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  1. I\'ve been sort of sick for a few weeks... my crazy comes and goes, and sometimes makes me not want to talk to anybody at all. Doing better now. I think I\'ll record some this weekend.
  2. Seconded. I think that the way the Kommunity (see what I did there? :) is heading is going to result in Kerbol becoming a clone of our solar system with duplicate names etc. I\'d prefer it be as distanced from ours as possible, down to the point where even the structure and make-up of the solar system is different, eg when interplanetary missions are created, the nearest planet not bear any similarities to Mars. However, we can talk about this for hours, but ultimately it is up to Squad, thankfully.
  3. Foamy


    The main issue I think lunar colonies won\'t work is the gravity; i\'m sure that people cannot survive in it for long periods. Maybe once we have some sort of protection for 0g space station crew we can talk about a moon colony. At least with mars it\'s quite a bit closer to 1G. And these guys don\'t need any money from NASA, they don\'t even need that much if everything goes to plan. The main issue is that getting the living complex designed, tested and online before anyone arrives is going to be so much more than just buying the components. Nothing like that has ever been attempted by anyone, the costs of R&D to get it to a high enough level is way too much for an almost non existent company.
  4. I don\'t plan for this to be much - only about 500 words. I just wanted to get my feet wet in KSPFF, and get some quick reviews. I\'m more of a poetic writer who fills his space with description instead of content like dialogue. In the future, I will hope to have larger stories, either canon, headcanon, (Oxford Comma FTW!) or RP. Written in the perspective of Jeb, and I see him as a giddy, fast-talking thrillmaster (at least for now. I\'m pretty mad at some girls who talk this way, so expect lotsa spaghetti gory deaths for the gossipy Jeb). Again, this is not my best work - you can expect much better. Enjoy! Thrillmaster to the Core It\'s funny how some uber-smart dude rolled up one day and just yelled out: 'A body in motion tends to stay in motion!' and everyone believed him. He\'s wrong, because on Kerbin, gravity and all that dumb stuff slows the moving thing down until it rolls to the epitome of boringness - standstill. I\'d like to give that super-smart/dumb guy a big slap in the face - that is, a rocket-powered slap. That\'s right, I\'m the rocketeer of legend. The one. The only. The AWESOME! Jebediah Kerman! Aww yeah, that\'s me! If you didn\'t know, I\'m immortal. If that mysterious force up there that likes to shake around the rocket and make it do stuff smashes me into the chilly-cold surface of Minmus or blows me up in a totally awesome fireball of fun they call an explosion, I always find my way back, ready to do it all again! Bob likes to scream and puke a lot and Bill hardly has a grip on the situation, so usually I have to be the muscles, brains and funny guy - good thing I\'m radical at all three! But still, life\'s rough out in space - the food isn\'t any good and you just get to sit there while you wait to go to the Mun or something. We can\'t even, like, hop outside and do stuff in space! It\'s just like living in a jail cell - in space! Well, that\'s all the time I have for you - the guy with the beard and the funny talk has told me I\'m going on a Kerbol escape mission without any life support. Seeya in a couple hundred launches!
  5. well there alot of talk about EVA\'s and i wonder if you will be able to make one or more of the kerbals leave the Comand Pod and walk around on the surface of the Mun and to actaly launch rockets and Space planes you have to Walk to and enter your space craft and or rocket onec your at a spot you like you can just have one of them leave and you can walk areound with one of them
  6. Read Sweet Apple Massacre and then talk to us. Seriously, I lost my poop during that.
  7. Wow, talk about being DEAD WRONG. I\'m in the beta and it is NOT Pay To Win. Do your research bud.
  8. I used to talk about Candlejack, but then I
  9. Perhaps I\'ll talk with the community manager and work on getting all the KSP LP\'ers together to help push this further. -DR
  10. You sir are a genius when it comes to plugins, and I have noticed more people are starting to talk about, and recommend, your work
  11. So, because this has infected way too many threads, we can have it here. If you can\'t stay civil, then don\'t talk. I\'ll start: Metric is better than imperial because it works in a regular numbers of multiplications (10, 10, 10 etc.) as opposed to an irregular numbers (12, 3, 1760 etc.)
  12. Hey, everyone! Since the RP is officially shut down forever on this forum, I figured I\'d better redirect my creative juices into a new aspect. And, seeing as I love to write and consider myself a decent author, I\'ve decided to type up a KSP-related short story. So, without further ado: Just a Day in the Life Launch commencing in five, four, three, two, one... 'WAHOOOO!' Jebediah Kerman, known more commonly as Jeb, yelled enthusiastically as the shuttle rocketed into the air. All three of the ship\'s crewmembers were glued to their seats due to the high speeds they were travelling. Bill was desperately attempting to keep the rocket steady, while Bob was passed out and snoring in his seat. 'For the record, this was a really bad idea,' Bill muttered, punching flashing buttons with one hand while controlling the rocket with the other. 'I mean seriously, Jeb, what made you think a rocket made entirely out of solid boosters was a good idea?' Bob snored in agreement. 'I still stand by my choice,' Jeb responded, donning the sunglasses he always kept in his spacesuit. 'What could be better than flying through the air at hundreds of meters per second with no control whatsoever over your thrust? Just sounds like a good time to me.' 'Just come help me with this thing,' Bill said, exasperated. 'I need you to steer while I keep it from overheating.' 'Whatever.' Jeb lazily reached over and pressed a random button. Immediately a decoupler activated, pinning the command module to a now un-steerable hunk of randomly placed rocket boosters. 'Wrong button!' Bill screamed. 'That was the emergency ejector! We were only supposed to use it after the boosters ran out! Bob finally woke up. 'Where the heck am I?' he asked, then looked out the window and saw that he was in an uncontrollable rocket hurtling through the air at breakneck speed. 'Oh, right, it\'s Tuesday.' 'Ah, Tuesday,' Jeb reminisced. 'The only day those boring scientists let me make my own shuttles. I love Tuesdays.' 'Hello!' Bill yelled. 'Trying to keep us alive over here! A little help would be appreciated!' 'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' Jeb responded. 'Just relax. Even if we die, they\'ll just clone us and we\'ll be right back where we started.' Just then, the rocket\'s SRBs finally depleted, and the shuttle began to decelerate. Bob looked over to the altitude meter and gasped. 'Hey guys, look, we made it out of the lower atmosphere this time!' 'Woo!' Jeb punched his fists in the air. 'New record!' 'Now, how are we going to get back down?' Bill said. 'I hope you didn\'t \'forget\' the parachute again like last time.' 'No, I didn\'t forget it,' Jeb said, looking annoyed. 'Have a little bit more faith in me, will you? I knew you\'d be worried, so I took the parachute off the top of the pod and set it inside for safekeeping.' 'Jeb?' 'Yeah?' 'THE PARACHUTE NEEDS TO BE ON TOP TO ACTIVATE, YOU IDIOT!' 'Whoa, Bill,' Jeb replied. 'I don\'t know where this new angry side is coming from, but I don\'t like your attitude. We\'ll be fine.' 'It\'s a good thing I installed a backup parachute when Jeb wasn\'t looking!' Bob pulled a remote out of his spacesuit. It only had one button on it, labeled 'open parachute.' There was also a warning label, stating to keep the remote out of reach of toddlers and Jebediah at all times. Bob pushed the button, and just as the shuttle began to fall back to earth the parachute deployed. 'We\'re saved!' Bill rejoiced, smiling. 'We\'ll live after all!' He began to prepare the pod for landing, steadying it and such. 'Fine,' Jeb said, 'But Bob, I\'m going to have a serious talk with you after we land.' He looked thoughtful for a moment, then sprang up. 'I almost forgot!' Jeb told the others. 'I installed an experimental engine on the command module!' He reached for a large red button with the word 'DANGER' above it. Immediately after he pressed it, there was a BOOM and everything went black. ... Two hours later, Jeb, Bill and Bob stepped out of the cloning vats, looking refreshed. 'Yeah, let\'s not do that again,' Bill said, and Bob nodded agreement. 'Maybe leave shuttle design to the professionals, Jeb?' 'Are you kidding?' Jeb replied. 'That was the most awesome time ever! In fact, I have a few more ideas, most of them involving moar boosters. Believe me, next Tuesday is going to be awesome!' With that, he bounded off towards the VAB. Just Another Mundane Mission 'Oh, you\'ve got to be kidding me...' Bill Kerman rubbed his fingers against his temples, fighting off a headache as he viewed the speed gauge. 'Jeb, what the heck did you get us into?' Jeb, Bill and Bob were currently flying at thousands of meters per second, hurtling towards the Mun at extremely dangerous speeds. They were on a Mun landing mission, but at this point it seemed more likely that they\'d become a new crater on the Mun\'s surface. Bob was screaming his head off, Bill was desperately attempting to steer the craft, and Jeb was relaxing in his seat and drinking a milkshake he had snuck onboard. So just an average expedition. 'I don\'t get why you guys don\'t see the genius behind my ideas,' Jeb countered. 'Turning an old fuel tank into a decoupler worked perfectly; the tank exploded, separating us from the other stages, just like it was supposed to.' 'Except for the part where it caught on fire too early,' Bill retorted. 'And then blew up our orbit stage, as well as mangling our landing stage. What are we supposed to do now?!' 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!' Bob said. 'Exactly, Bob,' Jeb replied. 'I\'m glad you see it my way. All we have to do is slingshot around the Mun, then around Minmus, launching us into an orbit around Kerbol until we ultimately end up back in an extremely high orbit around Kerbin, at which point we\'ll just deorbit until we end up back in a sub-orbital trajectory towards the Mun.' 'Wouldn\'t that just leave us where we started?' Bill asked. 'We\'re already in - Oh my god, only fifty thousand meters above the Mun and still going nearly five kilometers per second.' Bob passed out from fright, collapsing onto his chair. 'Look, just give me the controls,' Jeb said. 'I hid some miniature rocket boosters in the rocket just in case of this issue.' He reached under the control panel and pressed a small, inconspicuous button. Immediately, windshield wipers began to sweep across the windows. 'Wrong button!' Bill yelled. 'Forty thousand meters, and our speed\'s still increasing!' 'Yeah, yeah,' Jeb muttered. He pressed a huge, extremely conspicuous button, and immediately a few tiny SRBs began to fire. 'How did that solve our problem?' Bill asked, annoyed. 'We\'re just going faster towards our deaths!' Jeb pulled down on the pitch, slowly moving the navball\'s indicator upwards. 'See? No problemo. We\'ll just fly low around the Mun until the SRBs run out, and then hit the ground on the wheels I installed while the engineers were sleeping.' A crackly voice emanated from the communications radio. 'Bzzt... You did what?' 'Erm, nothing,' Jeb said. 'Definitely not wheels to ride around the Mun\'s surface or anything.' 'Mission control!' Bill yelled. 'We could use some help!' 'Bzzt... Oh, relax, Bill. We\'re getting the cloning vats ready as we speak. 'Nice to see you have a lot of faith in us,' Bill muttered, then his eyes widened as he viewed the altitude meter. 'Ten thousand meters! Jeb, how\'s that idea of yours coming?' 'Got it!' The nose suddenly pitched upwards, barely missing a giant arch that the rocket passed. The SRBs finally died down, and the craft began to fall towards the Munar surface. 'Now THIS is what I\'m talking about!' The broken landing engine suddenly broke off the main body of the craft, and wires and pieces of small debris began to make a trail of sparks and metal. It also woke Bob up, who groaned as he looked out the window 'We\'re not going to last much longer in this state,' Bill said. 'Soon this whole thing\'s going to fall apart.' 'Relax, I\'m landing...' The craft had leveled out, but it was still going at an extreme speed. 'You all need to relax. We\'ll be fine.' 'Hey, guys...?' Bob was rummaging at the back of the command module. 'I think I found a remote for a retro rocket back here.' 'Really? Activate it!' Bill said excitedly. 'We might have a chance of living!' He lunged for the button. 'Aw, come on, Bill,' Jeb said. 'Why do you have to be such a killjoy? I can land this thing myself, thank you very much.' And with that, the craft rumbled onto the Mun\'s surface. There was a huge jolt, and Bill and Bob were thrown against the floor of the command module. The craft flipped over multiple times, before finally coming to rest on its side in a crater. 'WAY too close, Jeb,' Bill muttered angrily. 'And how are we supposed to get home?' 'That is a good question,' Jeb said, although he didn\'t look very worried. 'But don\'t worry, I brought plenty of Mountain Dew for everyone!' Atmosfear 'I can\'t believe we got stuck testing a plane while the recruits are in orbit and on the Mun,' Bill grumbled. 'We\'re the most experienced team the space center has!' 'Yeah, most experienced at blowing up,' Bob joked as he climbed into the cockpit of a new spaceplane design. 'Jeb makes sure of that.' 'I, for one, think this flight is going to be awesome,' Jeb said. 'I installed a few, um, special surprises, to make our jobs more interesting.' 'I swear, Jeb, if you mess this up again, I\'m going to kill you,' Bill replied angrily. 'Eight launches in the last two weeks, and only two of them were successful.' 'Loosen up, will you?' Jeb responded, then started the plane\'s engines. It began to move forward down the runway, steadily gaining speed until it lifted off the ground. 'I guess that wasn\'t too bad,' Bob said. 'We haven\'t exploded yet, at least.' 'Oh, you just wait,' Jeb said, grinning. He suddenly pulled the roll to the side, and the plane did several corkscrews through the air as it flew upwards. Bob screamed, and Bill desperately attempted to keep the nose up. 'Stop that, Jeb!' Bill yelled, shoving Jeb\'s hands away from the controls and steadying the plane. Just then, something kicked in and the plane began to shoot straight upwards at an extremely high speed. 'What was that?!' Bob said as they flew up higher and higher. 'Jeb...' 'Well, you know how you said you didn\'t want to fly a plane?' Jeb looked like he was barely holding back laughter. 'I installed rocket engines instead of atmospheric ones, as a joke Who knows, maybe we\'ll get into orbit!' He burst out laughing, then pressed a button on the control panel. Immediately there was a click sound as the wings and outer hull detached from the plane, revealing a small rocket inside. 'Not funny, Jeb!' Bill yelled, trying to level out the rocket and avoid going any higher. 'I dunno, it is kind of funny,' Bob remarked. 'See? Even Bob\'s enjoying it,' Jeb said, donning his sunglasses and taking the controls. 'We\'ll just shoot into orbit for a bit, and then return when our engines run out. No harm done.' 'Except for the fact that the plane\'s body just crashed down to the ground,' Bill retorted. 'And that we\'re almost out of fuel, and that we\'re going nearly a kilometer per second.' 'I don\'t see the problem with any of those things,' Jeb replied. 'Bzzt... Jeb, WHAT THE HECK did you do?' A voice said out of the transmitter. 'Get back down here, now!' 'Fine,' Jeb muttered, and swung the nose of the rocket completely downward. They lost control over it, and the shuttle flew randomly through the air. 'Happy?' 'Give me that!' Bill grabbed the controls, steadying the rocket pointing slightly downward. 'Jeb, did you happen to remember to install a parachute when you made this rocket? 'How was I supposed to put a parachute on the nose of a cone-shaped cockpit?' Jeb replied. Bill had passed out, and was asleep in his chair. 'Ugh, whatever. Did you remember a decoupler, at least?' 'A what?' 'A decoupler, Jeb! Did you remember to put in a decoupler!' 'Nope.' 'Great.' The rocket finally ran out of fuel, and began to sink like a rock towards the ground. Bob snored, Bill screamed, and Jeb smiled as they fell closer and closer to a large mountain range. 'Ooh, I nearly forgot!' Jeb reached out onto the control panel and pressed a small button. An SRB suddenly kicked in, slowing their speed down. Jeb also moved the nose up, leveling the rocket out for landing.The ground grew closer and closer as the rocket slowed down, until... 'We\'re alive?!' Bill had woken up and was looking out the window, Jeb having somehow landed the shuttle. 'Yep,' Jeb remarked, leaning against the control panel. Suddenly he slipped, his elbow hitting the button for an emergency afterburner, and the craft exploded. Orbiting Around 'Well, would you look at that,' Bill said, looking at a panel of various orbital information. 'We actually managed a circular orbit this time!' 'Only because we tied Jeb to his chair the whole time,' Bob remarked. 'Yeah, thanks a ton for that,' Jeb muttered. 'And it\'s only the day before Tuesday, too! Show a bit more respect for your commander.' 'Sorry, Jeb,' Bill replied, 'But we\'ve seen what you\'re like in the days leading up to Tuesday, so we had to take some desperate measures to get a successful trip.' 'Hey guys, come look at this view,' Bob said, pressing his face against one of the command module\'s windows. 'You can see half of Kerbin from up here!' 'I bet if I spit out the window it would go straight through somebody\'s brain,' Jeb joked, looking down at the planet. 'Well, don\'t get any ideas...' Bill responded, checking over the orbital information one last time. 'But really, this turned out pretty well.' 'You mean boring,' Jeb grumbled. 'What\'s the fun in a successful mission? I haven\'t been to the cloning vats in, like, three whole days.' 'And with any luck, we can keep it that way,' Bob replied. 'I hate the cloning vats. You just sit there in a tub of green glob for an hour, and then you step out perfectly fine. It\'s weird.' 'At least it keeps us alive,' Bill said. 'And it\'s necessary, because of Jeb.' 'Hey, it\'s not my fault I\'m more fun than you guys - Oh, hey look, an asteroid.' 'A what?' 'An asteroid. Headed our way.' 'Great...' Bob screamed and passed out. 'By the way, why does he always do that?' Jeb asked. 'Defect at birth,' Bill replied. 'Whenever he screams, his body loses so much oxygen that it temporarily shuts down and he passes out.' 'Ah, I see. Now, what are you going to do about that asteroid?' 'I don\'t know,' Bill said. 'It\'s headed straight for us! We\'ll never be able to steer out of the way in time! Do you have any genius ideas in that head of yours, Jeb?' 'Well, I have a couple,' Jeb replied. 'But I\'m still TIED TO A CHAIR.' 'Oh, right.' Bill untied the ropes around Jeb\'s wrists and ankles that were binding him to the chair. 'Okay, now what?' 'Did the scientists install that experimental new afterburner I told them about?' Jeb asked. 'I\'m not going to answer that question,' Bill replied, looking away. 'You just did.' Jeb pushed a glowing red button; the rocket suddenly shot forward like a dart, gaining speed extremely quickly. Jeb used the momentum to steer the rocket around the edges of the asteroid. 'Well, we did it,' Bill said. 'But now the asteroid is heading straight for the space center!' 'Huh, what are the odds,' Jeb responded. 'It\'s almost like this course of events is being controlled by someone sitting at a desk and typing on a computer in an alternate dimension! Do you know what we have to do?' 'Yeah,' Bill said. 'But Bob isn\'t going to like it.' 'Like what?' At some point Bob had woken up, and now looked quizzically at Jeb and Bill. 'We\'re just going to slam our multi-billion dollar rocket into an asteroid at thousands of meters per second, obliterating it,' Jeb replied. 'And Bill helped me come up with the idea, no less! It\'s amazing!' Bill screamed and passed out again, slumping backwards in his seat. Jeb hit the afterburner one last time, and the rocket slammed head-on into the asteroid. A few hours later, all three Kerbonauts stepped out of the cloning vats and sighed in relief. Apart from a few smaller meteorites scattered around the area of the KSC, there were no damages. 'You know, Bob, I see where you\'re coming from,' Jeb said. 'Those cloning vats are kind of gross.' 'Does that mean you\'re going to try a bit harder not to blow us up?' Bill asked hopefully. 'Are you kidding?' Jeb laughed. 'Tomorrow\'s Tuesday!'
  13. My suggestion for designing the systems is simple: call up or write to some astrophysicists. I\'m sure there\'ll be lots that will happily talk about their field and provide all kinds of interesting and (semi) realistic possibilities or even actual discoveries. Knowing that some facsimile of the in-game thingie is out there would be very cool
  14. Yes, but if you want to get ideas from a public place or a library, you can\'t talk.
  15. This is a joke, right? Are you aware of how toolish you sound? To suggest that the Mun arches are a \'spoiler\'? It\'s bad enough that people talk like the second KSC is the equivalent of Snape kills Dumbledore. Maybe whenever a new part is released we shouldn\'t talk about it because SPOILUZRRZZZZ THERAZ SPAES PLAENUZ IN VERSCHUN 0.15!!!111oneELEVEN1111!! Hey here\'s a thought, if a tiny bit of geometry totally ruins the game for you, stop reading the forums and go do your exploring. I for one don\'t give a shit, it\'s your problem if you consider something a spoiler and nobody else\'s. This is like intentionally going to Hooters specifically to complain about how women in hotpants with cleavage showing offends you.
  16. Got it. To be fair we need somewhere to keep updated, but maybe small talk should be kept to a minimum.
  17. As soon as I get back to my computer (on the ol\' laptop atm, not a hope in hell that KSP could run on it ;P) I fully intend to give this a go. I\'ve been browsing the required mods and that unmanned comsat plugin looks freaking amazing, can\'t wait to get a good com sat system set up, been interested in the challenge for a while but never had the motivation to make a satellite network, now i will. Which leads me to a question; For later turn missions, mun and minmus landings and all that, how would we replicate comsat networks? Since i\'m assuming that everyones attempts are all on one persistence files and can see that comsats from different \'companies\' will communicate with each other. Is collaboration an aim here? since we don\'t see each other\'s results I foresee an issue either in setting up a join network that is efficiently distrubuted, or preventing \'cross talk\' between different player\'s networks. Erm yeah sorry about the wall of text but i was kind of thinking as i typed. Will post soon! oh and what kind of format do you want Don (for the email, concerning budget & other turn data)? For all of the details n that. - cheers, Bellaby
  18. Indeed it does (and now its here ) That was an awesome video. But I could listen Neil Armstrong talk about stuff for a long time
  19. Talk about how they planned to make a dominoes pizza on the moon. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/8734456/Dominos-plans-pizza-on-the-Moon.html
  20. I am American! (Seriously. I am. Many of my peers talk like that for no reason, and then say it is friendly.)
  21. This should be a good challenge for everyone. We\'ve had threads to talk like Orcs, the physically death prone and even British - but none for the hardest of all! Talk like humans! I\'ll start; Hello!
  22. So basically, talk like a stereotypical chav. Right.
  23. For those of you who don\'t know (which I would expect would be the vast majority of you), I do a short Science section on one of the community radio stations in Western Sydney. It\'s called 'Snarky Science'. Well, I know you guys will all be absolutely snowed under with Eurovision and all, but if you can fit a little time slot into your busy schedules, we\'re on air tomorrow night. Time is a little flexible, but it will be some time (shortly) after 10 tomorrow night, Sydney time. That\'s just after UTC 12:00, 27th May 2012! - just over 25 hours from now. The theme for the evening is 'recent developments in Space.' I thought I\'d mainly talk about the entry of private players into space, and what that means. Obviously we\'re starting with SpaceX, it being topical and all, but moving on to Virgin Galactic (which are looking good for a launch in the next couple of years) and a few of the other COTS providers. Okay, so over to you - what else do you think I should include? Station details: People in the Penrith Valley (Sydney, Australia): Listen to 100.7FM. Everyone else: listen online.
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