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  1. Rune. With lifting capabilities of Falcon Heavy a whole lot of things will become possible Super Dracos look very promising too. But best of all: SpaceX actually actively works towards their goals and have cold, hard results to show. Rest of space companies? So far most of them is all talk.
  2. I was thinking of this and I think the Kerbal Livefeed idea sounds great. Here is what I'm thinking would work best, and be -comparatively- easy to implement. 1. One player hosts, not a server. They host and the others watch. 2. Other players can build ships and upload them to the host player to use, but they cannot actually control events in the game. So I know what you're thinking, what does this really achieve? Well it'd be two things. First off, building the ships is a big part of the game, if you could make that a team effort that'd be brilliant just in and of itself. But secondly, and I would argue more importantly, KSP is a very hard game. It has a big learning curve and there is a hell of a lot to take in. I've sunk about fifty hours into this game since getting it and I completed my first Mun landing and return tonight, and I'd still be trying to make that happen if I hadn't been able to talk to a friend who has had the game longer and get some pointers. Some sort of system for closer cooperation, for teaching, exchanging ideas, demonstrating how things work, that'd be brilliant. You can go so much further in this game with a little guidance than you can with just blind experimentation.
  3. CHAPTER 5 MOHO TRANSFER BURN – MOHO ENCOUNTER *** Commander's log, entry 7. The day has arrived. - Okay BERTY, let's check this one last time. Propulsion? - Nominal. - Navigation? - Nominal. - RCS? - Nominal. - ASAS? - Nominal. - Life support system? - Nominal. - Kethane tanks pressure? - Nominal. - All systems nominal, we're ready to go, I repeat, “Proteus†is a GO for trans-Moho injection. - Commander? - Yes BERTY? - Kodspeed nominal. - Err, thank you BERTY. - Look, we’ll pass close to the Mun. - Yes we will, Bob. - â€ÂProteusâ€Â, this is KSC Mission Control. We confirm your status, you have a green light. Fly safe. - Affirmative KSC. BERTY, begin the countdown. - T minus-30 seconds and counting. - I really hope that everything will go smoothly this time. - Don't worry Jeb, we've learned our lesson with “Kadmosâ€Â. You must be happy that we're finally leaving. - Yes, the waiting is the worst part of any journey. - T minus-10 seconds. - But you know what Bill, I prefer the landers. Voice commands don't feel like actual flying. - T minus 6 seconds. Please prepare for the acceleration. T minus 3 seconds. Engines full throttle. - Injection burn completed. Course corrections on route required. - And so it begins. - Where are you going Jeb? - To the airlock. Visual inspection of the hull. - Wait a second, this isn't scheduled and there is no need for that at all. Am I right BERTY? - Affirmative, captain. The probability of hull damage is negligible. - Let him go Bob. - What? He can't… - He spent months in deep space onboard a failing ship. I think he deserves one last look at home. And speaking of which, I want it too. Come on, let's go to the observation pod. - But… - Come on Bob. - Commander, I have to remind you that your unscheduled extravehicular activity will be reported back to the Mission Control. - Thank you for reminding me BERTY. I'm sure they will want to have a serious talk about my disobedience some 4 or 5 years from now when we return. - Hello there. I hope this is not the last time we meet. - Damn, I'll miss this view. - Commander, you are too far from the ship. You have surpassed the safety limit by 147%. Please reduce your distance immediately. - It’s no fun with you BERTY. - Fun is not scheduled for this hour. Leisure activities for the crew will begin in T minus 3 hours and 23 minutes. - :sigh: Okay, okay, I'm going back. Commander's log, entry 8. We have to correct our trajectory. I'm puzzled – it seems that we will have to spend more m/s than our estimates has shown before. BERTY can't explain why. They can say what they won't, but nothing will replace the Kerbal, not even the best computer. Commander's log, entry 9. More than two weeks has passed. Morale is good, though we're all concerned about the trajectory. KSC is still checking the problem. It should have been expected – the first and only probe to Moho was sent there more than 20 years ago. Is it possible that we're missing some data? If so, the capture might be impossible. Sid says that this is rather improbable – how big changes can occur to the planet in 20 years? Commander's log, entry 10. We're still struggling to capture this little bastard but it seems that we can’t hook it. A few decades after “Kadmos†and we still haven’t mastered planetary dynamics it seems. If we fail, we will be forced to wait one “year†on our current orbit to try again. The good news is that we will be able to perform the next corrections with greater precision. We have plenty of supplies but I'm worried about our fuel levels. Still, this means two extra months in deep space; thanks to Moho’s quick orbital period it won't mess up our transfer windows too much. And who said that this time there won't be any surprises? Commander's log, entry 11. I was too frustrated and bored to bother writing anything here. Watching movies, listening to the music, reading and playing videogames – this was our adventure for the last month. And of course exercising – we don't have a centrifuge this time, however the slowly rotating ship provides something like .1g. At least we can observe the Sun. And I have to say that now we know each other much better – pointless floating around in the giant void can bring people together, as “Kadmos†has clearly proven. Out of boredom I even made a table: The brave crew of “Proteusâ€Â. Kod, I wish we were already there. Commander's log, entry 12. It's all crystal clear now why we failed – indeed it was the wrong data. As it turns out we're quickly approaching Moho; it's smaller than we thought and it has no atmosphere. Sid was vividly discussing this subject and this fact was very strange. The very thin and superheated atmosphere just disappeared. Moreover, the planet is not tidally locked to the Sun as we thought. This will be problematic for a lander – second LAMGML is reinforced to withstand the extreme conditions on this rock but surely the surface exploration will have to be shorter. I guess the Moho probe was just plain broken as almost none of its data is correct. Due to our current position we were able to catch Moho’s transit with the “Proteus†cameras – it’s so incredibly small compared to this magnificent star. We will reach it soon. MISSION STATUS ***
  4. Banned because you banned the space core before I had a chance to talk to him
  5. Alright, so I think I'm not alone when I say that I spend a lot of time thinking about what missions I want to do, and building/testing for them, and actually less time /doing/ them. I think there should be a thread where we do just that. So here. Let's talk about all the things we want to do/have done in attempts to formalize our missions. I'm not saying anyone is actually going to stick to what they post here, but I think it'll be interesting to see how people want to progress through the game. Maybe you have more scattered missions in these alpha versions, and want a more structured mission plan when 1.0 hits, I don't know, but I think it would be fun to design a basic outline for what you hope to accomplish, in an ideal world. So, I'll go to give you all ideas as to what I'm talking about, in chronological order. -Design a craft that can perform a sub-orbital flight. -Design a craft that can place a satellite in some type of orbit. -Design a craft that can place a Kerbal into sub-orbital trajectory and return the Kerbal safely. -Design a craft that can place a Kerbal into an orbit and land the Kerbal safely back on Kerbin. -Design a reliable launch vehicle that can be quickly built and launched for repeatable results of similar missions. -Design a reliable launch vehicle that can be quickly built and launched for repeatable manned missions. -Perform an orbital docking. -Perform an orbital rendezvous. -Send an unmanned probe into orbit of one of the local moons. -Send an unmanned lander onto the surface of one of the local moons. -Send an unmanned rover onto the surface of one of the local moons. -Send a manned orbital-only mission to one of the local moons. -Send a manned surface landing to one of the local moons, returning all Kerbals home safely. -Construct a set of launch vehicles capable of lofting payloads of varying mass to LKO. Use these basic "skeleton" launch vehicles for all relevant missions on out, making improvements as they are realized. -Send an unmanned probe on an escape trajectory of Kerbol. -Send an unmanned probe to every subsystem in the Kerbol system. -Design and construct an orbital station in LKO. -Maintain station in LKO. -Send an Ordan Industries Telescope into high orbit and gaze upon the stars and planets. -Design a very compact single-launch station outpost with long term self-orbit-keeping ability and place it in Kerbinsychronous orbit. -Send an unmanned lander to Duna. -Send a series of unmanned rovers to Duna. -Send a series of unmanned probes to the Eve system. -Send an unmanned lander to Eve. -Design a single-stage-to-orbit craft designed for re-use during crewed missions. -Design a single-stage-to-orbit spaceplane to cut costs. -Send an atmospheric probe to Jool. -Send a manned mission to land on Duna and return safely. -Begin preliminary intense surface study of Mun and Minmus. -Construct an orbital Mun station to act as a go-between for frequent Mun surface missions. -Construct a large fuel depot in LKO. -Send parallel unmanned missions to Duna to construct an orbital station relatively quickly. -Send an unmanned rover to Laythe. -Begin long-term habitation of the Duna station. -Construct a surface scientific base on the Mun. -Construct a surface scientific base on Minmus. -Begin mining/habitation operations of Mun. -Begin mining/habitation operations of Minmus. -Send parallel manned and unmanned missions to Duna to construct a scientific surface base, while also changing out the original station crew with new members. -Send parallel unmanned missions to the whole Jool system to scan for resources. -Construct a high-capacity LKO habitation station. -Construct a high-capacity fuel depot in very high Kerbin orbit to act as a refueling station for passing missions. -Send several more unmanned rovers, landers, and probes to Laythe. -Send parallel manned and unmanned missions to Laythe to construct an orbital station with a docked single-stage-to-orbit vessel. -Use the single-stage-to-orbit vehicle to perform a manned descent to the surface of Laythe. -Take off your space helmets and breathe alien air for the first time in Kerbal history. -Send an upscaled surface base to Laythe. -Send parallel missions to Duna to create a mining and habitation base. -Begin preparations for a Grand Tour of the Kerbol system. -Send an unmanned probe as close to Kerbol as possible. -Send parallel unmanned rover missions to Eve. -Scout Eve for the highest point possible in preparation for a manned landing. -Send a manned return mission to and from Eve. -At the highest point on Eve, construct a self-sustaining very large surface colony. -Perform regular missions to visit the Eve colony. -Design a non-atmospheric lander with mining capabilities that is able to land and take off from Tylo or Moho, in preparation for the Grand Tour. -Design a very efficient SSTO to couple on to the Grand Tour vessel in order to use on Laythe and possibly other very low gravity moons. From there.....? Who knows.. Maybe interstellar if that gets implemented... As you can see I have plans. I've already done half of that in a mismatched order, but I'd really like to follow a structure. So does anyone else have a wall of text they'd like to share?
  6. I was starting to get bored myself. Then I downloaded the remotetech mod. Holy crap, talk about a complete change in style of play. Enjoying the hell out of setting up a good LKO satellite network, and eventually an interplanetary one. As for waiting for updates? I'm OK with their current style, Because I don't want to wake up on X of Y and find out an updates been delayed until Z. Waking up with a "holy crap, .20 is out, I hope I miss the server crash" is a great, great surprise.
  7. We are not badgering devs for release dates, or hurrying them up. We just want "Yeah, we are still working on this and that. Progress is being made. Here, have some sweet, sweet pics. Talk about them now." Thats all Hmmm, unless release date IS coming - and devs are working hard hunting last bug and ironing things out. In that case silence is good, and they should ignore our pesky buzzing. We are soon going to be extatic anyway
  8. *claps* I prefer not to talk about such things as religion on the internet.
  9. I also am not too worried about the updates. They'll happen when they're ready, and more often than not, they're pretty solid when they do come out. I'm more interested in having stuff that works, rather than just getting new shiny bobbles for the sake of having new shiny bobbles. That and the updates have also been quicker than I can get around to assimilating into my vids anyways. I haven't even touched rovers yet. And as for the silence from the Dev team, frankly between the technical difficulties of the forum for the last couple weeks, and the petulant tempter tantrums of the community before, during, and after....I wouldn't want to talk to us much either. So if it was that simple...I'd say, give'em their space to suck back and reload. However, the real real reason I tend to like it when the Dev's are silent...is that I've noticed two things about KSP updates...1. The previews, news, and streams about upcoming features tend to slow down or stop shortly before a release...and 2. there tends to be a holiday nearby. So given that there's been no stream for a couple weeks, I'm having mixed feelings about the upcoming cinco de mayo. Do I really want to start work on another project if I'm just going to have to update half-way through? And on the other hand...it's not something that I'd bet real money on either. In any case...best unsolicited advice I can offer to everyone: Patience.
  10. So there is a lot of fun in planning your Missions and everything and since a lot of people have some problems or just don't know how to do it I'm going to show you how I do it...just for the lolz I usually do a lot of planning, notes and test before even thinking about launching something into outer space. Let's go trough a mission and see how it goes!. I will try to keep it simple and focus on the main points. Feel free to make your own points and expand your plans. (PS. I'm from Germany, so please spare me and my english ;D ) A TRIP TO DUNA (?) At first, we start to set a clear objective about what we wanna achive and what the outcome should look like: --------------------------- MISSION: I want to set a little base up on duna with two Landers to hold 4 kerbals and a rover to explore the planet a bit. -------------------------- As easy as this step sounds, a lot of people don't get any further because they don't know how to move on. The next steps are the way I like it and it's up to you how you do them. One thing I recomend though is that you use mods or webpages to get the information you want and need, since a lot of usefull information isn't implemented in the game at the moment. I only use the Kerbal Alarm Clock and Mechjeb, because both of them have all the information and functions I need to get the most out of missions. Well, lets move on: FIRST: PUT DOWN YOUR NOTEPAD! We know our mission so now it's time to write a little "Script" on how to accomplish our mission: LOG: 1. Launch a Carrier into Kerbin Orbit (110km) and park it. 2. launch the two Landers and dock with the Carrier. 3. launch the rover and dock with the Carrier 4. refill the Carrier 5. departure for Duna (deltaV?,when to burn?) 6. Intercept and Aerobrake on duna and establish an Orbit (around 100-200km) 7. Land both Landers at Duna and establish the base. (deltaV? how to land?) 8. send the rover down (deltaV?) 9. The Carrier stays in Orbit for future uses This simple Log makes future planning a lot more easier, since we can now focus on every single point and work in detail trough everything. find out if your list is complete and has every keyepoint of your mission in it. This kind of "Metascript" will take us trough our planning. (I will call it like this from now on if you don't mind ) This is only the start of the script! as soon as something about the mission comes to your mind make a note about it. I will show you the finished script I had at the end of this mission: LOG: 1. Launch a Carrier into Kerbin Orbit (110km) and park it. (~5000m/s dV. RCS and Lights needed to dock) 2. launch the two Landers and dock with the Carrier. 3. launch the rover and dock with the transporter 4. refill the Carrier (if dV<3000m/s) 5. departure for Duna (about 1100 dV, Alarm Set for Duna) 6. Intercept and Aerobrake on duna and establish an Orbit (around 100-200km, aerobrake at around 10km) 7. Land both Landers at Duna and establish the base. (both Landers are docked to each other to Land together. ~70dV required. touchdown without engines required. RCS needed. Lights for Landing needed) 8. send the rover down (Skycrane needed. ~70dV to deorbit. Landing close to Base, RCS optional) 9. The Carrier stays in Orbit for future uses Reminder: - at least 4 Kerbals needed HOW MUCH FUEL DO WE NEED ANYWAY? The next thing is to find out how much fuel we even need to get to duna. I searched a bit around the forum and found a nice spreadsheet about the Delta-v required to get to other planets. You can see that it takes about 1100m/s to get to duna. I want to have at least 2000m/s so i don't need to worry if something goes wrong and i have to make major changes wich may require some Delta-v. Since duna has an atmosphere we can use parachutes to land our equipment at Duna, so we only need a little bit of fuel to slow us down the last few km's if we are to fast so we dont smash into the surface. There is no real number on how much Delta-V you will need to land since it is mostly based on your skill, so the best thing is to test it on kerbin or use Hyperedit to make some tests on Duna. So, our fully equiped transporter needs at least 1100m/s to get to duna. Lets make a note in our Metascript and move onto the next step: PHASE ANGLE Since we want to get to another planet we need to know when to start our burn towards Duna. This is the point where you can save the most delta-v if you do everything the right way. There are different ways to approach this step, you can use spreadsheets and try to read the angle from the mapview or you use differnt mods to help you out. If you want to know more about phase-angles and how to visit other plantes you should check the forum or youtube, there are a lot of people out there who will teach you anything about KSP . The one thing you should know is that going into a stable orbit around sun and after that waiting for a burn to intercept Duna is not an option because you will waste a lot of fuel this way. We will let Kerbin do the solar orbit for us und just do the intercepting burn when the "window" has opened. The easiest way to set this up is to use the Kerbal Alarm Clock and set the timer for it as shown in the picture below: As you can see, I set up an Alarm to 10 minutes before the so called window arrives and we will start our burn towards duna. However, because we need to dock everything together and refuel it we need to stop a few days earlier so everything is ready to go when the time comes. At the moment, i have about 188 days left before the window arrives. Since I dont want my kerbals to stay that long in space we are going to warp to about 30 days before the window for now. this should give us enough time to do the rest of the work and give our kerbals some rest. So we know the Delta V we need and we have our timers set up. Now we can start to build our ships fitted for the mission. But where to start? Let me show you: FORGING OUR WEAPPONS The best way is to start from "last to first", wich means that we will first design our lander and rover, and after that the carrier to carry them.The reason behind this is that these Landers are the "first Stage" and we don't need to design them based on another stage. (We cant start with the carrier because we first need to know how heavy our payload will be) you can design whatever you want, but there are a few things we need to allways keep in mind when building ships: 1. make them as light as possible and design them for their purpose, nothing more, nothing less. 2. allways keep your main goal in mind as well as your other designs to make them work perfectly together 3. check twice if you didn't miss anything. (jeb doesn't like it when he can't climb out of the craft because u messed up and forgott to put a ladder on it) 4. ALLWAYS check your Script for the things your ship has to do and check if it is able to fullfill it's tasks With that in mind, let me show you what i came up with for this mission: 1. THE LANDERS I want to land both of them at the same time so I don't have to land one first and after that try to land the other one next to it. This needs extra fuel and a lot of trial and error because they don't have wheels and I think it is possible to land both at the same time since I designed them so that they don't need an engine to land. The plan is to dock them both together after they undocked with the Carrier and deorbit them together. At an altitude of about 11km i will decouple them and while mechjeb/ASAS will hold one of them steady I will use RCS the keep the other one close while they both decent next to eachother. I RECOMMENT that you use Hyperedit to test your lander and see if it works the way you want. I don't like cheating, but there is no other way at the moment and there is nothing more frustrating to find out that your craft is useless after you managed to get to another planet. Docked together, they got about 79m/s Delta-v and a lot of RCS wich is enough to get the orbit down into the atmosphere and land them. I tested them before and practiced to Land 2 crafts simultaniously and it worked, so they are ready for the mission Next thing is the Rover: 2. THE ROVER Not much to say here, i build a rover and attached a skycrane so it can land without problems. As you can see it has enough Delta V and a high enough TWR to land at Duna. After we build our final stages we have to design the carrier: 3. THE CARRIER As you may or may not notice, i put a lot of those crewcabs on top of my craft. Why you ask? well because they simulate the mass of the Rover and the two Landers. Of course we dont leave them on there we just need to simulate the mass in orbit so we know the Delta-V we've got with full payload. As you can see we got about 5000m/s of Delta-V wich is pretty much overkill for this mission, but since i like the simple design and i want to use this craft for further missions we will stick with it. If you wanted to return the carrier to Kerbin you would have enough fuel left to do so. Our preperation is pretty much done to this point. The only thing we can do now is to look at our Script and Crafts again and search for mistakes we might have done or improve and expand the mission. The rest from here on is to launch and fly your crafts and finish the mission you set yourself. Nothing to talk about anymore. Here are some shots I did for this mission: http://imgur.com/a/Bt1jz Have a safe flight and thanks for listening to my stuff bye bye, Blackbird
  11. The religion thread turned out to be great, don't get me wrong. It's the most well mannered religious conversation I think I've ever seen. But here's a video of rockets exploding.
  12. Just trying to lighten the mood a bit. It's all got a bit to serious. Should never talk about religion or politics.........especially when drunk
  13. Not necessarily pushing gameplay physics to the gpu means you have to communicate it back to the cpu for every rendered frame which can be quite slow. It also means the GPU requirements will go up since the GPU will have to run a (depending on your Vessel) very demanding workload which means the same people who now complain because they have a slow CPU will complain because their GPU is too weak. Another problem is the lack of a standardized approach to the problem. Use physX - Radeon users are left out. Use OpenCl, users with older cards are left out. Meaning: You have to to the same work three times, without even reaching all customers (and we haven't even talked about mac and linux - some driver has weird quirks? -> gl with the hate mail). Its just plain wishful thinking to say that squad can implement what AAA studios (let's say crytek and dice since they write their own engines) have not done because it is just not feasible as of today due to the splintered landscape that are gaming PCs ... or "laptops" ... or whatever. Best course would be when unity will utilitze a multithreading enabled physics solver (physx supports this too, or another library such as havok or bullet). This would balance CPU and GPU demands out - especially since GPU demands will propably rise due to new features such as clouds, etc. Also Keep in mind that most of the "10x speedup over cpu"or "awesome effects" claims were just inflated marketing talk by nVidia since they deliberately limited cpu-physx to ancient x87 code and single threading to manufacture a marketing advantage for their cards.
  14. What would you rather me say? No one can prove the existence of a GOD or not but religion seems to be doing pretty good with it, on the other hand you get someone talk about an imaginary person they play with and that person is nutz and needs to see a shrink. All I'm trying to get across is that everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe in. I personally do not believe in GOD but I don't think that someone who does is wrong in doing so. I do how ever think that if GOD does exist then the amount of killing we do to each other in his name is a joke and if I was him I wouldn't want anything to do with us. The human race is capable of such great tings and yet we prefer to kill not just each other but the planet as well. If religion has taught us anything then we have got lost somewhere down the line. G.
  15. O boy, we started talk about religion... Ok, then... please remember that many people are immune to reasoning about this issue. Avoid flame or will be destroyed ! now I give my part : In my opinion, Worst thing happen to earth are people that can't comprehend how somebody might have different beliefs than their own ("His a miscreant... Burn him - BURN HIM NOW !"). Especially when You cannot prove your belief system is true and other doesn't.
  16. What you see is what you get, like my second post on the original thread said. "It is easier for me to change colour palettes rather than whole physiology doctrines" If you want game-accurate Kerbals, go talk to Sordid (Kerbal Comics), MK01 (Guy who did the game's loading screen) or 5kypainter on DeviantArt
  17. brain.sys has crashed. Talk to any psychologist to continue.
  18. Oh goodness, I wish I wasn't going to the bathroom when that happened XD Anywho, news for me, it looks like I'm BARELY going to have enough fuel to get back to KSC, and I still have about 3 hours to go, so catch up with me about two and a half hours from this post and watch until I cross the finish line! Tbh, I've been really scared since about 2 hours into the trip when I started yesterday that I wasn't going to have enough fuel, but there was no way to really tell for sure until I reached a certain point. Fortunately though, doing some math and rough eyeballing of the distance remaining, I'm confident I'll have enough fuel to make it back to KSC =3 Also, only one person is watching my stream right now, so stop on by and talk and ask me questions so I won't be bored! XD www.livestream.com/thealliancegarage
  19. I'm running this mod on my laptop, connected to my network via wi-fi, and I'm trying to access the information via my iPhone, which is connected via wi-fi. But they don't seem to want to talk to each other on the default port 8080. I changed the config to use my laptop IP(it's in my DHCP reservations) but it doesn't seem to work. It works when accessing locally from my laptop though. Any ideas?
  20. i seem to remember there being talk of buoyancy parts. primary design purpose was to allow your space vessal to spacedown safely, secondary side affect boat? Also any idea how their scaling back of the resources to sensible levels will effect things like the hydroscoop - surely a hydroscoop implies sea worthy parts?
  21. I like it, another high visibility cockpit. The things to warn you about: 1) find someone that knows how to do internal views. I don't, I've just heard that they're not trivial. 2) figure out how you're doing the crew hatch. Probably one of the glass sides would work best. You'll need a crew hatch, otherwise you can't EVA from the pod. 3) if you want the kerbal to show up when he's in the pod, talk to the guy that did the sfr command pod, that's the only one I know of where you can see the real internals through the windows in the cockpit.
  22. A little bit of advice, friend. If you want to find a job at NASA, you might want to tone down the extremism and obsession when you are talking to adults who might be experts in the field. Throwing tantrums, inventing theories without doing any basic research, or yelling "I'm obsessed", "I could commit suicide or cause a riot for the cause" or "I lol at your stupidity", won't earn you brownie points in an industry that is looking for highly-competent rational level-headed people with a scientific or technical background. It's good to be enthusiastic, but if you want to promote space without being an embarrassment to your cause, you are going to have to quit the obsessive ambitions, do your homework about science and technology, and be humble. You've got to accept that most of the people you are going to talk to know more about sciency stuff than you do. I suggest that you spend a little more time learning about sciences (not just space) and epistemology. Be curious and set yourself up to ask questions and learn instead of pretending that you know everything. PS. You won't find liquid rocket engines on eBay. Playing with rocket fuel in your backyard is dangerous business. With your level of knowledge, you will likely blow your head off.
  23. Chapter 2- Briefing Mission Briefing room, KSP Building Bobbald walks into the briefing room. Sidrod, Director Meurral, and another gentleman are already seated at the table. -Bobbald, late as always. Bobbald chuckles at Sidrod's remark. -Sidrod, the man who crashed the base's Lunar Buggie. -Haha. It's good to see you. -As well as you. Director Meurral interrupts them. -You two boys can chat afterwards. Anyways Sidrod, this is the program's new lead scientist, Kurt. Bobbald knows this.. he has been in the program since you left. Kurt will tell you your assignment and all that.. If you will excuse me, I have to leave. He rushes out. -Welcome back to the program, Sidrod. Let's discuss the mission.. Bobbald, can you reach over and pull down that screen? He pulls it down. Kurt turns on a projector and places a picture on it. The picture shows a traditional 3-man lander. -Oh good.. we aren't flying anything strange. -So it's just designed to have a small cargo space, am I right? -Yes.. you will get to see it later during training. -So why are we doing this mission,exactly? -A few months after you quit, we serviced a Lunar Rover, entitled C.U.R.V. Recently one of its six RCS ports failed during a maneuver and it dug its front end into the ground. The reason there isn't a third crew member is because you need the extra space for spare parts. Kurt's voice fades out as he continues to talk. An hour later.. -Bobbald, you will be going through 6 months of training and 2 months of mechanical training. You will be fixing the rover. Sidrod, you will take the whole 8 months of normal training since you haven't been here for a while. -Sounds alright to me.. -Me too. -Okay then, you two have a good day and meet back here in a week to start your training. Bobbald and Sidrod walk out of the building. -Sid.. would you like to go grab a drink or something? -I'd rather not so early in the morning. Lets go grab something to eat. The two head downtown and eat some breakfast. Afterwards, as they are walking out, a kid walks over to Bobbald with a wide grin on his face. -You're Bobbald Kerman! You commanded the Mun Base! -Haha, that's right. -Can I get your autograph? -Oh.. sure. The kid hands him a notepad. Bobbald signs the paper as Sidrod just watches over them. -One day, I'm going to be an astronaut just like you! I'm gonna- The kid's mother comes over. -Burtley, what did I tell you about talking to strangers? -It's not a stranger, its Bobbald Kerman, the astronaut.. in person! The mother drags him off. Sidrod looks at Bobbald. -Jeez.. I was there too. -Don't give your hopes up. You wouldn't want the publicity.. the media watching your every movement.. Anyways, it was nice seeing you. Lets hope for a nice mission. Goodbye! -Goodbye. The two part their ways. Sidrod is forming a jealousy against Bobbald.. (Lack of pictures. The next chapter starts the mission. PICTURES, YEAAAAAH. Next chapter coming tommorrow.)
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