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  1. I don\'t know about your personal beliefs, but if you actually go to Denmark, there\'s two very important things you need to be aware of. - Janteloven A psychological social term used in the country, it\'s a mentality we have here, it means that everyone is worth the same, the Prime Minister is worth the same as a Janitor, they are both just doing what they do best. If you run around with a \'\'I\'m better\'\' attitude because you have a good job you\'re going to get outcast and verbally butchered. - Spirituality There\'s not a trace of it left, we\'re 80%+ atheist and churches are being closed down if it wasn\'t because we still need them for gay marriages. If you take pride in religion and talk of it/has clear influence of it people are going to look at you in an awkward fashion, religion is a very personal and private thing here. Besides that, we have chaotic weather, a good sense of fashion, and plenty of alternative healthy food, all of it in very high quality (we can feed our own population three times with our agriculture).
  2. Guest

    Possible Kerbin soon?

    I read James\' article (my name is James, and I have been taught to not have the added s on the end of James\'), and though its quite realistic, I could push a few of the software stuff back a bit. But, I would also expect to have met an alien by the time I die (and would like to, I mean, learning about a new species when there is nothing else to find out about). Mostly the problems of long life is though we edit ourselves to do this, what we gain in knowledge and incite we lose in stress and the ability to take it. I personally have hope for the future, and this has gotten me out of some tight spots, but having 200 years of stressful situations? Not fun. The second thing is with the AI. It will eventually get to the stage a bit later than anyone thinks, but will be able to write its own code, which while not needing a person to create the code for them, the challanges of having the AI never remove the code that controls them is a major problem. Quantum computing is needed also for true AI. There is several other things that would be nice to talk about, but I can\'t find the words. But, as soon as there is interstellar travil, Im on the first shuttle off this place. Because while there is enough here, I can\'t be bother dealing with humans now let alone dealing with humans with AI components.
  3. Alright, time to get serious about this incredible piece of artwork! 8) All questions will be answered at the bottom of this original post, thanks for the feedback! This is the Pegasus-42, named after several equestrian animals that have the ability to fly with the talents of agility, speed, and guts. Video, if you think this is TL;DR --- As you may have noticed it has a unique design in which it uses a stepped-down fuselage from the main body attached to the sides of the craft. This adds more stability, fuel, and space for weapon mounts. Don\'t forgot to mention it has a highly aesthetical finished look to it. -Two dual-mounted railguns (three rounds each) -Six deployable bombs -and six wing-mounted WASP missiles For increased effectiveness, each projectile is fired no unanimously, but one at a time. Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) capable with numerous stability and control RCS thrusters for vertical thrust. Highly agile. The winglets and flaps are near-perfectly balanced for ease of stability. These improvements make it a great glider, fast target (+600 m/s under 10 km), and a lethal predator. --Questions-- Put it on the Mun and then we\'ll talk. - Feragorn Although I am aware of the craft\'s incapabilities, I can, infact, land on the moon. Thanks to the VTOL systems I can make a realistic landing without a sweat. But it is quite more difficult without gliding at hand. --- He called it AIRCRAFT buddy. Not SpacePlane. - mario972 I called it aircraft because the video only has limited footage, mainly within the atmposphere. Either way it can easily manuever in the air, and in space. Some weapon systems are defective without the air though, such as missiles; winglets on them prove to do nothing in benefit of it flying straight. --- Herp de durr, I\'m aware. These things tend to be said about impressive designs, since everything is better on the Mun. Even aircraft, who can\'t fly without air. Which the Mun doesn\'t have. - Feragorn Lemme level with you guys for a sec, Planes - Pretty Smart Spaceplanes - Pretty F-cking Smart Spaceplanes that can land on the m--FUCKING GEEEEEEEEEENNNIUS! (if you get it, you get a booster) I really would like for everyone to stop comparing flying vehicles on how far, or fast, they can go. Seriously, everyone knows how cheaty the C-7 pack is on it\'s own, there is really no definitive bar that anyone would have to set. I would rate planes on their effectiveness on landing on the moon instead (not easy), for that requires a bit more inginuity, ya know?
  4. I hadn\'t seen this around in a while, although I heard talk about how small Kerbin was compared to Earth. I never really looked up Earth\'s true radius to get an accurate representation of how small Kerbin really was, but I finally got bored enough to look it up. Despite having an equally strong gravity, Kerbin is roughly 10.9 times smaller than the planet on which we currently are! I made a very simple diagram using my Microsoft Paint (ha) to show the size comparison of the two of them right next to each other. Kerbin is about 10.9 times smaller than Planet Earth. It does seem equally appropriate, however, because our Kerbals are very small creatures. Another thing that I never put too much thought into was the size of the capsules and rockets we get as stock with the game... They have a diameter of only one meter. I will probably get the diameter of the Apollo Command Module and see if our Kerbal\'s are accurately sized to be the same size as humans relative to their planet. My question is, do you think we will ever see Kerbin scaled up to a larger size, what with time warp now available?
  5. Okay, couple of things here. 1) The problems with Thorium reactors are already well known; it\'s no secret. It\'s simply that the process of making them happen will be hideously expensive. We already have a nuclear energy infrastructure based around Uranium (Which Australia should be taking advantage of far more, by the way, but that\'s another story!); to get Thorium reactors going will require duplicating a lot of that, and developing a whole new mining industry. When it\'s all said and done, much as I like the Thorium reactor concept, I think Uranium reactors are perfectly fine. The safety issues are WAY overplayed - every year coal power-related accidents kill six times the number of people that nuclear power-related incidents have EVER killed. Put simply, for every person who dies from a nuclear accident, we lose FOUR THOUSAND people from coal. We have a Uranium industry in place, and the next generation of reactors are brilliant. Why muck around? 2) There\'s a lot of talk about Hydrogen. Let\'s get this out in the open. The problem is that Hydrogen is an excellent energy CARRIER but it is not an energy SOURCE. As things stand today, the most efficient way to get hydrogen is by performing some chemical tricks on hydrocarbons, which are obtained from (you guessed it) coal or oil! Unfortunately, this is an inefficient way of using fossil fuels; it\'s better to burn them. Okay, I hear you ask, so why not use solar energy? I remember electrolysis from high school science! Yes, but electrolysis is incredibly inefficient. It would take way more electricity than we could ever produce from solar power to produce the hydrogen we need for a hydrogen economy. There IS a solution, however - Generation IV nuclear reactors can produce hydrogen during off-peak times. This would mean that for the first time in the history of generating electricity for industry, homes and businesses, we will have a method of storing the powerplant\'s energy for later - and a very useful method it is too! Incidentally, there are a lot of people who are very keen on solar energy as it is. I love solar energy. I have panels on my own roof (and now I get PAID for electricity instead of paying for it, which is very nice!). But much as I like it, we can\'t produce enough panels to generate the electricity we need for our entire society. Solar electricity might JUST be able to offset the power used by homes; but most of our electricity is used by industry, and solar hasn\'t got the moxie to handle that. Also solar energy is unreliable; it\'s a cold, wet, miserable day in Sydney today, and my panels won\'t be producing jack. And even on days with perfect weather, as soon as the sun goes down, you\'ve got no electricity. No, we need more than solar. We really need nuclear.
  6. I was just coming here to talk about this. I hate garbage. I know there is a pretty small chance that I will smash into a discarded fuel tank, but it really bothers me seeing it swing around the planet in its ugly misshapen orbit. So far I have only manage to put satellites in orbit cleanly, with out anything left over, but a Mun landing with the current parts is just not possible. As far as I can tell. What I have been trying to do lately. 1. No junk floating in space or left on the surface of the Mun. 2. Land safely on the Mun, place a probe on the surface. 3. Place a satellite in orbit around the Mun. 4. Return crew home. Not needing to be done in any order, but all needing to be done in a single flight. So far I can get three out of four of these most of the time, but until we get docking I do not see how I could manage all four with the current parts. My computer isn\'t great, and starts to stall out after adding my 12th-14th booster so I have not been able to build any titans to carry up a LEM type craft with more than than a single engine. Once we can leave a rocket in lunar orbit to fly back to Apollo style re-dock and have it carry us home we will be set. I keep thinking about flying a whole space station to Mars. or... what would you kall a kerbal Mars? Kars? Are we all going to fly to Kars?
  7. Well what do you suggest? Everyone can use Mibbit for IRC, though, like I mainly do. I\'d like to get something rolling to where the brony community has a central place to talk and discuss away from disturbing other forum goers, out of complete respect for their space. Any opinion, suggestion or idea is helpful!
  8. Piecewise response! Here we go. Like I said in my orig. post, I assumed there was some form of spirit of cooperation between the players. I like that idea. It\'s kinda cheat-ish, but it would probably be the simplest approach. The 'true time' suggestion was kinda bubbled into my 'voting conditions,' i.e. the voting condition could be a 100% consensus. 20KM is miniscule. The only time I ever really get within 20km of another ship is an orbital rendezvous. It\'s 11,400km to the Mun. The picture I posted really is actually the best explanation of this. What happens in that episode of Star Trek is the crew comes across a planet that is in a time well. The planet itself is moving in an INCREDIBLY fast orbit, or appears to be, but the crew is unaffected outside of this region. They end up sending their resident AI down to the planet, and beam him back in about 10 seconds, but two weeks have elapsed on the planet already. So, if you\'re not technically 'in space,' yet, what\'s it to you if the planet is rotating fast? You and the planet are in your own 'inertial frame,' so it really doesn\'t 'matter' what the exact position/orientation of the planet is. Yes, it would turn the gravity wells also into time wells, but that seems the easiest way to allow multiple players to time warp and keep the 'system time' relatively intact. See above. Like I said, spheres of influence having their own time warps. I usually don\'t aim for a specific spot on the Mun to land until I\'m actually in its gravity well. When coming back, I don\'t aim for a specific spot on Kerbin to land until I\'m back in a low orbit around Kerbin, so I really don\'t care if the planet is spinning at 5000RPM while I\'m putzing to/from the Mun. The idea is, I don\'t think people are *too* concerned with the exact orientation of other astral bodies, so long as the position is right, which this time/gravity well system would allow for. That could make waiting for your 'special' friend who can\'t get out of low orbit very difficult to play with if you\'re trying to go to the Mun, and are really multiplayer-ing for sake of having someone to talk to.
  9. Hey guy\'s sorry I\'ve been gone for a long time. I\'ve been busy with GCSE and what not (England peeps say wut wut!) But I am back to talk 40k! Also in recent news: I had a major defeat the other day (Table-top side) I had a small regiment in just a single case with me, against... Well let\'s just say what seemed like a unstoppable Tyranid army. I had with my; 2x Guard Squads 1x HQ 1x Leman 1x Kasrkin squad I took heavy casualties, like wise the opponent\'s army. He won in the end because of a Hive Tyranid :\'( RIP 45st Regiment *Salutes* ;_;7
  10. I read a book about a month ago. In it the author said that teachers fail badly at their jobs. That their success rate is so low that if a police officer had that sort of crime prevention rate, he would be sacked. Now, I\'ll agree with the facts of the statement. But the author didn\'t say anything about the difficulty of teaching, or put any considerations into it. For instance, my English teacher is \'awesome\'. She\'s inventive, she\'s funny, and she once said a string of silly words to emphasize that all she could hear from the class was people constantly talking and saying swear words and laughing. A very good teacher. The flaw is the class. Ms.Trickey cannot teach, not because she has no ability, but because so many members of the class won\'t let her. When she is quiet, people talk. When she stares daggers at the class whilst quiet, the class stops talking. While she is talking, the class talks, and she has to go back to stage 2 just to get them to shut up again. I\'m not saying there aren\'t teachers who aren\'t \'awesome\', but seriously, the biggest problem is that so few people have respect for authority now.
  11. Actually, for me I\'ve found the best teachers are usually the oldest ones. I don\'t know why, but it just seems I get better grades and learn the material better with older teachers, and can also talk to them better.
  12. Tttthiiiiiissssss. I\'m taking 3 classes this semester, I\'ve stopped going to 2 of them because the professors just talk the entire time with no real interaction. My other course is MicroBiology and they teach it like a Pre-Med class, where real PhDs come in and lecture on certain material. It\'s talking non-stop, but there\'s true direction and organization to what they\'re presenting. Plus, there\'s no real other way to efficiently teach what they need to. I\'m fortunate to find this course very interesting. It\'s still one heck of a tough course though
  13. Teaching by talking non-stop is perhaps the worst method of doing so. Now, I\'m only 13, but I find I learn more from teachers who talk less, and actually interact with us during the lesson, instead of blaring on like some other teachers.
  14. hey guys, i had the game for about a month so far and all i gotta say is WTF!!!! i can't put this game down lol. i played untill 8am and i missed my college english class. this is not the first time but i gotta say i love this game. anyways i told all my friends about this game and they love it too. so i hope to see you guys around the forums because i have a few ????? i still haven\'t made it to the mun yet. talk to you guys later semper fi,
  15. Well yes, but you took that quote out of context. He was talking about our internal pressure, yes, but then he went on to talk about how the gravity of the Earth counteracts it. What say you to that, sir?
  16. It is extremely off topic. Here we are talking about astronauts and more specifically those who want to become one, and you talk about space marines.
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  18. OKAY GUYS LET\'S TALK ABOUT TRAVELING TO OTHER PLANETS IN KSP MMKAY!? Personally, I would like to see a module added that lets you synthesize fuel when it is in contact with Munar soil. I would land one of those on the Mun with a docking module stuck to the top of it, launch a few more fuel tanks and attach it to the initial fuel generator, then use it to stock up on fuel when I make my trip to the next planet.
  19. With all the talk of planets and rendezvous on the solar scale, I thought I would give it a try! But I\'m running into a navigating issue! I nearly nailed the transfer to the craft I set in a farther out planet-like orbit, but I found the closer to syncing orbits to get closer, the orbit lines would vanish, making any more corrections impossible! Zooming out is the only option, and that far out I can\'t get very accurate. Has anyone run into this issue? Or how to work around it? Pictures included. Not a whole lot of navigational references out here
  20. When I told my mom and dad they didn\'t talk to me the whole week... Ah how peaceful that week was....
  21. This topic has been moved to The Forum Forum, where all the good talk about the forum goes! [iurl]http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10131.0[/iurl]
  22. There has been talk of it drawing ideas from Elite and Firefly....
  23. Talk about whatever you want - March was a good month for the forum: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?action=stats By far the most topic were made, by far the most new posts were posted and the highest number of new members that joined the community.
  24. I didn\'t talk about orbits, i don\'t know. I was just saying that time warping isn\'t a problem. I\'ll think about it anyway.
  25. So , my efforts to add to the Mun base were...less succesfull than planned After contemplating building a larger and more ambitious 'lunar outpost' , I decided to stick with what I knew and plumped for the 'Super Laika' variant of my 'Laika' class orbiter. This launcher-capsule was originally designed for simple orbital flights but the addition of some landing legs and a switch from the Kosmos RCS modules to stock (to reduce the number of mods used) extends its range into Cis-munar space. I has some strange problems with the persistance file refusing to load the last few missions , so I apologise in advance for glitches when I pass on the batton. Oh , and for those of you wondering about the name of the capsule I include a completely optional history lesson. Shortly after the launch of Sputnik in 1957 Premier Khrushchev demanded that the space program produce a 'Space Spectacular' to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the October revolution and one-up the Americans who were preparing to launch their own satellites. Deciding that the triumph of an animal in space would be sufficient , they cobbled together the Sputnik 2 spacecraft in a matter of weeks. As for its passenger , they chose a young mongrel stray called Laika that had been found wandering the streets of Moscow. On Nov 3rd 1957 she was lifted into orbit on an R-7 Launcher , becoming the first living creature to be launched into an orbit around the Earth. Though the mission made headlines at the time (Laika was lauded as 'Mutnik' in the American press) , the story was rapidly eclipsed by the race to put a man into space and the subsequent dash for the moon. Laika herself was destined to die in space , for the Russian engineers had neither the time nor the expertise to design a re-entry module. Within hours of launch the poorly designed systems began to fail and Laika died of heatstroke before the day was out. Despite this the mission must be considered highly successful , for it proved that creatures not unlike humans could Breath , sleep eat and talk (bark) in zero gravity. In recognition of this triumph , I named my humble lander after the dog. Mission Log 1. On the pad. As you can see , the Laika class is a small ship , and usually does not launch with a fairing. One was added for this mission for the sake of the delicate landing legs. The first stage is all liquid , but would normally include the addition of four small solid 'payload assist' rockets from Jordancox\'s pack. I ommited them believing that the lander could make the one way trip. 2. Shortly after 2nd stage separation. Here you can see the lander itself. The legs and large RCS units rather mess up the lines of this beautiful pack , and usually I fly with the smaller Kosmos RCS. This is where leaving out the Payload assist rockets came back to bite me , forcing me to use the capsules main engine to boost orbital speed and make the Trans-munar burn. Much valuable fuel was wasted 3. Munar Disasters! Firstly , I mistimed my TMB. I ended up in front of the mun and had to make an emergency course correction. Then , after correctly lining myself up and burning off velocity to come down manually on the base-site , it became apparent that I would run out of gas. I was forced to take an agonising decision and commit myself to landing on the Capsule rockets alone. That was pretty hair raising. I finally managed to get her down only a few dozen metres from the beacon...and was then mildly suprised to see the rover go rolling past the window! for some reason it decided to start moving when it loaded in range. I have no idea why. This is the view I got after I shifted it back into position manually In conclusion , ive had better missions. I include the Persistance file , I only hope my next crew take a spare jerry can [ftp=ftp://www.filedropper.com/persistent><img src=http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a href=http://www.filedropper.com >online backup</a></div>] <a href=http://www.filedropper.com/persistent><img src=http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a href=http://www.filedropper.com >online backup</a></div>[/ftp]
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