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  1. This is pretty close to the limit of my understanding, too; a satisfactory answer here really requires a quantum gravity theory. Part of the problem is that we always talk about gravitons as perturbations around a background metric - but in the black hole case Schwarzschild (or Kerr, etc.) is the background metric, which means that the information regarding the propagation of gravity away from the black hole is already contained in the background. Attempting to describe the singularity itself perturbatively runs into renormalization issues and generally fails. You can consider propagation of gravity waves due to a change in the position of the black hole - this is the subject of the numerical relativists working on binary black hole mergers in conjunction with LIGO on the experimental side - but even those calculations are considering perturbations well away from the two black holes and the event horizons; the collision itself is handled non-perturbatively. However, K^2 is correct that virtual particles are not confined to behavior on the mass shell. This is one of the ways to think about Hawking radiation - you have correlations between virtual particles on either side of the horizon which result in an energy flux across the horizon. Gravitons can be approximated by a massless, minimally coupled scalar field which certainly obeys the properties K^2 describes. Now, if we want to get speculative and start talking quantum gravity, things change. There's some indication, based on generic properties of candidate quantum gravity theories (and supported by some of my own, soon-to-be-published research in stochastic gravity) that spacetime is not four dimensional on small scales, but rather two-dimensional. The geometry may be something like a 2-complex (to understand what a 2-complex is, think of an arbitrary graph in 3 dimensions - containing vertices connected by edges - and allow that graph to evolve in time such that each vertex traces out a world line and each edge a world sheet, but also vertices are allowed to merge and split so that the graph changes shape from time slice to time slice). If this is the case, then (on a given time slice) a black hole would look like a graph where every vertex has many connections leading towards the singularity and only a few leading away, such that any particle random walking the graph has an overwhelming probability of falling towards the singularity. "Gravitons" in this picture are the connections in the graph itself, so the singularity is still gravitationally connected to the outside universe. Of course, this is only on such picture (one suggested by the Loop Quantum Gravity approach, but also not incompatible with several others); it is by no means the only picture, nor is there any reason yet to believe that this is the way things really are.
  2. Howdi, I now have some of the various programs to model things, and animate...it seems to be actually more involved than I want to get into; complex; talk about learning curve...but KSP is one of the few programs I can do this in...indeed thanks for making the videos... My problem is which way to go and why... Some videos seem to have figured out a good seemless workflow; I also intend to make video shorts...kind of adds to the mix. My 2 big things are to make buildings that Kerbals can work in, and make the Kerbals themselves actually working in the buildings; this is actually beyond me cause I cant code the AI stuff even though I can program some C+; I just dont have the time and am not fluent. I also dont want to 'really' learn how to do much of this; but hey; the option is there and I am scratching the surfaces here. For animation I am using Poser; also for animating Kerbals and maybe buildings/parts ? I didnt know Blender does animation. Poser sems to fit my bill; I only need simple animations and can seem to setup key frames etc; that and adding voice/sounds to the animations; more learning curve but hey right !!!? I will check out the vids - in fact I may even go live stream (see my stream posts!) on it from scratch and see what transpires !!! If I can learn Blender anyone can right !! If I dont do so well thats just me; I am fairly technical so that does help. I also have 3ds max, unity 4, blender, lightwave, aurora 3d... I also may just make the building parts then just add them as parts for the game; lots of work. Wish me luck ! Cdr Zeta
  3. I think it's to soon to talk about other stars. It will be more important when the kerbol system is finished and thats still a long way to go maybe you will be satisfied with it when its like the dev's want it. Altought something like in the space engine would be even more awesome its a freakin' overkill!
  4. That is so far down the road that I don't think they've done anything more than spitball ideas, though there was some talk of making this solar system a binary or trinary with planets around each.
  5. I'll release to spaceport once I have enough evidence that there aren't any hidden bugs, but in the meantime: Ialdabaoth's Modular Fuel Tank system source at: https://github.com/Ialdabaoth/modularFuelTanks Released through GPL3.0 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) HOW IT WORKS: 1. First, you need a part configured with a ModuleFuelTanks. The simplest ModuleFuelTanks node you can have looks something like this: MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 400 TANK { name = LiquidFuel } TANK { name = Oxidizer } TANK { name = MonoPropellant } } This tells my plugin that you have a fuel tank with a total volume of 400 Kerbos (note: one Kerbo = 6.25 Liters; talk to Squad), and you want the user to be able to fill that tank with any amount of MonoPropellant, Oxidizer and LiquidFuel, so long as the total volume of those 3 propellants adds up to less than 400. If you want to get fancier, here is a more complicated MODULE: MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 400 basemass = 0.125 TANK { name = LiquidH2 loss_rate = 0.000015 efficiency = 0.975 mass = 0.000 } TANK { name = LiquidOxygen efficiency = 0.995 mass = 0.0003125 loss_rate = 0.0000025 } TANK { name = LiquidFuel efficiency = 1.0 mass = 0.0003125 } TANK { name = Oxidizer efficiency = 1.0 mass = 0.0003125 } TANK { name = MonoPropellant efficiency = 1.0 mass = 0.0005 } } This tells the module that this tank can hold LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, MonoPropellant, LiquidH2 and LiquidOxygen. It also tells the module how much additional mass or volume each type of tank consumes (beyond the mass and volume of the fuel itself), and that LiquidHydrogen is slightly leaky. The values are: name = LiquidOxygen // the RESOURCE name that this kind of tank holds efficiency = 0.995 // the percentage of tank volume that can store fuel mass = 0.0003125 // the additional dry mass added per volume of this tank temperature = -183 // the temperature that fuel begins evaporating loss_rate = 0.0000000002 // the rate at which fuel evaporates of the container. Note that 'mass' and 'efficiency' is per volume of fuel, not per volume of tank+fuel. So if you want a tank to store 360 units of LiquidOxygen, in the RESOURCES column say: RESOURCE { name = LiquidOxygen amount = 360 maxAmount = 360 } Assuming the TANK configuration above, MaxAmount = 360 will create a tank that takes up (360 / .995) = 361.809 of the available volume, and which adds 360*.0003125 = 0.1125 tons to the dry mass of the tank, in addition to the mass of the LiquidOxygen itself. As long as the tank's Part is at a temperature below -183 Celsius, no LiquidOxygen will leak out; otherwise, LiquidOxygen will begin leaking out at a rate of (360*0.0000000001) = 0.000000036 units per second per degree Celcius that the part's temperature exceeds -183. At room temperature (25C), this works out to about 0.027 units per hour. 2. Once you have the module specified correctly in part.cfg, you can load up the tank in the editor. After attaching it to your ship, go to the Action Groups menu and click on the tank. There you will see various options - each fuel type will have a button to add a tank, or text boxes to adjust the tank volume and initial amount of that fuel, as well as a button to remove all tanks from this part. When you edit a If the system detects an engine attached, it will (usually) also give you a button to remove all tanks and then fill the entire volume with that engine's fuel, in the ratio that that engine consumes it. When you edit a fuel tank, its load out is automatically copied to all identical symmetrical fuel tanks. If you want to have an asymmetrical load-out, attach each tank separately with symmetry off, then edit each tank individually. 3. You can also configure engines to use multiple fuel types, like so: MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs configuration = LiquidFuel+Oxidizer (50 Thrust, 370 Isp) modded = false CONFIG { name = LiquidFuel+Oxidizer (50 Thrust, 370 Isp) thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 50 heatProduction = 300 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.21 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.4 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 0.6 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 370 key = 1 270 } } CONFIG { name = LiquidFuel+LiquidOxygen (55 Thrust, 390 Isp) thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 55 heatProduction = 275 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.21 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.35 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = LiquidOxygen ratio = 0.65 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 390 key = 1 300 } } CONFIG { name = LiquidH2+LiquidOxygen (40 Thrust, 460 Isp) thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 40 heatProduction = 250 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.21 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidH2 ratio = 0.73 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = LiquidOxygen ratio = 0.27 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 460 key = 1 310 } } } Each CONFIG node is effectively a ModuleEngines MODULE node that will overwrite the part's original ModuleEngines node when selected in the editor. Note that configuration=<name> MUST point to a CONFIG which matches the default ModuleEngines node. [https://github.com/Ialdabaoth/ModuleManager/blob/master/ModuleManager.zip?raw=true]Download link from GitHub This .ZIP contains the ModularFuelTanks plugin, the ModuleManager plugin, and ModuleManager .cfg files for each of the stock engines and fuel tanks in the game, as well as KW tanks and KSPX tanks, and courtesy ModuleManager .cfg files for Ferram Aerospace Research, RemoteTech, and IonCrossLSS. It also contains Resource definition .CFG files to give you a more "realistic" selection of fuels: -LiquidFuel is now changed to have the density and performance stats of kerosene (RP-1) -Oxidizer now has the density and performance stats of N2O4 -LiquidOxygen is added as an alternate oxidizer, which gives slightly better thrust and Isp at the cost of requiring cryogenic storage. -LiquidH2 is added as an alternate fuel, which gives lower thrust but higher Isp, and which is required for the LV-N nuclear rocket. Source code is here, if you're into that sort of thing.
  6. Sex is quite an embarrassing subject for biologists, because we don't know why it evolved, and more importantly, we don't know why it is maintained. Sexual reproduction is a massive cost to the organism because they not only need to find mates, but half of their offspring (males) do not directly contribute to growing the population. There are theories on why sex is maintained based on who you talk to. For example, parasitologists will point you to immunological models showing that more genetically diverse populations have greater resistance to, and smaller loads of parasites. As for the mushrooms, they're known as mating types, rather than sexes.
  7. This one took me a while! It's also somewhat likely that I missed a rule somewhere... But, I've finally fulfilled Jeb's final wish! I attempted to do this manually, no MechJeb or other mods (other than a few blinking green and red navlights because... well... blinking green and red navlights). I was unclear if I could use "pauses" in my staging or if it had to be one constant stream of blazing glory straight into Kerbol, but I had to line things up manually on the final three stages, including a loooong trip to the solar apoapsis. Disqualified or not, it made for a fun challenge! But enough talk... I give you, The Suncoffin! The Suncoffin's launcher went through several... sub-functional designs... Until, finally, The Suncoffin Mk5 was born! The final count: 94 RT-10 Solid Fuel Boosters, only 8 of which were used outside of Kerbin's atmosphere (Pictured missing one final rocket booster added to the top later) Attempt #437 was going surprisingly smoothly. I achieved a ridiculously high solar apoapsis (almost to Jool's orbit), and had two boosters left with just enough power to burn retrograde and send the craft into a 53,000,000 km freefall. But then... That would be an ASAS unit... Not my fault, of course. Clearly, one of the Kerbal engineers had the blueprint upsidedown when installing that decoupler. Funny thing is, if you try to fire a booster directly into a corked-up passage, it goes NOWHERE! Well... not until overheating occurs, at least. So, naturally... I don't know if that counted as a firework, but Jeb woulda been proud! Surprisingly, that last booster actually had more than enough juice in it, even after spending almost half of it to cause the explosion. A little extra maneuver up and away to burn off the extra fuel (and add two months to the flight time...), and catastrophic success! The journey took 402 days... just 382 more than scheduled! Edit: Almost forgot the weight! I slapped a MechJeb on it to test: 362.76t
  8. I just wanted to chime in to say that the reason I do my best to stay out of military aviation discussions on the internet is because 95% of people involved in them have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Nibb31 is not one of them. Thank you for this post. I personally really like the F-35 itself. The program is inarguably a mess, but to deny that the F-35 is far and away one of the most advanced and capable multi-role fighters out there is wrong. The weirdest part about it is that even though it's still coming out to be very expensive, when you look at the hard numbers it's not really much more expensive than say a Eurofighter or Rafale. There is one specific issue I want to bring up though, and it was mentioned previously in the thread. I hear the Harrier brought up many times and how its so great. People often forget the human factor. When a pilot is lost, for whatever reason, that's somebody who is now gone forever, and a family that is now missing a person. Safety is a very big deal. Whether it comes from the fact that the plane can get around the battlefield much easier using stealth, or the inherent difficulty of flying the plane. I personally know and work with a former Harrier pilot. He is glowingly proud that he's only had to eject from a Harrier once, and that he's still around to talk about it. The F-35 is an astoundingly easy plane to fly. You could teach a middle schooler how to fly the plane if they were willing to learn. Landing the jet vertically is so easy, helicopter pilots are upset about it because they had to do it the hard way.
  9. You could probably fit Jeb inside and he would enjoy the ride but not the landing. As for stealth, you could shoot it down with an good air defense system, however the speed helps as if you can not detect it from decent distance it will pass fast. Stealth is just to make you harder to see on radar. And yes hopeless to talk about passenger planes, first use is missiles, then this work you start to think of space launches. Then this is economical and safe you start to think of passenger planes.
  10. You need to understand something. It was not HarvesteR and I proved him wrong VERY easily. I mentioned a 24 live stream that xxleGoldFishxx did and I was live with him, Chad Jenkins, HarvesteR and I said what did my sponsors promise at the end of the live stream. If he would of know, he would have answered. But he rambled and tried changing the topic and then giving stupid responses. HarvesteR is a smart man, and he knows who I am, this fool did not. We arent stupid people, we know how to find things out, that is one of the good things about being on the interest and having a wide variety of knowledge in finding things out. Don't play us, we just want to play some Kerbal Space Program and TALK TO SOME PEOPLE. Not deal with this CHILDISH BULL like EVERYWHERE ELSE!
  11. Ya'huh, now it's time to talk about MY RABBIT. *stuffs Carl Sagan McFluffles into your face* DEATH BY DIABETES!!! I've given up trying to make estimates on when I'll get an image done, so I'll just start using BobCat's "Soon" Hopefully that soon really means soon
  12. They way they talk reminds me of some species in the game Spore. Excellent mod I have to say.
  13. Now get to every moon, with a satellite orbiting it and land a rover on each planet/moon then we'll talk.
  14. Not explicitly, but you listed preferring the challenge of stock KSP as your number one reason for avoiding mods. Not as your reason for avoiding overpowered or imbalanced mods, but all mods. And the other reasons are things I can get behind. I even mentioned something very close to one of your other reasons in my own post. And did I tell you that I thought you said any of those things? No, I didn't, and I apologize if it sounded like I was implying that. I went after one logical fallacy, and I should have done a better, less flippant, job of that. I'd rather you disagree with me because of sound reasoning than agree with me because of a logical fallacy. I'm not immune to that, so I don't mind it when people point it out in myself. I'm very much a "find the fun wherever you find it" kind of person/player, even when where you found it confuses the heck out of me. The only reason I'm (overly?) sensitive on this is because it colors the opinions of people that don't have any facts to form an opinion on. Most of the new KSP players I talk with fall into two categories (note: the proportions don't mean anything, as this could be viewed as a bit of a self-selecting survey). There's the players that load up on mods, sometimes to excess. There's the players that avoid mods like the plague, despite never having tried them, just because they've heard that mods take the challenge out of the game. Yes, there are players that try mods and find they like vanilla better, and I'm fine with that, since it's an informed opinion. The whole "I'm better than you because I play the game the way it was meant to be played," while sometimes annoying, is a separate issue and one that I would rather not stir up, other than pointing out that it exists in response to the "or anyone else" part of that third quote. Noone's said it explicitly in this thread, but I can assure you that I could point to several examples of that prior to the great forum oops, including one person going so far as to advocate that the devs should remove the ability to mod the game altogether. Trust me, I get why you went off when you felt like you were being attacked. While your post didn't feel like an attack, there have been posts that felt like a personal attack that basically read that all my efforts mean nothing because I use mods, despite the fact that I make an effort to avoid out of balance mods and parts. Most of the time, I just let it roll off, another uninformed opinion. But some times, you just want to stomp the logical fallacy flat before it infects yet more players. If the developers had enough time to do everything that the users could possibly want as soon as they wanted it, you MIGHT have a point. We don't live in that universe. In the case of not-unlimited developer resources, there will always be something that the devs haven't had time for. You're saying that I shouldn't be able to play with moving parts because the devs haven't had time to do their own robotics functions? Even if it's something that the devs plan on doing, having the modding community do it first gives the devs a look at what kinds of things worked and what didn't, reducing their development time. And this is a bad thing in your mind? I have to disagree.
  15. Granted, but you're now already crazy once you've found it out. I wish that my parakeets can talk now.
  16. What if Kerbals speak Navajo? ?That's right! In this code warfare, you must speak codes to prevent your data from being revealed and most greviously, having you losing! Each team will speak a specific code I give you. There are four teams in a warfare, and you must defeat your enemy! Teams: Team Alpha: ROFLCopter64bits (Team Leader) Team Beta: Holo (Team Leader) Team Penguinia (Formerly Gamma): MusicPenguin (Team Leader) Team Delta: Agent30632 (Team Leader) The first users to join will receive a PM that contains an address to a website that shows code or my custon made code for their team. You can asked for making the code by your team. Even though code can be made and broken, you are not ready yet. You need to know everywhere! Here is the map: Now that you know the map, you can go now. NOT! You need weapons and soldiers and whatnot. [table=width: 500, class: grid, align: center] [tr] [td]Military Type[/td] [td]Infrantryman with Gun (Man)[/td] [td]Infrantryman with Missile (Man)[/td] [td]Infrantryman with Laser (Man)[/td] [td]Group Leader (Man)[/td] [td]Jeep (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Missile Launcher (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Laser Jeep (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Tank (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Moving Turret (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Spy Plane (Aircraft)[/td] [td]Dive Bomber (Aircraft)[/td] [td]Fighter (Aircraft)[/td] [td]Attack Plane (Aircraft)[/td] [td]Tent (Camp)[/td] [td]Defense Gun (Defense)[/td] [td]Defense Missile Launcher (Defense)[/td] [td]Battleships[/td] [td]Submarines[/td] [td]Aircraft Carrier[/td] [td]Amphibious Vehicle[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Cost ($, Man)[/td] [td]$100, 1 man[/td] [td]$125, 1 man[/td] [td]$150, 1 man[/td] [td]$200, 1 man[/td] [td]$500, 2 men[/td] [td]$750, 3 men[/td] [td]$875, 3 men[/td] [td]$1000, 4 men[/td] [td]$1250, 4 men[/td] [td]$1000, 1 man[/td] [td]$1250, 1 man[/td] [td]$1500, 2 men[/td] [td]$1750, 2 men[/td] [td]$200, 2 men[/td] [td]$500, 1 man[/td] [td]$1000, 1 man[/td] [td]$4000, 80 men[/td] [td]$8000, 20 men[/td] [td]$12000, 160 men[/td] [td]$2000, 2 men[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Health Points[/td] [td]100 HP[/td] [td]100 HP[/td] [td]100 HP[/td] [td]100 HP[/td] [td]200 HP[/td] [td]250 HP[/td] [td]250 HP[/td] [td]500 HP[/td] [td]375 HP[/td] [td]500 HP[/td] [td]625 HP[/td] [td]750 HP[/td] [td]1000 HP[/td] [td]500 HP[/td] [td]5000 HP[/td] [td]5000 HP[/td] [td]12000 HP[/td] [td]8000 HP[/td] [td]25000 HP[/td] [td]1000 HP[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Damage Inflicted[/td] [td]5 HP[/td] [td]50 HP[/td] [td]125 HP[/td] [td]5 HP[/td] [td]0 HP[/td] [td]75 HP[/td] [td]225 HP[/td] [td]250 HP[/td] [td]125 HP[/td] [td]0 HP[/td] [td]325 HP[/td] [td]75 HP[/td] [td]50 HP[/td] [td]0 HP[/td] [td]75 HP[/td] [td]225 HP[/td] [td]150 HP[/td] [td]325 HP[/td] [td]515 HP[/td] [td]50 HP[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Weather Advantage[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]-0.5[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]-1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]-1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]-2[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Advantages[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Aircrafts[/td] [td]Aircrafts[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Man, Vehicle[/td] [td]Aircraft, Vehicle[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Man, Vehicle[/td] [td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td] [td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td] [td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft Mostly[/td] [td]Boats[/td] [td]Aircraft Mostly[/td] [td]None[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Disadvantages[/td] [td]Vehicle[/td] [td]Vehicle[/td] [td]Vehicle[/td] [td]Vehicle[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft, Defense[/td] [td]Aircraft, Defense[/td] [td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td] [td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td] [td]Any Missile Launching Arms, Defense[/td] [td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers[/td] [td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers, Submarine[/td] [td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Description[/td] [td]Just your ordinary soldier.[/td] [td]A soldier with a missile launcher.[/td] [td]A soldier with a laser shooter.[/td] [td]The commander, must need for every group![/td] [td]For a long move to another base, you need them![/td] [td]A jeep that fires missile.[/td] [td]A jeep that fires laser.[/td] [td]A large vehicle fully armed but alas... it is a good target.[/td] [td]This vehicle spins.[/td] [td]If you need enemy information, you might as well need this.[/td] [td]This is what the Japanese called "hell divers."[/td] [td]Your main fighting aircraft.[/td] [td]You need it to break into line in the beginning.[/td] [td]Houses 5 soldiers, must need for long moves or long battles![/td] [td]Defend your base with ordinary shells.[/td] [td]With homing device, this can virtually get everything, but has long loading time.[/td] [td]You can't get to another place over the water with a boat right? But you also wanted defense, right? Well, this is for you.[/td] [td]This is the effective weapon to sink the enemy ship.[/td] [td]Even planes need to rest.[/td] [td]Soldiers are better off with an amphibious vehicle than swimming.[/td] [/tr] [/table] Every week your team will earn a weekly salary of $50000, make use of them. I added weather advantages to show you how weathers can make a difference. Let's say you have an army moving 300 kilometers from Fort A to Fort B. Originally every 100 kilometers you will have 50% the chance of losing 50% of your people. If you have a weather advantage of -5, the rate would rose to 50% of your chance of losing 75% of your people. If you have a weather advantage of 5, the rate would decline to 50% of your chance of losing 25% of your people. Note that the loss are dependent events, that means if you lose 50% of your troops at first, you will lose 50% of what you have after the loss, and so on. If you move 300 kilometers from Fort A to Fort B, you will lose in total 87.5% of your men. However, the weather advantage rating can go as low as or as high as -5 or 5. Lower or higher than that and the excess will not be count. So if you have the weather advantage of 12, you would still have to repeat the deeds of WA rating of 5 because the highest WA rating that can affect the chances is 5. Score will be updated weekly. You will start with $50000. and keep everything secret except invasion, alliance, and declaration of hostility. (In another words, stuff other than invasion, alliance, declaration of hostility, and declaration of peace must be PM to your teammates. If you have to talk it in this thread, post it in code.) In order to form an alliance, you must have the other team agree to join the alliance. In order to invade another base with fights, you must have the other team to accept the invasion. Unlike invasion and alliance declarations, however, declaration of hostility does not require you to have the other team to be hostile. If the other team does not respond to form an alliance in 24 hours, your attempt will fail. If the other team does not confirming any fights between bases in 24 hours, you can invade and capture the base without a fight. But once you've declared hostility to other team (declaration of hostility does not require other team to be hostile), you cannot declare peace between two teams until the 24-hour period have passed. There are 40 bases for you to capture, but you won't know where your base is until you joined a team. Once you joined, you can access the team's budget immediately. So that means... 36 unconquered bases, 4 team HQ, $50000 to start per team, code sending, code-breaking, and war will all be happening in this thread. Now ready... set... GO! And please read all the things before doing things. EDIT: NEW RULE: Team leaders have the option of making their own code, as long as they don't expose it to the public. If they do make their own code, they must send their code to my account so that other teams will have to figure out by themselves, and that I can recognize their team as using their own code. EDIT 2: More clarification: EDIT 3: To join an active team, you must be approved by the team leader of the team you want to join. And to take a base, pay the restart cost and send at least the number of workers required to operate the base. A soldier would be a worker. The map will tell you all the specific data. EDIT 4: Use this website to determine the march result. More information on post No.23. Progress Update: The war has just begun.
  17. So, the mods snipped half my thread. I suppose that just reinforces how I see my thread, the Top Gear of KSP. Half the time it's serious PfL and KSP related talk,
  18. If you still havent figured out how to fix this problem, I would be more than willing to talk you through it on skype or something since I pretty much just figured it out the other day when creating a nuclear generator (it glows red when in use)
  19. True, but they are also quite connected to the parent body as well. I would still want that link between Mun, Minmus, and Kerbin, so when I travel beyond, say, to Duna and Ike, the different experience is reinforced. Though a clever composer could achieve this balance between similarity and difference. I'm now wondering about the tracks for the Joolian moons. Each tune would talk to the planets character, but still have elements linking it to the Jool theme. Maybe I'll start a suggestion thread tomorrow, (I really need to sleep.), unless you want to sum up ideas from this one, and make it yourself Custard Donut?
  20. Shell: Noun 1. The calcareous or chitinous external covering of mollusks, crustaceans, and some other invertebrates. 2. The hard calcareous covering of a bird egg. 3. (entomology) The exoskeleton or wing covers of certain insects. 4. The covering, or outside part, of a nut. 5. A pod containing the seeds of certain plants, such as the legume Phaseolus vulgaris. 6. plural Husks of cacao seeds, a decoction of which is sometimes used as a substitute or adulterant for cocoa and its products such as chocolate. 7. The conjoined scutes that comprise the "shell" (carapace) of a tortoise or turtle. 8. The overlapping hard plates comprising the armor covering the armadillo's body. 9. The accreted mineral formed around a hollow geode. 10. The casing of a self-contained single-unit artillery projectile. 11. A hollow usually spherical or cylindrical projectile fired from a siege mortar or a smoothbore cannon. It contains an explosive substance designed to be ignited by a fuse or by percussion at the target site so that it will burst and scattered at high velocity its contents and fragments. Formerly called a bomb. 12. The cartridge of a breechloading firearm; a load; a bullet; a round. 13. Any slight hollow structure; a framework, or exterior structure, regarded as not complete or filled in, as the shell of a house. 14. A garment, usually worn by women, such as a shirt, blouse, or top, with short sleeves or no sleeves, that often fastens in the rear. 15. A coarse or flimsy coffin; a thin interior coffin enclosed within a more substantial one. 16. (music) A string instrument, as a lyre, whose acoustical chamber is formed like a shell. 17. (music) The body of a drum; the often wooden, often cylindrical acoustic chamber, with or without rims added for tuning and for attaching the drum head. 18. An engraved copper roller used in print works. 19. (nautical) The watertight outer covering of the hull of a vessel, often made with planking or metal plating. 20. (nautical, rigging) The outer frame or case of a block within which the sheaves revolve. 21. (nautical) A light boat the frame of which is covered with thin wood, impermeable fabric, or water-proofed paper; a racing shell or dragon boat. 22. (computing) An operating system software user interface, whose primary purpose is to launch other programs and control their interactions; the user's command interpreter. 23. (chemistry) A set of atomic orbitals that have the same principal quantum number. 24. An emaciated person. 25. A psychological barrier to social interaction. 26. (business) A legal entity that has no operations. Thanks... And actually, the portal talk is the continuously returning part in which he has stuff to do with Aperture. I just keep going on about him being Chobit's cat. That's all. If you'd have explained it more detailedly, and with correct spelling, I might've not asked this a all.
  21. [Load random line of text here] Now that that's done with^ what's with all this portal talk about coz I can end it all right now as I have shell right here
  22. what is a space mine ? always here talk of them never seen one
  23. It's seems as if this thread is used for talking about Chobit's art whenever Chobit posts new images or someone has a question. The rest of the time, we talk about random off-topic things. Then someone makes a sub-thread for the off-topic discussion, it eventually dies out, and a new off-topic discussion begins on the main thread. This pattern appears to not have any end, and has repeated itself many times, both before and after the forum catastrophe, with a few occasional tweaks to the details. It is rumored that Chobit enjoys watching this and that it is all a secret ploy to keep her thread at the top of the page even if it's been a while since the last image.
  24. Hello, Great community but I hope people understand that there will be breaks in developer work; just go and try to do an animate with AE...I am learning about movie production, animation..gads I dont even want to do this...but there is a new learning experience..talk about learning curve...KSP is nothing to trying to do some animation...lucky as I go onwards there are ways to make things work quicker - you just have to keep trying... It takes time to make 'games' that are 'GOOD' ... this is a "GOOD" game - meaning that being "GOOD" when one understands it and likes it for what it is, it will always be there; that is one major benefit of single player; add streaming to SP games...WOW I havnt had so much fun and some people pop in and say hi in the stream - its kool - and I go to other KSP'r streams and reciprocate....we need that, some of us. I wish I could have gone to Iceland...WOW... Cdr Zeta
  25. Greetings, Below is a synopsis included in the stream...which is located at: http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta/b/398960394 The above stream was a live account and simulation on Kerbin Academy's SIMULATIONS computer, with the storyline below...from the desk of Cdr Zeta: ............. The Kerbin Mission pre-launch simulation... (PART 1) http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta/b/398775566 Rescue plane demo, orbital ops and landing, recovery operations...I still need to look at our rocket lifter selections so bear with me... I hope to launch the big stuff but these launches are lengthy - 15 to 20 minutes just to get into orbit around Kerbin..thus the need for game-time efficiency vs fuel efficiency tests came to be. The order if activities in unkown...there will be a few parts and a little ceremony at the end signifying the beginning of a new era - The Kerbin Mission, the discovery of Kerbin, and their reason for being... This from the desk of Commander Zeta, attache consulate space engineer from Zeta Reticuli and ambassador to the United Inter-Galactic Federation of Mutually Co-Existant Societies. a long time ago on a far distant planet in a far distant galaxy, a plant was borne...and it discovered a creature... the creature was small comparatively, but the plant was smaller...the plant spoke to the creature, and called it... Kerbal well this little kerbal had a name - "Billy Bob" billy bob was excited that the plant spoke to him, cause he dont talk much if at all - he is very shy but a nerd really he always wanted to be a space engineer, but his parents said no we want you to follow in our footsteps - gardening... well those old plants never talked to billy bob - not like this one he took it home and put it in a pot by his bedside...and fell asleep and dreamed...and dreamed...and dreamed the plant was with him...sometimes he didnt know it, but it was guiding him; drawing him to a future he could not possibly imagine... and then he awoke, told his parents he wanted to be a space engineer, and left home...so here he is now, a technician at Kerbin Academy...he likes to 'play' on the simulator...I have to keep after him... then one day I saw him take out a ship to test it (without authorization) - he does this and we dont get mad at him...he is a dreamer but we need to keep him on task...maybe we will see him sometime...there is a story to be told we think...only time will tell for "Billy Bob Kerman"... thus is the beginning of the end... commander zeta, space engineer and astronaut, arrives on Kerbin, sets up the Kerbin Academy, and for several weeks trains Kerbals Space Engineers...getting them ready to explore their solar system... this is the story of Cdr Zeta's training and Academy graduation tests, getting the academy ready for the Kerbal Engineers to use the Acadmey and it's simulators to build their dreams of flying into space...soon... the simulators will be only a tool as everything will then be real...the buildings, the ships, the explosions...may a brave Kerbal will join the ranks of the best of the best... ==================================================================== PART 1 Synopsis... previously, various simulations went awry...glitches in the computer systems, gremlins running amook... activities sometimes have many pauses, like now...one famous kerbal invented a strange desert and named it after one of Earth's countries...I am delighted to partake of this 'italian ice'...goes good with cookies and cake and whatever else I can find around here.... getting back to bizness... so far we have launched a 'mir' core...the Earth 'soviet peoples' have had Kerbals here interested in their old technologies...I was not overly happy with the inclusion of old and new technologies being parts of one ship, but after several conferences, I have been convinced of the many potential benefits of combining technologies...in fact (after a snak pause)...we are using old technologies here writing this dosier... pauses for food...whew.... where was i... the academy tests are going well for me now since the file system got fixed... we are still working on new communications presentation equip[ment (<<!)qwrdff2derrorerrrooero.... arrghhh.... wait i got a comms msg... I have just rcvd a communique from my comms advisor - he says there was another glitch in the telemakus thinguy...and as ytou can see my text computer is mesin up again.... he says some coive came in over the radio...it only said..."HAL9000"... We know what this is..I will have to chek into this... for now I will be doing a SIM on our new rescue plane - FIANYL!!...WOW...THE TEXT IS A MESS... ........... (PART 2) http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta/b/398960394 having set up the rescue plane display, Camford will now demonstrate the safety feature for the new rescue plane...unfortunately their is great risk on takeoff and no immediate rescue feature has been added...Kerbal pilots are aware of the great inheriant riskes ivloe...errrthis petwr..... wat is up with this hal9000 thing...bill just called me ugh rite in the middle of this demo... the high altitude demo you have just seen is to show pilot emergency recovery...normally in a rescue situation, this would not occur...next we will demonstrate (hopefully!) crew pod recovery ! (it looks like in this instance we cannot EVA so must end flite...we need to work on this - all scenarios must allow for pilot escape...not end flite...thus the need for simuations testing !) we will now demonstrate a normal flight and rescue ops...after the rescue we will then deploy a rescue recovery with crew pod in tact we hope ! oops !! camford has discovered 2 problems with emergency crew pod deployment...did you catch them !? note also that he is upset and worked the problem to save the imaginary crew !!!good for him !!! even tho he is an AI ! Camford just demonstrated the repairing of the Kerbal SUIT glitch !! This concludes this portio of the Kerbin Academy Rescue Plane Ops DEMO... looks like we passed ! but we need to fix a few things yet !!! lets hope I can remembver to do them !!!!! if this was a real kerbalnaut he wouldnt be very happy right now and I wouldf be in the drink for awhile - or clinker oir watever.... ...end comms... <<<<< So tonite looks like I need to review the problems above, and make the emergency deployment as good as it can be...the overall test was a major success (SIM-Wise)...there is still a major problem with the BRAKE sequencing and firing up on the runway - this has been solved by having the pilot manually move the kik-starters up forward prior to launch !!!!!!! The problem re-occured however during rescue ops SIM of engine fire-up with the brakes on so the pilots reall yneed to be on guard - still not sure how to implement this safety procedure - in one sim is cost an AI his life; at least the kik-starters were off and the pilot has time to cut the engines long enuf for him to figure out why the plane didnt move HAHA !! CDR Zeta PS It is anticipated the a trailer and movies will go into production soon, as well as new comm and mission control centers to be built - watch out for upcoming streams - they will be titled "Kerbin Mission" only - NO SIM when the buildings are bing built.
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