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  1. What if Kerbals speak Navajo? ?That's right! In this code warfare, you must speak codes to prevent your data from being revealed and most greviously, having you losing! Each team will speak a specific code I give you. There are four teams in a warfare, and you must defeat your enemy! Teams: Team Alpha: ROFLCopter64bits (Team Leader) Team Beta: Holo (Team Leader) Team Penguinia (Formerly Gamma): MusicPenguin (Team Leader) Team Delta: Agent30632 (Team Leader) The first users to join will receive a PM that contains an address to a website that shows code or my custon made code for their team. You can asked for making the code by your team. Even though code can be made and broken, you are not ready yet. You need to know everywhere! Here is the map: Now that you know the map, you can go now. NOT! You need weapons and soldiers and whatnot. [table=width: 500, class: grid, align: center] [tr] [td]Military Type[/td] [td]Infrantryman with Gun (Man)[/td] [td]Infrantryman with Missile (Man)[/td] [td]Infrantryman with Laser (Man)[/td] [td]Group Leader (Man)[/td] [td]Jeep (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Missile Launcher (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Laser Jeep (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Tank (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Moving Turret (Vehicle)[/td] [td]Spy Plane (Aircraft)[/td] [td]Dive Bomber (Aircraft)[/td] [td]Fighter (Aircraft)[/td] [td]Attack Plane (Aircraft)[/td] [td]Tent (Camp)[/td] [td]Defense Gun (Defense)[/td] [td]Defense Missile Launcher (Defense)[/td] [td]Battleships[/td] [td]Submarines[/td] [td]Aircraft Carrier[/td] [td]Amphibious Vehicle[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Cost ($, Man)[/td] [td]$100, 1 man[/td] [td]$125, 1 man[/td] [td]$150, 1 man[/td] [td]$200, 1 man[/td] [td]$500, 2 men[/td] [td]$750, 3 men[/td] [td]$875, 3 men[/td] [td]$1000, 4 men[/td] [td]$1250, 4 men[/td] [td]$1000, 1 man[/td] [td]$1250, 1 man[/td] [td]$1500, 2 men[/td] [td]$1750, 2 men[/td] [td]$200, 2 men[/td] [td]$500, 1 man[/td] [td]$1000, 1 man[/td] [td]$4000, 80 men[/td] [td]$8000, 20 men[/td] [td]$12000, 160 men[/td] [td]$2000, 2 men[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Health Points[/td] [td]100 HP[/td] [td]100 HP[/td] [td]100 HP[/td] [td]100 HP[/td] [td]200 HP[/td] [td]250 HP[/td] [td]250 HP[/td] [td]500 HP[/td] [td]375 HP[/td] [td]500 HP[/td] [td]625 HP[/td] [td]750 HP[/td] [td]1000 HP[/td] [td]500 HP[/td] [td]5000 HP[/td] [td]5000 HP[/td] [td]12000 HP[/td] [td]8000 HP[/td] [td]25000 HP[/td] [td]1000 HP[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Damage Inflicted[/td] [td]5 HP[/td] [td]50 HP[/td] [td]125 HP[/td] [td]5 HP[/td] [td]0 HP[/td] [td]75 HP[/td] [td]225 HP[/td] [td]250 HP[/td] [td]125 HP[/td] [td]0 HP[/td] [td]325 HP[/td] [td]75 HP[/td] [td]50 HP[/td] [td]0 HP[/td] [td]75 HP[/td] [td]225 HP[/td] [td]150 HP[/td] [td]325 HP[/td] [td]515 HP[/td] [td]50 HP[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Weather Advantage[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]-0.5[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]-1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]-1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]-2[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Advantages[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Aircrafts[/td] [td]Aircrafts[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Man, Vehicle[/td] [td]Aircraft, Vehicle[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Man, Vehicle[/td] [td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td] [td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td] [td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft Mostly[/td] [td]Boats[/td] [td]Aircraft Mostly[/td] [td]None[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Disadvantages[/td] [td]Vehicle[/td] [td]Vehicle[/td] [td]Vehicle[/td] [td]Vehicle[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [td]Aircraft, Defense[/td] [td]Aircraft, Defense[/td] [td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td] [td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td] [td]Any Missile Launching Arms, Defense[/td] [td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers[/td] [td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers, Submarine[/td] [td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers[/td] [td]Aircraft[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Description[/td] [td]Just your ordinary soldier.[/td] [td]A soldier with a missile launcher.[/td] [td]A soldier with a laser shooter.[/td] [td]The commander, must need for every group![/td] [td]For a long move to another base, you need them![/td] [td]A jeep that fires missile.[/td] [td]A jeep that fires laser.[/td] [td]A large vehicle fully armed but alas... it is a good target.[/td] [td]This vehicle spins.[/td] [td]If you need enemy information, you might as well need this.[/td] [td]This is what the Japanese called "hell divers."[/td] [td]Your main fighting aircraft.[/td] [td]You need it to break into line in the beginning.[/td] [td]Houses 5 soldiers, must need for long moves or long battles![/td] [td]Defend your base with ordinary shells.[/td] [td]With homing device, this can virtually get everything, but has long loading time.[/td] [td]You can't get to another place over the water with a boat right? But you also wanted defense, right? Well, this is for you.[/td] [td]This is the effective weapon to sink the enemy ship.[/td] [td]Even planes need to rest.[/td] [td]Soldiers are better off with an amphibious vehicle than swimming.[/td] [/tr] [/table] Every week your team will earn a weekly salary of $50000, make use of them. I added weather advantages to show you how weathers can make a difference. Let's say you have an army moving 300 kilometers from Fort A to Fort B. Originally every 100 kilometers you will have 50% the chance of losing 50% of your people. If you have a weather advantage of -5, the rate would rose to 50% of your chance of losing 75% of your people. If you have a weather advantage of 5, the rate would decline to 50% of your chance of losing 25% of your people. Note that the loss are dependent events, that means if you lose 50% of your troops at first, you will lose 50% of what you have after the loss, and so on. If you move 300 kilometers from Fort A to Fort B, you will lose in total 87.5% of your men. However, the weather advantage rating can go as low as or as high as -5 or 5. Lower or higher than that and the excess will not be count. So if you have the weather advantage of 12, you would still have to repeat the deeds of WA rating of 5 because the highest WA rating that can affect the chances is 5. Score will be updated weekly. You will start with $50000. and keep everything secret except invasion, alliance, and declaration of hostility. (In another words, stuff other than invasion, alliance, declaration of hostility, and declaration of peace must be PM to your teammates. If you have to talk it in this thread, post it in code.) In order to form an alliance, you must have the other team agree to join the alliance. In order to invade another base with fights, you must have the other team to accept the invasion. Unlike invasion and alliance declarations, however, declaration of hostility does not require you to have the other team to be hostile. If the other team does not respond to form an alliance in 24 hours, your attempt will fail. If the other team does not confirming any fights between bases in 24 hours, you can invade and capture the base without a fight. But once you've declared hostility to other team (declaration of hostility does not require other team to be hostile), you cannot declare peace between two teams until the 24-hour period have passed. There are 40 bases for you to capture, but you won't know where your base is until you joined a team. Once you joined, you can access the team's budget immediately. So that means... 36 unconquered bases, 4 team HQ, $50000 to start per team, code sending, code-breaking, and war will all be happening in this thread. Now ready... set... GO! And please read all the things before doing things. EDIT: NEW RULE: Team leaders have the option of making their own code, as long as they don't expose it to the public. If they do make their own code, they must send their code to my account so that other teams will have to figure out by themselves, and that I can recognize their team as using their own code. EDIT 2: More clarification: EDIT 3: To join an active team, you must be approved by the team leader of the team you want to join. And to take a base, pay the restart cost and send at least the number of workers required to operate the base. A soldier would be a worker. The map will tell you all the specific data. EDIT 4: Use this website to determine the march result. More information on post No.23. Progress Update: The war has just begun.
  2. So, the mods snipped half my thread. I suppose that just reinforces how I see my thread, the Top Gear of KSP. Half the time it's serious PfL and KSP related talk,
  3. If you still havent figured out how to fix this problem, I would be more than willing to talk you through it on skype or something since I pretty much just figured it out the other day when creating a nuclear generator (it glows red when in use)
  4. True, but they are also quite connected to the parent body as well. I would still want that link between Mun, Minmus, and Kerbin, so when I travel beyond, say, to Duna and Ike, the different experience is reinforced. Though a clever composer could achieve this balance between similarity and difference. I'm now wondering about the tracks for the Joolian moons. Each tune would talk to the planets character, but still have elements linking it to the Jool theme. Maybe I'll start a suggestion thread tomorrow, (I really need to sleep.), unless you want to sum up ideas from this one, and make it yourself Custard Donut?
  5. Shell: Noun 1. The calcareous or chitinous external covering of mollusks, crustaceans, and some other invertebrates. 2. The hard calcareous covering of a bird egg. 3. (entomology) The exoskeleton or wing covers of certain insects. 4. The covering, or outside part, of a nut. 5. A pod containing the seeds of certain plants, such as the legume Phaseolus vulgaris. 6. plural Husks of cacao seeds, a decoction of which is sometimes used as a substitute or adulterant for cocoa and its products such as chocolate. 7. The conjoined scutes that comprise the "shell" (carapace) of a tortoise or turtle. 8. The overlapping hard plates comprising the armor covering the armadillo's body. 9. The accreted mineral formed around a hollow geode. 10. The casing of a self-contained single-unit artillery projectile. 11. A hollow usually spherical or cylindrical projectile fired from a siege mortar or a smoothbore cannon. It contains an explosive substance designed to be ignited by a fuse or by percussion at the target site so that it will burst and scattered at high velocity its contents and fragments. Formerly called a bomb. 12. The cartridge of a breechloading firearm; a load; a bullet; a round. 13. Any slight hollow structure; a framework, or exterior structure, regarded as not complete or filled in, as the shell of a house. 14. A garment, usually worn by women, such as a shirt, blouse, or top, with short sleeves or no sleeves, that often fastens in the rear. 15. A coarse or flimsy coffin; a thin interior coffin enclosed within a more substantial one. 16. (music) A string instrument, as a lyre, whose acoustical chamber is formed like a shell. 17. (music) The body of a drum; the often wooden, often cylindrical acoustic chamber, with or without rims added for tuning and for attaching the drum head. 18. An engraved copper roller used in print works. 19. (nautical) The watertight outer covering of the hull of a vessel, often made with planking or metal plating. 20. (nautical, rigging) The outer frame or case of a block within which the sheaves revolve. 21. (nautical) A light boat the frame of which is covered with thin wood, impermeable fabric, or water-proofed paper; a racing shell or dragon boat. 22. (computing) An operating system software user interface, whose primary purpose is to launch other programs and control their interactions; the user's command interpreter. 23. (chemistry) A set of atomic orbitals that have the same principal quantum number. 24. An emaciated person. 25. A psychological barrier to social interaction. 26. (business) A legal entity that has no operations. Thanks... And actually, the portal talk is the continuously returning part in which he has stuff to do with Aperture. I just keep going on about him being Chobit's cat. That's all. If you'd have explained it more detailedly, and with correct spelling, I might've not asked this a all.
  6. [Load random line of text here] Now that that's done with^ what's with all this portal talk about coz I can end it all right now as I have shell right here
  7. what is a space mine ? always here talk of them never seen one
  8. It's seems as if this thread is used for talking about Chobit's art whenever Chobit posts new images or someone has a question. The rest of the time, we talk about random off-topic things. Then someone makes a sub-thread for the off-topic discussion, it eventually dies out, and a new off-topic discussion begins on the main thread. This pattern appears to not have any end, and has repeated itself many times, both before and after the forum catastrophe, with a few occasional tweaks to the details. It is rumored that Chobit enjoys watching this and that it is all a secret ploy to keep her thread at the top of the page even if it's been a while since the last image.
  9. Hello, Great community but I hope people understand that there will be breaks in developer work; just go and try to do an animate with AE...I am learning about movie production, animation..gads I dont even want to do this...but there is a new learning experience..talk about learning curve...KSP is nothing to trying to do some animation...lucky as I go onwards there are ways to make things work quicker - you just have to keep trying... It takes time to make 'games' that are 'GOOD' ... this is a "GOOD" game - meaning that being "GOOD" when one understands it and likes it for what it is, it will always be there; that is one major benefit of single player; add streaming to SP games...WOW I havnt had so much fun and some people pop in and say hi in the stream - its kool - and I go to other KSP'r streams and reciprocate....we need that, some of us. I wish I could have gone to Iceland...WOW... Cdr Zeta
  10. Greetings, Below is a synopsis included in the stream...which is located at: http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta/b/398960394 The above stream was a live account and simulation on Kerbin Academy's SIMULATIONS computer, with the storyline below...from the desk of Cdr Zeta: ............. The Kerbin Mission pre-launch simulation... (PART 1) http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta/b/398775566 Rescue plane demo, orbital ops and landing, recovery operations...I still need to look at our rocket lifter selections so bear with me... I hope to launch the big stuff but these launches are lengthy - 15 to 20 minutes just to get into orbit around Kerbin..thus the need for game-time efficiency vs fuel efficiency tests came to be. The order if activities in unkown...there will be a few parts and a little ceremony at the end signifying the beginning of a new era - The Kerbin Mission, the discovery of Kerbin, and their reason for being... This from the desk of Commander Zeta, attache consulate space engineer from Zeta Reticuli and ambassador to the United Inter-Galactic Federation of Mutually Co-Existant Societies. a long time ago on a far distant planet in a far distant galaxy, a plant was borne...and it discovered a creature... the creature was small comparatively, but the plant was smaller...the plant spoke to the creature, and called it... Kerbal well this little kerbal had a name - "Billy Bob" billy bob was excited that the plant spoke to him, cause he dont talk much if at all - he is very shy but a nerd really he always wanted to be a space engineer, but his parents said no we want you to follow in our footsteps - gardening... well those old plants never talked to billy bob - not like this one he took it home and put it in a pot by his bedside...and fell asleep and dreamed...and dreamed...and dreamed the plant was with him...sometimes he didnt know it, but it was guiding him; drawing him to a future he could not possibly imagine... and then he awoke, told his parents he wanted to be a space engineer, and left home...so here he is now, a technician at Kerbin Academy...he likes to 'play' on the simulator...I have to keep after him... then one day I saw him take out a ship to test it (without authorization) - he does this and we dont get mad at him...he is a dreamer but we need to keep him on task...maybe we will see him sometime...there is a story to be told we think...only time will tell for "Billy Bob Kerman"... thus is the beginning of the end... commander zeta, space engineer and astronaut, arrives on Kerbin, sets up the Kerbin Academy, and for several weeks trains Kerbals Space Engineers...getting them ready to explore their solar system... this is the story of Cdr Zeta's training and Academy graduation tests, getting the academy ready for the Kerbal Engineers to use the Acadmey and it's simulators to build their dreams of flying into space...soon... the simulators will be only a tool as everything will then be real...the buildings, the ships, the explosions...may a brave Kerbal will join the ranks of the best of the best... ==================================================================== PART 1 Synopsis... previously, various simulations went awry...glitches in the computer systems, gremlins running amook... activities sometimes have many pauses, like now...one famous kerbal invented a strange desert and named it after one of Earth's countries...I am delighted to partake of this 'italian ice'...goes good with cookies and cake and whatever else I can find around here.... getting back to bizness... so far we have launched a 'mir' core...the Earth 'soviet peoples' have had Kerbals here interested in their old technologies...I was not overly happy with the inclusion of old and new technologies being parts of one ship, but after several conferences, I have been convinced of the many potential benefits of combining technologies...in fact (after a snak pause)...we are using old technologies here writing this dosier... pauses for food...whew.... where was i... the academy tests are going well for me now since the file system got fixed... we are still working on new communications presentation equip[ment (<<!)qwrdff2derrorerrrooero.... arrghhh.... wait i got a comms msg... I have just rcvd a communique from my comms advisor - he says there was another glitch in the telemakus thinguy...and as ytou can see my text computer is mesin up again.... he says some coive came in over the radio...it only said..."HAL9000"... We know what this is..I will have to chek into this... for now I will be doing a SIM on our new rescue plane - FIANYL!!...WOW...THE TEXT IS A MESS... ........... (PART 2) http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta/b/398960394 having set up the rescue plane display, Camford will now demonstrate the safety feature for the new rescue plane...unfortunately their is great risk on takeoff and no immediate rescue feature has been added...Kerbal pilots are aware of the great inheriant riskes ivloe...errrthis petwr..... wat is up with this hal9000 thing...bill just called me ugh rite in the middle of this demo... the high altitude demo you have just seen is to show pilot emergency recovery...normally in a rescue situation, this would not occur...next we will demonstrate (hopefully!) crew pod recovery ! (it looks like in this instance we cannot EVA so must end flite...we need to work on this - all scenarios must allow for pilot escape...not end flite...thus the need for simuations testing !) we will now demonstrate a normal flight and rescue ops...after the rescue we will then deploy a rescue recovery with crew pod in tact we hope ! oops !! camford has discovered 2 problems with emergency crew pod deployment...did you catch them !? note also that he is upset and worked the problem to save the imaginary crew !!!good for him !!! even tho he is an AI ! Camford just demonstrated the repairing of the Kerbal SUIT glitch !! This concludes this portio of the Kerbin Academy Rescue Plane Ops DEMO... looks like we passed ! but we need to fix a few things yet !!! lets hope I can remembver to do them !!!!! if this was a real kerbalnaut he wouldnt be very happy right now and I wouldf be in the drink for awhile - or clinker oir watever.... ...end comms... <<<<< So tonite looks like I need to review the problems above, and make the emergency deployment as good as it can be...the overall test was a major success (SIM-Wise)...there is still a major problem with the BRAKE sequencing and firing up on the runway - this has been solved by having the pilot manually move the kik-starters up forward prior to launch !!!!!!! The problem re-occured however during rescue ops SIM of engine fire-up with the brakes on so the pilots reall yneed to be on guard - still not sure how to implement this safety procedure - in one sim is cost an AI his life; at least the kik-starters were off and the pilot has time to cut the engines long enuf for him to figure out why the plane didnt move HAHA !! CDR Zeta PS It is anticipated the a trailer and movies will go into production soon, as well as new comm and mission control centers to be built - watch out for upcoming streams - they will be titled "Kerbin Mission" only - NO SIM when the buildings are bing built.
  11. You think moviemakers too incurious to care about depicting spaceflight realistically are going to worry about depicting realistic spacecraft design? Interesting. I think we agree that these details should only be included only insofar as they assist the narrative. Sure. I think we both agree that there's a lot of room in between simply leaving details out and getting details you bother to mention wrong. To get there, you kind of had to wait and dig a little. It was his way of sharing his passion, and you'd have to let him talk for a bit before you realized why the things he thought were nifty were interesting. He may not have gone about it in the best way, but all of our personalities have rough edges. Oh, yeah, agreed -- it's a lot more difficult. Which is why it's all the more rewarding when you see a story/movie that does it well. Oppressed? Good heavens, no. Just wishing there were more things up my particular alley. Of course, in that, I probably share feelings common to all humans. You think? I mean, I don't have access to numbers, but that would surprise me. You've obviously never gotten into a debate with a hardcore Star Trek fan about how closely their particular favored franchise follows physics. But seriously, I find rather frequently that when I encounter someone with bad ideas about space travel, their misconceptions exist because they expect spaceflight to be like it is depicted in some movie. "Not unimaginable" is a bit difficult to quantify, but I follow your point. I strongly suspect that that is not a story that would get published or filmed. If plausibility was important to them, the creators would look for some other way to tell their story. Right, but you seem to be putting those expectations into some kind of artificial tension with one another. That's what I'm finding curious.
  12. But that's the entire point. There's already an audience that is fiercely interested in your subject matter. If mimesis breaks for them -- if their suspension of disbelief is shattered -- they're no longer along for your ride. And that's a shame, because their deep interest means that they're the ones most likely to be loyal to your production after the novelty wears off. (Witness the countless threads in this forum asking for recommendations for fiction that depicts realistic spaceflight.) That's because we know details, so we'll be the ones to notice when someone else takes the time and makes the effort to try to get it right. I'm not saying that you add it in just to add it in. As with the discussion about portraying every mundane detail of spaceflight, you don't have to include it if it doesn't move the plot along or reveal something important about the characters. (Again, I'm not saying you add it in just to add it in. You keep pretending that that's what I want. Stop it. ) But defying what people interested in the subject matter know to be true is actively working against realism, and that's what we want to see flouted less often, precisely because we're interested in what you're trying to say about it. There seems to be this mindset that appealing to the broadest base possible ought to be the goal. Whether or not that's true, appealing to the broadest base possible is not exclusive to being realistic. (Enduring works of art are capable of communicating something to people with all levels of understanding. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor appeals to someone with limited musical knowledge in one way, and to the person who understands music theory deeply in another. The techncial excellence of Bach's composition is not mere "padding"; it gives the work life to those who care enough about it to notice the care given to the structure.) Making personal attacks on people who enjoy realism (and how much fun they must be at parties) takes this mindset to the degree that it can insult people and mistake that for a logical point. Sure, if that's the only thing that matters to you(*). But if you're considering how physics plays into the story as a whole, then you're being no more of a pedant than someone who examines two different elements of the story (e.g., plot points or characters) and tries to talk out their worth/realism/contribution to the narrative. (*) And if you're not doing it for, say, the fun of the exercise alone. Believe it or not, examining the physics behind speculative or futuristic stories is fun for its own sake for some people. Don't make the mistake of thinking everyone has to enjoy the same things you enjoy in the same way that you enjoy them, or even that you know exactly why some things are fun for others. I know. Not my point. My point is that they can be without long explanations about how guns work. Because they're the ones who are most likely to be interested in seeing what I have to say before I even get going. The narrative has to be strong enough to keep those without that prior interest, of course; but if I write a story in ancient Persia, I can expect to sell it in part because that setting already appeals to some people. With that in mind, I'd be remiss not to learn what historical ancient Persia was like and to try to remain consistent with it. That's the assertion you keep making (without basis), and it's precisely that which I mean to contest. You don't have to add detail that doesn't pertain to your story. You also don't have to defy reality in order to get your story across. A lot of fellow space geeks I spend time with hated the movie Armageddon, for example, and I think that it was because it broke the contract it was setting up with people who enjoy the subject matter for its own sake. It started out with Charleton Heston narrating CGI depicting the K-T impact 65 million years ago that created Chicxulub Crater and wiped out the dinosaurs (and lots of other creatures). The voiceover threw out information about the timing, the size of the asteroid, and the energy released on impact(**); I think that set a lot of space geeks to think that this would be a film that would be an attempt to depict asteroid diversion and its challenges with a certain degree of realism. When it came out and actually displayed sub-comic-book-level physics, they felt as if some sort of initial promise made to them by the movie's creators had been violated. Of course, Armageddon was a very successful movie. It's patently obvious that most people don't care about realism. But for those who already have an interest, we just want to be able to attend a movie about our interest without feeling like we're being misled or that certain things are done more for the convenience of the plot the creators wanted than because the creators respect our fascination with the general subject matter. (**) Yeah, it was all wrong, but a theater's not exactly the place to whip out some paper and a scientific calculator to check the figures. That depends on the story, doesn't it? If there's no reason for that information to be in the story, there's no reason to mention it. But no one is saying you need to add this information in without cause or context. If you need to have heat radiators in your story for whatever reason, just make sure they don't violate what we know to be true. That's all. (Here's where movies are at a disadvantage. If a book were written about the world's greatest poet, for example, readers would feel cheated if you didn't show some of the poetry -- or, even worse, if you tried to show some of the poetry, and it really wasn't that good. If heat radiators are important to your story, and your story pays a passing nod to realism, those who know how heat works will be disappointed if you show them and they clearly violate realism.) Consider the parallel way in which detective fiction can make up cause-effect relationships that don't actually exist (magic tech that can pull DNA samples from a fifteen-year-old blood stain, for example) or laws that aren't actually on the books that criminals can be charged with. Most people won't care. But as for those who are already interested in real-life detective work, their mimesis is shattered and their suspension of disbelief is gone. You've lost them. It's a question of craft, of the care that goes into a work. In a fundamental way, we all expect craft at some level, evidence that the artist has put in effort, some clue that she respects the audience she is trying to communicate to with her art. Those who can perceive the degree of craft more deeply will (or, at least, should) appreciate it more deeply. As an engineer, I think it curious that you seem to find those two things at odds with one another.
  13. Awesome! Can I name it? ThatBum, I always imagine rockets like that falling apart on scene load on the runway. Probably because I'm just crap at making them. Also, those tail sections are looking nice and I considered using them for clustering. They weigh a whole lot more that the structural ex-docking ports. If you can't tell, money is tight over here at Payload Space Industries. Why do you think we are down to launching Newzon Kerbal? Talk about the wrong stuff. Oh did I forget to mention. That space plane can get to orbit by itself from the runway. So why don't I fly it that way? Because it takes for ever and it's boring. Jeb and Bob haven't been putting in hard hours on the mun moving all that kethane for nothing.
  14. To tell the truth, I'm going to write an abstract analysis about the communication form of KSP Forum for other forums / talk places to refer.
  15. woah. cool. I thought it was sacrilege to talk about multiplayer KSP.
  16. Ever do anything for the military(....that you can talk about if so)?
  17. CHAPTER 16 KERBIN SOI – KERBIN BRAKING BURN *** - What are you talking about? - If it was followed by a coronal mass ejection, quite possible with a flare so big... so if this mass ejection was directed towards Kerbin and if it hit... - Stop right there. I don't want to listen it. We're going home, you hear me? WE'RE GOING HOME! Turn on the damn beacon! - Good. Now keep an eye on anything even remotely unusual, I'll be right back. - Okey-dokey. - Captain's log, entry 167. Is it possible? Could all this struggle, all our hopes be for nothing? Could the Sun really have destroyed our civilisation in one violent blast? Or maybe it's just our paranoia, delusions of a cosmic castaways? Kerbin is visible with a naked eye, soon we will pass Minmus orbit, than after a few hours Mun's and finally we will reach Kerbin itself. Whatever happens next, this is the end of our journey. I have to say that I couldn't have imagined better ship than „Kadmosâ€Â. Being the pinnacle of the spacecraft technology, he still barely made it. Against all ods, pierced by meteorites, bathed in deadly radiation, and almost torn apart by excessive aerobraking „Kadmos†still manages to get us here, to get us home. Before us lies the last obstacle on a very long list - achieving the parking orbit above Kerbin is our last task. This is probably my last entry, at least I hope so. What more can I say? We all did our best. Soon we'll see if there is any happy ending to our journey. Stop. Save and close the file. - ENTRY RECORDED. - Have you contacted the mission control? - Not yet. I'm checking every channel used by KASA but so far there is only a white noise. Maybe when we will get closer our sensors will pick something. - And what about our distress signal? - The beacon is operational but it seems that nobody has detected us yet. - Strange. As soon as you notice anything which could… - Wait! Did you hear that? - Here what? - Listen! …yuz…o for…mission…docki…epeat… - My Kod… - Checking the signal. It's definitely KASA! Weird though, it seems to be on one of this old emergency channels. - Who cares! My Kod, a new voice after 12 months… - You know Jeb, it doesn't mean anything. It could be some old message from broken comsat or something, we still don't know if this sun flare… - Cut it out with this stupid doomsday theory of yours, will ya? We have lost the contact more than a year ago, we've just reached the Kerbin SOI and you think you know what happened here? - Well, neither do you. - But I'm not assuming anything, so don't act like you crazy idea is legitimate in any way. Now, can we send anything using this channel? - Yes, we can use it. - Ok, record this. Ready? Go. Mission Control, Mission Control, this is “Kadmosâ€Â, I repeat, this is IMPV “Kadmosâ€Â, captain Jebedaiah Kerman speaking. Our ship is in a critical condition, we request immediate assistance. This is captain Jebedaiah from “Kadmosâ€Â, two my crew members are badly injured and our landers are non operational, we require transport from to the surface. Mission Control, Mission Control, this is “Kadmosâ€Â. The ship is on an escape trajectory from Kerbin SOI and we're going to execute braking burn in a few hours, our current periapsis is almost 5000 km above Kerbin. Mission Control, Mission Control, this is “Kadmosâ€Â, please respond. Stop. - Got it. - Now play it after every three beacon signals. They have to notice this. I'm going to check out how Sid and Buzz are doing. - Hey guys, how are you feeling? Everything all right Buzz? - Come on Jeb, you know that we're all thinking now about one thing only: home. - I know. And you Sid? - I can't complain. I can see Kerbin out of this window and that's something you don't expect to hear from someone seriously injured far away in a deep space. When Mac told me what happened, I was pretty surprised I make it at all. And the fact that we're here, after all those misfortunes – that's quite astonishing, I would say. - Yeah, that's true. But we did it and now there is only one thing to do before the happy ending. - What? Did we regain communication with Mission Control? - Not yet but don't worry, it will happen soon. In the meantime, considering “Kadmos†fragile state, I think we all should carry on accordingly to the emergency lifeboat procedure. - What do you mean? - We can't aerobrake nor we can land on Kerbin's surface. We have to wait for some KASA's vehicle and it may even require some extra-vehicular activity from us, so we need to be prepared. I want everyone to be fully suited and in the command pod during the braking burn. This way we will be back in home as soon as possible… what is it - Sid? - Rescue mission? You think we need a rescue? - I guess you can use the term “assistance†but does it matter? - Oh yes it does. We weren't defeated, “Kadmos†is still operational and I consider this a huge success after all we've been through. We're not some helpless castaways in a derelict ship, we're the first mission to the very edge of Kerbol system returning safely to home after 2 years in space. You think we failed as a pioneers? I don't think so. - Listen Sid, we can argue semantics all day if you want, but only after I inhale some good ol'Kerbin's air, okay? - Good point Buzz. Okay, start prepping for the braking burn, I'll help you after I finish some engine calibrations. Mac, if you need some help ask Ned, he's not doing anything until we receive a response from home. - All right Jeb. - And how's it? - Still nothing and we are very close now. I have a bad feeling about this. - What about those readings we detected close to Kerbin? - Whatever it is, it's on the other hemisphere now. On the other hand, KSC should pass the terminator soon, so we still have the chance to contact them before braking - burn. - I don't think so, we are couple of minutes from periapsis. Well, first we shall worry about this maneuver – did you check the reactor chamber? - Well, not when I was here trying to contact Mission Control, but I checked it this morning like always. You know the calculations, if we don't exceed 27% of reactor power level we shall be all right. There were some minor problems with pressure but I can't really do anything with it without tools and you know it. - Yeah. Go tell them to come here, we're starting in a few minutes. - Everyone ready? This is the last thing between us and home guys, cheer up. Sid? - I'm ready, it's just a weird feeling to be in a spacesuit again. - Are you sure you're okay? - Yeah, don't worry about me. - Okay then. T+5 minutes. The braking burn will take some time due to power limits. - All right. - It's a shame there ain't more windows here. - By the way, have you closed all the hatches between modules? - Err… no? - Than what are you waiting for? Do it. Sid was right, we're not some desperate castaways, we're kerbonauts on a mission and we will do this last maneuver by the book. - Aye-aye, sir! - I will treat this irony as a sign of your recovery, Buzz. T+3 minutes. - You know, we were lucky to stick with the Dragons after all, without those CO2 filters we will have some serious problems by now. - And speaking of which, when will we have these problems? - You mean increasing level of CO2? - Okay, all hatches closed! - Yup. - Well, according to my calculations more or less in 3 days. - Wow, we're really pushing it, don't we? - You know, it could… - Quiet everyone! - Is this Mission Control?! - Hush! …tify yourself. Repeat, identify yourself immediately. - That's them! Oh my Kod, that's really them! - Mission Control, Mission Control, this is “Kadmosâ€Â, captain Jebedaiah Kerman speaking. - This is CAPCOM from Mission Control. If this is a joke, it ain't funny. “Kadmos†was declared lost almost year ago and you know about it because there was a national mourning day. Identify yourself immediately! Using the KASA emergency frequency is forbidden by law and punishable by… - No, you don't understand! This is not a joke, I am captain Jebadaiah from IMPV “Kadmosâ€Â. Didn't you receive our distress signal? We are… - Jeb, the braking burn! - Frak! Ned, talk to them! - Mission Control, this is Flight Engineer Nedfurt speaking. Check our ID and trajectory if you don't believe us. - Main engine operational! - We require assistance immediately, our ship is badly damaged – send us someone! - ID is correct, trajectory seems to be of an interplanetary origin… Great Scott, is this possible? "Kadmos"? - Yes, that's really us! - Buzz, give me the reactor power level, will you? - But after this solar storm we thought you are dead, we were trying to contact you for weeks but you were not responding! We lost almost all the DSN satellites because of this flare and… - 21% - Listen, can you send any ship up here? There are two injured crew members here. - 23%, be careful Jeb. - Let me think, let me think… we can use the current Soyuz mission, we're preparing for a launch to the Beta Station right now. It would take some time though. - 25%! - I see, I see! - Yes, yes, send to us whatever you have! Use our distress signal to determine our location, we're currently executing the braking burn, our expected orbit after the burn is 4992... - â€ÂKadmosâ€Â? …mos? Repeat, I can't… sion Contro... repe… - What the hell? - WARNING. POWER FAILURE IN COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. - Oh come on, right now?! - Buzz, talk to me! - 26,78%, this ain't looking good! - Come on baby, just a few hundred meters per second more! - Mission Control, this is “Kadmosâ€Â. Mission Control, do you hear me? - COMMENCING COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM RESTART. - Look at the pressure readings! - Jeb, we've passed 30%! - I'm on a zero throttle already! - The pressure is rising! - Kill the engine! - I can't, the reactor is...
  18. CHAPTER 14 AEROBRAKING: EVE *** <source: archive/kh9G3/kadmos_hatch_cam1> <extracting audio files> <initializing voice recognition protocol> <processing> <transcription ready> KADMOS: CLOSING HATCH. EQUALIZING PRESSURE. UNRECOGNIZED: [heavy breathing] KADMOS: WARNING. CONTAMINATION DETECTED. RADIATION LEVEL ABOVE SAFETY LIMIT. PLEASE REMOVE YOUR SPACESUIT IMMEDIATELY AND PROCEED WITH DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURE. UNRECOGNIZED: [gasping] KADMOS: PLEASE REMOVE YOUR SPACESUIT IMMEDIATELY AND PROCEED WITH DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURE. UNRECOGNIZED: [unrecognised] KADMOS: PLEASE REMOVE YOUR SPACESUIT IMMEDIATELY AND PROCEED WITH DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURE. CPT. JEBADAIAH: ...my Kod... I... I saw it... - Pause it. You see? I told you, we have to do something about this. - Do what Ned? What could we possibly do? He's probably the best pilot the space program has ever seen, do you really think that either of us is capable of aerobraking without his help? - Dammit Buzz, you just saw him practically kill himself! He's unstable! - So what? Maybe you want to control “Kadmos†while we burn to death in Eve's atmosphere? Huh? - You're the second in command! You can do this. We'll have better chance with you behind the control panel. - No, no. No. I can't. I won't. Don't ask for it. - What, is that your guilt speaking again? We don't know what caused this trajectory change, do we have to go through this again? It was probably just the malfunction, it wasn't your fault. - But it could be! It could be! - Buzz, I beg you... - FOR WHAT? I screwed up, okay?! We together were trying to figure this out before, remember? We just wanted to get home, but we messed up. Eve is closer and closer. We're going to burn. We will burn, Ned. - Oh frak it! - Where are you going Ned? You can't hide, not from the whole ship! There is no other way, you hear me?! - Go to hell! - Jeb? Jeb! - Hmm? What were you saying? - Kod damn it... Jeb! Get a hold of yourself! We're minutes from aerobraking. - I know.. I know. - Jeb, you're the captain. You have to snap out of it! - Leave me alone, I'm fine. - Are you sure? - DON'T TOUCH ME. Tell everyone to prepare for aerobraking. I'm going to the command pod. - Thank Kod... - Ned? What are you doing here? Where's Buzz? - … - I see. If you want to be helpful you can check on the structural integrity and the accelerometers - Okay. - And turn on the intercom while you are there. - This? - Yes. Is it working? Okay. This is Jeb speaking. I know you're all scared. We all know what the situation is. “Kadmos†is about to slam into Eve's atmosphere with a velocity of 19 thousand km/h. We would be stupid not to be scared. We are the elites of the elites, though, the best; we are the kerbonauts. Not so long ago I saw something which helped me find the will to live again, and though I can't share my experience with you all, I can say this: the Universe is vast and full of miracles. We saw unimaginable things out there far beyond where any Kerbal hasn't been before, yet we didn't see even a tiny fraction of solar system's wonders. I want to live and see them for myself: I'm not letting this crew to die nor will I let “Kadmos†fall apart. We will survive! We will live, laugh, breath and explore, because this is the very essence of our souls. Prepare for the aerobraking, my friends! We are not going down! In this time of trials WE SHALL PREVAIL! center] - T-20 seconds. RCS operational. SAS ready. Main engine ready. Ned? - Structural integrity 79,76%. - Ok. Commencing countdown. T-5, T-4, T-3, T-2, RCS online, T-1, begin aerobraking! - Structural integrity is 79,70% and falling. - Ugh! It's harder to balance than I thought. Stabilizing. - Integrity 79,5%. - What the hell? Its denser than we thought! - Structural integrity 79%. Five G! - But we're barely skimming the atmosphere! - Integrity 78,92% and falling! - WARNING. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY BELOW SAFETY LIMIT. PLEASE SUSPEND EXECUTING CURRENT MANEUVER. - 10 G, integrity 78,13%! - Come on baby, hold together! - 15 G! - WARNING. G FORCE ABOVE SAFETY LIMIT. PLEASE SUSPEND EXECUTING CURRENT MANEUVER. - Ugh! Talk to me Ned! - Integrity 77,5%, 20 G! - ALERT. HULLS TEMPERATURE ABOVE SAFETY LIMIT. MULTIPLE STRUCTURAL FAILURES. INCREASING PRESSURE IN SECTION F. - Ned?! - … - ALERT. G FORCE REACHING LETHAL LEVEL. PLEASE SUSPEND EXECUTING CURRENT MANEUVER. - No! I... will... I... can't... - WARNING. PROCEEDING WITH CURRENT MANEUVER MAY SEVERLY DAMAGE THE SHIP. MULTIPLE MALFUNCTIONS IN LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM. ABORT ALL ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY. - …?! - ALERT. CONNECTION WITH MINER UNIT BREACHED. ALL MINER UNIT'S SYSTEMS NONRESPONSIVE. INCREASING PRESSURE IN ALL SECTIONS .ABORT ALL ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY. - ...no!... - ...ugh... - CRITICAL ALERT. HULL'S TEMPERATURE 2582 DEGREES. PRESSURE IN REACTOR CHAMBER ABOVE SAFETY LIMITS. ABORT ALL ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY. - ...argh!... - CRITICAL ALERT. RCS NON RESPONSIVE. SAS NON RESPONSIVE. CONTROL OVER THE SHIP LOST. - ...! - CRITICAL SYSTEMS ENDANGERED. COMMENCING MAIN COMPUTER EMERGENCY RESET. HAVE A NICE DAY.
  19. CHAPTER 13 KERBOL SOI – EVE SOI *** - Play the entry number 36 - AFFRIMATIVE. Captain's log, entry 36. Everything seems to be fine. As I record these words we're travelling further and further away from Jool. The transfer burn executed yesterday was successful, though we still need some course corrections to intercept Kerbin. I think my decision about abandoning the mission was right – we are unable to pursue what's left of our planned schedule without risking being stranded in space forever, a risk I can't take, not after what happened to Sidely. Mac has performed the surgery but there still aren't any signs of improvement. Our current lack of communication with Mission Control might cost Sid his life. We'll soon lose contact with even the probes above Laythe and Tylo. Our onboard comms equipment allows us to receive transmissions only at a the range of just 50 thousands kilometres, slightly more than the altitude of Minmus above home. We're truly alone this far out here. - END OF RECORDING. - Play the entry number 37. - AFFIRMATIVE. Captain's log, entry 37. It's been five days since the transfer burn. Sid's stable, but with no signs of improvement. We are all happy that we're going back home. Tomorrow we will lose contact with the probes; all the data received from them during our journey through the Jool system is safely stored in an onboard computer. I hope it will be worth the cost, both of Kerbals and money. - END OF RECORDING. - Play the entry number 41. - AFFIRMATIVE. Captain's log, entry 41. Jool is getting smaller and smaller every day, soon we won't be able to spot it with the naked eye. Buzz has reported some minor malfunctions in the navigation computer, he's checking it out as I speak. Sid's getting better and his EEG shows increased brain activity. Mac finds this very auspicious. Maybe all of this will end well after all? - END OF RECORDING. - Play the next entry. - AFFIRMATIVE. Captain's log, entry 42. We have a long journey ahead of us, but fortunately not one as perilous as exploring the Jool system was. We're just a tiny speck in a vast dark ocean out here. When I look at the map sometimes it really hits me... - Pause. Open the trajectory simulation 18A. - PROCESSING. SIMULATION FOUND. DISPLAYING. - Play. - AFFIRMATIVE … how lonely our ship is in this unimaginably vast void. The nearest spacecraft are millions of kilometres from us. Jool ExoProbe I launched shortly after our departure from home and should arrive at it's destination in a few months, and Jool ExoProbe II is trapped in a solar orbit after a malfunction. After that, there's just our probes above Laythe and Tylo, “Kadmosâ€Â, and nothing but a cold, radiation-filled space. We're months from home but at least we're on a good course. - END OF RECORDING. DO YOU WISH TO CLOSE THE SIMULATION? - No. Open the entry number 63. - AFFIRMATIVE. Captain's log, entry 63. We're devastated. It turns out that there were serious malfunctions in the navigation computer, or maybe a mistake during impromptu reprogramming? We'll probably never find out, but it doesn't matter. The navigation hardware is fried and we are on a intercept trajectory with Eve. We can't correct it without computers, without which the sightliest error could devastate our chances of reaching Kerbin, and anyways we don't have enough fuel to compensate for it. The nearest place where kethane mining may be possible is Gilly, for that matter. Buzz and Ned are still calculating our options. This is bad. - END OF RECORDING. - Play the next entry. - AFFRIMATIVE. Captain's log, entry 64. We don't have enough fuel to reduce our speed so we can execute a transfer burn from Eve's orbit to home. We have to aerobrake in the densest atmosphere in the Kerbol system and with the interplanetary speed at that. May Kod have mercy on our souls. - END OF RECORDING. - Play the entries 65, 66, 78 and 84. - AFFIRMATIVE. Captain's log, entry 65. Sid has waken up. I still haven't decided whether to tell him what's going on or not. He's sad that the he's missed so much. I promised him that when he's feeling better I'll let him examine some samples. He was surprised that we no longer have science modules, to say the least. At least there's something good about all this. Captain's log, entry 66. Calculations are finished. We don't have any other option: we have to aerobrake and then try and reach Kerbin's orbit and from Eve. Without a navigation computer it will be extremely difficult – luckily we still have one of those Protractor calculators. We still have months before we reach Eve, so there is plenty of time to do maths. Our aerobraking speed shouldn't be that bad. We'll probably have to give up aerobraking at Kerbin however, a second aerobraking would certainly destroy the “Kadmosâ€Â. I just hope we survive the first one Captain's log, entry 78. The results are irrefutable. Maclorf has leukemia. Ironic considering that he spent most of his time taking care of Sid in the medic bay with quite good radiation shielding while Ned who was sitting near the reactor chamber the entire time feels all right. Captain's log, entry 84. Ned has finished the aerobraking simulation. In our previous calculations we didn't include the slingshot effect of Kerbol. Our predicted maximum load is almost 40 G. - END OF PLAYLIST. - Play the last three entries. - AFFIRMATIVE Captain's log, entry 139. We barely see each other now. We don't talk anymore. The ship is silent. We are in a deathrap made of metal and plastic accelerated to thousands kilometres per hour. I continue my Kerbol studies – it has been what, 2 months since I started? I don't feel the passing of time any longer. The sun is magnificent. Captain's log, entry 140. We will soon reach periapsis. We are closer to the Kerbol than Moho is and just few weeks ago we watched it's transit. It's indescribably beautiful, mesmerizing. I don't remember when I ate for the last time. I can't sleep – I keep thinking about the Sun. http://youtu.be/dp7z8Gvexas Captain's log, entry 141. Today we will reach the periapsis. Today I'm going to do this. When I look back at what we've accomplished... - END OF RECORDING. - Editing. Start from the end of the last entry. Commence recording. - AFFIRMATIVE. RECORDING IN 3, 2, 1. - … I can't find anything that could even begin to compare with this view. I understand now why for centuries all over the world the Sun was worshipped as a Kod. We're close and there is nobody to stop me now. I'm going out. Stop. - ENTRY RECORDED. - Close all the files. Log me out. Prepare the airlock for EVA. - AFFIRMATIVE. - Open the hatch. - WARNING. RADIATION LEVEL ABOVE SAFETY LIMITS. EVA IMPOSSIBLE. - Override. This is the direct command from the captain. - AFFIRMATIVE. OPENING THE HATCH.
  20. CHAPTER 1 LOW KERBIN ORBIT – KERBOL SPHERE OF INFLUENCE *** - This is Mission Control - „Kadmosâ€Â, you are go to trans-Jool injection burn. This. Was. Awesome! We're going to Jool! I''M SO EXCITED! Now, where is this checklist? Oh, here it is: Mission checklist - Phase 1 Do not explode on a launching pad - CHECK Do not fall apart during orbital ascend - CHECK Reach destination nr 1 - Low Kerbin Orbit - CHECK Randez-vous with cargo and fuel delivery - CHECK Check all systems - CHECK Randez-vous with Kethane Miner Unit - CHECK [note: isn't it a little too heavy? I'm concerned about our delta V; on the other hand, we have potentially unlimited acces to fuel with this vehicle] Check all systems once again - CHECK Prepare for Jool Transfer Burn - CHECK Check all systems, just to be sure - CHECK Reach destination nr 2 – Jool Transfer Burn Point - CHECK Execute Jool Transfer Burn - CHECK Do not explode or fall apart during Jool Transfer Burn - CHECK Check all systems - CHECK Calculate course corrections if needed - CHECK Deploy solar panels above Low Kerbin Orbit - uhm...CHECK? [note: micrometeorite or debris apparently destroyed one of Gigantor Solar arrays; no big deal though, we need only 2 of them and 3 out of 4 are still operational – near Jool we would have to rely on RTG anyway] So far, so good. Ok, so what's next? Enjoy the view - ... Reach destination nr 3 – Kerbin Sphere of Influence border - ... Check all systems - ... Execute course corrections if needed - ... END OF PHASE 1 Hmm, that sounds pretty.. - „Kadmos†to Mission Control, „Kadmos†to Mission Control. We remind you about scheduled mission plan review, you should finish it before you pass Mun orbit. - Roger that. *** - Guys, let's get this over with, I would love to take some pictures of Mun. Sid, as our Mission Scientist I guess it is you who have all the details. - Affirmative, captain. - Great, so show us what you got. And please, call me Jeb. - Splendid, uhm, Jeb. First, let's take a look at this photos. I allowed myself to make some notes.. - Very professional. - This is Jool system. Unfortunately we can't make any direct observations on Bop or Pol, but we are sure they are there due to some gravitational interactions between Jool and his three big moons. - Don't worry doc, we'll make a lot of pics when we'll get there. - Yes, yes. Our planned trajectory is simple, from the closest moon to the most distant, which is Tylo. - No landing? What a shame. - Well, since this is a first mission there it wouldn't be the best idea to take such a risk. Nevertheless, there is some landing planned on Vall. - Wait, I thought we will be mining on asteroides due to almost negligible gravity. Why Vall? - Good point Buzz. So why Vall, Sid? - First of all, we do not know if they are kethane deposits on any of the Jool moons. But if we find them, then maybe on a way back from Bop and Pol we will use them. Our landers and kethane miner unit are not designed to land on Tylo or Laythe anyway. Speaking of Laythe.. - Damn, I want to land there so badly.. - I'm sorry cap.., I mean Jeb, but not this time. I firmly believe that next mission will land there. - Yeah, sure. So we will aerobrake in Jool atmosphere, than aerobrake in Laythe atmosphere, than go to Vall, then Tylo and the asteroides. That's right? - Exactly. And when we will refuel on Bop or Pol we will have to, how can I say it, make some decision. It's very.. - Great, great, wonderful Sid. Ok guys, that's it – you're dismissed. - But.. - Dismissed I said! *** - „Kadmos†to Mission Control. - Roger Mission Control, go ahead. - Everything is looking good, so we think it's the time to open this special locker in your cabin. - Great, I was wondering why there is something like this on this ship in the first place. - Okay. Listen Jeb, we will tell you what the combination is, so grab some pen, repeat after us and write it down. - Roger, I'm ready. - The combination is: one.. - One! - ..two.. - Two! - ..three.. - Three! - ..four.. - Four! - ..five. - Five! So the combination is 12345. OH COME ON, that's the stupidest combination I've ever heard in my life! That's the kind of thing an idiot would have on his computer or something! Really, guys.. Guys? - We hear you „Kadmosâ€Â. - Ehm.. why don't I hear Flight Director? - It's Flight Dynamics Officer speaking, Flight Director has to, hmm, change some security settings of KASA main server. - … - Open the locker, Jeb. - … - Open the locker, Jeb. - … - Hello, Jeb, do you read us? - Affirmative. - Open the locker than. - I'm sorry FIDO, but I'm afraid I can't do that. - What's the problem? - Well, I already opened it. And could you tell me what the hell is this? Kadmos-the T-shirt, KW Rocketry-the Coloring Book, BobCat-the Lunch box, Lionhead-the Breakfast Cereal.. even Romfarer's Laser Gun! Hm, that's actually cool, but what the heck these things are doing here? - As you know, „Kadmos†is a joint venture between KASA and top-tier private space companies. One of the conditions of our agreement is that at least 20% of each public transmission from „Kadmos†will contain some product placement. - I don't believe it... And what is THIS? - Are you talking about big metallic sphere by any chance? - Affirmative. - Jeb, this is Complex Robotic Assistant and AutoPilot. - Oh crap.. - You are familiar with this model? - No, no, just.. is it really necessary? Hello, I'm the first Kerbal on Mun? I know how to fly, goddamit! - It also makes toastes and very good coffee. - All right, I will give it a shot. *** <establishing connection> <executing Kerbin_r.exe> /* compute additional coordinate points */ radius=sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]+pos[2]*pos[2]); /* km */ declination=(180.0/M_PI)*asin(pos[2]/radius); RightAscension=(180.0/M_PI)*atan2(pos[1],pos[0]); if(RightAscension<0.0) RightAscension+=360.0; /* compute date & UTC */ <connection established (Kadmos_ship; Interplanetary ComSat_pr; MissionCTRL_h)> <commencing transmission> - Wow. Mission Control to „Kadmosâ€Â, Mission Control to „Kadmosâ€Â. - Yes Jeb, go on? - Do I have to look at this computer gibberish everytime when we will talk from now on? - Negative Jeb, it was just confirming your coordinates. And by the way, congratulations, you are in a deep space now. - Oh my <executing end_r.exe> <end of transmission>
  21. No budget constraints. No political bullcrap. No program getting cancelled halfway through. No ground testing. No paperwork. No research. No material failures. No bidding on contracts. No systems testing. No worries of integrating Part A by one contractor with Part B from another contractor, running with System C by an agency in another country, all controlled by software from yet another contractor. No worrying about getting parts on time. No worry on not having parts in stock. No worries about crew health. No worry about the crews' Garn levels. No worry that the oxygen tank might explode. No worrying that the radio won't let you talk between two buildings. No kerbals hanging lemons on the simulator. No simulator. No training. No hatch blowing early. No torque meter to check that each screw is installed just right. No crew selection. No crew getting bumped for having measles. No pissing contest with the another country. No micrometeorites. No congressional committees when the rocket fails. No two year wait when a kerbal dies. No weather constraints. No public relations. No 1201 alarm. No trying SCE to Aux. But that's just a few differences off the top of my head.
  22. *** PROLOGUE Welcome, this is Jeb speaking. I have something to announce – we are going to Jool! Yes, you heard it – the most promising mission ever will finally take place. Take your seats and relax, your minds will be blown by this news. Behold the jewel in the crown of Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Agency fleet, the biggest and mightiest ship ever build - „Kadmosâ€Â! Impressive, most impressive, isn't it? And it's me, captain Jeb Kerman, who will fly this baby to the very edge of Kerbol system. Years have passed since my famous first-Kerbal-on-Mun landing and technological development is significant. It's not like the old days anymore, when KASA (Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Agency, duh?) funded all the missions. Today there is a huge market of competing private companies, which are able not only of constructing parts for KASA but whole probes or ships as well. Though I have to say that sometimes I miss my old flights. You know, only you, your command pod, several tones of combustible explosives and joystick. Those were the days! Anyway, thanks to this private companies we were able to dream about unreachable – the Jool system. Gas giant, three moons, two asteroids – think about the science! Costs would be astronomical of course, but so the awesomeness. Launching one probe or one lander would be pointless, much effective and cheaper would be sending one big ship to make grand tour in Jool sphere of influence. However any manned mission to such a distant object would be impossible without three key inventions, which made it imaginable: 1. The engine The further you want to go, the more fuel you need. More fuel = more mass = more powerful engines = heavier and less effective engines = more fuel needed = more mass... you get the point. Travelling to the Mun is a piece of cake – you have to reach orbit, than burn for intercept, than burn for circulate orbit and finally burn for returning trajectory. Been there, done that. But Jool is completely different. If you want to investigate whole system, you need to repeat those steps few times. This plus trajectory corrections, changing inclination and so on results in a very challenging design requirements. Powerful engines are heavy and not efficient, efficient are heavy and not powerful. It was the Luecome Nuclear Space Industries which delivered this so needed technology. Just take a look how gigantic improvement their engine was: 2. The hull All motherships designs before K1 Truss Alpha were too delicate to support mass of the ship alone, not to mention surviving through aerobraking tensions. It was Fusty's project that finally was capable of meeting all the requirements. But because of a modular structure it was not enough. There was needed some strut-like solution, but without struts – you know, how can you separate modules if you connected them with steel in a first place? The solution – cutting-edge Quantum Strut technology. Now we're talking – no wobbling, no falling apart (I hope so), no structural failure. 3. The inflatable modules Ah yes, living space. Two days in a tuna can, I mean Munar Module, is ok but when the journey takes two years that's something completely different. Life support system is heavy and with crew quarters it means a lot of additional weight. Solution is simple and brilliant – inflatable modules! Light, safe (relatively) and even with some artificial gravity thanks to BobCat engineers. We will be sleeping in centifuge with nice 1G, but the rest of the ship is a non-G environment, included the 60m2 inflatable habitat modules. So, to summarize this for you guys, some facts about our ship: „Kadmos†- Interplanetary Mothership Vehicle Ares I–class crew - 5 height - 112m diameter - 5m mass – 399,29t (modular structure) TWR on Kerbin – 2.06 ÃŽâ€v (atmosphere) - 5227m/s, T 6m56s ÃŽâ€v (vacuum) - 10637m/s, T 15m10s engines – Z-Pinch nuclear fusion, two MPSS NERVA, two H.O.M.E. Radial aerospikes; during Kerbal ascent four Jool V boosters payload to Low Jool Orbit - est. 70T two Dragon Landers - with monopropelant-based engines two Thor Explorer Probes Kethane Miner – 36t vehicle launch separately, critical to the mission success MechJeb pilot assistant system ORDA docking assistant Romfarer's Lazor integration Protractor interplanetary navigation system Kadmos was an ancient hero who defeated dragon by sowing the dragon's teeth in the ground, from which sprang a race of fierce warriors. And so we will sow probes around Jool. I don't really get the analogy, but the eggheads in KASA find it cool for some reason. So who are those lucky Kerbals who will have chance to truly became a living legend? Except of me, of course, 'cause I already am. Not lucky, a living legend. Well, maybe a little lucky too. Anyway, here is the crew: Jeb – Mission Commander That's me. Pilot and navigator, top tier training, first Kerbal on Mun. I will be responsible for, what a shock, navigation, manoeuvres of „Kadmos†and probes and landers. I'm the boss, I mean if we somehow lost contact with Mission Control, my decisions will be final. No democracy in space, folks. Buzz – Flight Computer Engineer Buzz will take care of all those subsystems, namely Lazor, ORDA, in general all computer stuff. In case of unlikely event of malfunction, he will repair them. In case of extremely unlikely event of, uhm, well, let's just say he is second in command, ok? Nedfurt – Flight Engine Engineer Experimental fusion engine, two ol'fashioned NERVA's and H.O.M.E. Boosters. This plus fuel equals 220t of highly sophisticated machinery with possibility of big kaboom. Nedfurt will do his best to make sure this won't happen. Maclorf – Flight Medic Responsible for our physical and mental health, – I hope he would be bored. In charge of life system support and our supplies. Also responsible for contact with media and proper social interaction. Will be studying psychological and biological effects of prolonged space journey. Sidely – Mission Scientist He knows stuff. That's pretty much it. No, I'm kidding. Sid is responsible for experiment equipment, sample processing, logging and storage. He has a vast knowledge about Jool system in particular, he is also a specialist in geology, geochemistry, planetology and organic chemistry. That's it for now. See you next time on Low Kerbin Orbit! - And how was it? - Jeb, you were supposed to follow the script, we don't have time to record this again - Oh, gimme a break, I was trying. Ordinary Kerbals would prefer to listen about something else than all this science mumbo-jumbo. - KASA public relations policy.. - Come on, everyone will be watching this on TV anyway. Mission to Jool, man! I'm going to Jool! - Yes Jeb, you are. Turn off the cameras, will you? I have to talk with [...]
  23. It sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about. Hop on over to their Facebook page. They are claiming to have shipped '20% of the units' by the week before last... but backers well within that percentage ARE POSTING THEY ARE LYING. Don't talk about it till you know what's going on. I posted to see if anyone here was actually involved. If you are not, then please refrain from posting about things you are completely uninformed on.
  24. Update's been a long time coming.... Not really sure what's going on with the secret project at the moment, depending on what I can get done with the engine tutorial I have in the works and what 3_bit & Mekan1k can do we may or may not release what we have and expand as we continue to make mods (currently the engines are going nowhere, so we'll probably do that). In other news, I've gotten back into programming with Unity3D and I am considering switching to plugin writing once the Frameshift 2 and MonoProbe 2 are completed. I'm almost finished UV mapping the Frameshift 2's main structure, then I can move onto the "doors" and start texturing once those are done being modeled and animated. Plugin Plans: There is the idea for a magnetosphere and radiation plugin, suggested by nhnifong. It's pretty easy so I may start with that. There's also the Kerbal Colony Builder idea layed out by SwiftGates24. Unfortunately we lost the thread and links to the googledocs idea page, but it's similar to RTS for KSP– tech levels and building rockets off of Kerbin... There was a plugin on the forums that allowed for building rockets on other planets, but it was also lost with the Forum Apocalypse; if anyone can get me the link to that plugin I'll talk to the creator to see if he wants to help. *This will wait until the resources are implemented by Squad, to make everyone's job easier* Keep in mind that everything is subject to change and, as always, there are no ETAs besides "whenever it's finished." There will be an update livestream within the next three (3) days, expanding upon this info.
  25. Just saw that thread now myself. Was really sad to see how fast it got derailed into insults. I really dont see how community managers can be blamed for anything of this when they clearly for some unexplainable reason cannot talk about it.
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