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  1. Wrong wrongington. The clue is in the title; Spacex is short for Space Exploration Technologies Corporation. NASA already contracts companies to build most of the systems and rockets and things that eventually get them to space. NASA operates the machinery, runs the programs and all the rest. There's no reason why SpaceX can't be the Grumman (company that built Apollo LEM) of Mars. And as for going to Mars on their own, well, Elon Musk has repeatedly said that going to Mars is a driver for him and ultimately the company. His first idea for a space company was to send a little biodome to Mars, a completely philanthropic endeavour. SpaceX has been cash flow positive for a number of years thanks to LEO and geostationary contracts, and will no doubt continue to be successful in that area - but that's not all Elon Musk hopes to achieve. During one talk he said "I would like to die on Mars, just not at the point of impact". I sincerely believe him.
  2. I find it a bit annoying hearing the media talk about "the edge of space". Space is empirically considered to start at 100km, which is nearly 3 times the altitude reached by Baumgartner's balloon. I even read articles this morning claiming that this jump was a huge step to figure out how astronauts could evacuate from orbit which is totally silly, or people asking if he was closer to the ISS than to the ground (the ISS orbits at 10 times this altitude and more importantly travels at 28000km/h). Most people don't realize that spaceflight is about speed, not altitude, and that you can't just jump off the ISS wit a parachute or get into orbit with a balloon.
  3. On their mission page they don't say that Felix will jump from the edge of space, they talk about to. So they use carefully picked words to actually say "A freefall record closer to the edge of space than ever tried before"
  4. I'm really confused. I have two geosync satellites up right now, and both of them are oriented "up" so that way one of the 4 dishes (at 90 deg to each other) is always pointed towards Kerbin. As soon as I get out of range of the satellite from KSC, I can't "talk" to Kerbin any more. I'm using the interplanetary-class dishes.
  5. BvB: Refuel the Talk-O-Matic with coconut juice.
  6. Hi all, I'm not just a noob, Im a Brand Noob. I just downloaded the free play test 4 hours ago, to check it out before I commit to the game. ( I know it's only 20 bucks but hey, why buy more frustration) Anyway in that version I can't get ANYTHING past 10000m without it hitting apogee and nose diving. I've tried every combo in every (limited) configuration and all I can say is after 4 hours I'm ready to wash my hands of the whole thing. Questions Altitude does the M at say 10000M mean meters? What altitude do you need to achieve orbit around Kerbil? Do you need to go straight up to that level to achieve orbit or do you need to do some crazy ballistic lob that I will never figure out? What's the best "package" for a successfull mission in the play test mode? What's the mission of playtest? MOST important is there a more indepth KPS for dummies relating to the playtest module ( The tutorial is somewhat vague) This game looks really fun but I have no clue what to do. If I If I can get through the playtest I KNOW I can talk my wife into letting me buy the game. She works for a aviation/space industry , David Clark Company. Check em out on the web. They build the Flight suits for the U2 and SR 71 and the NASA space suits. BTW Felix Baumgartner Jumps from 120000 feet tommorrow ( we hope:cool:) that dude makes extreme look boring. Thanks
  7. That's a common misconception - the layoffs happened whilst Bob was being interviewed on a talk show for twenty consecutive weeks, in an effort to set a world record. He left his cousin Beb in charge of the company during this time.
  8. THIS IS, my 0.18 wish list Features: Polished IVA (All internals finished and internal movement started (like moving around in the rocket) More Parts (Simple Enough, I mainly want more jets and space-plane parts) (Also, jets that don't work on kerbin, but work on places like Duna and Eve.) More Planets/Moons (Also pretty simple, I mainly want more unique planets, like the crystal moon in Nova's dev blog) More Kerbal Animations (Just more animations (What I really want is you click a button and you kerbal does a pose... thing, like in TF2) More Scenes With Gene And Wernher Kerman (Kinda like the "At Kerbal Space Center" video, whenever you start a new save or make your first rocket/plane, land somewhere else, or blow up, you get a little video from Gene or Wernher.) More Kerbal Flight Cam Videos (Right now when we have a flight the only thing we see the kerbals do is be happy, be normal or be freaking out. I would like more.) Weather/Clouds (Not necessarily physical weather yet, just aesthetic weather. Like clouds.) Kerbal Voices (In flight kerbals do nothing but nothing. I would like for them to talk every once in a while or when something blows up, ETC.) Bug Fixes None now. Other Shenanigans: Graphics Card Physics Acceleration (I don't know if this is possible with unity but if it is that would help everyone, MASSIVELY. I will probably add more over time.
  9. adnonimon

    Skunky is back

    Hello everybody, just wanted to drop by and give an official note that our dear Capt'n Skunky will be joining us as a Community Manager, alongside Damion Rayne. So now we have 2 heads acting as one to try and keep some order around here. Welcome back Capt'n!! As for me, I'll be taking on a more direct approach to both of them so we are all in the same line all the time, working as a team. Also, I'll try to be more active around here, though it's hard to tell just how much activity my schedules allow me. But feel free to drop me a line if you want to talk about something and I'll try to answer as fast as I can. Thank you all for your support and love for KSP! Adrian Goya Excecutive Producer
  10. I actually do write said way. And talk as well. I do know some german, but thats off topicnesses. It is very neat to talk as said before though. BTW, are you often bored? Because if so, then you must go look in, THE FILES. If you can't then I would put a tree made of metal in space, because why not.
  11. Don't worry about Necro-ing if it's been a day or two, only matters if it has been a week or so. Also, I honestly can't tell whether you can't write in English and are putting the entire paragraph into Google translate, or you like to talk like that.
  12. Kavarican is pronounced in the same way as English, but with a very nasal German accent. The letters Sh, Ch, and Th are used instead of letter blends (as in English). The letter ' sounds like the Russian letter ê, I am not really sure how to explain the pronunciation, but it's almost like catching the word in your throat before continuing to talk.
  13. Don't talk poorly of my beloved Saturn V. *sniff*
  14. Forgive me if this has been answered; I searched this thread for "decoupler" and didn't find the answer. At about 3:40, you talk about around to trigger the next stage.I've only had the sim a few days, but I have no idea how to move these components like you did. Can you explain?
  15. Sometimes, people look at their life and long for more, it could be that your friend just wants to do new things for a change. So maybe think about what you could do that he'd be interested in doing as well, and ask him if he'd like to join you but don't feel down if he says no, his issues are most likely nothing to do with you. Talk to your friend though, as Ted suggests, he might be willing to open up, but don't force the issue, he needs to be willing to talk.
  16. to be fair mechjeb is less advanced then the Apollo guidance computer .... and mission control had orbit projections by the 70s just saying the guys in the rocket had little to do really other then punch the number in to the computer assent was fully automated the astronauts had to talk NASA OUT OF making them little more then "man in a can" even in the Mercury days the LEM had to be flown seat of the pants but that was about it and Apollo 13 had some seat of the pants moments now THAT could be a good challenge wonder how hard it would be to build a save file for that .... thing is the "mun" in ksp seems much closer to the planet then the moon is from earth
  17. I'm pretty new to this game so I don't really know how it works. I had a lot of fun in the demo and recently got the full game, but one thing I've noticed is that the physics in the later versions is completely different, so none of my tried and tested designs will work. :mad:Could someone post a design that can land on the mun please? I need some help, even if you could talk me through it that'd be great!
  18. Granted, but they do not talk back. I wish I had cancer.
  19. Sadly, I know this from experience, one of the people I talk to thinks you can just make science up without testing your theory or anything.
  20. Granted, enjoy your new Hot Wheelsâ„¢ battle tank toy. I wish I could talk to dead people...
  21. Here's my first interplanetary sub: The ZNS Valgos. Am i the first one to do this? Ive heard a lot of people talk about it but i realized it could be done. made it a single stage, landed at laythe and being a sub can go under the water, and kerman can easily seim up to cockpit when slightly submerged. ] Laythe really is beautiful
  22. Am i the first one to do this? Ive heard a lot of people talk about it but i realized it could be done with the overpowered propeller engines. made it on a single stage. Here's the .craft if you want to try it....
  23. I'm continuing to model the parts for my hab. I am saving them just as a .blend, I figure if I can't get it working I'll give them away to someone who can. In the interim I've created an oxygenator panel that attaches to the outside of the inflatable dome, it has a teroidal connection point where ideally the next module (the power system) will connect with an invisible mesh with a 'cable' that will ideally line up with the teroidal female plug hole and lead to a base unit which ZO2 / EPS panels can be attached to. I'll set the oxygenator up as a ZO2 base unit so the hab can have 'life support' ideally, and with a unit sitting beside the hab apparently connected by a cable it'll add to the realism. How I'll stack and use these units for in transit delivery is going to be a problem however. Something I will think about later, just like the expansion animation I'll need if the hab is inflatable. This is the finished oxygenator sans skin so far, I'll worry about drawing pretty skins once I'm secure in the knowledge I won't be spending hours making more pretty things only for them to not work like my last few attempts. Oxygenator panel mesh: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/SVJQL">http://i.imgur.com/SVJQL</a> Edit: Whoa, idk why there's so much edge shear in that thing. Bad moment of capture is my guess, the actual finished product is as smooth as a baby's arse while still conserving triscount. But it's enough to get the general jist of the shape. The science behind it: at extremely low tempretures one can pass highly CO2 contaminated air through a low-insulative quality pipe exposed to the Martian atmosphere, rendering it liquified, the liquid is then blasted against a catalytic plate which breaks the C from the O2 leaving you with high concentration O2. An animation every so often of an air jet coming from the panel would be grand, so I need to remember to try to do that, as the C is expunged and the O2 is reheated. The O2 can then either be mixed with something readily available, say, left over hydrazine from landing engines, then control combusted to create H20 and straight oxygen, two units that are very handy to have available in an isolated place such as the Duna surface. Bodily fluids can also be processed through an oxygenator in a similar fashion, in fact, I should probably add another atmos loop to that part for weewee to not so icky stuff conversion, as everything has different boiling and freezing points, which makes using the temp outside being REALLY****INGCOLD super handy. The only real cost is heating **** up again, but if you use afforementioned hydrazine reaction the combustion does that job for you, recycling the energy that would otherwise be dispersed and wasted. Update: Just going to keep on making parts for my hab pack and worry about making them work later. I'm having a bit of trouble projecting the unwrap properly for some of the more complex parts (ie: the hab itself has a rubber inflated landing foot to try and minimize impact and hopefully allow for manned landings of fully integrated habs at later points, it's weird ass spiral unwrap takes up most of the field for the UV unwrap. So I'm hesitant to add a complex skin to it until I've got that sorted, I saw some methods of 'unselecting' parts, but due to it being a torus I can't unselect parts because pretty much every unwrapped part is in some way visible; the overall skin of it is a simple low res rubber compound so it shouldn't be too dramatic if I just resize that part much smaller than the others right? Also, do any of you folks use Twitter? If so, add me, @bashpr0mpt, to show my appreciations I'll throw you some of my fans to bump your follower numbers and make your e-peens larger. Hit me up and @ message me when you've added me so I have your usernames and can add you back / give you guys a shout out. Thinking about making a communications platform for the top of the hab to house a few antennae and a dish, I'm thinking of making a nicer variant of the remote tech dish, I've jury-rigged a few different dishes to use instead of the woeful mapsat dish (although the mapsat dish is nicely animated, I'll definitely give it that! But having one design of such an awkward height and size is frustrating!) I'm also considering making the landing foot and building foundation as a separate part, and having it separated from the bottom of the hab by very small trussing just as an extra bit of fluff and detail. Although from a scientific POV you wouldn't want martial air getting under your hab and would want it pressed firmly against the soil to avoid windchill dropping the skin temp. An RTG, that should be what I make next. I'd love to add a functional air lock to the hab, a crew tunnel to connect habs (if we had docking systems that worked I'd totally try and get it set up so you can connect them on the planet (using that nifty forklift from kerbal.net or by EVA like ORDA's refueling hose), but I'm going to need some serious assistance working out node connection location coordinates. ATM I've just copypasta'd **** for illustrative purposes simply because I'm more interested in getting the part to appear in the game first and foremost. Uh, yeah, RTG's, they're handy. Radioisotopic thermal generators are pretty much free electricity! If I could get it working with the electricity plugin (if only Zoxygene and the Electricity plugin guys got together and made their systems talk to each other, man that would be epic!) it'd naturally attach someplace close to the Oxygenator panel, or perhaps even mount on it. Nah, Kerbal's are suicidal, but you still want radioactive **** a few feet away from your bedroom. >_> Right?
  24. Moderators warning! Talk of having pirated the game might get you in a bad, bad spot.... Not advisable.... But even less so is to actually do it, that's just evil... KSP is made by a tiny company based on Mexico, they are just big enough to manage with what they have, and some of the crew isn't even hired as full time Piracy on KSP is basically robbing your brother or similar.... Squad is not a large corporation with millions to invest on risk.... This is actually their first and only title, and the no-DRM policy serves as a model of honest design and thoughtfulness What you did was honest, no doubt - in the spirit of not punishing honesty, i will not burn this thread down (just yet, still other mods might) Btw - there's no such thing as a pirated copy of the game... It has no DRM, so you could only download it legitimally by logging in with a valid store account.... After that, the game is delivered in .zip format, no installers, no messy what-did-i-just-put-in-my-pc nonsense... Unzip, play.... If you have an account with a proper purchase, then your installation is valid.... The problem here is not as much the pirated copy as it is the pirate distribution source Some users have been able to report these foul sources to whoever does the hosting and get them taken down... This is a very noble thing to do, if at all possible Please, spread the word - KSP is built on the philosophy of "make money to make games, don't make games to make money" And get better friends, really.... Cheers!
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