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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. firerider521, can you post .craft file? Your ship looks awesome, I would try it.
  2. Thanks for info, guys. So it turns out, that this isn't "keep it real" challenge, but more like "make it harder". Well, maybe a situation, when system failure/malfunction occured. Martsch, do as you please. These rules are not to be taken strictly, they're more like ideas, main goal is to have fun. :]
  3. Hi there. In this challenge we are moving back to year 1970 - Apollo style. Challenges are: - achieve stable, round orbit - land on Mun/Minmus - achieve Duna orbit, or Minmus orbit when launching from Mun Now, the tricky part - you are only allowed to use stock parts, IVA camera, slide rule and stopwatch. Basically, you have to do maths correctly, navigate by window and inside instruments, time burns/decouples by stopwatch. I am not sure if this is even possible. Maybe orbital view should be allowed at least for timewarping purposes, but i dont know how to switch of trajectory simluations. Less extreme versions of this challenge may inlcude using 'classic' camera view, calculators (simple calcs or Olex's tool if you dont want to do all maths by yourself). Idea for this challenge came up to me during discovering awesomeness of orbital mechanics and astrodynamics in general, so it looks a bit geeky. I lack of historical knowledge about 1970s and Apollo missions, so maybe someone could choose more accurate rules.
  4. Hi there. At first, I want to point out, tham I'm pretty new to KSP and space craft engineering, so my ships are not very efficient. I made this spacecraft after flying and analyzing amazing Munitaur II by Foursh, so you might find some inspiration here and there. More screenshoots: http://imgur.com/a/4NuYo While making this rocket, my pilloting skills were, let's just say, not good. It is designed to have a lot of fuel for orbital maneuvering, more than you need. It might come usefull as new planets are on the way. Lander is designed to be able to land on Mun and on Minimus in the same flight - althought I'm not sure if this would work, as for now I dont really know how to transfer for one moon to another (but I will figure it out!). Fuel tanks are in radial position, becouse engine looks damn sexy just under non-fuel-tank parts. Also, it improves stability. Orbital stage might be hard to maneuver, thats why there are 2 rcs tanks above it. I recommend to do all decouples while having some thrust, becouse decoupled parts might decouple some of the engines as well. There might be few bugs, right now some boosters wobble despite struts, orbital stages tend to spin sometimes, etc. I'm still working on this ship. I would appreciate your suggestions, especially about ascent stages. I dont really know which boosters are more efficient in such construction - solid or liquid fueled, more shorter boosters or fewer longer ones; what launching sequence is better; etc. Thanks in advance for any suggestions and support.
  5. Give me .craft, I need to reproduce them in great numbers. :]
  6. I already downloaded Damned Robotics before, awesome mod. :] Thanks for warm welcome.
  7. Hi there. I'm FuryDrone, I live in Poland and study Automatics and Robotics. I have few posts already, but here is my official hello world to the community. I made few ships, currently I'm improving my piloting skills, working on orbital randevous and Minimus to Mun transfers.
  8. Hi there. Can someone explain in few words what these character's stats do? Do they affect flying or enything else? I wasn't even aware of the fact, that Kerbals actually differ from each other (apart from the name ofc). :]
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