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  1. Sadly, I know this from experience, one of the people I talk to thinks you can just make science up without testing your theory or anything.
  2. Granted, enjoy your new Hot Wheelsâ„¢ battle tank toy. I wish I could talk to dead people...
  3. Here's my first interplanetary sub: The ZNS Valgos. Am i the first one to do this? Ive heard a lot of people talk about it but i realized it could be done. made it a single stage, landed at laythe and being a sub can go under the water, and kerman can easily seim up to cockpit when slightly submerged. ] Laythe really is beautiful
  4. Am i the first one to do this? Ive heard a lot of people talk about it but i realized it could be done with the overpowered propeller engines. made it on a single stage. Here's the .craft if you want to try it....
  5. I'm continuing to model the parts for my hab. I am saving them just as a .blend, I figure if I can't get it working I'll give them away to someone who can. In the interim I've created an oxygenator panel that attaches to the outside of the inflatable dome, it has a teroidal connection point where ideally the next module (the power system) will connect with an invisible mesh with a 'cable' that will ideally line up with the teroidal female plug hole and lead to a base unit which ZO2 / EPS panels can be attached to. I'll set the oxygenator up as a ZO2 base unit so the hab can have 'life support' ideally, and with a unit sitting beside the hab apparently connected by a cable it'll add to the realism. How I'll stack and use these units for in transit delivery is going to be a problem however. Something I will think about later, just like the expansion animation I'll need if the hab is inflatable. This is the finished oxygenator sans skin so far, I'll worry about drawing pretty skins once I'm secure in the knowledge I won't be spending hours making more pretty things only for them to not work like my last few attempts. Oxygenator panel mesh: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/SVJQL">http://i.imgur.com/SVJQL</a> Edit: Whoa, idk why there's so much edge shear in that thing. Bad moment of capture is my guess, the actual finished product is as smooth as a baby's arse while still conserving triscount. But it's enough to get the general jist of the shape. The science behind it: at extremely low tempretures one can pass highly CO2 contaminated air through a low-insulative quality pipe exposed to the Martian atmosphere, rendering it liquified, the liquid is then blasted against a catalytic plate which breaks the C from the O2 leaving you with high concentration O2. An animation every so often of an air jet coming from the panel would be grand, so I need to remember to try to do that, as the C is expunged and the O2 is reheated. The O2 can then either be mixed with something readily available, say, left over hydrazine from landing engines, then control combusted to create H20 and straight oxygen, two units that are very handy to have available in an isolated place such as the Duna surface. Bodily fluids can also be processed through an oxygenator in a similar fashion, in fact, I should probably add another atmos loop to that part for weewee to not so icky stuff conversion, as everything has different boiling and freezing points, which makes using the temp outside being REALLY****INGCOLD super handy. The only real cost is heating **** up again, but if you use afforementioned hydrazine reaction the combustion does that job for you, recycling the energy that would otherwise be dispersed and wasted. Update: Just going to keep on making parts for my hab pack and worry about making them work later. I'm having a bit of trouble projecting the unwrap properly for some of the more complex parts (ie: the hab itself has a rubber inflated landing foot to try and minimize impact and hopefully allow for manned landings of fully integrated habs at later points, it's weird ass spiral unwrap takes up most of the field for the UV unwrap. So I'm hesitant to add a complex skin to it until I've got that sorted, I saw some methods of 'unselecting' parts, but due to it being a torus I can't unselect parts because pretty much every unwrapped part is in some way visible; the overall skin of it is a simple low res rubber compound so it shouldn't be too dramatic if I just resize that part much smaller than the others right? Also, do any of you folks use Twitter? If so, add me, @bashpr0mpt, to show my appreciations I'll throw you some of my fans to bump your follower numbers and make your e-peens larger. Hit me up and @ message me when you've added me so I have your usernames and can add you back / give you guys a shout out. Thinking about making a communications platform for the top of the hab to house a few antennae and a dish, I'm thinking of making a nicer variant of the remote tech dish, I've jury-rigged a few different dishes to use instead of the woeful mapsat dish (although the mapsat dish is nicely animated, I'll definitely give it that! But having one design of such an awkward height and size is frustrating!) I'm also considering making the landing foot and building foundation as a separate part, and having it separated from the bottom of the hab by very small trussing just as an extra bit of fluff and detail. Although from a scientific POV you wouldn't want martial air getting under your hab and would want it pressed firmly against the soil to avoid windchill dropping the skin temp. An RTG, that should be what I make next. I'd love to add a functional air lock to the hab, a crew tunnel to connect habs (if we had docking systems that worked I'd totally try and get it set up so you can connect them on the planet (using that nifty forklift from kerbal.net or by EVA like ORDA's refueling hose), but I'm going to need some serious assistance working out node connection location coordinates. ATM I've just copypasta'd **** for illustrative purposes simply because I'm more interested in getting the part to appear in the game first and foremost. Uh, yeah, RTG's, they're handy. Radioisotopic thermal generators are pretty much free electricity! If I could get it working with the electricity plugin (if only Zoxygene and the Electricity plugin guys got together and made their systems talk to each other, man that would be epic!) it'd naturally attach someplace close to the Oxygenator panel, or perhaps even mount on it. Nah, Kerbal's are suicidal, but you still want radioactive **** a few feet away from your bedroom. >_> Right?
  6. Moderators warning! Talk of having pirated the game might get you in a bad, bad spot.... Not advisable.... But even less so is to actually do it, that's just evil... KSP is made by a tiny company based on Mexico, they are just big enough to manage with what they have, and some of the crew isn't even hired as full time Piracy on KSP is basically robbing your brother or similar.... Squad is not a large corporation with millions to invest on risk.... This is actually their first and only title, and the no-DRM policy serves as a model of honest design and thoughtfulness What you did was honest, no doubt - in the spirit of not punishing honesty, i will not burn this thread down (just yet, still other mods might) Btw - there's no such thing as a pirated copy of the game... It has no DRM, so you could only download it legitimally by logging in with a valid store account.... After that, the game is delivered in .zip format, no installers, no messy what-did-i-just-put-in-my-pc nonsense... Unzip, play.... If you have an account with a proper purchase, then your installation is valid.... The problem here is not as much the pirated copy as it is the pirate distribution source Some users have been able to report these foul sources to whoever does the hosting and get them taken down... This is a very noble thing to do, if at all possible Please, spread the word - KSP is built on the philosophy of "make money to make games, don't make games to make money" And get better friends, really.... Cheers!
  7. With all this talk about a straight flying rocket: I ask because I think it's what's attributing to the erratic behavior of my rocket, I try and launch at a very, very slight incline until I past the first layer of atmo, light blue, and then for each layer curve more into a circular orbit. I've got this down and am now able to nail a near perfect equatorial Kerban orbit every time. Thing is, if I push my rocket too much in terms of angle, it will lost control and lean way too far despite disabling SAS and counter steer, it will lean back the other way and go out of control. I have to cut engines and prematurely eject the stage, and then parachute into the ocean. I can't make up all that delta V.
  8. I recently deleted Kerbal Space Program 0.17, but why would a gamer that is good at a game delete it?? Well the answer is simple, with a complicated story... One of my good friends and I both like the game and we had the idea of buying the game. So i gave her $15 ( when it was ) to buy the game. Everything was chill we bought two copies of the game. $30 to the Dev team right? Wrong! She pocketed the money and gave me a pirated copy of the game via flash-drive, I, thinking it was a legit copy, played the game, downloaded mods, and posted my ships on the forums like a good little Kastronaught. Everything was peachy. Then update 0.17 came out, and I couldn't wait to play it. The questioned pirate had gotten the game in 1 our of release, impressively fast. That should have been Hint #1, but i was blinded by my love for the game and could not wait to play! So that Friday, she came over to my house and gave me the game. Hint #2, she didn't want to give me the info to his Ksp Store account so I can use the patcher. I asked why and she said "Because I don't want you to buy more copies without my permission". Which is Hint #3, and the one that made me stop and think about this, she let me know the username and password to her amazon account. So I did a little snooping, and what I found was a Pirate Bay link to Kerbal Space Program 0.17. So I looked in the Google downloads and saw a torrent file of ksp 0.17 and 0.16. I was ..."Speechless"... She ended up giving the money back, but never paid for the full game. I would pay for the game but I don't have a credit card I can use having mine taken away for overspending and until i'm 18 ( I'm 15 ) I can't get a new one... -____- *. So I did the right thing and deleted the game. We are still friends but not as gamers anymore.... ( i don't want any messages saying "You should call the police on them" or "You should never talk to them any more" ) I just wanted to put this out there, and if this happens to you or sounds like what's happening to you.... ***Watch Out For Space Pirates***
  9. We'll probably colonize the Moon in this century if not Mars, but we'll soon have web servers in an Earth orbit and possibly on the Moon. Talk about information at the speed of light! Someone's bound to invent a "get across the solar system quick, easy, and cheap" method of space travel, and that will surely get us on Mars pretty quick. I don't know about transferring energy through beams. It's probably being developed, but that will make space colonies grow much faster. In the distant future, humans will become very diverse in culture. They will overcome most challenges that the Universe does. However, they will face many more risks than ever before. Probability can predict the probability of a race's survival, but it cannot accurately predict how far it will prosper.
  10. Welcome computer scientists This thread is for discussion of the many uses of Linux, BSD, Windows, OSX and any other OS in the pursuit of scientific discovery, of software available on these platforms for conducting science at home, of experiments with hardware and software to do interesting and new things, and general chat about how these OS's are for us and our experiences with them. So tell us what you use and why, how you got started and what things you do with your OS that sets you apart from the mainstream computer users. Ultimately the software we use and what we do with it is more important than the platform we are on, that's why this thread is open to all, if it's a computer and you can do science on it, you can talk about it here
  11. Hi, Welcome to Science & Spaceflight, a place to discuss all things pertaining to science and general geekdom. This is much like The Lounge, except there is a bit of a topic of sorts. KSP talk is allowed, as long as it's founded in geeky and/or scientific notions... Otherwise, it probably goes in General Discussion. Goes without saying, no spam and postcount-padding allowed here, or anywhere for that matter. All usual forum rules apply. So, that's about it I think. Come on in and let loose your inner nerd! Cheers
  12. Update on my previous post: the Munar Reconnaissance Platform I talked about is now in Low Munar Orbit, with its first crew of 3 Kerbalnauts! •Functional telescope, possible using the fixed camera mod and Probododyne kit: EDIT to new posters: read carefully the OP; we're supposed to talk about our stations, how they're built, what we use them for, etc..., not just post screenshots.
  13. First of all, what do you need Python for? Second of all, it isn't hard to google a basic modeling tutorial. Third of all, all the KSP modding tutorials are mostly out dated now, and I wouldn't recomend using them. Go on youtube and look up a basic modeling tutorial. Find out how to UV unwrap. Show me a model, then we can talk about getting it in to KSP.
  14. If you want to talk about this Papa_Joe, you can do so in Off-Topic, this subject is old, done to death and wont achieve much, everyone knows docking is a planned feature eventually and that a few docking mods now exist. Moving thread
  15. This is a thread about docking. There have been many threads that have been hijacked by the "docking" word. There has been a fair bit of flame, in both directions. Since those of us that are VERY excited about docking do not really have a voice in the other forums, I decided we needed on here. Rules: - This is NOT a rant thread. Docking will be implemented when Squad is ready. - No Trolling. We all know that docking is not here, is partially implemented by modders and that not everyone wants docking as bad as many of us want it. - you can talk about anything docking. History, mods, desires, possible implementations, experiences, etc are all encouraged. Personally, docking will be the "holy grail" of the game. It makes a space program "real" to me. I watched the Friendship, Gemini and Apollo missions in real time.
  16. How could you guys talk about compression at a time like this. I've got a fever and the only prescription is the Kosmos update. I would get it in the mail on a Jaz disk and comb thrift stores looking for a Jaz drive if it came down to it.
  17. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34032[/ATTACH] Shown here is the "clean" configuration without optional S.I.D.E. pods. Yeah, we know it looks mean. Don't worry, it doesn't bite... Just don't get too close. People with anxiety, heart conditions, high blood pressure or incontinence should not ride in the RAT. May cause extreme excitement. Serious or even fatal side effects have been reported when operating a RAT rover. Before starting or riding in a RAT talk to your doctor to see if you are healthy enough for exciting activity. "RAT" and "DEMV" are trademarks of Bobcat Ind., all rights reserved
  18. hi, i would post pictures if i could, it is a complete fail at the moment, looks nice but, i have the missile problem sorted out but still the heli does front flips on takeoff now... And just wondering but is there any talk about homing missiles yet? 0.o;.;
  19. This is the 2ned 0.18 discussion thread. Thread Rules: 1. Talk about 0.18 only! 2. No talking about other updates or stuff that will never be implemented! 3. No arguments! Keep this thread newbie-friendly, so if we get lots of pages and a newbie comes with a new question, don't shout at them, answer politely.
  20. This game is extremely frustrating, and very hard. But after struggling with it for a while, you won't believe how rewarding it is to finally get something to work. The struggle is part of the fun. Don't be alarmed that so many players talk about the math so much on the forum; it's just one style of playing. You will be more efficient if you do the math, but you can get by without it, too.
  21. I was trying to get a MapSat out to Duna today. I made it very close on the first try. I got excited when I saw I could slingshot off Ike and save myself some time (since I'm using a nuclear reactor and ion engine, fuel is "free"). However, I quickly learned that one should zoom WAAAY in and closely examine the encounter orbits. My teacher? Hearing my probe slam into Ike instead of harmlessly whizzing by! My second try was much more successful. Note about the engine and "free" fuel - yea, it was hard to get it up there. 300+ ton launch vehicle, intermediate stage about 80 tons. The actual probe? 25! Not much on the probe except for the nuclear reactor, ion engine, and battery... but holey smokes that was heavy. Taking off of Kerbin, there's a spot where I have about 20 seconds before I hit apoapsis while still in a ballistic arc. I catch even about there, and only then start pushing it out ahead of me and gaining orbital velocity. Talk about cutting it close! Not to mention, a single ion engine pushing 25 tons is... slow. Like, really slow. (about 1m/sec ÃŽâ€v) So, here are some screenies. I realize the 4x NERVA is quite heavy - but as I can get up there with those tanks half-full, those will get me quickly into solar orbit. They are also used (half their fuel goes there...) on the last stage of my ascent, where they have full efficiency (specific impulse of 1100) The two heavy-lifting stages and SRBs return safely to Kerbin via parachute. The payload nose fairing free-falls back. The nuclear engines nacelles go with me to solar orbit, and are abandoned usually during the mid-course correction to the destination orbital body. The probe does not return (though it does have indefinite delta-V, it's just slow - I could always drop it into the sun or whatnot I suppose). I know, "eeew MechJeb! Do it yourself!" - I'd be perfectly happy to, provided we had a guidance computer. It's unreasonable to expect one to fly to another planet by the seat of your pants... Now that is a huge rocket. 128 parts. Important stats courtesy of Kerbal Engineer Redux. Note that S5 and S3 are detachment stages that use little retro-boosters to help ensure damage-free staging. Coasting to apoapsis. Note the fairing is gone - exposing the ISA MapSat and MechJeb. Successful orbit! Got the apsides I wanted and the inclination couldn't be better - I could correct that with RCS, even. Note the before-and-after mass and long time-to-MECO. This is a heavy payload! The final stage, from Duna's perspective. I have no idea why the coupler sockets are missing from the previous stage. Oh well? The RCS is super useful. You can turn it without, but it feels like a slug.
  22. What is the heading talk in the first line of the how to use section: How to use these values? Using these values for interplanetary flight is no more complicated than obtaining them: Place your ship in a circular, 0° inclination parking orbit around your planet/moon of origin. For a destination in a higher orbit, make this orbit at a 90° heading; for a lower destination, go for 270°. ----------------- 270 heading orbit is a retograde orbit, is it not? When do you burn in a prograde orbit to get to eve? The only real question that matters is how to get there in the lowest delta v.
  23. Yup, please read the rules, talk of piracy is not allowed here, be it about KSP or anything else. Thread closed. EDIT: Well, after re-reading the rules myself, my previous decision is kind of wrong, since this thread is more about "people who pirate". Re-opening, but I will be watching this closely. However, as RC1062 said, there's not much more than "DRMs are a pain for customers, pirates manage to break them anyway".
  24. Get to another planet in real time, then we'll talk. (or come up with a solution that allows time-warping)
  25. The Story of Jeb A passage describing the motives and the backstory behind Jebediah Kerman, that odd kerbal we all know and love. It was 1976 and Jebediah Kerman was on his way to getting his Bachelor's Degrees in Aeronautics and Engineering Science. Jeb was always a bit of a slacker when it came to school, so his two very close friends, Bob Kerman and Bill Kerman(No Relation), have been there to help him out. Well, Jeb didn't have the experience to get a good job so he bought a small plot of land and built a junkyard on it, whenever he finished, he opened it up to the public and called it 'Jebediah's Junkyard'. He and his 2 friends loved that place, and for a while, it was their livelihood After finishing college and getting his Bachelor's Degrees, he was faced with paying off his student loans, so like any normal kerbal would, he turned to his business for income; and sure enough, he found it. After a few months of thinking he decided it would be best to incorporate his passion for Aeronautics and space into his business, and started scrapping old Sub-Orbital Space Planes and old jet fighters. After much work and many months of scrapping old planes, he renamed his junkyard to 'Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.' One day, while working, a young, beautiful woman stopped by in an old pickup truck to drop off some old furniture and junk. Whenever Jeb saw her, his heart and jaw dropped. He couldn't believe his eyes. After seeing her that one day, he couldn't stop thinking about her. She came by a few times to drop off random junk, but every time she did, he just couldn't gather the courage to talk to her. Well, one day at school, he was in class when all of a sudden, 'she' walks into his classroom. He couldn't believe what was happening; turns out she transferred in from another school. So one day, Bob and Bill decide to help their old pal out. They urge and pressure him into talking to her. They kept this up for weeks, until one day, Jeb finally gave in. Turns out, she likes all the same stuff he does, she's interested in Aeronautics also. Well, as the years go by, they become better and better friends, and soon, all 4 of them start hanging-out. Jenny, as was her name, starting to like Jeb more and more, and soon enough, they started dating. After a while Jenny tells Jeb that she is going to join the Kerbal Space Program. Jeb bids his girlfriend farewell, knowing it will be awhile before he sees her again. After a few months of loneliness, things go from bad to worse, he gets a terrible call from the KSC: Apparently Jenny went behind Minmus in a decaying orbit. She was flung out to space with no way of returning. Eventually as the ships power grew weaker, Jenny told Bill via a souped up phone antenna- that she is putting herself in a almost stable cryo-stasis system, operated by the ships computers. She wants him to join the KSP and figure out a way to save her because there is only so much time before the ships power generators run out of fuel and she perishes. So, you all might ask where this is all leading up to. Well, as you might see, Jeb is always smiling whenever he pilots a ship. The reason for this is because around every planet, every star, and over every hill and inside every valley, Jeb might find Jenny, the long-lost love of his life. This story was thought of and made by: TheJokerMan christ110 *Note: This story is a work of fan-fiction.*
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