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  1. Cool! A space vacuum. I like the Box design. I've been using this with great success: My Squid Deorbiter Claw. Pretty neat to see two different takes on the same problem. I am so messy... we won't talk about how many pieces of Junk I can see in the Tracking Center.
  2. there was talk about this on the first page, i brought it up and someone else did too about mercury and galium. thats the only way they could stay liquid at such high tempertures due to eve's high pressure.
  3. its the blutonium. its always the blutonium. we dont talk about the blutonium
  4. Dude. Renewable Energy provided 22% of Germanys electrical and 11% of its total energy needs in 2012. And you talk about solar sails. à ² _à ² There's a reason we pay 0.25€/kwh and it's not high voltage lines which are hand braided by blonde maids during full moons. Oh and geothermal is pretty much dead in europe - it caused prety big earth quakes (5.x on Richter scale) below Basel and a village near me pretty much falls apart after test drills.
  5. I thought the last ~3-5 years - "4-core cpu" it's every cpu(with the exception of some mobile options). Why it must do something special with ksp? It's can to be unexpected if it was "just got 10ghz CPU" or "50-core CPU"(first one, if existed, will be more interesting for ksp) It's not work this way. "64-bits" don't make it "allow using raw CPU strength" and don't need to "allow using raw CPU strength" in general(not allowing just some improvements in some cases). You need "multitreadeding" and "parallelization", not "recoding everything in 64 bits", if we talk about CPUs and cores. I'm not pretend to be specialist but this "64" is too common disorder in this place, everyone always insert it with or without reason. It's become ksp analog of "more boosters" in terms of perfomance. "My cursor is slow moving" - "need to make you mouse 64-bit"
  6. I think 'connect the probe to the miner' was meant to just power the miner, rather than move over the panels. I've yet to use KAS but you may potentially be able to dismount panels and move them with a crane or something, and mount on the miner, but I wouldn't know how, just that I've seen people talk about moving stuff about. If you're not beyond persistance file editing I'd suggest that route.
  7. I thought we're not supposed to talk about conspiracies.
  8. The difference between constructive criticism and non constructive would be like what you said at first. Now maybe you are right about infrared radar, who knows, from what I looked up on google, there are plenty of people who believe otherwise. However, the part that made your criticism non constructive is this specific comment "Why would I be interested in watching you talk about things you don't understand?" That part isn't criticism, it's just a douche bag statement. Constructive criticism would simply be "There is no such a thing as an infer-red radar." with no rude comments after. "I'm just so sick and tired of the word "constructive criticism", cuz people simply use it against criticisms they don't like." I am guessing you hear it to much, probably because your criticism is borderline rude and uncalled for. Again, that last comment was unnecessary. It would have been just as effective to correct him with out putting in why you wouldn't want to watch him. Anyway, " In contrast to constructive criticism, non-constructive criticism does not offer any advice on how to improve the negative aspects of the work that is subject to criticism." In other words, you pointed out something wrong, and then you insulted them. So ya, you fail at constructive criticism. It doesn't matter how much you are right, but if you don't help to fix anything and you only say something rude, it's not very constructive as it does nothing to help. But as I said, I will take your word for it about the infrared radar. But next time, you probably should leave out any remarks that are non constructive to actually helping someone out. If I didn't help, maybe you should use this as a guide from now on http://www.wikihow.com/Know-the-Difference-Between-Constructive-and-Non-Constructive-Criticism
  9. Hey guys thanks for clicking on my post. Just want to get some views for hopefully a new youtube series i'll be doing Where i recreate real life aircrafts and talk a bit about them in the process.
  10. I enjoyed the game when I played it a year ago but the expansion hasnt addressed anything that I was wanting added/changed - it doesnt add animated aliens to talk to during diplomacy, nor animated assaults and invasions, nor more events or adding much better use of heroes. All it seems to have added is fighters and bombers, yet another race (meh) and some more tinkering to the game (again). Big chance to completely enhance the game in all its lacking areas has been completely screwed up AFAIAC. Big shame, I have played the original game for 75 hours from beta through release, and am STILL looking for a reason to get back into it again. But this aint it.
  11. Wait until they have a dental procedure involving anesthetic. Talk to them while they're still high off the anesthetic. What the best way of becoming comfortably numb to the point where people only come through in waves.
  12. Hey guys...I thought this looked like a lot of fun & bought a copy. Still looks like fun but I'm miserable with it, I literally can't figure a thing out in it...and yes I've read through wiki's and hints till my eyes glaze over...it just doesn't make ANY sense to me, can't load a ship that flies, can't take off, nothing...really disappointed. Everything I've read about how to get started just seems to assume I know stuff about the game that's a complete mystery to me... Is there some Moron's guide to this that will talk me through? I'd love to fly :-(
  13. 7499275


    Destroyer message me and we can talk alright?
  14. Introduction: So you thought you’d have to assemble a spaceship capable of taking Kerbals to Jool and land them on Tylo in order to be cool? Sure, that is cool and the same goes for other common achievements such as circumnavigating Kerbin or building a Kerbal ISS, but I'll tell you about something else that's cool: flying a robotic aircraft to the airbase island - with ion engines! That's right! Even a seemingly trivial achievement can be super-cool. All it takes is that you waste enough time reaching your destination! Anyway, let's cut the small talk and get to business, shall we? Allow me to introduce you to the slowest aircraft ever flown, the Trollaris! Also known as the snail, the cash shredder, and the flying pitch drop. Takeoff: Beautiful, isn't she? On this picture, you can see her taking off after long wait for decent weather. That's much easier said than done, however, as the Trollaris suffers from a crippling inability to navigate any airspace windier than the average cave. Transit: After a successful takeoff, the Trollaris slowly climbs towards its final cruising altitude of 600 meters, where the slightly lower air resistance will allow it to travel at speeds up to 20 meters per second. Final approach: After a long, boring journey, the Trollaris has finally reached its destination and is now descending towards the runway. However, as dull as the flight was for mission control to watch, it was by no means uneventful. In fact, the flight almost had to be ended when it was discovered that the control tower was cheaply built and had to be replaced. Landing: At last, the Trollaris has landed safe and sound on the runway of Runway Island! Money well spent. Lives well sacrificed. The plane was perfectly lined up during the final approach, but I lost a ton of style points when I forgot to turn off the engine, causing the plane to skip over half of the runway before stopping instead of rolling smoothly along it. Thus, I got no cool landing pictures, but it was a very cool flight indeed!
  15. Not sure if you're asking for evidence, seeking further explanation or suggesting a method so I made an album. It includes measurements of the Hecto envelope. Also all this talk of real airships meant I had to make one of these: It still fits on the runway but it dwarfs everything else. Rest of the album
  16. Many people believe that lunar landing never occurred, how to convince them that people were on the moon When i talk with my friend about Apollo program, he told me that he watched movie about Stanley Kubrick, filmed all landings in film studio. I heard that earlier but i do not believe in this.
  17. So how big is the memory footprint of this? For all the talk of it being a resource hog, taking it out didn't make that big of a difference.
  18. Looking a few pages back I noticed some talk about an ODST style system for dropping Kerbals to planets. I instantly went into KSP to try my hand at something like this. The final product was this - Ragnarok Storm. A large vessel with 4 resupplyable drop pods, 2 escape pods (capacity 6 total), docking nodes and armor plating. (I wish I could make this interplanetary-capable, but it's going to require more fiddling around. If anyone has suggestions.. ) The RS also has four hitchhiker storage containers for those bigger missions, or for docking purposes. The drop pods are fairly simple, as seen here. Just a clamp-o-tron jr., some KW rocketry fuel/rcs tanks, a decoupler and a command module with parachutes. The two 3 seater escape pods are very simple, just a low profile engine strapped to a fuel tank underneath a command module. The ship is highly photogenic as it skirts past Kerbin. Someday, this may go past the Mun. The ship also features an ejection system for the main command module (the B9 cockpit). One of the drop pods can be seen detaching from the docking node on the top of the ship and preparing for departure. The antennas everywhere are part of a complex defense network. The fairings and docking port detach and the pod is ready! There is plenty of fuel to do a legitimate landing on Kerbin, so I figure a civilian version with interplanetary capability can't be far off. The pod speeds away as Ragnarok Storm disappears into the distance. With the right orbits, you could theoretically hit any part of Kerbin or other celestial bodies with this system. The re-entry protocol begins, letting the engine act as a minor heat shield before entering the atmosphere. The rest of the drop follows the HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) principal of deploying one's chute as low as possible. And that's what I have so far! It's a blast (no pun intended!) to mess around with this system. The civilian version (less armor and defense systems) has significantly less parts and the lag is much less. Ah yes - Mods: B9 (cockpit), KW Rocketry (the armor, fuel tanks) and mechjeb - really, that's it. A second version does have lazor system supported cruise missiles, however.
  19. You are on to talk, posting up things with no pics or download. Although we do need pictures as this could just be a download full of viruses and fail.
  20. I really enjoy the airships as-is, my only wish being to talk you into making an enlarge Ray to fill the gap between it and the Circus .
  21. Ok kerbals, we have run into a problem. We have been funded for a mission to Duna (hooray!) Yes, that was our, um ,reaction as well. We thought it was cause for celebration too... How can I put this? We drank the budget. Most of it anyway, but we still have to do a mission to Duna. We would have to close the program and get proper jobs otherwise. One more thing, our funding next year depends on how cheap we can get this done. Each part costs money and all that mass doesn`t grow on trees, well except for the parts Janfer over there makes but we won`t go there today. Right get busy! We have jobs to keep! Make it flimsy! Make it cheap! Funding next year (In M£) EDIT : adjusted funding to make things more `interesting` Under 25 Tons £150 Under 30 Tons £100 Under 50 Tons £50 Under 80 Tons £25 Under 150 Tons £10 Added to Under 7 Parts £150 Under 10 Parts £100 Under 25 Parts £50 Under 50 Parts £25 Under 100 Parts £10 Mechjeb is allowed to fly your creation, this is an engineering challenge more than a piloting challenge, but there must be a kerbal on board for the press conference later and the mission must be a success. The kerbal must walk on the surface of duna and return. Make sure you take photos so we can convince the bosses we really spent the money. We don`t care what shape the ship is in when is returns as long as the guy you send out can walk up to the mic and talk into it afterward and say he went. Screenshots will be proof, your kerbal must survive. A posted craft file would be nice then we can reproduce the shockingly cheap journey. Please list all mods. I have made a quick attempt. I had a part count of 78 and a weight of 46 tons so my score is £50+£10=£60. I may try to shave a few parts and tons and see if I can get mre funding later but I wanted to post the challenge. I ended up landing with 1000Dv of fuel left so there is a lot of room for imrovement... I used Mechjeb and one of the engines from either KSPx or Novapunch (the one on the lander) Here is the craft http://www./view/c8densm7ne659a0/Munjet_Va.craft Current Leaderboard Mod 1, Adammada 20 parts 12.42T £200 2, John FX 78 parts 46T £60 3, 4, 5, Stock 1, Frash23 6 parts 29.5T £250 2, Metaphor 7 parts 29.7T £200 3, 4, 5, Overall 1, Frash23 6 parts 29.5T £250 2, Metaphor 7 parts 29.7T £200 3, Adammada 20 parts 12.42T £200 4, John FX 78 parts 46T £60 5,
  22. Shhh, don't get that thread-killing discussion in here, probably don't mean anything by it but people will still get fire in their behinds if you talk about it.
  23. Thanks for your work on this mod. I've started attaching them to some automated landers and I hope to be able to send you some feedback on how it works soon. As you've solicited suggestions, I'd like to talk a little bit about why I think samples and sample returns make a good addition to KSP. KSP is a game about going places, and it does a good job of that. It's a bit weak on doing things when you get there. Taking samples and measurements should be a major component of the game. From how I've heard this mod described, it seems to lay the groundwork well. It seems that the basics of going somewhere and taking samples from a planet are covered. I do think, though, that it would benefit from an EVA component. Astronauts take samples, and kerbonauts should too. The first step in this is pretty straightforward, I think -- allow a kerbal to take a sample and then stow it in the sample return component. I think you've already discussed integrating with the mission manager to provide a system for applying rewards. I'd suggest that the Mission manager might also be used to set up differing mission goals: "Return 100 units of samples from the big crater on the Mun" or something similar. And of course this could also be extended to other science-based goals. Add a telescope component, then missions where the player needs to set up a space telescope, and then set up an interferometer. A far more daunting goal would be some sort of "scoring" system -- Science Points. Realistically, Science Points should be rewarded based on the features being sampled: you'd want to check those river beds on Duna for fossils. That's probably too hard to program, but perhaps a good approximation might be rewarding the player with more Science Points if the samples come from widely dispersed areas. Suddenly, there's a reason to drive or walk hundreds of meters to grab a sample instead of sitting on a lander.
  24. I'm trying to get ORDA's better way of wiggling the controls into MechJeb since it could need that and now starts to support docking anyways, namely I told r4m0n he could rip that out if he want XD If you're talking about quaternions about me you might aswell talk japanese to me <.< all witchery and voodoo to me...
  25. and what if there is a lake on the ground reflecting light from the sun? What if there is cloud or rain or smoke that's blocking inferred radiation? And did you even check what the rear mounted radar does? obviously you haven't because you don't know. And if you don't know, why would people be interested in listening to you talk about it? I'm not a big fan of that Scott guy but just using him as an example, he usually knows what he's talking about quite well and obviously has done plenty of research before doing his videos. You should learn from him. Having the voice of a typical white male is not enough to make a good video. Cuz I mean why would I watch videos of other people playing the game that I own? The person must have something I don't have. Whether it's research into random stuff, dedication in attempting a difficult mission, or interesting ideas to test in the game. I don't see any of those in your video.
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