: I never want to have that happen again. Bill: What happened? Jeb: My radio and transponder got hit by a stray micro-meteor. No idea where it came from, but I burned up most of my mono-propellant getting back to the hatch. I had maybe 2% left. Kirk: Why don't you show up on radar? Jeb: These suits absorb that wavelength for power. Reduces interference. Without a Transponder, I am a small dark splot in space. MC: Good to hear you back Jeb. Jeb: Ah- MC. You guys rarely call just to say 'hi'. What do you want? MC: Jeb, we need to to check you rad levels. If they are too high, we will scrap this mission and you will come back. Jeb: Already done. MC: And? Jeb: And I will be fine for the mission. MC: Tell me your rad levels. Jeb: MC, you guys on the ground worked out the statistics for how likely I would die in some gruesome manner, right? MC: Right.... Bob: Jeb, you really want to bring this up now? Jeb: Why not? MC, What is the current 'Jeb-Death-Pool' likelyhood for this mission? MC: 10-to-1 odds of explosive decompression.... 4-to-1 odds of cannibalistic behavior.... 3-to-2 odds of Engine malfunction... And 1-to-20 odds the Kraken gets you. Bill: I bet on the explosive decompression. Jeb: ? Bill: Hey, Jeb, it pays at 10 to 1! Jeb: I know- I usually bet on engine malfunction myself. MC: Yes, although why you are betting on your own death mystifies us. Landing window is coming up. Jeb: Alright! Everyone into their landers. *Sounds of scrambling* Kirk: We are buckled Jeb. Lenwise: Same here commander. Ready for disconnection. Jeb: See you in a month. Remember- there is an internet connection through the quantum-entangled 'lungs', and there is sufficient rations. Shepney: Yeah, we know. Bye. *Disconnection ensues* Shepney: He talked too much. *In the lander* Jeb: Prepped for burn. Burn ensuing in 3-2-1.... Jeb: Burn complete. Descending. Correction burn in 30. Kirk: Do you guys ever get used to this? Bob: No. Bill: Not when Jeb drives. Jeb: You guys suck. Disconnected from munar-push stage. Burn. Jeb: Burn complete. Suicide burn in 20. Kirk: Suicide burn? What? Wait- Jeb, we are coming in too fast... Jeb? Jeb?!? JEB!?!?! Jeb: BURN! FULL POWAH! *FWOOOSH!!) Kirk: We are going to land on the rovers! Jeb: No we are not. *Screeching metal---THUMP* Jeb: Another picture-perfect landing. What do you guys think? Kirk: NEVER FLY AGAIN. LEAVE. THE. COMPUTER. TO. DO. THE. LANDING. Jeb: You're no fun. Shepney: Lander, come in. Jeb: Lander, we are back on the mun, Orbital. Nice to hear you guys. MC: Jeb, this is MC. We are relaying the signal, and the quantum communicators within the lander are connected to us, so you should be able to go on the move out there and stay in contact. Jeb: Great.... I am going Outside. Bob: Again? After what happened last time? Jeb: Sure. Whats the wost that could happen? Kirk: Space snakes. Jeb: wtf? Kirk: Space snakes. Jeb: Alright, I'm Getting in that rover. *Sound of airlock sealing* Bob: So.... Space snakes? Kirk: Yup. Hypothozised by several scientists, as a reason for why things keep going wrong, as a counter-argument to the kraken, heard about as early as the 13th decade of spaceflight. Bob: Alright. Sounds spooky. Bill: It was. Until Jeb got that snake that hid in his capsule on an altitude flight. Kirk: Oh. *Over the radio* Jeb: If you guys are talking about the 'snakes on a spaceplane' incident, I don't want to hear it. I got the rover undocked and down the the ramp while you ladies were gossiping. Kirk: Is it necessary to have the front lights on? Jeb: Maybe.... Kirk: We are in our spacesuits and getting into the other rover. Bill: No, Bob and I have a couple of checks to do before we get into the other rover. You go get the rovers linked up. Kirk: Already on it. Jeb: Undock already! Kirk: Yeah, yeah. I am almost to you know. And... Docking! Jeb: We aren't docked.... Kirk: Yeah- hold on. Let me just get.... THERE! Jeb: are we docked? *Door slides open, and Kirk sticks his head in* Kirk: Yeah, we're docked. Bill: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..................... Wow, this is a long fall-OOFF! Jeb: Bill, are you alright? Bill: I'm fine. On my way to you now. Bill: So, Jeb, which button activates the jet pack? Jeb: The R key. Bill: Alright. Now, I just pop myself a bit off the ground, and a little push toward you guys..... Jeb: Brake. Bill: WhatBLARGPENUTS Jeb: Yeah. Brake. Bill: YEAH, JEB, I get it. Bob: Alright, The pod is sealed, and ready for travel. Bill: You heard the conversation right? Remember to brake. Bob: I won't forget. I am heading your way. Jeb: I can see you. Bob: I can't see you. Those panels look really... Odd. Bill: Incoming! Jeb: Bob- catch him! Bob: SH*T! Bob: I got him! Bill: Sort of. My suit is frozen. Again. Jeb: BWAHAHAHA! Bob: I see the problem- you servomotor connection is clogged with regolith. Bill: Can you clean it? Bob: Yeah. Give me a second... Got it. Bill: Thanks Bob. Kirk: Is this normal? Jeb: For a munar mission, yeah, it seems normal. Jeb: Guys, get in the rover! We only have so long down here before we need to leave. Bill: Fine. Just let me get a couple more shots. Bil: Done! Alright. I'm in. Lets go! Kirk: AWWWW YEAH!! Jeb: I like this guy. Bob: Well, who gets to drive? Bill: Rock-Paper-SRB to decide? Bob: No. Jeb always picks SRB. Bill: Then I vote that Jeb does not drive. Bob: I vote the same. Jeb: You two suck. Kirk: I set the controls so that he's driving anyway. Jeb: Nice Bob: Wait, lets talk this over- Jeb: NO TALKING! FOOT DOWN!!!! *The next few minutes have been censored due to the amount of swearing Jebs driving caused- Here is a little expert from that time: Jeb: Whoo! Bill: OH NONONONONONO!!!!!!! Bob: OH S**T! Kirk: I TAKE IT ALL BACK!!! ALL BACK OH DEAR--- DITCH!!! Bill: F****************KKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeb: Wheeeee! *See what I mean? SO we are just going to skip that bit.* *So- A few minutes later...* Jeb: Alrighty everyone. We are onto the flatter area, judging by the GPS map. Kirk: Who taught you how to drive? Jeb: I was never taught. Hey! I can see the wreck! Bob: Where's the bathroom in this thing? Bill: Dibs on the bathroom on this side! Bob: Kirk! Get out of the bathroom! Some of us need to use it! Kirk: HURGBLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG..... Why? Why Carrots!!?!??!?! Jeb: You guys are no fun. Jeb: Alright! We're here. Bob: BLAAARG!!! Urg... Jeb: Nice image from the drone. I love those things. Kirk: Please don't drive anymore Jeb. Jeb: Let me get the lights- Bob: That's too bright Jeb. I am heading outside- turn those things off. Jeb: Done. Jeb: Your helmet lights look like eyes. Bob: Who designed these suits anyway? Jeb: Like I know. Bill: Bob, make sure you check the probes. Bob: I am waiting for you guys here. Jeb: We will be right out. Bill: I'm just going to stay with the rovers. Kirk: Sure, and miss out on getting a chance to poke and prod an alien spaceship? Bill: Well, when you say it like that.... No. Still staying in the rover. Have fun! *After much struggling into spacesuits and a small argument* Jeb: Um.... Bob- why did you go back to the rover? Bob: Because Kirk was standing on it. Jeb: Kirk, why are you standing on the rover? Kirk: Because I wanted to get a better veiw. Jeb: .... I don't.... Alright. Kirk: So.... Bob: This is akward. Jeb: I'm going to the wreck now. Kirk: Wait! Jeb! Wait for me! Bob: You could use your jetpack. Kirk: Oh, right. *Fwoosh* Jeb: Wait- remember to slow down.... Nevermind. Kirk: Whee! Jeb: Watch out for the rover-probe...... Kirk: This is fun! Wheee! Jeb: Damnit, you knocked over a rover. Bob: Maybe I will try that.... *CHNK* Bob: Oh bugger. Bill: What? Something went wrong already? Bob: My jetpack jammed in mid-brake. Bill: Nice face-slide. Bob: Thanks... Jeb: Stop fooling around- this is a dangerous site. For all we know, the ship might still be active. Bob: Yeah. I am almost there. Jeb: So, Kirk, are you going to be sitting around out there all day? Kirk: We have been here for nearly 24 hours and the sun has not risen. Jeb: Then get up. Kirk: Fine. Kirk: Hey guys! This thing has still got power! Jeb: See what data you can retrieve. The probe should have some samples on it.... Kirk: On it. Kirk:.... Rad levels look good. Samples are.... Limited- the sample-retrieval drill is broken. Jeb: That's promising. Bob: Doesn't that mean the hull is harder than a diamond drill-bit? Jeb: I want to re-enter the atmosphere with a surfboard made of this stuff. Kirk: Um, why? Jeb: Because.... REASONS! Also, that would be epic. Bob: Agreed it would be epic. Kirk:.... Alrighty then.... Lets go see what this ring is.... Kirk: Hey guys, you might want to get some readings- this ring is generating some weird magneto-spacial distortions. Jeb: Think this will effect anything important? *STUTTER* Kirk: No, not really. I mean, the engine is only effecting time and space, right? Jeb: Wait, wern't you next to the engine? Kirk: Was I? Jeb: Yeah, and Bob was standing next to me.... Bob: Well, I'm over here by what appears to be another engine. Jeb: But you were standing by me, and- *STUTTER* Jeb: then you were WHAT IS HAPPENING? Kirk: I don't know, but it might have something to do with these odd glowing symbols. Jeb: Let me- *STUTTER* Jeb: See. Damnit. Kirk: No, that one was alright. It looked like what you were going to do happened anyway, but none of us really remembers it. Bob: This is a GOOD thing? Bill: Sitting in the rover watching you guys, and I gotta tell you, this is some freaky **** right there. Jeb: What's happening? Bill: You guys are... I don't know, jumping, from one place to another. *STUTTER* Bill: It just happened again. Jeb: We know! Bob: We know! Kirk: We know! Jeb: Alright- Take pictures then we are out here! More stutters might do something weird. Bob: Right. You go first. Jeb: Why me? Bob: I don't want to get stuck in the middle of saying something. Jeb: Oh - *STUTTER* Jeb: Fine. DAMNIT. Jeb: The ring seems to be pulsating along all frequencies we can measure, and matter seems to be exsisting and being destroyed along it's edge. Kirk: The lab guys should have fun with this. Jeb: Yeah. As long as we don't get killed by this thing, I will be happy. Anyway, I'm done on this end. Bob: Alright, I'm up. Bob: This seems to be an Ion engine, but on a massive scale. The engine is flanked by HUGE rtg's.... And I can feel the heat coming off them from here. *Click. Click. ClickClickClickClickClick* Bob: Oh bugger. I'm getting away from this thing. It is emitting a significant amount of radiation... In the Gravioli range, Huh. Kirk: Well, that is neat. So the lab guys did build the test engines properly. Jeb: That ship got me into orbit in less than a minute. Kirk: That it did. Now, my turn: I still can't figure out what this says. *STUTTER* Jeb: Then come on! We should get out of there.... Wait- wasn't I standing next to the motor? Kirk: Yeah, you were. Lets leave. Jeb: Are you guys coming? Kirk: On the- *STUTTER* Kirk: AAAAHHHH!!!! Jeb: Land! Don't faceplant! Kirk:.... AND HE STICKS THE LANDING! *Sound of clapping over the radio* Kirk: What was that? Bill: Not me. MC: We were listening. This is more entertaining than playing videogames! Kirk: Great. That had better not end up on TV. Or the Internet. MC: Yeah. No chance of that happening whatsoever. EVER. Jeb: Anyway- *STUTTER* Bob: AARRRGGG! At least my controls still work. Jeb: OH FOR THE ******************* (The asterisks are censoring, as I didn't take kerbish as a second language, so I don't know most of the translations for the words he used, but I am pretty sure that he was swearing for most of it.) Jeb: WHY DOES THE STUTTERING ONLY INTERRUPT ME? Jeb: ARRRGGGG! Kirk: I have no idea. Jeb: Well, everyone in, before I try to break this *STUTTER* Jeb: .... Damnit. Bill: Where did Jeb go? Jeb: I'm behind you. Look, can everyone just get into the damn vehicle? Kirk: Sure... AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG! Jeb: Why? Just... Why? Bill: Hey guys. Can someone check the RTG on the port side? Bob: On it. Kirk: The starboard side is fine. Kirk: It's locked. Jeb: Where's that fob.... Bill: I have control. Here- come on in. Kirk: Jeb- are you coming? Jeb: Yeah, I just want to see something. Jeb: Wow. Duna and Ike are visible. Think we will go there after this mun mission is done? MC: Mekan1k says that is up to the readers. Jeb: I don't understand half the stuff that guy says. MC: Most of us don't either. Kirk: So Jeb... Jeb: Yeah? Kirk: Was this routine in any way? Jeb: There is no such thing as a routine mission. EVER. Jeb: But I gotta say, Jeb: This one was interesting. So far, at least. Kirk: Alright what's next on the to-do list? Jeb: End the chapter. Kirk: Wait- what? Jeb: Oh, sorry. I am looking at Mekan1k's to-do list. I don't even know why he gives us copies of these things.... Kirk: .... Jeb: Ah- here we go. Next we need to drive 30 km or so to the original landing location, and check out the fuel miner. See how it's getting along. Bob: That is what the nav-computer is set to do. Jeb: I wanted to drive. Kirk: No Jeb. Bill: Nav-computer active. We are away. Jeb: ROCK! ROCK! Kirk: WATCH OUT! Bill: It's a heuristic pathfinder and efficiency logger- the computer finds the safest and fastest route. Jeb: Then, if it's so smart, why did we ALMOST HIT A ROCK? Bill: It doesn't like you guys. Jeb: * A few hours later* Jeb: Can't this computer drive any faster? Kirk: I doubt it. Jeb: Well, then, I'm singing. Everyone else: NO!!!!! Jeb: On the mun again! Kirk: Make him stop! Jeb: I can't wait to be on the mun again! Bob: Just stop! Bill: I am flooding their compartment with sleeping gas- hopefully that will knock him out. Jeb: zzzzz Kirk: zzzzz Bob: Alright. Now, we will arrive at the next location in a couple hours. MC: Great! You are on Schedual then. *In orbit* Lenwise: Do you ever wonder why we're here? Shepney: STOP TALKING TO ME! Sorry this was so late- I just started a couple more summer classes, and they are taking up a lot of time. I also found why ksp was crashing- I had the Orion mod loaded, and it seemed to make my computer hit it's limit every 20 minutes or so. As usual, feedback is encouraged and requested, so tell me what you think! How did you like the chapter, any recommendations for what should happen next, and hopefully soon I will be able to include a couple of companies that you guys suggested! Have fun, keep playing, and remember: This isn't flying. It's falling, with style!
  23. I could do with only one liquid tank. you are caring to much. Not to talk about the amount of batteries...
  24. One thing I noticed is that you focused almost solely on the games limitations, you did not talk about or display any gameplay, the community or the fact that such a large game was(is) successfully produced by an indie company... Also basing your review on Mods of the game is inappropriate, if your goal really was to answer, " Is (stock) Kerbal Space Program worth buying ?" Also the game majorly lags at around 350-400+ parts if you can exploit all 4GB of RAM, not 100-200. BTW The FAR Mod can cause excess lag, but we are distinctly supposed to be talking about vanilla/stock KSP. KSP is a great deal at $23 in today's market, as in comparison, EA, if was the producer of KSP (which they are not) would likely sell a game of this complexity at $40-$50, plus the price of DLCs Speaking of DLCS, Squad says that it will be expansions NOT DLCs, difference being, an Expansion would greatly increase gameplay for example A new Solar system, with a galactic center, while a DLC is a mod of an already existing feature i.e. a decal of (per-say) a fuel tank. In overall I say KSP (although having bugs) is an Extremely Amazing Simulation Game, and will most likely be the best of its kind for at least a decade and a half until inevitably there will be a better space sim. For any concerns reply to: ME
  25. The problems I talk about are within the game itself. I stay away from saying how Mods can mess up other mods. Anyways, the video is up now. I figure it was OK if I posted the video link while it was uploading.
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