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  1. I find funny that you're trying to rationalize "why Earth should have beat the Combine" when is much more logical to think that an alien civilization that lives on conquering worlds will wipe out whatever resistance we might try to muster. What you should be questioning is "Why is the Combine so weak during the events of the game?" But all of this is moot, the premise of the story is that the Combine conquered Earth, end of discussion. Whatever fault you might find is of no relevance, if needed the authors can talk more about the Combine and explain why the events occurred the way they occurred in order to justify the premise of the story.
  2. There are plenty of books out there that talk about theoretical designs that can reach at most 10%, the lovely Cold War Orion project being one of them. However, if by current technology, you mean and propulsion system that we currently use, yes, chemical rockets could do that, but you would probably need to burn all of the hydrogen/helium/etc in Jupiter to do so. Now, if you want to define that as (which is what I assume you mean) practical designs that we currently use, an ion drive with enough fuel might do it. I'll run the math to see how much Xenon you would need. EDIT: Okay, I punched in the numbers for the Dawn spacecraft into the rocket equation via Wolfram Alpha, and began to mess around with the amount of fuel. It would take over 1,184,000 kg of Xenon gas to get to 1% the speed of light. Now, I got this just be altering the initial mass of the vehicle, and due to the fact that the vehicle would have to be much larger than Dawn to hold all of that gas, than the amount of fuel would increase even more. Now for the part that makes that ~1.2 million kg of fuel seem really impractical. At $120 per 100 grams, that puts the price (on fuel alone) to be $14,208,000,000. EDIT 2: Yeah, PakledHostage is right, the speed of light is 300,000 km/s, so 1% of that is 3000 km/s. I don't feel like doing the math since you can imagine how crazy the fuel and cost requirements would be.
  3. Erm, guys, all this talk about FTL drives is a bit silly. We already have a mod in-game that makes getting to Jool in five minutes or less a reality.
  4. I don't want to talk too much about why children are so obsessed with themselves, and why they love computers and television, but much research has gone into it, and it often shows something different from what most people believe. To get an accurate position of this from a child is almost impossible. From the research I have seen, a child's love of television can come from many things, including the ability to accurately make predictions (Even if what they are doing is post-diction), be part of a social group, or being able to teach somebody else something. The first one normally applies to young children, but the second and third often applies all the way to adulthood. On computers, I feel that the more into a computer a child is, the better it is. Children who play games on computers will likely make strong social connections that may last a long time, and many children who get into computers will often want to know how to make something for whatever they do on a computer. The idea that computers are only bad for a child are wrong, and there has never been anybody to prove this. There have been, however, people that proved gaming and working on computers can improve certain technical and social skills. From my experience, children are overzealous about things outside of the house, assuming you mean current events and going outside. All of the children I know love to go outside given the right temperatures. I, personally, prefer time outside when it is cold, or is raining. As to current events, children will often take sides and defend their positions. They are erred in most cases, as they aren't likely to be taught proper research until they get of college age, and they often take the sides of their family, but they do take part.
  5. Yes, yes, we are all kinds of friends now. Good, good. So, how about we talk a little commerce? Sounds like you Kerbals are in the market for quite a variety of planets. So far on the menu for your particular universe we have the following: -Minmus class. Your basic bargain planet. We can give you these in bulk discounts. Cheap enough to do your own asteroid belt! I am afraid the base model only comes in grey/greygreen (as you have noticed). But we do offer a custom paint job as an extra. See Joker for a more... shall we say.. extreme example. -Gas Giants. High mass make these a pricey item. But a recent find has made gas cheap! 2 for one on sale now. -Tylo class. Vacuum moon. This is what you really want to put your base on! Isn't it? We have very affordable models ready to orbit your star! -Duna class. A real planet! Now you have arrived! Imagine custom terrain and a plush arid atmosphere to make aero braking and parachute descents a breeze. Named best in class by McPlanet. -Lathe class. Above + Oceans. Coming soon! (Once we sop up the ocean from our last go). Premium Extras: Suns. Not as pricey as you might think! -Single (any size!) -Simple Binary (bargain at half the price!) -Binary with Manilo center. (Mmmm) Prices? If you have to ask you cannot afford.
  6. CHALLENGE CLOSED (suspended at least) Accounting software issues. The good times can not roll forever and even on Kerbin it has come time to pay the piper. Just days after launching a new station into LKO the government accounting firm announced an error in the nations budget, something about a decimal point in the wrong place and no way to move it to the right place. A mounting economic crisis is sweeping the nation and unfortunately during the most recent session of Kongress the politician who yelled AUSTERITY! had the loudest voice, now cost cutting fervor has gripped even the pride of Kerbalkind...the beloved space program. Before the crisis this is how we planned to swap out crews to our new station. This ship is well balanced for manual or autopilot flight, precise in fuel usage with nearly zero waste, has excellent docking maneuver behavior, redundant systems for lighting, power, recovery and leaves not a single speck of waste in orbit. And it costs nearly $27000. During the debate Kerbal politicians of all stripes were able to reach across the aisle and agree on one major point. Leaving the first crew of the new station in orbit to die would look very bad come election time so that option was OFF the table. What they decided instead was to issue a mandate to the space program to re-tool the crew supply/relief ship to be a little less expensive. About 30% less expensive actually. All agreed this was a fine idea, congratulations and cheers rang out through the capitol. So it falls to you, the new head of the space agency to design and fly this last mission of the fiscal year to at least exchange crew if not rescue them outright till more money comes in next year. After the budget vote several high level officials took you aside for some special interest talk. As much as they don't want to spend money they also want everything that normally requires spending money to get. Imagine that. The Corporatists want you to let a couple of private companies sleaze a toehold into the program, er..., I mean, help out. Mechjeb and Kerbal Engineering have agreed to supply their wares in exchange for prominent placement on the rocket for publicity shots. The KER people claim their software can be the budget hawk for the program so that one has been made clear its not optional. Do Gooders Union, the public safety nannies are demanding parachutes instead of the just aiming for the softest part of the planet and crossing fingers plan you were sketching on a napkin during the hearing. They would also like to see some redundant safety gear, maybe some lighting too. If you could bring that guy in the station home alive that would be swell! They promise to get some more money in next years budget if you make a show for the safety of the Kerbinauts. The Really Green party are very adamant about keeping space clean, leaving no debris at all if possible. They don't have any pull with the budget committee but they will sure fine your sorry butt if you litter in space. The Science! lobby is hoping you can squeeze out a minor miracle to get some last minute experiments run before the program bites the dust, promises to remember your efforts at the next round of budget hearings. And finally your own launch crew has fired up a Kickstarter to help with next years program but will only let it fund if you promise to use launch clamps and not "risk killing all of us with fiery death on the pad when that train wreck of yours falls over" as they so delicately put it. So off you go, napkin drawings in hand and $18k in your wallet to do what you know in your responsible heart should cost 50% more to do right...and, Oh, BTW, try to cram in some stuff you didn't even plan on to begin with. What could be easier? RED TAPE CHALLENGE Basic Conditions - Flight Must take a kerbal, INSIDE a capsule, to DOCK with a station/vessel at or above 160km. Exchange crew or populate spare seats for return, re-enter and land in one piece at 6.8m/s or less at the time of touchdown. No orbital debris of any kind, debris is not a fail but it is a $300 fine. Penalty is one time, not per littering offense. All debris must have PE less than 69.5km. No refueling at any point...you have no money for that! KER (Kerbal Engineering Redux) unit is required in order to show cost in VAB, All KER and MechJeb units are deductible IF they show in both vab and launch pictures. Please use the ER-7500 flight recorder ($500) KER unit for visibility on the rocket and uniformity of cost deductions. Mechjeb 2 module that I use is $550 Mods Allowed - ONLY Mechjeb (optional) and Kerbal Engieering Redux (Required to view cost info) are permitted. Goes without saying that editing parts is forbidden. Ship/station for docking portion is unrestricted, put it in a 160x160km orbit with Hyperedit or fairy dust if you want but don't top up the fuel tanks while there. No matter how you set up the target station or ship the challenge ship MUST do the docking. You can pitch/roll/yaw to aim the target ship but no thrust. In addition to claim the no Mechjeb bonus (50) and thus be elgible for the Full Ride bonus (500) as well there can be no MJ use on the docking station either. I've added this restriction after my own recent test ship was able to make a no RCS docking far to easily just by having the target ship hold TGT + as I flew at it with a no MJ and no rcs ship. The budget is capped at a strict $18000, not including Mechjeb or KER unit costs, use as many as you like as long as they show you can deduct the cost. Screen shots required for submission - In VAB of flight ready rocket with KER full window open to see the bottom line cost of the rocket as it will fly, clamps, MJ and KER units..everything. Launch + 1 second to show launch clamps for bonus and to show it still has all the bonus gear from the VAB on it. (optional) Last stage to be cast off in/near orbit debris showing a de-orbiting PE of 69.5 or less. Optional because its not an easy screenshot to get. Just be honest. Docked with station/ship at 160km or higher. Landing shot showing all capsules being claimed for score are surviving, so either landed close together or after chute deployment while still descending. Prior to landing to show a less than 6.8m/s landing speed is the prefered screenshot. Granted, if you have 2 chutes on a lander can with no other parts that speed is a non issue BUT if its an iffy design be prepared to show your work. Score calculation- Total must be less than $18000 after deducting for Mechjeb and KER units. Units must be shown on the craft in VAB during the cost screenshot to be deducted. ((18000) - (as flown cost - KER and MJ)) + (bonus - penalties)) = total score Bonus Structure - Bonus only counts if base total is less than or equal to budget. Base total greater than budget is a Fail Extra empty seat, inside a capsule, must also land safely + $2500 Can be extra pod(s) or empty seats on larger capsule. (No limit to this bonus, take as many as you can) Docking Lighting, must illuminate the docking target + $300 Solar Charging ability + $200 Backup Battery power for lights + $150 Redundant Parachute + $1000 (per capsule that has 2 chutes so can be claimed more than once) Docking Clamps + $500 Telling the Mechjeb corp to shove it and fly manually + $50 Scientific instruments up to one of each type, does not include antennae - $300 each, 300 bonus for ALL 4, $1500 possible *Full Ride Bonus* If ALL bonus conditions are met there is an extra $500 bonus. All science units required as well as redundant chutes on every capsule to qualify. Bonus items are one time bonus except for extra empty seats, science packages (1500pt max) and redundant parachutes for extra capsules. For example, 4 docking clamps is still only a $500 bonus the same as 2. Flying a Solo capsule with MJ or probe core does not count for the empty seat bonus, this must be a manned mission. I will post an example mission that meets the criteria but is not nearly squeezed to full potential. The budget ceiling is not hard at all to make the basic mission, this will not be a most people fail challenge. I really enjoy efficiency type challenges and thats what this is. Who can pull the most rabbits out of a hat for the fewest bucks while dotting i's and crossing t's for the powers that be? Good luck to all who enter...and don't die wading through the boredom of bureaucracy. SCORECARD 1 - Metaphor 18498 2 - me No points due to massive, though unintentional, cheating!!!! 3 - Tarmenius 13767 4 - Kappa73 13635 5 - Kelmoir 12676* 6 - RussPixie 9120
  7. Wow. Talk about over engineering your rockets man. I generally quad my engines rather then use the mainsail, and combine that with asparagus staging instead. Most rockets weigh in at the 150-180 ton range, are just about as efficient, and generally good enough for launching 40-60 ton payloads to the Mun. Lately however I've been focusing on smaller launch vehicles, and building a orbital industry of sorts that allows you to re-fuel a tug in a 80 km orbit at a space station, pick up cargo from the same orbit, and then deliver that cargo be it a lander, or components of a base to the Mun or elsewhere. While slightly more time consuming the amount of delta-v saved is actually quite impressive.
  8. Sorry to go slightly off-topic, but there are hard limits on what the Earth can give us. Let's focus on power. I'm not going to lecture you on the environment impact fossil fuels have-climate change is a big issue, but I'm going to talk purely in an economic sense. Oil and coal are predicted to last several decades, a few centuries at the very most. That's at current demand, we're going to need much more per year as the "third world" develops and industrialises. Also, we can't just wait for the last deposit to dry out, and immediately switch to something else- it takes years, decades even, to change an entire infrastructure. We can either do that now,when we are functioning and progressing as a species,or do it later, and spend that time finding new forms of power in the dark ages. Since most people alive right now rely on infrastructure that will no longer exist, there will not be enough food or water or medicine for everyone... It doesn't have to be like that. We could transition gradually to something else. My comment above mentions solar power stations in orbit around the earth-setting up enough to provide power for everyone will cost billions or trillions of dollars-but is that any different to the trillions invested in fossil fuels, that will evaporate when that last barrel of oil is pumped from the ground?
  9. A must see movie! Maybe someone can remake the Europa-1? Lets talk about the movie here, fist of all, what was the budget? I heard it was shoestring.
  10. HP customer service I find is sort of hit or miss, sometimes its like what you described, other times it borderlines Dell (ya, it can get that bad). I find Toshiba's tend to be relatively well built. I cant really talk about Lenovo without going into tin hat mode though.
  11. Hey could you talk to the Dev for the Chatterer plugin on spaceport? Having this plus space audio clips while on EVA from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/chatterer/ chatterer would be amazing! Also providing an audible distortion to the sounds from chatterer while in EVA would add to the immersion as well!
  12. Here the rebooted Kerbal Veterans section.Same thing as last time.Talk bout stories and all that.Not to boast but to share Age requirement: - 0.14 Rules : 1.Do not be racist to new people 2.No rude words to someone else
  13. I've attempted, and failed to make a reaper, I was wondering has anyone? Post and talk here
  14. Ah, such happy Kerbals. Now that the unpleasant talk of jaws has subsided I can address a few questions. Release date. Yes! Yes Indeed! You will be very happy to know that we know the exact time your new planets will arrive down to the very millisecond. And I assure you we here at Kragrathea NEVER miss a date. The hyperspace time/date is exactly You will be issued a hyperspace tracking number the moment we process your species payment. Map of the universe. Well, no. I am afraid the universe is somewhat beyond your compression. And it would be too big a file, more than a few stars out there you know. That said I might be able to bash together a local map, time permitting of course. Making your own planets? Oh, heavens no. You would blow yourselves to bits in no time. And why bother yourself? Leave the heavy lifting to Kragrathea. Mushroomman, too many questions my friend. I don't have the memory I did when I was your age. Here are answers to the ones I remember.Yes, probably, definitely not (I am offended you asked) and "What?". Duna close to kerbin? Ah I see how you could be confused. That isn't Kerbin nor is it Duna. Those are full scale cardboard stand-ins of your planets. We use them on our Fabulous Kragrathea Factory Floor when we are assembling planets. It is essential to consider the view of the other planets in the clients system when designing a planet. How else are we to get that perfect shade of atmosphere that compliments colors of the gas giant the planet will eventually orbit? When those shots were taken we were considering a blue planet/ruddy atmosphere pallet. Magnificent, isnt it? I assure you no detail is too small here at Kragrathea.
  15. Chapter 2: A Strange Encounter Part Two (yes, the bump was needed) Jeb resisted the temptation to ignore the knock and relax. His back ached as he trudged towards the door. The person standing there was instantly recognizable. One of Jeb's friends that he hadn't talked to in at least a decade. Jeb: Hello Bill. Come in. (in that unexcited tone) Bill: Well am I glad to see you. Jeb: What do you want? Bill: *Sigh* Glad you're in a great mood. Jeb: I don't need no more of this bullcrash reminders of the Space Program and how it crashing ruined my life! Bill: Please don't get mad. I only came here to talk about life with you and share stories and such. We haven't seen each other in a decade. Jeb: And I'm OK with that! Go back to Tylo Bill! You want to share stories? I haven't had a single good moment since those idiot Kamericans put my Son on that dumb untested fighter jet. Bill: Well then we can start now. Jeb I understand how bad things are going for you. Losing your Son, Wife, and Job. Ever since Hephaestus every single Kamerican Kerbonaut has had to face challenges. You've got to stop living in the past. Jeb: But I have no future. I was born to be a kerbonaut; an obsolete job. They shut us down for a reason. That's what I've come to have known after my son's death. It's good that our kind die off unsuccessfully. Make room for those Probe Pilots they want now. Bill: Jeb stop. What's wrong with you becoming a Probe Pilot? I remember you a courageous young man who planned to land on every planet and moon in the solar system. Jeb: Those were my stupid days. I know better than risking lives for a purpose that makes no sense. There is little thrill in being a Probe Pilot. But I don't want any thrill anyways. Bill: If you're going to be like this, forget it. I guess those 3 days of finding you and driving here were useless. Jeb: Go back to Tylo! Bill casually walked out. He got in his car and drove off. Bill turned on the radio and listened to the news. He was going to show that Jeb how to be a real Pilot.
  16. Euel


    Nice screenshot, bad landing! (I'm one to talk. My latest attempt to put a probe around Mun sent the probe -way- off course.) Well, any landing you can crawl away from is a good one. Glad to know you got Jeb back. Next time, less sideways...
  17. Well, true video games have only been around since 1962, starting with Spacewar!. I have played Spacewar!, but games from 1962-1980 can be a little hard to play, unless they are arcade-style. Games got really good and easy to play, in my opinion, during and after 1985. This happens to coincide with the appearance of the MS DOS for personal computers. This is when games got really beautiful, for the time, by introducing videos, and even some types of three-dimensional terrain. If you want to talk good, older games, Pac-Man, which came out less than a year after Adventure, was a good one. Adventure was good, and I can still remember spending hours trying to find the only Easter-egg in the game.
  18. All this talk about MechJeb and it's Autopilot when I recall a Live Stream with Squad saying later down the track they hope to implement Kerbals doing activities that you ask them to do, this includes flying your Ship to Orbit if you wish. The stats will effect how efficient they are in the task though. Personally I use MechJeb and I have never used Autopilot. I love it purely for it's information Windows, I try and avoid using the Map Mode or creating any Nodes, and MechJeb provides me the information I need to fly my ship 100% Manually. Sure there are many parts out there that are "Cheat" Parts, but honestly, the people who use those Parts I don't see as the people who will be playing Career mode at all, they obviously only play the Game to screw around and have a good time in their own way. But there are also alot of Mods out there that add extra to the Game, such as RemoteTech which I've just started getting into and have no idea how I lived without it, as well as KAS, it's Mods like these that I'd love to have the ability to use in Career, you get no benefit from them but more creations to build and challenges to over-come. If Squad do allow Mods in Career Mode, and people want their Cheat Parts in the game, then sure, they payed for the Game, so they should enjoy it in which ever way they want.
  19. Can somebody talk me through designing a rover for use on Mun/Duna etc? I’ve made a few functional rovers, but the design isn’t very good. I’d like to know how to structurally build them, keep the CoM central, and the best way to attach them to a rocket etc. I’d like to send a rover to Duna now I’ve got the journey down. I have used the search function already, “rover design†doesn’t bring up anything.
  20. Chapter 3 - So... Is anyone outside? *Bump* Bill: Not again.... Bob: I'm surprised that Jeb and Kirk did not wake up. That is the 15th bump in the last 2 km. Bill: Yeah- me too. Hey Orbit team- come in Orbit team! Lenwise: Lenwise Here. You are following the path to the refinery, perfectly on track. We are surprised. Bill: Yeah. We put Jeb to sleep. Bob: And Kirk. Lenwise: I understand. I would have done the same- your telemetry on the first drive was insane. *TAP-TAP-TAP* Lenwise: What was that? Is there a loose panel outside? Possibly a light hanging from a wire or something? Bill: We don't think so. Everything checks out, and an electrostatic hull-pulse showed no ruptures or gaps in the plating. Bob: Cameras did not pick up anything either. Lenwise: Is this turning into a horror show down there? Or are their really space snakes? Bob: .... Bill:.... Bob: I am rather sure that this is not a horror flick. Lenwise: There is alot that we don't know about the mun still, and there might be a biosphere we cannot see yet. Bob: And that's why we should not jump to conclusions. *TAP-TAP-TAP* Bill: Well, I think we should wake up Jeb and Kirk. Bob: Agreed. We are almost there anyway. *Bump* Bill: Hey Jeb. Jeb! Jeb: Wha? Blurg? Kirk: What happened? I feel... Jeb: Are you OK, *hick* Kirk? Kirk: Burg.... Jeb: Kirk- You might want to head to the bathroom. Kirk: Yeah..... Bob: Do you think we used too much sleeping gas? Kirk: BLAAAARRRRGGG!!!! Bill: No. No I don't. Kirk: I HATE MICROGRAVITY..... BLURRRGG!!!! MC: That sounds unpleasant. Jeb: I hate this crap. Bob: Space travel? Driving on the mun? Jeb: No, the tri-mix - sleeping-gas mix... It always makes me nauseated. *BUMP* Jeb: What was that? The shocks- Bob: We know. That's why we woke you up. The port side seems to be bumping unusually hard. *TAP-TAP-TAP* Kirk: BLUURRRRGGGGG.... Bob: Oh, then there's that.... Jeb: The tapping? Or the vomiting? Bill: The tapping. Jeb: Well, is there anyone on eva?.... Nope. There are all four of us present. Kirk: So *hick* who's out there? Jeb: The ghost of early probes? Maybe those SWARM AI that escaped? MC: Jeb, we have been tracking the SWARM since they entered the Joolian system. They destroyed our jool-system probe. You know- Jeb: I know which one. *TAP-TAP-TAP* Kirk: Which one? MC: This one. Kirk: Oh... That looks... Nice. I guess. MC: Anyway- we lost the probe. We have been tracking the SWARM, and they are nowhere near you. AT ALL. Jeb: Right. *Bump* Jeb: Stop the rover. Bill: But we are only 3 km away! One hill left! Jeb: If that bumping and the damn tapping- *TAP-TAP-TAP* Jeb: yes, that, I will go absolutely insane. Bill: What, you can go more insane? Jeb: I am not dignifying that one. Kirk: Launching micro-probe. 29 left. Bill: Damn. We should get some of these into the ship. Kirk: No kidding. Pulling an image now: Jeb: That would cause the problem. Kirk: How can you be so calm? WE HAVE A MISSING WHEEL! Jeb: Judging by the directions of the bumping, there is probably more than one. Bob: Doesn't the micro-probe have lights? Jeb: No. No, it does not. Bill: Who's going out? Jeb: Dibs- I will go, as long as I don't need to clean the air filters from Kirk's little... Learning experience in micro-gravity. Kirk: *Hurk* Thanks.... BATHROOM.... BLURRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bill: Deal. *Ten minutes later* Jeb: I don't see any movement... Bob: Well, then, check up on the wheels. Jeb: Starboard-side wheels are clear. Jeb: Middle wheels are clear. Already I can see that the right side- MC: Jeb, use correct terminology. Jeb: Fine. The PORT rear wheel is out. *DINGDINGDINGDING* Jeb: Geiger counter is going off- the RTG is leaking. Bill: Well... I can pull an emergency vent of the RTG when you are back in the rover. Jeb: My suit should be enough protection for now. Jeb: Ready for the fix. Everyone brace yourselves! Kirk: Will this be bad? Jeb: You tell me. All done with this wheel. Jeb: I am going to get the next one. Jeb: Done. Coming back in. Bill: So.. Venting the RTG. *Alarms sound* Bill: It is venting. Jeb: I wish we could get a picture. Lenwise: You guys are emitting radiation visible from the sats up here! Jeb: Seriously? That.... AWESOME! Lenwise: I bet that it's glowing out there. Jeb: Lets see... Launching micro-probe. 28 left. Jeb: No, we are not glowing. *SCREEEEEEECH* Jeb: Ok, that was freaky. I'm heading outside. Kirk: Why? How? Jeb: Because I want to see what happened, and I have no idea how something can scream in vacuum. Bill: That's just the servomotors on the RTG resealing it. Jeb: Right. Bill- Help me with my helmet while Kirk goes insane. Kirk: Thanks Jeb. Jeb: Right- I'm out. Jeb: Looks like the RTG resealed just fine... But the wheels are out. Different ones than the first time- hang on, I'll fix them. Jeb: Done. Bill: Hey Jeb, listen: *TAP-TAP-TAP-TAP* Jeb: I can't see anything out here.... Besides the rover and the Mun. Bill: You mean there is nothing moving? Jeb: No, nothing is moving. Bob: Are you sure? Jeb: No, but I don't want to stay out here too long.Let me get back in.... Jeb: Guys, I have a plan. Everyone else: What? Jeb: Stay with me for this one, alright- lets get as far away from here as fast as possible. Kirk: I second. Bob: Jeb, you have the wheel. Jeb: FINALY! *Ten minutes of screaming terror come next. I don't think you want to hear it. *Wait, you do? *Alright. Here: Bob: ROCKROCKROCKROCK!!!!!!!! Bill: AAAAAARRRGGGG!!!! Kirk: WHY? WHY DID YOU NEED TO JUMP THAT ROCK JEB? Jeb: Because it was cool. Kirk: YOU ARE GOING TO KILL US ALL!!!! *This sort of thing goes on for 10 minutes. It gets boring. Anyway.... *After 10 minutes of screaming, swearing, and odd noises, our intrepid kerbalnaughts arrived at their destination. Bob: Hurg.... At least the tapping noise has stopped. *TAP-TAP-TAP* Bill: Oh COME ON! Kirk: Let's just ignore it. Jeb: So, welcome to another alien artifact. Kirk: You want to do the honors? Kirk: Sure! Kirk: Kirk AWAY! Jeb: Feel free to check out stuff out here. You have a couple hours of o2 in your tank. Kirk: Cool! Kirk: Oooh! A platform! Jeb: That's not... Nevermind. Jeb: Come on back- we need to get to the refinery. Check up on it. Kirk: Right. Kirk: Goodbye platform. Jeb: That was part of the first manned munar expedition. Kirk: Oh yeah, you flew on that one, right? Jeb: Yeah.... Jeb: Wow. That actually looks intimidating. Bill: So... Who gets to go out there, and grab the cable. *TAP-TAP-TAP* Jeb: Dibs! Bill: Damnit! Jeb: Guys, this thing is HUGE. Jeb: I mean, really huge. Kirk: And mostly fuel. Jeb: Kirk: I regret saying that. Jeb: Well, no time for fun. Just let me grab that connector and... WHOA. This thing is heavy. Bill: It needed to be resilliant to do what this thing did. Jeb: I bet... *Ten minutes later* Kirk: Come on man! I am dying out here. Jeb: Hold-*pant*-on. This-*pant*- weighs more than I-*pant*- do! *Another ten minutes later* Jeb: Arg. Alright- take the measurements QUICKLY! Before I fall off this thing! Bill: Not measurment- we need the details of the wireless connector line before we can talk to this thing. Jeb: JUST DO IT! Bill: Done. Just press the orange button on the side and the cable will retract. Jeb: Whoa! That was fast! Bob: Did anyone get a picture? Kirk: No, it was too fast. Jeb: So next we are supposed to.... *checks clipboard* Check the effect of a hypersonic fuel extractor? Kirk: Seems like it. Jeb: So what am I supposed to do? Bill: Stand next to the thing. Jeb: Wait. Bill: What now? Jeb: I saw the tests for the versions of these things. I saw a kerbal disintegrate because he was slightly too close. Bob: Did you get a picture? Jeb: I wish. It happened so fast... We were getting bits of him out of the experiment for days. Jeb: So... Is it active? Bill: Yup. Jeb: My boots feel funny. Bill: We have fuel siphon! Come on back. Jeb; Gotcha! *TAP-TAP-TAP-TAP-TAP-TAP....* Jeb: Mind if I drive? Kirk: As long as it gets us away from that tapping, sure. Go for it. Jeb: Bob & Bill: NOOOOOO! Jeb: Goodbye Refinary! Jeb: 22 km? 30 minutes, easy. Everyone else: AAAHHHHH! Jeb: Stop screaming. I have not even gotten that fast yet. *sound of accelerator* Jeb: Ok, now you can scream. Everyone else: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, So that chapter took a while, and I will have another update within the next 24-48 hrs. The companies will be making a reveal soon! Teaser Pic:
  21. Well apparently void due to totally messed-up landing, but wow, talk about extreme tests of patience... Definitely deserves a special mention for the Under 9000 run. Heck, it is even a whole new challenge in its own right! Try going for the manual run. Who knows, you might probably do it Hmm, I will consider that. Congratulations! **OP updated.
  22. H2 (formerly History International) runs Universe, which is semi-informative, but they won't talk about any astronomical phenomenon without contriving some way to explain how IT COULD WIPE OUT ALL LIFE ON EARTH!!! That gets really old. But the thing that broke my heart, and I can barely stand to watch it since, is the time they made some poor astronomer explain the relative sizes of things in terms of monster trucks. Yes, monster trucks.     (Amy Mainzer is pretty hot, though.)
  23. Loly has asked me to forward the following: They sound like a friendly bunch B9 XS SLU MkII The SLU (Slightly Less Ugly) is a much improved design. Loly took everything he had learned designing the previous ships and ignored it completely, preferring instead to play with an old slide rule that someone had found in a field. Soon tiring of that distraction he opened a fresh box of green crayons and... 10% More cargo space. 10% More engines. 30% Fewer parts! 92.4% Less rotation. 40% Less ugly. A visitor commented: "I've seen worse"! And did we mention? 30% Fewer parts! Main Features: SERPH: The Sexy Engine Room Peep-hole is a absolute favourite with visitors to Loly Corp. In a pinch a philistine may cover this visual joy with additional fuel tanks. The engine room itself was an early design feature, as its name implies it is a room right next to the engines. The Kerbal Over-bureau of Safety and Health (KOSH) took one look at this fine addition and condemned it on the spot. Thankfully the removal notice never did reach the designers. We understand the room is still fully functional, so if you wish you may EVA your Kerbal all the way down there and fly totally blind. Flying blind is safer then trying to keep your eyes shut, so put on your best Scottish accent and knock yourself out. RFLOL: RCS Free Launch, Orbit and Landing. NB: In testing RCS free landing has a 50% success rate, sample data two tests. ymmv ypmd (your pilot may die)). Update: 30%, 20%, 10%. Well, all right, it happened once and never again. Great hope was put into the new ARFLOL system, thinking the 'A' stood for Advanced. It turned out the 'A' stood for Almost and by almost the designers meant 'hardly ever'. Still, it happened once and that is significant? Pause for a moment and consider how many times you've been born, see, once is significant. Unfortunately the video evidence of this event - the landing, not your birth, we still have that one on tape - was lost when an experimental guided missile decided to experiment by guiding itself up off the table, through the door, down the corridor and into the video archive room. Bang goes history. Anyway, RCS consumption is much reduced. IFABO: Impact Force Absorbed by Oscillation (it wobbles quite a bit on landing but so far has not tipped over) NoFin: Booster friendly fin-less design. FIBBER: Fifteen Integrated Braced Booster attachment points. Fifteen booster flight tested (on a slightly earlier design). Boosters not required for test payload. Fifteen easy access fuel tanks for customisation of fuel load and an additional 6 free locations available if required. LF, LFO, replace them with fuselage sections or leave them off altogether to see the super sexy fuel core. The choice is yours! Super Sexy Fuel Core. Best not to go there until the cleaners have been around - yes it is that sexy! The reduced part count does of course come at a price. The ship has not undergone unplanned disassembly in flight since the latest revisions but the strut count is low, very low. One observer commented 'I'm amazed that thing can fly at all'. There was some talk of further reducing the number of parts by removing the toilet but research showed this is exactly where most pilots can be found during landing. One consequence of the reduced number of struts is a breaking sound at around 37km about which Loly said "The time to be concerned is not when you hear a strange noise. The time to be concerned is when the strange noise stops". As a breaking noise both starts and stops you may feel concern when you hear it but fear not! While we have no idea of the cause and obviously it is something under stress, the worst of the flight is just about over by that point and even landing is endured without further incident. 494 parts after launch, 470 parts on landing. Non-essentials are limited to 12 cargo bay lights and 6 red engine room lights - Loly would dearly like to add more but you the customer come first on list 'B'. List 'A' is topped by production costs so also features in the decision. Payload consists of 8 parts x 3 Note: May also be used for weed control and/or creation of crop circles in Farming Simulator. Mods: B9 MechJeb http://www.i2net.me.uk/files/Games/KerbalSP/Ships/B9XSSLU/B9 XS SLU Mk II.craft Keys: 1 Toggles engines between Jet and Rocket, the ship looks good for 37km on jets. Just wait until your rate of ascent drops below 10m/s or your speed begins to decrease - whichever comes first - and press 1. No significant rotation and the supplied RCS is sufficient for landing with a little to spare. 7 Sexy engine room red lights 9 Cargo bay lights 0 Cargo bay doors N.B. Tested on Kerbin, guarantee void on other planets. If MechJeb supported Jet powered vertical landings over 2000 fuel + oxidiser could be saved.
  24. I found if you have a smaller ship with ASAS, and you don't need to dock, you don't need RCS at all! The sas gives plenty of torque even for landing. But hay the best thing I got is a super small rover on eve and duna that's the best I have been able to do so far. ( off topic, but man that eve reentry was stunning) I actually had to aero-brake in to eve because my deep rocket did'ent have the DV to retro it to orbit:( the point of the story is when it comes to large deep space rockets just look the other way when I talk.
  25. <div align="center" id="ksp_weekly"> <div align="center" class="ksp_weekly_header bottom_border"> <div class="ksp_weekly_masthead"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Orlh8bn.png" alt="KSP Weekly" name="ksp_weekly_masthead" id="ksp_weekly_masthead" border="0" align="middle" /> </div> <h2>July 9th, 2013</h2> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_leftcol"> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Headline</h3> <p> There is much to talk about this week and even more sneak peaks just for you!</p> <ul> <li> The most detailed developer update to date.</li> <li> Another prodecural mod hits the forums and is showcased by our very own Scott Manley!</li> <li> Pleborian uses his telescope to sort through the massive submission of fanworks.</li> <li> Editor's Notes.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>Developement Updates</h3> <h4>KSP Dev Team Updates</h4> <ul> <li><b>Felipe (Harvester)</b>: Worked through at least half a hundred bugs this week. Also wrote a new procedural terrain algorithm to generate craters. Check out the <a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/667-Procedural-Craters" target="_blank">dev blog post</a> about it.</li> <li><b>Chad (C7)</b>: Spent the week haunted by a mysterious ghost designer. Adjusted a lot of the space center content and polished up the assets a bit. After that I spent the rest of my time on fixing bugs that we've found during testing. Thanks to the feedback of the testing team, I've rewritten parts of the sas to make it even more user friendly. I'm working on testing those changes now.</li> <li><b>Jim (Romfarer)</b>:I've been fixing bugs this week. On the crew management GUI's and "surprisingly" also on the Knowledge Base which got somewhat corrupted due to changes in the back-end. Seeing how nobody has mentioned that, you'll just have to take my word for it: The new backend that made trouble for the KB is amazing in all other ways.</li> <li><b>Artyom (Bac9)</b>: Got stuck for a week with an ancient typewriter in place of a proper PC, so I haven't had the chance to make new content (crunched ahead of schedule on the previous week to compensate for that). Instead, this week I have mostly performed the role of some evil designer ghost, studying internal screenshots and haunting poor teammates about improperly configured light sources, improvements to textures, lightmaps and hangar floors. Don't worry, I'll get back to my beloved 3d modeling in the next few days. </li> <li><b>Alex (aLeXmOrA)</b>: REDACTED: CLASSIFIED WEBDEV STUFF 2: WEBDEVELATION 3D</li> <li><b>Daniel (DanRosas)</b>: Finished those 2d assets I started last week. I'm pretty sure you'll meet them soon enough. Getting to adjust color, add small details and finish rendering that thing I've been animating since this weekly reports started. Man, time sure goes fast... </li> <li><b>Rob (N3X15)</b>: Redesigned a good portion of the database schema halfway through implementation. Sleep does strange things to one's mind, I think I'm going to lay off of it for a bit. Distractions outside of work this week made things a little difficult to keep up with my schedule (dead computers, birthday parties for elders, puppy chewing cables, etc). Still negotiating TokuDB install on the forum server, it isn't liking it one bit. Dog gate installed, though, so fewer distractions to deal with.</li> <li><b>Mike (Mu)</b>: Been bugfixing, crafted some new planetary mods and reworked some planets.</li> </ul> <br/> <p>Here is a sneak peak at what the new Kerbin terrain could look like come .21 but keep in mind that this may change and is not representative of the final product! <br /> <center><a href="http://i.imgur.com/7uZy3LI.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/4s5cxOX.png" alt="" /></a></center></p> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item"> <h3>YouTube Spotlight</h3> <p>YouTube user 'arockcalledsteve' put together a compilation video of things you can do in KSP. I recommend skipping the first 50-60 seconds as the intro is fairly long but the video is fairly entertaining after that.</p> <div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/arockcalledsteve" target="_blank">arockcalledsteve</a></div><br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="300" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZRVxkgy3fEw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> </div> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_rightcol"> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Mod Spotlight</h3> <p>We all knew it was only a matter of time before another procedural part was added by the mod community. This time mod creator 'e-dog' has hit a grand slam with procedural fairings. A word of caution as of the posting of this weekly Procedural Fairings are not compatible with FAR, however, the creator is planning to improve is compatibility. This being said the mod does work with FAR but you may find it slightly unstable.</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39512-0-20-2-Procedural-Fairings-1-0-they-automatically-reshape-for-attached-payload" title="" target="_blank"> Procedural Fairings </a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>KSP Mod Showcase</h3> <p>Procedural fairings is a big deal and the guys in the media group are making a huge buzz about it. I wanted to see this mod shown some proper love and who better to showcase it than our very own Scott Manley!</p> <p><div align="center"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg" target="_blank">Scott Manley</a></div><br/> <div align="center"><iframe width="300" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UADznLqWaUw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div></p> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item bottom_border"> <h3>Through The Telescope</h3> <h4>By: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/pleborian" target="_blank">Pleborian</a></h4> <p>Space is big, it's so big you wouldn't believe how big it really is. Because of this you may find yourself sometimes wondering the age old question 'So where do I go?' when it comes to planning your next mission, with all the different landscapes (and starscapes) it's easy to forget where your favourite crater on the Mun is, well forget no more fellow Kerbonaut help is at hand!</p> <p>A user by the name of saik0 has created these incredibly nifty maps of ALL the celestial bodies within the Kerbol system making planning your journeys a little easier. You can find the maps at <a title="Kerbal Maps" href="http://www.kerbalmaps.com" target="_blank">Kerbal Maps</a>.</p> <p><img src="http://i.imgur.com/tmVmMTfl.jpg" alt="" /></p> </div> <div class="ksp_weekly_item"> <h3>Editor's Notes</h3> <p>Last week I asked for fan submissions in the form of screenshots, videos and other fan works. You guys certainly did not disappoint, however, that does mean I could not get you all featured. Keep up the great work everybody and keep the submissions coming! Do you have a fan work, screenshot collection, video or animation you would like to have seen in the KSP weekly? Send me 'xPDxTV' a private message with a link to your fanwork either to here on the forums, YouTube, imgur or whatever hosting platform works best for you, although I prefer the above mentioned. No direct download links will be opened. All fanworks must be viewable without a download. I'd like to thank you all for stopping by and as always I'll see you next time, later guys and gals!</p> <p>Here is a cool interactive panorama my grandfather shot of the <a href="http://www.welcometopem.com/panorama/Yerkes/Pano.html" target="_blank">Yerkes Observatory</a>, check it out!</p><br/> </div> </div> <br clear="all" style="clear: both;" /> <div class="ksp_weekly_footer"> <p> <b>Brought to you by the KSP Media Group</b><br/> Author / Editor: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv" target="_blank">xPDxTV</a><br/> Reporter: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/pleborian" target="_blank">Pleborian</a><br/> Special Thanks: Maxmaps - KSP PR Manager<br/> </p> </div> </div> <style type="text/css"> div.ksp_weekly { width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.ksp_weekly_header { width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } div.ksp_weekly_masthead { width: 466px; height: 400px; } div.ksp_weekly_leftcol { width: 49%; float: left; border-right: 5px double; vertical-align: top; position: relative; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; margin: 0px; text-align: left; } div.ksp_weekly_rightcol { width: 49%; float: right; vertical-align: top; position: relative; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-align: left; } div.ksp_weekly_item { padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px; } div.bottom_border { border-bottom: 1px solid black; } div.ksp_weekly_footer {width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;} div.ksp_weekly_footer p { border-top: 2px solid black; width: 100%; padding-top: 15px; vertical-align: text-bottom; text-align: center; font: normal 7pt Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style>
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